2022项目管理师经典例题8辑2022项目管理师经典例题8辑 第1辑 质量保证包括:A、 质量系统的为了确保项目可能满足相关的质量标准而设计的活动B、 监控项目结果的方法,以确定结果是否符合相关质量标准C、 确认质量标准是否和项目相关并决定满足质量标准的途径D、 为了保证项目满足相应需要所需的过程正确答案:A 196 The project manager must receive reports and briefings from engineers, contracting officers, procurement personnel and marketing people. The project manager's communication dilemma is one of:A. encodingB. decodingC. choice of a mediumD. one-way communicationE. All of the above正确答案:E 风险应对措施可分为:A、 技术、市场营销、财务、人为B、 识别、量化、应对措施编制、应对措施控制C、 规避、转移、降低、接受D、 规避、保留、控制、转移正确答案:C 168 The basic elements of communication include:A. Listening, talking and sign language.B. Communicator, encoding, message, medium, decoding, receiver, and feedbackC. Clarity of speech and good listening habitsD. Reading, writing and listeningE. All of the above正确答案:B 2 Using the figure in the Special window, The slacktime in Activity "G" is _ weeks.A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 5E. 7正确答案:C The estimated cost to complete (ETC) is _.A.BCWP/ACWPB.the forecasted and final cost - cost to dateC.(ACWP-BCWP)/BCWP *D.Total estimate - ACWPE.None of the above.正确答案:BB2022项目管理师经典例题8辑 第2辑 某公司由一个项目经理王先生,他一直在为客户金先生工作。最近他和在你当前客户的竞争对手公司工作的宫小姐成了朋友。一天晚上,宫小姐带王先生去一家高档餐厅,宫小姐询问了许多关于金先生生意和当前项目的问题。金先生发现王先生知道宫小姐在其竞争对手公司工作。王先生应该首先采取的恰当行动是:( )A问宫小姐直到了解她的意图。B询问金先生是否知道宫小姐在他的竞争对手的公司工作C他的主管,金先生认为他给宫小姐提供信息。D报事实真相告诉主管和客户金先生。正确答案:D 强矩阵和弱矩阵用在项目组织的矩阵结构中是指:( )A组织实现目标的能力B项目团队成员相互之间以及和项目经理之间的物理接近度C项目经理对小组资源的权利度D团队成员的凝聚力正确答案:C 范围核实:( )A提高确定成本和时间表的精确度,特别是对于那些应用革新技术的项目B是交付客户前的最后一项活动C记录项目制造的产品或者服务的特点D与质量控制不同,因为范围确定讨论是否接受的问题,而不是正确与否的问题正确答案:D 54 You have been assigned as a project leader and must first review the statement of work provided by the customer. Which of the following is most often overlooked?A. Data item deliverablesB. Customer-furnished equipment and facilitiesC. Long-lead procurement itemsD. Customer-imposed milestonesE. Other subcontractor interface requirements正确答案:A 178 A negative cost variance and positive schedule variance means:A. The project is under budget and ahead of scheduleB. The project is over budget and behind scheduleC. The project is over budget and ahead of scheduleD. The project will be overrun but ahead of schedule at completion正确答案:C 172 In the past, most project managers have come from _ fields without proper _ training or education in skillsA. Technical; accounting/financeB. Technical; managementC. Technical; psychologicalD. Marketing; technology-orientedE. Business; manufacturing know-how正确答案:B2022项目管理师经典例题8辑 第3辑 沉淀成本是:A、 管理储备中还没有用于投资的资金B、 根据项目活动,总量相对于固定成本发生变化的成本C、 劳动力成本的另一个名称,因为这些成本都已经预算过了。D、 已经投入项目的资金,不管进行了什么工作都不会影响项目的产出正确答案:D 对项目进行总结后你发现按进度计划要花28000小时,已经挣得25000小时,支付26000小时,正确结论应该是:A、 项目的成本效率非常有利B、 我们需要趋势分析报告C、 项目滞后于进度计划D、 项目超前于进度计划正确答案:C 你计划要为公司签署一份提供项目管理培训的合同。你觉得那些预期能够与之签订合同的对象最好是与一所具有项目管理专业硕士学位资格的知名大学有一定联系。这个要求属于下列哪项的例子A、设置独立 的评估B、设定工作说明中的要求C、建立一个评价系统D、建立一个筛选系统正确答案:D 145 Risks that cannot be identified or evaluated _ .A. should be deflected to the contracting officer.B. should be handled via contingency allowances.C. should be ignored, since they cannot be identified.D. should be ignored, since they are not covered in the Risk Assessment.E. C and D正确答案:B 139 Using the scenario in the special window, the project manager:A. will probably spend the weekend reviewing the data.B. Won't ask for the report again.C. Has a preference for written communication.D. Has chosen an inappropriate medium.E. Is experiencing communication overload正确答案:E 变更控制系统不包括下列哪项?A、 文书工作B、 跟踪系统C、 授权许可级别D、 成功谈判的激励正确答案:D2022项目管理师经典例题8辑 第4辑 下列描述的所有技术都是使会议不走题除了( )A重申会议议题及目的B分阶段对会议作一总结C鼓励由新的有趣的主意D对成员提出的不清晰意见作一解释正确答案:C 范围核实应该在何时进行?A、 项目结束时B、 项目开始时C、 项目每一个阶段期间D、 计划编制时进行一次正确答案:C 项目范围变更控制系统是:A、 一个已形成文件的正式步骤集合,用于定义变更正式项目文件的步骤B、 一个已形成文件的过程,用于应用技术或行政指令及监督确认并记录任务职能和物理特征。并记录和汇报变更,控制变更,以及审计任务和系统来审核是否符合要求。C、 一套变更项目范围的步骤,包括授权变更所必须的文书工作、跟踪系统和批准级别。D、 项目所必须的,这样在审核和批复前就不能变更范围管理计划。正确答案:C 采购计划编制包括A、 自制/外购决策B、 回答卖方问题C、 创建合同D、 创建建议书邀请函正确答案:A When all members must unanimously agree before a decision is reachedA all members become committedB decisions are reached slowlyC integrity is developedD future decision making ability is enhancedE All of the above.正确答案:E 你们团队设计了一个材料清单来定义项目的工作构成,而没有采用你推荐的工作分析结构(WBS)。一个客户注意到这个清单中没有涵盖项目范围变更的需求,后来这一变更需求被补充了进去。这是一个由下列哪项引起的变更要求的具体事例?( )A一个外部事件B产品范围定义中的错误或遗漏C一项增值变更D项目范围定义中的错误或遗漏正确答案:D2022项目管理师经典例题8辑 第5辑 183 Using the situation stated in the Special window, which WBS element is behind schedule but under budget?A. Element PB. Element QC. Element RD. Element SE. None of the above正确答案:D 130 Situations calling for a matrix organization include outside pressure for dual focus, _ and pressure for high information processing capability.A. Pressure for clear accountabilityB. Pressure for reduced duplication of effortC. Pressure for shared resourcesD. Pressure for formalized communication正确答案:C 某公司由一个项目经理王先生,他一直在为客户金先生工作。最近他和在你当前客户的竞争对手公司工作的宫小姐成了朋友。一天晚上,宫小姐带王先生去一家高档餐厅,宫小姐询问了许多关于金先生生意和当前项目的问题。金先生发现王先生知道宫小姐在其竞争对手公司工作。王先生应该首先采取的恰当行动是:( )A问宫小姐直到了解她的意图。B询问金先生是否知道宫小姐在他的竞争对手的公司工作C他的主管,金先生认为他给宫小姐提供信息。D报事实真相告诉主管和客户金先生。正确答案:D 进度绩效指数低于1.0表示( )A项目没有完成预定的工作B已取得的挣值达100%C项目永久性地损失了一部分时间D项目可能没有按照时间表执行,但是项目经理不必在意这个问题正确答案:A 130 The identification, definition, and selection of the project objectives as well as the best approach to achieving the project objectives are indentified in the _ phase of the project but first documented in the project _.A. Conceptual, charter/baseline.B. Conceptual, master schedule.C. Development, charter/baseline.D. Development, master schedule.E. Development, masterplan正确答案:A 如果一个风险业务有60%的概率挣200万美元和20%的概率损失150万美元,则这项冒险的预期货币值是( )A50000美元B300000美元C500000美元D900000美元正确答案:D2022项目管理师经典例题8辑 第6辑 下列哪类组织最易产生冲突?( )A职能型组织B矩阵型组织C项目型组织D项目促进员正确答案:B 你的管理阶层要求在项目的每一个阶段要进行一次质量审核。这个审核是如下那一部分的内容( )A质量保证进程B质量控制进程C质量提高进程D进程调整计划正确答案:A 154 Communications is best described as:A. an exchange of information.B. providing written or oral directions.C. consists of senders and receiversD. effective listening.E. All of the above正确答案:E 13 _ is a method of procurement where a contract results from a bid which may be changed through bargaining.A. AcquisitionB. Contract negotiationC. ProcurementD. Purchase negotiationE. None of the above正确答案:B 172 In the past, most project managers have come from _ fields without proper _ training or education in skillsA. Technical; accounting/financeB. Technical; managementC. Technical; psychologicalD. Marketing; technology-orientedE. Business; manufacturing know-how正确答案:B 98 Which of the following tools and techniques can be used to collect information for the project closure reports?A. Customer SurveysB. BrainstormingC. Document and Performance AnalysisD. Lessons LearnedE. All of the above正确答案:E2022项目管理师经典例题8辑 第7辑 Which of the following types of contracts is equivalent to a cost plus contract:A Fixed firm priceB Cost reimbursableC Fixed price plus incentive feeD progress paymentsE All of the above.正确答案:B 以下均为限制合同责任问题的可接受方式除了 ( )A提前完工对全组进行奖励B限制拟支付的损失赔偿金额C在决定测试标准方面充分投入D与承包商界定里程碑正确答案:B 76 Formal written correspondence is mandated in which of the following situations:A. Product undergoes casual in-house testingB. Client requests additional work not covered under contractC. Project manager calls a meetingD. B and C onlyE. None of the above正确答案:B 公司有一个生物项目,你是项目经理,现在研究部门已经分离了一种高级微生物。当与海藻结合的时候,这种微生物能够形成一种可生物降解的合成材料。销售部门相信该材料应该利用来制造能够只穿一次就可以抛弃并变成花园肥料的袜子。管理层问你是否应该启动一个项目来制造这种产品。为此,你应准备:( )A可行性研究B投资回报报告C生产和购买分析D项目章程正确答案:A 员工工会最可能满足( )A从属要求B自我实现C尊重D安全E权力正确答案:A 2 From an operating or functional perspective, there are various objectives of purchasing and materials management. Which is not one of these objectives?A. To buy competitivelyB To support company operations with an uninterrupted flow of materials and servicesC. To develop reliable and effective sources of supplyD. To achieve maximum integration with the other departments of the firmE. To attain approval from each department of every purchase正确答案:E2022项目管理师经典例题8辑 第8辑 Management reserve is generally intended to be used to:A implement additional unbudgeted scopeB compensate for inaccurate estimatesC cover major unforeseen catastrophesD cover unforeseen problems in the projectE All of the above.正确答案:D In Project Risk Management, Risk Response may include actions to:A. reduce the probability of risk eventsB. change the scope, budget, schedule or quality specifications of the projectC. reduce the consequences or severity of impacts of a potential risk eventD. A and CE. All of the above正确答案:E A(n) _ system is designed to ensure the timely availability of nonhuman resources, and includes the cost in procurement, shipping/freight, storage and loss.A . Inventory control.B . Materials management.C . Procurement.D . All of the above.E . A and C only.正确答案:B 生命周期成本是在项目整个生命周期内客户获得及控制该项目的总成本生命周期成本的构成部份包括_及_( )ARD持有操作及支持BRD生产操作及支持C获得操作维护D生产操作维护正确答案:B It is a generally acceptable practice that if one of your clients makes an informal request of you, then you should respond:A formally in writingB with a memoC informallyD nonverballyE All of the above正确答案:C The highest degrees of project risk and uncertainty are associated with the following phase of the project:A conceptualB executionC cut-overD post project evaluationE A and D only正确答案:A