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    乌鲁木齐齐20111年高三三年级第第三次诊诊断性测测验试卷卷英 语 试题(考试时时间:1120分分钟;卷卷面分值值:1550分)本试卷卷分第卷(选选择题)和和第卷(非非选择题题)两部部分。考考试结束束后,只只收答卷卷和机读读卡。注意事项项:1本本试卷是是问卷与与答卷分分离的试试卷,答答卷前先先将答卷卷密封线线内的项项目填写写清楚。2答答第卷时,乌乌鲁木齐齐地区考考生务必必将自己己的姓名名、准考考证号、考考试科目目涂写在在机读卡卡上,每每小题选选出答案案后,用用2B铅铅笔把机机读卡上上对应题题目的答答案标号号涂黑。如如需改劫劫,用橡橡皮擦干干净后,再再选涂其其他答案案,涂在在答卷中中无效。 3第第卷请在在答卷上上相应题题号的答答题区域域内作答答。 第卷 (选选择题,共共1155分)第一部分分听力(共共两节;满分330分)做题时时,先将将答案标标在试卷卷上,录录音内容容结束后后,你将将有两分分钟的时时间将试试卷上的的答案填填写在答答卷上。第一节(共共5小题题;每小小题15分,满满分7.5分)听下面面5段对对话,每每段对话话后有一一个小题题,从题题中所给给的A、BB、C三三个选顼顼中选出出最佳选选项,并并标在试试卷的相相应位置置。听完完每段对对话后,你你都有110秒钟钟的时间间来回答答有关小小题和阅阅读下一一小题。每每段对话话仅读一一遍。1Whhichh off thhe ffolllowiing mayy doo goood to thee maan?ACCarrrotss.BTTomaatoees.CEEggss.2Whhats tthe rellatiionsshipp beetweeen thee twwo sspeaakerrs?ADDocttor andd paatieent.BTTeaccherr annd sstuddentt.CSSaleesmaan aand cusstommer.3Whhats tthe wommans ssugggesttionn?ALLockk thhe ddoorr.BCCalll thhe ppoliice.CLLet sommeonne ccomee inn.4Whho ccan makke ssoupp?ATThe mann.BTThe womman.CNNeittherr.5Whhat aree thhey tallkinng aabouut?AWWho to buyy thhe nnew bedd.BWWherre tto pput thee neew bbed.CHHow to movve tthe neww beed.第二节(共共15小小题;每每小题11.5分分,满分分22.5分)听下面55段对话话或独白白。每段段对话或或独白后有几几个小题题,从题题中所给给的A、BB、C三三个选项项中选出出最佳选选项,并并在答题题卡上将将该项涂涂黑。听听每段对对话或独独白前你将有有时间阅阅读各个个小题,每每小题55秒钟;听完后后,各小小题将给给出5秒秒钟的作作答时间间。每段段对话或或独白读两遍遍。 听第6段段材料,回回答第667题。6Whhat cann yoou llearrn ffromm thhe cconvverssatiion?ATThe womman likkes sweeetss.BFFrieed cchicckenn iss kiind of heaalthhy ffoodd.CTThe boyy waantss too loose weiightt.7Whhichh off thhe ffolllowiing is thee woomanns ssugggesttionn?ADDo mmoree exxerccisee.BSStopp drrinkkingg coola.CDDont eeat friied chiickeen.听第7段段材料,回回答第889题。8Frrom thee coonveersaatioon wwe llearrn tthatt thhe mman.Allikees aanimmalssBwwantts tto ttakee a nappCccan heaar nnothhingg9Acccorrdinng tto tthe womman wheere mayy thhe nnoisses comme ffromm?ATThe flaappiing winngs of a bbuttterffly.BAA grroupp off ruunniing antts.CTThe leaavess off thhe ttreees.听第8段段材料,回回答第11012题。10WWhatts tthe womman goiing to do?AVVisiit hher friiendd.BSSee an opeera.CGGo hhomee frrom worrk.11WWherre aare thee twwo sspeaakerrs ttalkkingg?AIIn aa taaxi.BIIn aa thheattre.COOutssidee off Giiviee Opperaa Hoousee.12WWhatts tthe ressultt acccorrdinng tto tthe connverrsattionn?ATThe womman is latte aagaiin.BTThe mann haas ggot tweentyy foor tthe driive.CTThe womman worrks in Givvie Opeera Houuse.听第9段段材料,回回答第11316题。13WWhatts tthe proobabble rellatiionsshipp beetweeen thee twwo sspeaakerrs?ASStraangeers.BWWorkkmattes.CFFrieendss.14WWherres tthe mann frrom?ALLonddon.BNNew Yorrk.CSSan Fraanciiscoo.15WWhatt iss thhe mman hoppingg too doo?AGGo ssighhtseeeinng.BFFindd a jobb.CTTakee a hollidaay.16HHow didd thhe mman gett too thhe ccounntryy?ABBy aair.BBBy bboatt.CBBy ttraiin.听第100段材料料,回答答第17720题。17AAccoordiing to thee paassaage youuve heaard, hiigh exppecttatiionss.Accan leaad tto ssucccesssBbbrinng aabouut llow hoppeCmmay nott bee a goood tthinng18WWhy aree thhe DDanees aa haappyy peeoplle?ATTheiir eexpeectaatioons aree loow.BTTheyy liive eassy llivees.CTTheyy gaain a llot.19WWhatt iss NOOT mmenttionned in thee paassaage?AHHighher liffe ssatiisfaactiion in Dennmarrk.BTThe impporttancce oof hheallth.CFFacttorss off haappiinesss.20WWhatt iss thhe ttalkk maainlly aabouut?AHHighh exxpecctattionns.BHHapppineess.CTThe keyy too haappiinesss.第二部分分英语知知识运用用(共两两节,满满分45分)第一节:单项填填空(共共l5小小题;每每小题ll分,满满分l55分) 从A、BB、C、D四四个选项项中,选选出可以以填人空空白处的的最佳选选项.21TThe traaffiic iis nnot bussy nnow. Wee arrrivve bbefoore darrk.Asshouuld Bmmusttnt CnneeddDccant22MMilllionns oof ppeopple aree sttilll hoomellesssBeesiddes, thheree issn'tt thhe mmostt baasicc _ froom tthe ReddCroossAmmediicinne Beequiipmeent Caaid Dmmateeriaal23PPlayyingg a spoort ismmoree thhan feeelinng ttireedTTherre aare _ eeffeectss thhat youu feeel aftter youu pllay itAffew; soome Bllesss; mmanyy Cllitttle; a lott off Dmmuchh; mmanyy24PPutttingg a canndlee inn thhe wwinddow _ a traadittionnal praactiice in manny ccultturees, _ hhas avaarieety of meaaninngs in thee Unniteed SStattesAwwas; thhat Biis; it Chhas beeen; whiich Dhhad beeen; whiich25TThe peooplee off Neew OOrleeanss neeed to knoow ttheyy arre nnot _, andd thheree arre ppeopple neaar aand farrwhoo wiill nott leet tthemm hoomellesssAfforggottten Btto fforgget Cforrgetttinng DDbeeingg foorgootteen26Whaat'ss thhe bbestt waay tto _ thhe ddiseeasee caauseed bby bbitiing inssectts?Ahh, ddon'' t bitte aany!Approttectt Bpreevennt Ckkeepp DDkiill27NNow wheen ppeopple reffer to Engglannd, youu fiind Walles _ aas wwelllAtto iinclludee Biinclludiing Cwwhicch iinclludees Diinclludeed28Whaat wwas thee paartyy liike?WonnderrfullItt' ss yeearss _ I eenjooyedd myysellf sso mmuchhAbeeforre Baffterr Cssincce Dwwhenn29TThe dreess of thiis kkindd dooesnn't suiit mmeWWoulld yyou pleeasee shhow me _ onne?Assomee Baanottherr Caany Dtthe othher30Whyy haavenn't youu booughht aany buttterr?I _ too, bbut I fforggot aboout itAmmeannt Bllikeed Cwwantted Deexpeecteed31_Sorrry, I donn't knoowAHHavee yoou sseenn MrrSmmithh? BWWherre hhas MrSmiith gonne?CHHow aboout MrSmiith? DHHelllo, MrSmiith32Youu'vee aggreeed tto ggoSSo aarenn't youu geettiing reaady?Butt Ithaat yyou wouuld havve mme sstarrt aat ooncee.Addidnn't reaalizze Bddon''t rreallizee Chhaveen' t rreallizeed Dhhadnn't reaalizzed33WWhettherr waays cann bee fooundd too sttop pollluttionn orr noot iis jjustt _ worrriees tthe pubbliccAwwhy BBwhhichh Ctthatt Dwwhatt34Do youu thhinkk I shoouldd geet aa goood guiidebbookk?Yess, oof ccourrse_, youu allso neeed aa goood cammeraa annd ccomfforttablle sshoeesAIIn ootheer wwordds BBBy tthe wayy CWWhatt's morre DAAll in alll35Howw waas yyourr trrip?Finne bbut _Miilann waas iinteeresstinngIIt' s bbiggger thaan II exxpecctedd, hhoweeverr a litttlee _ aand dirrtieerAddistturbbingg; cclummsieer Bttiriing; nooisiier Cbboriing; duulleer Dffreeezinng; briightter第二节完完形填空空(200小题;每小题题1.5分,满满分300分)阅读下面面短文,从从短文后后各题所所给的四四个选项项(A、BB、C和和D)中中,选出出可以填填入空白白处的最最佳选项项,并在在答题卡卡上将该该项涂黑黑。Everrywhheree, yyou willl ffindd "tthe whiite-haiiredd booy", soomettimees ccallled "thhe ffairr-haaireed" boyyHee geets speeciaal 366 , aas iif hhe wweree abbovee evveryyboddy eelseeYoou wwilll fiind himm inn scchoool, in colllegge, at homme, or 337 yoou wworkkIn sschoool, hee iss teeachher''s 388 , hher favvoriite whoo caan ddo nnothhingg 39 SSomeetimmes shee letts hhim do litttlee joobs forr heerHHe ccomees tto cclasss iin tthe morrninng, alll shhinyy annd ccleaan"" Hee iss allwayysraaisiing hiss haand, 40 wwithh annsweers to thee teeachher'' s queestiionssAnnd hhe kknowws aall thee annsweersHe ggetss innto youur hhairr, eespeeciaallyy iff yoou aare at thee 441 off thhe cclasss aand diee teeachher thiinkss yoou aaressloww att leearnningg thhinggsHHow youu 42 tthe guyy!At ccolllegee, hhe wwalkks aacrooss thee scchoool ggrouund as if he 433 itSommetiimess hee weearss a, coolorrfullfoootbaall or basskettballl sshirrt oor ssweaaterr, wwithh a briightt reed, or greeen or yellloww coolleege lettterr 44wwornn onn thhe ffronnt oof iitWWhatt 45 sshouuldeers, whhat mussclees hhe hhas! Hee 46 tthe girrls happpybby jjustt smmiliing at theemHHe hhas thee maark of _477_ oon hhim At hhomee, ""thee faair-haiiredd booy" is 488 chooiceeSoomettimees, he is thee olldesst sson 499 , thee yoounggesttIff yoou aare in bettweeen, youu arre oout of 500 Thenn, yyou disscovver thaat ttherre aare othherss whho 511 youur ffeellinggs, reaady to telll yyou theeirpprivvatee 52 Onne oof tthemm assks, "WWhatt dooes he havve tthatt I havven''t ggot?" YYou askk yooursselff thhesaame queestiion 533 , thheree coomess a dayy whhen youu deecidde tto sstopp haatinng hhim. Iss itt 554 beccausse hhe hhas beeen mmadee booss andd yoou 55 yyourrsellf wworkkingg foor hhim?36AAtrreattmenntBbbeliiefCccourrageeDeencoouraagemmentt37AAsoomewwherreBaanywwherreCwwherreDeeverrywhheree38AApeetBffrieendCwworkkmatteDcchilld39AAcoorreectBwwronngCsspecciallDddiffficuult40AAcuurioousBwwilllinggCiinteeressteddDrreaddy41AAfrronttBttopCbbotttomDppoinnt42AAhaateddBeenvyyCaadmiireDllikee43AAbrrougghtBwwonCoowneedDggainned44AAfrreellyBqquiccklyyCddeliighttedllyDpprouudlyy45AAgrreattBbbroaadCmmannnedDbbrigght46AAmaakessBllesCttakeesDkkeepp47AAsuucceessBcchalllenngeCffaitthDiinnoocennce48AAFaatheersBMMothhersCSSisttersDGGranndmaas49AAseeldoomBnneveerCuusuaallyyDaat ttimees50AApiityBlluckkCsshammeDssighht51AAunnderrstaandBrreallizeeCssharreDrreacch52AAoppiniionssBssugggesttionnsCeexprresssionnsDtthouughtts53AAGrraduualllyBFFinaallyyCSSurpprissingglyDAActuuallly54AAceertaain BttrueeCpperhhapssDpposssiblle55AAseeeBkknowwCnnotiiceDffindd第三部分分阅读理理解(共共两节,满满分400分)第一节:(共115小题题,每小小题2分分,满分分30分分)阅读读下列短短文,从从每题所所给的四四个选项项(A、BB、C和和D)中中,选出出最佳选选项,并并在答题题卡上将将该项涂涂黑。AA mmidddle-ageed sstraangeer vvisiitedd uss laate on a ddarkk raainyy niightt whhen my fattherr waas wworkkingg thhe nnighht sshifft (a jjob forr a perriodd duurinng tthe nigght). TThe strrangger askked if he couuld waiit uundeer tthe eavves of ourr rooof forr thhe rrainn too sttop. Thhen he dissapppearred, annd wwe sstarrtedd heeariing foootsttepss annd ccreaakinng bboarrds in thee attticc(thhe sspacce oor rroomm att thhe ttop of a bbuilldinng, undder thee rooof, offtenn ussed forr sttoriing thiingss). Wass thhe sstraangeer iinsiide ourr hoousee? MMy wwholle bbodyy cooulddntt heelp butt sttifffen. Inn myy miinds eeye, I couuld imaaginne tthe strrangger pusshinng tthrooughh thhe aattiic ddoorr annd aapprroacchinng uus.We iimmeediaatelly ccallled Jerrry, ouur nneigghboor, forr heelp. Hee seearcchedd evveryywheere, buut tthe vissitoor wwas nowwherre tto bbe ffounnd. As Jerrry loookedd inn thhe ggaraage, hee fooundd thhe sstraangeer llyinng uundeerneeathh thhe ccar. Jeerryy exxclaaimeed wwithh frrighht, “Yoou aare nott alllowwed to entter thee hoousee. GGet offf thhe pproppertty rrighht nnow.”We wweree deeterrminned to leaave thee hoousee immmeddiattelyy. AAs wwe ddrovve aawayy, wwe ssaw thee maan bblocckinng oour wayy onn thhe rroadd annd sstarringg att uss. WWe hhad to sweervee too miiss himm. AAfteer tthatt, II neeverr saaw tthe strrangger agaain.56TThe texxt iis mmainnly aboout.Atthe neiighbbor JerrryBaa sttrannge dreeamCaa sttrannge vissitoorDffoottsteeps in thee attticc57BBaseed oon tthe texxt, whiich of thee foolloowinng sstattemeentss iss trrue?ATThe fammilyy h it thee sttranngerr wiith theeir carr.BTThe strrangger pusshedd thhrouugh thee faamillys ddoorr.CJJerrry wwas hurrryiing bacck ffromm thhe nnighht sshifft.DTThe autthorrs ffathher wassnt aat hhomee thhat nigght.58WWhy didd thhe ffamiily leaave theeir houuse on a llatee, ddarkk niightt?AIIt wwas raiininng hhardd annd tthe eavves of theeir rooof wweree brrokeen.BTTherre wwas a gghosst wwandderiing arooundd thhe hhousse.CTTheyy diid nnot feeel ssafee inn thheirr hoousee.DTThe strrangger wass sttilll soomewwherre iinsiide thee hoousee.59TThe texxt wwas wriitteen iin oordeer oof.AttimeeBsspacceCiimpoortaanceeDaage of thee faamillyBFourr coommoon bbad habbitss coombiineddsmookinng, driinkiing tooo muuch, innacttiviity andd pooor dieetcann agge yyou by 12 yeaars, sooberringg neew rreseearcch ssugggestts.The finndinngs aree frrom a sstuddy tthatt trrackked neaarlyy 5,0000 Brritiish aduultss foor 220 yyearrs, andd thhey higghliightt yeet aanottherr reeasoon tto aadoppt aa heealtthieer llifeestyyle.Overralll, 3300 ppeopple stuudieed hhad alll foour unhheallthyy beehavviorrs. Amoong theem, 90 diied durringg thhe sstuddy, or 30 perrcennt. Amoong thee 4000 hheallthiiestt peeoplle wwithh noone of thee foour habbitss, 88 peerceent of theem ddiedd.The rissky behhaviiorss weere: smmokiing tobbaccco; dowwninng mmoree thhan thrree alccohoolicc drrinkks pper dayy foor mmen andd moore thaan ttwo daiily forr woomenn; ggetttingg leess thaan ttwo houurs of phyysiccal acttiviity perr weeek; annd eeatiing fruuitss annd vvegeetabbless feewerr thhan thrree timmes daiily.Thesse hhabiits commbinned subbstaantiiallly iincrreassed thee riisk of deaath andd maade peooplee whho eengaagedd inn thhem seeem 112 yyearrs ooldeer tthann peeoplle iin tthe heaalthhiesst ggrouup, saiid lleadd reeseaarchher Eliisabbethh Kvvaavvik of thee Unniveersiity of Osllo.The heaalthhiesst ggrouup iinclludeed nneveer-ssmokkerss annd tthosse wwho hadd quuit; teeetootallerss, wwomeen wwho hadd feewerr thhan twoo drrinkks ddailly aand menn whho hhad fewwer thaan tthreee; thoose whoo goot aat lleasst ttwo houurs of phyysiccal acttiviity weeeklyy; aand thoose whoo atte ffruiits andd veegettablles at leaast thrree timmes daiily."Youu doon'tt neeed to be exttremme" to be in thee heealtthy cattegoory, Kvvaavvik saiid. "Thhesee beehavviorrs aadd up, soo toogettherr itt's quiite goood. It shoouldd bee poossiiblee foor mmostt peeoplle tto mmanaage to do it."The US govvernnmennt ggeneerallly reccommmendds aat lleasst 44 cuups of fruuitss orr veegettablles daiily forr addultts,ddepeendiing on agee annd aactiivitty lleveel, andd abboutt 2 houurs of exeercii


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