Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.赏析版2013年7月经济学人文章(英汉双语对照)汇集Contents2013.07.01 Egypt: Morsi's choice 埃及总统穆尔西的抉择12013.007.02 Usinng matths too expllain tthe unniversse 用数学学解释整个宇宇宙32013.007.06 Trannsatlaantic espioonage: The livess of ootherss 窃听风暴暴82013.007.06Stem-cell theraapies: Prommetheuus unbbound干干细胞治疗122013.007.06 LVMHH and Hermèès: Hiidden predaators 路威酩轩vss.爱马仕162013.007.12 New film: "Paccific Rim" 新电影:环环太平洋182013.007.13 The Arab sprinng: Haas it faileed? 阿拉拉伯之春失败败了吗?202013.007.13 Goinng forr growwth 亚洲洲谋求经济发发展之道242013.007.13 Chilldrens inttellecctual devellopmennt 儿童智智力发展272013.007.13 The risinng dolllar: Greenn and back 美元的复苏苏和回归292013.007.13 Finaanciall dataa: Secconds out 金金融讯息提前前外漏322013.007.13 Freee exchhange: Ad sscienttists 搜索引擎广广告效果研究究342013.007.13 The econoomy: TThe haaves aand thhe havve-notts 富国穷穷国382013.007.20 Gladd to bbe greey 长白头头发是好事情情?452013.007.20 The triummph off low expecctatioons 不失失望只因期望望少472013.007.20Bandwwagon behavviour 从众行为512013.007.23 Brittainss recoovery: Holdd yourr breaath 英伦伦复苏路漫漫漫552013.007.27The GGreat Decelleratiion 金砖砖四国经济大大减速572013.007.01 Egyppt: Moorsi'ss choiice 埃及及总统穆尔西西的抉择EgyptMoorsi'ss choiice穆尔西西的抉择Juul 1stt 20133, 22:12 byy M.R. | CAAIROWHHAT woould yyou doo if mmillioons off citiizens poureed intto strreets demannding that you ggo? Onn teleevisioon durring hhis ellectioon cammpaignn lastt yearr, Muhhammadd Morssi anssweredd withhout hhesitaation. Firsst, hee saidd, peoople wwould not ddemonsstratee agaiinst hhim beecausee as ppresiddent hhe wouuld faaithfuully rrepressent ttheir will. “Buut if they do,” he addded ffirmlyy, “I wouldd be tthe fiirst tto ressign.”如果有几百万民众涌入街头示威要求你下台,你会怎么做?去年穆罕穆德穆尔西在电视上发表竞选演讲时毫不犹豫地回答了这个问题。他回答道,首先,民众不会示威反对他,因为作为总统,他会切实代表民意。同时,他也坚定地说:“如果民众真的反对我,我会不假思索地辞职。”But Egypts first freely-elected president has not resigned, yet, despite nationwide protests on June 30th that were far bigger than those that brought down his predecessor, Hosni Mubarak, two and a half years ago. Not only did the vast crowds bring every major city in Egypt to a standstill, amid an impromptu general strike. In scores of villages and provincial towns, protesters invaded government offices and shut them down by force, as police looked on approvingly. They also invaded, torched and looted the Cairo headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood, the secretive fraternity that nurtured Mr Morsi and carried him to power. Five of his own ministers resigned, too, the latest in a long string of defections in the 12 months since Mr Morsi took office. 但是,这位埃及第一个民选总统食言了,尽管在六月三十日,全国范围内反对穆尔西的浪潮比两年半前迫使上一任总统穆巴拉克下台的反对声音要猛烈的多。在埃及的各个大城市中,大批民众自发组织罢工,这些城市几乎陷入停滞状态。在很多村镇和省级城市,反对者在警方的默许下冲入政府办公室并强行关闭这些办公场所。他们还闯入穆斯林兄弟会(一个隐秘的兄弟会,培养并扶持穆尔西上台)在开罗的总部,打砸抢烧不所不做。穆尔西自上台以来的十二个月里受到了太多的背叛,而据最新消息,他的五个部长也相继辞职,这无疑为其受到背叛的记录上又添上了浓重的一笔。As if still more prompting were needed, on July 1st, Egypts army issued an ultimatum. If the countrys bickering civilian politicians do not find ways to meet peoples demands within 48 hours, it said, the army will issue its own political road map for them to follow. Given the extreme polarisation of Egypts politics, and the accelerating evaporation of the Brotherhoods constituency, there does not seem to be much incentive for Mr Morsis opponents to compromise.人们好像认为这场冲突需要更多的助推器,于是在七月一日埃及军方对冲突发布了最后通牒。通牒指出,如果那些为小事争吵不断的平民政治家不能在48小时内满足群众的要求,军方将发布自己指导国家发展的政治路线图。考虑到埃及极端两极分化的政策以及迅速减少的穆兄会支持者,想让穆尔西的反对者妥协看来是不可能的。For hundreds of thousands of Egyptians who came out for a second day of cheerful protests, there was no doubt what the armys diktat meant: Mr Morsi is finished. Lending further credence to this supposition, a squadron of army helicopters, each trailing a giant Egyptian flag, circled Cairos Tahrir Square in a triumphant show of force that was met with roars of approval. The military also paid an unannounced visit to the Nile-side headquarters of Egypts state broadcasting system. The officials Mr Morsi had appointed to run Egyptian TV and radio quietly exited. 第二天,数十万埃及民众涌入街道欢呼雀跃,对他们来说,军方的命令无疑意味着穆尔西的统治已经结束。而当拖着巨大埃及国旗的军方直升机队伍盘旋在开罗塔利尔广场上方进行胜利表演时,也赢来了民众的阵阵欢呼声,这也更加证实了民众的猜想。埃及军方还未通知就前往位于尼罗河岸边的埃及广播电视台总部。穆尔西任命的埃及广播电视台官员早已悄悄地被撤换。Despite the army's insistence that its ultimatum does not amount to a coup, some have already declared its intervention a “soft coup”, not unlike its move, in 2011, to usher Mr Mubarak out of power. The military lingered too long then, during the tumultuous transition before Mr Morsis term, earning opprobrium for human rights abuses and general ham-fistedness. But a precipitous slide in Egypts economy under civilian rule, accompanied by lawlessness and corruption, has aided in shortening memories. With Mr Morsis administration having signally failed to tackle the countrys myriad and deep problems, opposition to it has snowballed over recent weeks into an avalanche.Opinion polls from before the recent protests gave Mr Morsi an approval rating of around 30%. This has certainly now shrivelled as even fellow Islamists have abandoned a clearly sinking ship. Still, the Muslim Brotherhood has hundreds of thousands of active members, and millions of sympathisers. Containing their unhappiness will be a pressing challenge.尽管军方一再强调此次的最后通牒不是政变,但某些人认为此次军方对政治的干预就是一场“较为缓和的政变”,和2011年推翻穆巴拉克政府的行动一样。在当时穆尔西政府之前的骚乱过渡期,军方长期留恋权位,导致埃及民众的人权遭到践踏,社会混乱,从而引发民众对军方的强烈不满与抨击。然而在平民政权的统治下,埃及的经济形势急剧下滑,再加上法制的缺失和官员腐败,使得人们暂时忘记了军方的错误。由于穆尔西政府在处理国家大量深层问题时明显表现出的无能,过去的几周内反对派的声音如滚雪球般急剧起来,最终导致雪崩。在最近的抗议冲突之前的民调显示,穆尔西那时的支持率是30%。当然现在他的支持率肯定降低了很多,因为即使是伊斯兰同胞也放弃了他这艘行将沉没的船了。然而,穆兄会仍有十几万积极分子以及几百万怜悯同情者。平抚他们的不满情绪将不会是件容易的事。Egypts military has not revealed what its “road map” might look like. Most analysts expect that, having absorbed lessons from its last intervention, the army may this time both act more forcefully and set a quicker pace. The expectation is that its goal will be a return to civilian rule, under a revised and more inclusive constitution than the one that Mr Morsi hastily forced through last year. But despite the sudden eruption of public enthusiasm for the army, worries do linger. Could it be that now, armed with massive public backing and having dispensed with the Brotherhood, the only civilian party strong enough to challenge them, Egypts soldiers may be tempted to stay in power?埃及军方目前仍没公布其“政治路线图”。大多数分析人士预测,吸取了上次干预的教训,埃及军方这次会更加迅速地实施更严厉的军事打击。目前民众希望军方推动宪法修改,使之与去年穆尔西强推的那部宪法相比更具包容性,并在此基础上恢复文官统治制度。但虽然军方获得了公众意想不到的热情支持,顾虑仍然存在。埃及的士兵们获得了广大群众的支持,打败了穆兄会(唯一能够与军方抗衡的平民团体),没了约束,埃及军方也许会贪恋权力?译者:moonna8818882013.007.02 Usinng matths too expllain tthe unniversse 用数学学解释整个宇宇宙Quick SStudy: Leonnard SSusskiind onn striing thheory快快速学习:与与伦纳德-萨萨斯坎德讨论论弦理论Ussing mmaths to exxplainn the univeerse用数数学解释整个个宇宙Jull 2nd 2013, 12:552 by A.B.LLEONARRD SUSSSKINDD is aa proffessorr of ttheoreeticall physsics aat Staanfordd Univversitty andd direector of thhe Staanfordd Insttitutee for Theorreticaal Phyysics. He iis reggardedd as oone off the fatheers off striing thheory, a soomewhaat conntroveersiall atteempt tto expplain physiics ussing aa singgle maathemaaticall frammeworkk.伦纳德-萨斯坎德是是斯坦福大学学的理论物理理学教授兼斯斯坦福理论物物理研究所的的主任.人们们认为他是弦弦理论的开创创者之一,该该理论试图利利用单一的数数学框架解释释物理学,存在在一定的争议议。He iis thee authhor off seveeral ppopulaar-sciience bookss abouut mattters cosmoologiccal. HHis neew boook, “TThe Thheorettical Minimmum”, co-wrrittenn withh Georrge Hrrabovssky, aan amaateur physiicist, is aa primmer foor reaaders who wwant tto knoow howw to tthink like a phyysicisst.他撰写写了若干本宇宇宙学的大众众科学读物。他他的新书理理论最小值是与业余物理学家乔治-拉博夫斯基合作完成的,读者若想学习如何像物理学家一样思想,这本书可作为入门读物。Can you outline what we know about string theory?请你概括一下我们对弦理论的了解?The most important single thing about string theory is that its a highly mathematical theory and the mathematics holds together in a very tight and consistent way. It contains in its basic structure both quantum mechanics and the theory of gravity. Thats big news.弦理论最重要的一点是,它是一个高度数学化的理论,在整个理论中数学结合的方式非常严密和一致。量子力学和万有引力理论都包含在弦理论的基本结构中。这点非常重要。Why?为什么呢?Basically, from the time of Einsteins theory of general relativity there was no good idea about how quantum mechanics and gravity fit together. They were always at each others throat, apparently inconsistent. String theorys biggest and most important impact is to show that gravity and quantum mechanics can and do fit together. That, more than anything else, has maintained interest in it.简单来说,爱因斯坦提出广义相对论时,当时并没有能把量子力学和万有引力统一起来的好理论。量子力学和引力总是相互矛盾,明显不能统一。弦理论最大、也是最重要的影响在于,它显示引力和量子力学是可以统一的,并且确实是统一的。这一点比弦理论的其余方面都更引人注目。String theory presumes the existence of extra spatial dimensions. How do we know they exist?弦理论假设有更高的空间维度存在.我们怎么知道它们存在?It must be so because it is so deeply embedded in the mathematics and not easy to explain. I pride myself on being able to explain things to a broad audience, but sometimes you have to say its buried in the mathematics. The theory just doesnt work unless you add six more dimensions to the world and well have to leave it at that.其他维度肯定是存在的,因为它深深根植在数学之中,而且不太容易解释。我对自己向广大观众解释问题的能力引以为豪,但有时必须得说,它就深藏在数学里。除非你给宇宙额外加上6个维度,否则(该理论)根本就不能用,我们只能这样了。Okay, but why have we been unaware of them until now?好吧,但为什么直到现在我们才开始意识到它们存在?Because theyre tiny.因为它们很小很小。So, we cant understand these dimensions because they are too small?就是说,因为这些维度太小了所以我们无法理解?Yes.是的。And what difference do the dimensions make to the laypersons understanding of the universe?这些空间维度和普通人对宇宙的理解有什么区别?These extra dimensions can be arranged and put together in many different patterns, in a variety of different ways. Not billions, trillions or quintillions of ways, but many more than that. The ways these dimensions are put together into these tiny little spaces determine how particles will behave, what particles will exist, what the constants of nature arequantities like dark energy or the electric charge of an electron. In string theory all those things are features of the ways that these tiny dimensions are put together. The tiny dimensions are like the DNA of the universe.这些额外的空间维度能以许多不同的样式排列和组合起来,方法多种多样.十亿,万亿,百万兆种方法都不止,比这还要多得多.这些维度在微小的空间内如何组合,决定了粒子会如何表现,会有什么粒子存在,无量纲物理常数是多少即暗能量或者电子电荷的量是多少,诸如此类。在弦理论中,这些东西都是微小的空间维度按照一定组合方式后产生的特性。这些微小的维度就像是宇宙的DNA。Yet there are physicists who dont think string theory is correct.但有物理学家认为弦理论是错误的。Oh, well, I suppose there are! We dont know if string theory is true.噢,好吧,我想肯定有!我们也不知道弦理论是不是正确的。I thought you said the maths stacks up?我想你之前说过弦理论数学上能自圆其说?There is a difference between mathematical internal consistency and whether or not it describes nature. We can write mathematical theories that are not the right theory of naturegeometry, for example. Theres Euclids geometry; positive curve geometry; the geometry of a sphere. Which is the right geometry of space? Theyre all consistent, mathematically uncontradictory. But its a different thing to say a mathematical theory is consistent and that it describes the real world.一种理论,其数学的内在一致性,和它是否正确描述自然是有区别的。我们可以写出在自然界中不适用的数学理论比方说,在几何学里,有欧几里得几何;正曲线几何;球面几何。哪一种几何是适用于空间呢?它们全都具有一致性,数学上无懈可击。但某个数学理论具有一致性和它能够描述真实世界完全就是两码事。How could we find out whether string theory describes nature or not? 我们怎样知道弦理论是否描述自然?If they can co-exist with each other. If thats all string theory does then its still an enormous conceptual advance.看二者能否并存。如果弦理论仅仅是和自然并存而已,它概念上仍是一个巨大的进步。Unless it isnt true; in which case gravity and quantum mechanics arent related.除非它是错误的;这样的话引力和量子力学就不统一了。Well, right, but they have to be related because they both exist in the same world.呃,对,但引力和量子力学必须是统一的,因为它们存在于同一个宇宙。What is dark energy?暗能量是什么?It is the energy of empty space. Its there just because empty space is there. If you have a box full of particles, each particle has an energy MC2, then you stretch the sides of the box and make it bigger and the energy dilutes, meaning that the energy density goes down. Dark energy doesnt thin out. You expand the box but the amount of energy per unit volume remains the same.就是真空的能量。因为真空存在,所以暗能量就存在。如果你有一个装满了粒子的盒子,每个粒子的能量是MC2,然后你把盒子的各个面拉长,扩大它的体积,于是能量被稀释了,意味着能量密度就下降了。但暗能量不会被稀释。你的盒子膨胀了,单位体积的(暗)能量大小仍保持一致。Does it definitely exist and can you measure it?暗能量绝对存在吗?可以测量吗?Yes, it exists. We have measured it by the expansion of the universe. Energy is what causes the universe to expand, and the way that it dilutes as it expands controls how fast it expands and the detailed way in which it expands. There is an absolute 100% confirmation of the idea that dark energy exists.是的,暗能量是存在的。你可以通过宇宙膨胀来测量。能量是导致宇宙膨胀的原因,而能量是如何稀释的,控制着宇宙膨胀速度的快慢,以及宇宙膨胀的具体方式。暗能量的存在是绝对100%确定的。Where did it come from and what is it doing?暗能量从哪来?有什么作用?Since the birth of quantum mechanics physicists understood that quantum field theorythe basic underlying theory of quantum mechanics, of electrons and photons and all those thingsshould provide every tiny bit of space with a huge amount of this undiluting kind of energy. That energy should gravitate. They understood that and they did not understand why this source of gravitation didnt seem to turn the universe into an incredibly rapidly expanding universe that would double in size every ten to the minus 42 seconds.自从量子力学诞生以来,物理学家就认识到,量子场论量子力学,电子和光子等微观物体的基础理论应该为空间的每个微小片段设置大量这类不会稀释的能量。这种能量还应该产生万有引力。他们懂得这一点,但他们不理解的是,为什么这个引力的来源没有迹象要把这个宇宙变成一个急剧膨胀、体积每过10的负42次方秒就会翻倍的宇宙。The real question was not “what is dark energy?” it was “where is dark energy?” For many years Einstein and others thought that the dark energy must be zero because it was so tiny. Nobody could detect it and it couldnt be detected in the expansion of the universe. What was most remarkable was when it was discovered that it was not zero, but it was 123 orders of magnitude smaller.真正的问题不是“什么是暗能量?”,而是“暗能量在哪?”很多年来,爱因斯坦和其他人都认为暗能量一定是0, 因为它是如此之小。过去没有人能探测到它,并且它也无法从宇宙膨胀中探测到。所以当物理学家发现暗能量不是0,而是小123个数量级时,这成为暗能量领域最值得关注的发现。Is the universe still expanding? If so, how much can it expand and will it eventually implode?宇宙现在还在膨胀吗?如果是,它能膨胀到什么地步,会不会最终发生内爆?No, no, no. Before the dark energy was discovered there were three possibilities: that it would implode, that it would continue to expand or that it would expand at an ever decreasing rate. Once the dark energy was discovered and discovered to be positive it was shown that it will continue to expand.不不不。在发现暗能量之前,人们假设有三种可能:内爆,继续膨胀,或者膨胀的速度不断下降。一旦发现暗能量确实存在,就说明了宇宙还会继续膨胀。The equations as we know them now do not seem to permit the possibility that it will implode. As it expands the dark energy wont dilute. Its vacuum energy. In every bit of volume there is the same amount, but the electrons, protons or neutrons will spread out, so what we can look forward to is a universe that is completely empty.我们现今所知的公式没有显示出宇宙有内爆的可能性。宇宙不断膨胀,暗能量也不