20088年西安安交通大大学(工程硕硕士)专业学学位研究究生试题考试科目目基础英语语考试日期期20088年4月月26日日考试地点点Timee Alllowwed: 1550 MMIN.Partt I: Sttruccturre aand Voccabuularry (20)Secttionn ADireectiionss: Inn thhis secctioon ttherre aare 30 iincoomplletee seenteencees. Forr eaach senntennce theere aree 4 chooicees mmarkked A. B. C. andd D. Chhoosse tthe onee thhat besst ccompplettes thee seenteencee. MMarkk yoour ansswerr onn thhe AANSWWER SHEEET witth aa siinglle llinee thhrouugh thee ceenteer.1. Peopple alll ovver thee woorldd haave leaarneed tto _ soolarr poowerr ass a souurcee off ennerggy.A. exppenddB. utiilizzeC. connsummeD. desstrooy2. Pleaase turrn ooff thee TVV. TThe noiise willl _youu frrom youur wworkk.A. abbstrracttB. disstraactC. subbtraactD. exttracct3. The posssesssioon oof llangguagge eenabbless maan tto ppasss onn hiis _ hiis cchilldreen aand graandcchilldreen.AA. iinteelleectB. inttellligeenceeC. wissdommD. braainss4. It ccan be harrd wworkk teeachhingg a claass of _ cchilldreen.AA. lliveeB. aliiveC. liffe D. liivelly5. Todaay mmanyy yooungg peeoplles aambiitioon iis tto ffindd a welll-ppaidd _ at a mmultti-nnatiionaal ccorpporaatioon.AA. jjobB. worrkC. carreerrD. occcupaatioon6. Therre wwas _ ccomppetiitioon aamonng yyoutths to entter thee beest colllegges.A. tennseB. inteensiiveC. inttensseD. exttenssivee7. To eenjooy aa piicniic oon tthe beaach is my fattherrs _ foor tthe weeekennd.AA. aadviiceB. proopossalC. sugggesstioonD. schheduule8. He iis jjustt a mann off _ heiightt annd hhe hhas no diffferrencces froom ootheer iin ttermms oof aappeearaancee.A. avveraageB. commmonnC. orddinaaryD. staandaard9. The entterpprisse _ thhrouugh lacck oof ssuppportt.A. coollaapseeB. falllsC. felllD. coollaapseed10. Educcatiion shoouldd aiim tto _ chhilddrenns mmindd too itts uutmoost pottenttiall.A. haarneessB. culltivvateeC. useeD. fossterr11. Mediicinne hhas alwwayss beeen a vveryy maale-domminaatedd _. A. ooccuupattionnB. pproffesssionnC. ccareeerDD. jjob12. Affaairss beetweeen docctorrs aand pattiennts aree a mattterr off _. A. rruleesB. moorallsC. crriteeriaaD. etthiccs13. Thiss prrojeect hass beeen graanteed aan aannuual _ of $ 440 mmilllionn. A.fuundB.payymenntC.buddgettD.cappitaal14. I caannoot bbeliievee thhat it is _ to speend so mucch mmoneey oon iit. A.seensiibleeB.sennsittiveeC.sennsorryD.sennsattionnal15. Onlyy paart of youur ccharractter is inhheriitedd frrom youur ppareentss. TThe resst ccomees ffromm yoour _. A.suurroounddinggsB.cirrcummstaanceesC.envviroonmeentDD.conndittionn16. Whatt wee arre ttryiing to do is to _yyounng ppeopple to be ressponnsibble cittizeens.A.teeachh B. edducaateC.insstruuctD.traain17. The moddernn woorldds ppurssuitt off maaterriall ennds to thee neegleect of itss _neeeds.A.sppiriituaalB. inntelllecctuaalC.menntallD. inntellliggentt18. Due to roaad wworkks, thrree lannes of traaffiic hhavee too _intto ttwo.A.diiverrgeB. diiverrtC.connverrgeD. diividde19. If hhe _inn asskinng aawkwwardd quuesttionns, theen ssendd hiim tto tthe bosss.A. cconttinuuesBB. peersiistssC. prroceeedssD. innsissts20. Tom is _ enooughh too asspirre tto cconvverssatiionaal fflueencyy inn Chhineese in twoo moonthhs.A. ccomppetiitivveB. suucceessffulC. ennerggetiicD. ammbittiouus21. Scieencee annd ttechhnollogyy haave in impporttantt waays _tto tthe impprovvemeent of agrricuultuurall prroduuctiion.A.wiitneesseedB.asssisttedCC.atttachhedD.conntriibutted22. Manyy peeoplle bbeliievee wee arre hheaddingg foor eenviironnmenntall diisassterr _ wwe rradiicallly chaangee waay wwe llivee.A. bbutB.altthouughC. uunleessDD. llestt23. For proofesssioonall atthleetess, _ tto tthe Olyympiics meaans thaat ttheyy haave a cchannce to entter thee hiistoory boooks. A.acccesssB.atttachhmenntC.apppeallD.appproaach24. The nattivee Caanaddianns lliveed iin _ wwithh naaturre, forr thhey resspecctedd naaturre aas aa prroviiderr off liife. A.cooordiinattionnB.acqquaiintaanceeC.conntacctD.harrmonny25. The mayyor_ tthe pollicee offficcer a mmedaal oof hhonoor ffor hiss heeroiic ddeedd inn reescuuingg thhe eeartthquuakee viictiims. A.reewarrdeddB.awaardeedC.creedittedDD.priizedd26. The wriiterr waas sso _ in herr woork thaat sshe diddntt nooticce hhim entter thee rooom _. A.abbsorrbeddB.abaandooneddC.foccuseedD.cennterred27. In tthe Medditeerraaneaan sseawweedd iss soo abbunddantt annd sso eeasiily harrvesstedd thhat it is nevver of greeat _. A.faareBB.payymenntC.worrthD. eexpeensee28. Withh thhe iincrreassingg unnempployymennt rratee, wworkkerss whho aare 50 to 60 yeaars oldd arre uusuaallyy thhe ffirsst tto bbe _. A.laaid asiideBB.laiid ooutC.laiid uupD.laiid ooff29. Lungg caanceer, likke ssomee ottherr caanceers, offtenn dooesnn't prooducce_ unntill itt iss tooo llatee annd hhas sprreadd beeyonnd tthe cheest to thee brrainn, lliveer oor bbonees.A.syymboolsBB.traailssC.theerappiessD.symmptooms30. Tom, diid iit eeverr_ to youu thhat youu woouldd bee puunisshedd foor ccheaatinng oon eexamms?A.strrikeeB.happpennC.occcurD. rrefllecttSecttionn BDireectiionss: IIn tthiss seectiion theere aree 10 ssenttencces. Eaach of thee seenteencees hhas an undderllineed ppartt. FFor eacch ssenttencce ttherre aare 4 cchoiicess maarkeed AA, BB, CC, aand D. Chooosee thhe oone thaat bbestt keeepss thhe mmeanningg off thhe uundeerliinedd paart. Maark youur aanswwer on thee ANNWERR SHHEETT wiith a ssinggle linne tthrooughh thhe ccentter. 31. Behiind theese obvviouus rridiicullouss mootivves to antti-JJewiish atttituudess thheree waas aa deeepeer ccausse.AA. uunreeasoonabble BB. ssad C. reeasoonabble D. enccourragiing32. Theyy accknoowleedgeed hhim to be thee trrue Godd.A. reeceiivedd B. addmitttedd C. thhougght D. bellievved33. The saffetyy faactoor iis pprimmaryy inn alll uundeerwaaterr opperaatioons.A. perrfecct B. thhe ffulll viiew C. maxximuum D. prrinccipaal34. The Bassquee seeparratiist movvemeent is waggingg a cammpaiign agaainsst tthe GovvernnmenntA. coonduuctiing B. pllannningg C. paayinng D. enggagiing35. The Lonndonn sttockk maarkeet ssurgged to itss hiigheest levvel.A. movved bacckwaardBB. rrepeeateedC. suuppoorteedD. moovedd uppwarrd36. He hhas commmitttedd suuch a bblunnderr, nno oone cann saave himm thhis timme.AA. mmadee B. mett CC. cceassed D. crreatted37. Sophhistticaatedd eddit facciliitiees aalloow ccomppliccateed mmusiicall foormss too bee crreatted.A. Exppenssivee BB. HHighh quualiity C. Cleeverr DD. CComppliccateed38. He wwas esccortted by a ggrouup oof ssolddierrs uundeer tthe commmannd oof SSarssfieeld.A. saffe-gguarrdedd B. cappturred C. arrrestted D. leaad39. The youung mann drreammed thaat aa riich rellatiive wouuld diee annd lleavve hhim a llegaacy.A. herritaage B. wiill C. hoousee DD. llot of monney40. Joy wass noow hhaviing herr haair donne, seaatedd onn a matt onn thhe fflooor.AA. cchaiir BB. bbencch C. smmalll caarpeet DD. sstooolPartt III: CClozze (10)In eeverry cculttivaatedd laanguuagee, thheree arre ttwo greeat claassees oof wwordds wwhicch, takken toggethher, coomprrisee thhe wwholle vvocaabullaryy.Fiirstt, ttherre aare thoose worrds _41_ wwhicch wwe bbecoome acqquaiinteed iin ddailly cconvverssatiion, whhichh wee _442_,thaat iis tto ssay, frrom thee _443_ oof oour ownn faamilly aand froom oour fammiliiar asssociiatees, andd _444_ wwe sshouuld knoow aand usee _445_ wwe ccoulld nnot reaad oor wwritte.TTheyy _446_ tthe commmonn thhinggs oof llifee, aand aree thhe sstocck iin ttradde oof aall whoo _447_ tthe lannguaage.Succh wwordds mmay be callledd“poopullar”, siincee thhey bellongg too thhe ppeopple _48_ aand aree noot tthe excclussivee _449_ oof aa liimitted claass.On thee ottherr haand, ouur llangguagge _50_ aa muultiitudde oof wwordds wwhicch aare commparratiivelly _51_ uusedd inn orrdinnaryy coonveersaatioon.TTheiir mmeanninggs aare knoown to eveery eduucatted perrsonn, bbut theere is litttlee _552_ tto uuse theem aat hhomee orr inn thhe mmarkket-plaace.Ourr _553_ aacquuainntannce witth tthemm coomess noot ffromm ouur mmothher''s _54_ oor ffromm thhe ttalkk off ouur sschoool-mattes, _555_ ffromm boookss thhat we reaad, leccturres thaat wwe _56_,or thee moore _57_ cconvverssatiion of higghlyy edducaatedd sppeakkerss whho aare disscusssinng ssomee paartiicullar _58_ iin aa sttylee appproopriiateely eleevatted aboove thee haabittuall _559_ oof eeverrydaay llifee.Suuch worrds aree caalleed“llearrnedd”, andd thhe _60_ bbetwweenn thhem andd thhe“ppopuularr”woordss iss off grreatt immporrtannce to a rrighht uundeersttanddingg off liinguuisttic proocesss.41. A. aat BB. wwithh C. byy D. thhrouugh42. A. sstuddy BB. iimittatee C. sttimuulatte DD. llearrn43. A. mmatees BB. rrelaativves C. memmberrs DD. ffelllowss44. A. wwhicch BB. tthatt C. thhosee D. onnes45. A. eevenn B. deespiite C. eveen iif DD. iin sspitte oof46. A. mmindd B. coonceern C. carre DD. iinvoolvee47. A. hhiree B. appplyy C. addoptt D. usse48. A. iin ppubllic B. at mosst CC. aat llargge DD. aat bbestt49. A. rrighht BB. pprivvileegeCC. ssharre DD. pposssesssionn50. A. cconssistts BB. ccompprisses C. connstiituttes D. commposses51. A. sselddom B. mucch CC. nneveer DD. oofteen52. A. pprosspecct BB. wwayCC. rreasson D. neccesssityy53. A. pprimmaryy B. fiirstt C. prrinccipaal DD. pprioor54. A. ttipss B. moouthh C. liips D. tonnguee55. A. bbesiidess B. annd CC. oor DD. bbut56. A. hhearr off B. atttennd CC. hhearr frrom D. lisstenn57. A. fformmer B. forrmulla CC. fformmal D. forrmattivee58. A. tthemme BB. ttopiic CC. iideaa D. poointt59. A. bbordder B. linnk CC. ddegrree D. exttentt60. A. ddiveersiion B. disstinnctiion C. divverssityy D. siimillariityPartt III Reaadinng CCompprehhenssionn (440)Direectiionss: IIn tthiss paart, yooulll rreadd fiive passsagges. Affterr eaach passsagge, theere aree foour queestiionss foor yyou to ansswerr, ppleaase marrk yyourr annsweers on youur aanswwer sheeet.Passsagee OnneWhille aanytthinng ccan happpenn inn thhe wworlld oof ggoldd, nno oone exppectts bbulllionn prricee too riise anyytimme ssoonn. DDespperaatioon ssalees bby AAsiaan ccitiizenns aand govvernnmennts havve bbeenn deepreessiing golld ppricces forr moonthhs. At tthiss auutummns ppricce oof aabouut $2900 ann ouuncee, ggoldd iss gooingg foor 110 pperccentt leess thaan llastt faall andd 255 peerceent lesss tthann inn 19996.Amerricaan jjeweelryy coountterss baarelly rrefllectt thhat steeep decclinne. A suurveey bby tthe Worrld Golld CCounncill fooundd thhat Ameericcanss paaid aboout $833 foor tthe typpicaal ppiecce oof ggoldd jeewellry thiis ssummmer, doown aboout $2 froom wwhatt thhey paiid iin 119966. “Mosst rretaail jewweleers havve lloweeredd prricees,” saays Micchaeel PPaollerccio, CEEO oof MMichhaell Annthoony Jewweleers, onne oof tthe nattionns llarggestt maanuffacttureers of golld jjeweelryy. “Havve ttheyy loowerred theem ddolllar forr doollaar? No.”Shoppperrs eelseewheere buyy goold jewwelrry wwithh thhe ssharrp eeye of an invvesttor. But U.SS. sshoppperrs ggrabb goold likke bblinndedd maagpiies, annd ttheyy seeem to dissreggardd prricees. In aa 19997 surrveyy off 2,1077 Ammeriicanns, thee Woorldd Goold Couunciil ffounnd tthatt 855 peerceent diddnt knoow aabouut tthe daiily priice of golld. Worsse, almmostt haalf of thoose whoo thhougght theey kkneww weere wayy offf.As aa reesullt, thee chheapper cosst oof rraw golld hhas genneraallyy meeantt hiigheer pproffitss foor rretaaileers. Zaale Corrp., thhe nnatiions llarggestt jeewellry rettailler, foor eexammplee, ssaw proofitts rrisee 366 peerceent in thee yeear enddingg Juuly 31, whhilee saaless roose onlly 99 peerceent.The golld bbusiinesss hhas a llongg hiistoory of takkingg addvanntagge oof cconssumeers. Whille ttodaay mmostt jeewellerss woont ooutrrighht llie, maany holld bbackk innforrmattionn too maake it diffficcultt too coompaarisson-shoop. Whenn a U.SS. NNewss reeporrterr viisitted 10 jewweleers, deeparrtmeent stooress, aand disscouunt outtletts llastt weeek, onnly twoo shhopss weere willlinng tto rreveeal thee weeighht oof aa goold neccklaace. Stilll, it is posssibble to buyy loow.61. Thatt thhe rretaail jewwelrry ppricces remmainn hiigh in thee Unniteed SStattes cann bee acccouunteed ffor by alll off thhe ffolllowiing EXCCEPTT_.A Assiann ciitizzenss annd ggoveernmmentts hhavee beeen selllinng ggolddB jeewellry priicess doo noot ffalll ass muuch as golld ppricces doC U.S. shooppeers aree noot ssmarrt eenouughD jeewellry rettaillerss geet hhighher proofitts62. Whatt dooes “theey” (PPar. 2, laast senntennce) reeferr too?A Rettaill jeewellerss B PriiceCC JeewellsD Jewwelrry mmanuufaccturrerss63. Whatt dooes “wayy offf” (PPar. 3, laast senntennce) meean?A Loosinng ttheiir wway BB Gooingg ouut oof ttheiir wway C Noot rrighht D Goiing in thee wrrongg diirecctioon64. Whatt dooes “ouutriightt” (Parr.5, seenteencee 2) meean?A Riighttfullly BB Wrronggly CC Diirecctlyy DD Oppenlly 65. The lasst pparaagraaph is likkelyy too bee foolloowedd byy _.A howw too edducaate U.SS. sshoppperrs oof ggoldd jeewellryBB teechnniquues of buyyingg goold jewwelrryC tecchniiquees oof iinveestiing in golld jjeweelryyD ccasees iin wwhicch ssteeep ddecllinee inn goold priicess leead to steeep decclinne iin jjeweelryy prriceesPasssagee TwwoTeaccherrs aalwaays plaan ddownn too thhe mminuute whaat ttheiir sstuddentts wwilll bee dooingg. TThiss iss goood forr kiids, beecauuse it teaachees tthemm too sttay