GF20000210建设工程设计合合同(二)(专业建设工程程设计合同)工 程 名名 称: 10KVV星摩尔购物物广场1#变变电所新建工工程工 程 地地 点: 沈阳市铁西区北二中路66号 合 同 编编 号: (由设计人编填填)设计证书等级: 设证甲级A12110018226 发 包 人:星摩尔房地地产开发(沈沈阳)有限公公司 设 计 人: 沈阳电力勘察设设计院 签 订 日日 期: 20110-02-25 监制中华人民共和国国建设部国家工商行政管管理局GF200000210Design Contrract for CConstrructioon Prooject (II) (Desiggn Conntractt for Profeessionnal Coonstruuctionn Projject) Projectt Namee:10KV Star Mall Plazaa 1 # Substaation New ConstrructioonProjectt Sitee:No.6,BeiEEr Zhoong Rooad, Tiexxi Disstrictt, Sheenyangg City Contracct No.: (Filleed in by Deesigneer)Design Certiificattion RRank: Desiggn Cerrtificcate CClass A 12100018266 EEmployyer: The Star Mall Real Estatee Deveelopmeent (SShenyaang) CCo., LLtd.Designeer: Shenyyang EElectrric Poower SSurveyy Desiign Innstituute Date: Februuary, 25, 2010 Superviised aand Maanufaccturedd byMinistrry of Consttructiion off Peopples Reppublicc of CChina and tthe Sttate AAdminiistrattion oof Inddustryy and Commeerce发包人: 星摩尔房地产产开发(沈阳阳)有限公司司 设计人: 沈阳电力勘察设计计院 发包人委托设计计人承担 110KV星摩摩尔购物广场场1#变电所所新建工程设设计,工程地点为为沈阳铁西区北北二中路6号号,经双方协协商一致,签签订本合同,共共同执行。Employeer: Sttar Maall Reeal Esstate Devellopmennt (Shhenyanng) Coo., Lttd.Designeer: Shenyyang EElectrric Poower SSurveyy Desiign Innstituute The Empployerr entrrusts the DDesignner too undeertakee 10KV Star Mall Plazaa 1 # Substaation New Constrructioon; thhe prooject site is No.6, BeiEEr Zhoong Rooad, Tiexxi Disstrictt, Sheenyangg City. Upon agreeement by booth paartiess throough cconsulltatioon, thhe twoo partties sshall sign and iimplemment tthe Coontracct joiintly.第一条 本合合同签订依据据Articlee 1: TThis CContraact iss signned inn accoordancce witth:1.1中华人人民共和国合合同法、中中华人民共和和国建筑法和和建设工程程勘察设计市市场管理规定定。1.2国家及地地方有关建设设工程勘察设设计管理法规规和规章。1.3建设工程程批准文件。1.1 Conntractt Law of thhe Peoopless Repuublic of Chhina, Consttructiion Laaw of the PPeoplee's Reepubliic of China and Markeet reggulatiions oof Connstrucction Surveey andd Desiign.1.2 Lawws andd reguulatioons off the relatted sttate aand loocal cconstrructioon surrvey aand deesign managgementt. 1.3 Doccumentts of Approoval ffor Coonstruuctionn.第二条设计依依据2.1发包人给给设计人的委委托书或设计计中标文件2.2发包人提提交的基础资资料2.3设计人采采用的主要技技术标准是:B-01R55-SJ-002-20110标准、规规程、规范Articlee 2 Deesign Basiss2.1 Thee Trusst Deeed or Desiggn Doccumentts of the ttenderr acceepted proviided tto thee desiigner by thhe empployerr;2.2 Funndamenntal mmateriials ssubmittted bby thee emplloyer;2.3 Thee majoor tecchnicaal staandardds adoopted by thhe dessignerr are: B-01RR5-SJ-02-20010 Sttandarrds, PProceddures, Norms 第三条合同文文件的优先次次序构成本合同的文文件可视为是是能互相说明明的,如果合合同文件存在在歧义或不一一致,则根据据如下优先次次序来判断:3.1合同书3.2中标函(文文件)3.3发包人要要求及委托书书3.4投标书Articlee 3 Prrioritty of Contrract DDocumeentThe doccumentts connsistiing off thiss Conttract may bbe deeemed aas demmonstrratingg mutuually; if tthere is anny ambbiguitty or discoordancce in the ccontraact doocumennt, thhe folllowinng priiorityy shalll be folloowed tto juddgmentt, 3.1 Thee Conttract;3.2 Lettter oof Accceptannce (DDocumeent);3.3 Reqquirementts of the eemployyer annd Letterr of Authorrity;3.4 Thee Tendder第四条本合同同项目的名称称、规模、阶阶段、投资及及设计内容(根根据行业特点点填写)10KV星摩尔尔购物广场11#变电所新新建工程 变电所电气及110KV进线线 变电所设在地下下,内设6台台1600KKVA变压器器及2台12250KVAA 变压器。 10KV电源分分别由劝工变变、历工变电电所各新出电电缆新路径电电缆敷设至用用户变电所。Articlee 4 Naame, SScale, Phasse, Innvestmment aand deesign Conteent foor thee Conttract Itemss (filll in basedd on iindusttry chharactteristtics)10KV Sttar Mall Plazaa 1 # SSubstaation New CConstrructioonElectriic andd 10KVV inleet wirre of the ssubstaation The subbstatiion iss undeergrouund, wwith ssix 1,600KVVA traansforrmers and ttwo 1,250KVVA traansforrmers insidde. The 10KKV powwer liine iss laidd alonng thee new cablee roadds of Quanggong SSubstaation and LLigongg Subsstatioon resspectiively, towaard thhe cusstomerr subsstatioon witth cabbles. 第五条 发包人向设计人人提交的有关关资料、文件件及时间本工程供电方案案 1份 20010-2-25用电负荷资料 1份 22010-22-25Articlee 5 Reelevannt matterialls, doocumennts annd timme subbmitteed to the ddesignnerby the emplooyerPower ssupplyy scheeme off thiss projject 11 25 Februuary, 2010Electriicity load data 1 25 FFebruaary, 22010第六条 设计人向发包人人交付的设计计文件、份数数、地点及时时间设计图纸 8份 22010-004-15概算书 6份份 2010-04-155注:待发包人结结清全部设计计费后,由设设计人将设计计文件交付沈沈阳供电公司司客户工程部部Articlee 6 Documeents, numbeer of copiees, loocatioon andd timee submmittedd to tthe emmployeer by the ddesignner Design drawiing 88 copiies 15 AApril, 20100Book off estiimatess 66 copiies 15 AApril, 20100Note: AAfter the pparty issuiing coontracct setttles up thhe tottal deesign fee, the aabove desiggn doccumentts willl be submiitted to thhe Prooject Divission oof Sheenyangg Poweer Suppply CCompanny by the ddesignner.第七条费用用7.1双方商定定,本合同的的设计费为设设计费按设计计价格(20002)100号文计取 万元。收费依依据和计算方方法按国家和和地方有关规规定执行,国国家和地方没没有规定的,由由双方商定。7.2 如果上上述费用为估估算设计费,则则双方在初步步设计审批后后,按批准的的初步设计概概算核算设计计费。工程建建设期间如遇遇概算调整,则则设计费也应应做相应调整整。Articlee 7 Exxpendiiture 7.1 Itt is aagreedd betwween bboth ppartiees thaat thee desiign feee undder thhis coontracct is calcuulatedd and chargged acccordiing too the documment No.100 (20002) Deesign Pricees. Thhe chaargingg basiis andd methhod arre in accorrdancee withh releevant natioonal aand loocal pprovissions, and will be deetermiined bby botth parrties throuugh neegotiaation, if tthere is noo releevant natioonal oor loccal prrovisiion.7.2 If the aabove expennse iss estiimatedd desiign feee, booth paartiess shalll cheeck thhe dessign ffee ass per the appproveed buddgetarry esttimatee of tthe prrelimiinary desiggn, affter tthe exxaminaation and aapprovval off prelliminaary deesign. Duriing thhe connstrucction of thhis prrojectt, if theree is aany addjustmment iin buddgetarry esttimatee, thee desiign feee willl alsso be adjussted ccorresspondiingly. 第八条支付付方式8.1本合同生生效后三天内内,发包人支支付设计费总总额,计 116 万元作为定定金(合同结结算时,定金金抵作设计费费)。8.2设计人提提交 全部 设计文件之前前,发包人结结清设计费,不不留尾款。8.3双方委托托银行代付代代收有关费用用。Articlee 8 Form of Paaymentt8.1 Thee partty isssuing contrract sshall pay tthe tootal ddesignn fee, withhin thhree ddays aafter the eexecuttion oof thiis conntractt, thaat is, 1600000 RMB as a depossit (tthe deepositt willl be sseen aas a partt of ddesignn fee, at tthe tiime off conttract settllementt).8.2 Beffore tthe deesigneer subbmits all ddesignn docuumentss. the deesign chargge is all ssquareed by the eemployyer, aand noo finaal payyment left.8.3 Botth parrties commiissionn bankk to ppay annd colllect relatted feees.第九条双方方责任9.1 发包包人责任9.1.1发包包人按本合同同第五条规定定的内容,在在规定的时间间内向设计人人提交基础资资料及文件,并并对其完整性性、正确性及及时限负责。发发包人不得要要求设计人违违反国家有关关标准进行设设计。发包人提交上述述资料及文件件超过规定期期限15天以内,设设计人按本合合同第六条规规定的交付设设计文件时间间顺延;发包包人交付上述述资料及文件件超过规定期期限15天以上时时,设计人有有权重新确定定提交设计文文件的时间。9.1.2发包包人变更委托托设计项目、规规模、条件或或因提交的资资料错误,或或所提交资料料作较大修改改,以致造成成设计人设计计返工时,双双方除另行协协商签订补充充协议(或另另订合同)、重重新明确有关关条款外,发发包人应按设设计人所耗工工作量向设计计人支付返工工费。在未签订合同前前发包人已同同意,设计人人为发包人所所做的各项设设计工作,发发包人应支付付相应设计费费。9.1.3在合合同履行期间间,发包人要要求终止或解解除合同,设设计人未开始始设计工作的的,不退还发发包人已付的的定金;已开开始设计工作作的,发包人人应根据设计计人已进行的的实际工作量量,不足一半半时,按该阶阶段设计费的的一半支付;超过一半时时,按该阶段段设计费的全全部支付。9.1.4发包包人必须按合合同规定支付付定金,收到到定金作为设设计人设计开开工的标志。未未收到定金,设设计人有权推推迟设计工作作的开工时间间,且交付文文件的时间顺顺延。9.1.5发包包人应按本合合同规定的金金额和日期向向设计人支付付设计费,每每逾期支付一一天,应承担担应支付金额额千分之二的的逾期违约金金,且设计人人提交设计文文件的时间顺顺延。逾期超超过30天以上时时,设计人有有权暂停履行行下阶段工作作,并书面通通知发包人发包人的上上级或设计审审批部门对设设计文件不审审批或本合同同项目停缓建建,发包人均均应支付应付付的设计费。9.1.6发包包人要求设计计人比合同规规定时间提前前交付设计文文件时,须征征得设计人同同意,不得严严重背离合理理设计周期,且且发包人应支支付赶工费。9.1.7发包包人应为设计计人派驻现场场的工作人员员提供工作、生生活及交通等等方面的便利利条件及必要要的劳动保护护装备。9.1.8设计计文件中选用用的国家标准准图、部标准准图及地方标标准图由发包包人负责解决决。9.1.9承担担本项目外国国专家来设计计人办公室工工作的接待费费(包括传真真、电话、复复印、办公等等费用)。Articlee 9 Reesponssibiliity off Two Parties9.1 Ressponsiibilitty of the EEmployyer9.1.1 TThe Employyer shhall ddeliveer bassic maateriaals annd doccumentts to the ddesignner wiithin the sspeciffied ttime iin acccordannce reequireementss stippulateed in Articcle 5, and shalll be rresponnsiblee for theirr comppletenness, correectnesss andd timee limiit. Thhe empployerr shalll nott requuest tthe deesigneer to desiggn by violaating the cconcerrned nnationnal sttandarrds.If it eexceedds thee presscribeed timme limmit wiithin fifteeen (115) daays whhen thhe empployerr deliivers abovee mateerialss and documments, the desiggner ccan poostponne acccordinngly tthe tiime off deliiverinng thee desiign doocumennts inn accoordancce witth Artticle 6 in tthe Coontracct; iff it eexceedds thee presscribeed timme limmit ovver fiifteenn (15) dayss whenn the emplooyer ddeliveers abbove mmateriials aand doocumennts, tthe deesigneer is entittled tto deccide aagain the ttime oof delliveryy of ddesignn docuumentss.9.1.2 WWhen tthe emmployeer altters eentrussted ddesignn itemms, sccale aand coonditiions, or deeliverrs thee wronng matterialls, orr deliivers mostlly revvised materrials so thhat thhe dessignerr rewoork foor thee desiign, tthe emmployeer shaall paay forr rewoork coost foor thee desiigner basedd on tthe ammount of thhe worrk perrformeed by the ddesignner exxcept the ssuppleementaal agrreemennt (orr conttract ) siggned sseparaately, and the rrelevaant arrticlees speecifieed agaain byy bothh partties tthrouggh thee conssultattion.Prior tto siggning the ccontraact, iif thee emplloyer has ssatisffied tto dessign wwork wwhich is doone byy the desiggner, the eemployyer shhall ppay thhe corrrespoondingg desiign chharge.9.1.3 DDuringg impllementtationn of tthe Coontracct, whhen thhe empployerr requuests to teerminaate annd cancel the ccontraact, tthe doown paaymentt paidd by tthe emmployeer shaall noot be returrned iif thee desiigner doesnnt beegin tthe deesign work; if tthe deesigneer staarts tthe deesign, the emplooyer sshall pay hhalf oof dessign cchargee in tthe phhase iif it is leess thhan haalf off the actuaal amoount oof worrk perrformeed by the ddesignner; iif it exceeeds thhe hallf, thhe fulll dessign cchargee in tthe phhase sshall be paaid inn all.9.1.4 TThe emmployeer shaall paay thee downn paymment iin acccordannce wiith sttipulaationss of tthe Coontracct. Reeceptiion off the down paymeent iss the mark of coommenccementt of ddesignn workk for the ddesignner. IIf thee downn paymment iis nott receeived, the desiggner iis enttitledd to pput offf thee timee of ccommenncemennt of desiggn worrk, annd posstponee accoordinggly thhe timme of delivvery oof doccumentts.9.1.5 TThe Emplooyer shoulld pay chargges for desiggn to the Desiggner at the amounnt and date proviided in this Contrract. For each day of overddue paymeent, 2 of the overddue paymeent shalll be paid as damagges for overddue paymeent and the time for delivvery by the Desiggner shalll be extennded accorrdinglly. Wheree the delayy of paymeent has exceeeded 30 days, the Desiggner shalll have the rightt to suspeend the perfoormancce of the work at the next stagee and give writtten noticce to the Emplooyer. In case the higheer authoority or compeetent deparrtmentt of desiggn approoval wouldd not approove the desiggn documments or the enginneerinng consttructiion of this contrract is suspeended or stoppped, the Emplooyer shoulld pay the payabble chargges for desiggn. 9.1.6 TThe emmployeer reqquestss the desiggner sshouldd deliiver tthe deesign documments aheadd of tthe tiime sppecifiied byy the Contrract, it shhall nneed tthe appprovaal of the ddesignner, aand shhall nnot deeviatee gravvely ffrom tthe raationaal dessign pperiodd, andd the emplooyer sshall pay ffor thhe craashingg charrge.9.1.7 TThe Emplooyer shoulld offerr conveeniencces in aspeccts of workiing, livinng and trafffic and necesssary laborr-prottectioon equippmentss. 9.1.8 TThe Emplooyer shalll be respoonsiblle for the natioonal standdard drawiing, minissteriaal standdard drawiing and locall standdard drawiings. 9.1.9 TThe Emmployeer shaall beear thhe exppensess for receiiving foreiign exxpert in chharge of thhe enggineerring tto thee Desiigner''s offfice (incluuding expennses oon faxx, tellephonne, coopy annd offfice aaffairrs).9.2设计人责责任9.2.1设计计人应按国家家规定和合同同约定的技术术规范、标准准进行设计,按按本合同第六六条规定的内内容、时间及及份数向发包包人交付设计计文件(出出现9.11、9.12、9.14、9.15、规定有关关交付设计文文件顺延的情情况除外)并对提交的的设计文件的的质量负责。9.2.2设计计合理使用年年限为25年。9.2.3负责责对外商的设设计资料进行行审查,负责责该合同项目目的设计联络络工作。9.2.4设计计人对设计文文件出现的遗遗漏或错误负负责修改或补补充。由于设设计人设计错错误造成工程程质量事故损损失,设计人人除负责采取取补救措施外外,应免收受受损失部分的的设计费,并并根据损失程程度向发包人人支付赔偿金金,赔偿金数数额由双方商商定为实际损损失的 。9.2.5由于于设计人原因因,延误了设设计文件交付付时间,每延延误一天,应应减收该项目目应收设计费费的千分之二二。9.2.6合同同生效后,设设计人要求终终止或解除合合同,设计人人应双倍返还还发包人已支支付的定金。9.2.7设计计人交付设计计文件后,按按规定参加有有关上级的设设计审查,并并根据审查结结论负责不超超出原定范围围的内容做必必要调整补充充。设计人按按合同规定时时限交付设计计文件一年内内项目开始施施工,负责向向发包人及施施工单位进行行设计交底、处处理有关设计计问题和参加加竣工验收。在在一年内项目目尚未开始施施工,设计人人仍负责上述述工作,可按按所需工作量量向发包人适适当收取咨询询服务费,收收费额由双方方商定。9.2 Ressponsiibilitiess of tthe Deesigneer9.2.1 TThe deesigneer shaall peerformm the desiggn in accorrdancee withh provvisionns of the SState and tthe teechniccal coodes aand sttandarrds sttipulaated iin thee Conttract, deliiver tthe deesign documments in acccordaance wwith ccontennts, ttime aand nuumber of coopies to thhe empployerr speccifiedd in AArticlle 6 (excluusion of thhe casse wheere thhe dessign ddocumeents sshall be prrolongged acccordiingly stipuulatedd in AArticlle 9.111, 9.12, 99.14 aand 9.15), and bbe ressponsiible ffor quualityy of tthe deeliverred deesign documments. 9.2.2 The desiggn life of thhe enggineerring cconstrructioon shaall bee 25 yearss. 9.2.3 RResponnsiblee for examiining for ddesignn mateerialss of fforeiggn bussinesssman, and rresponnsiblee for desiggn liaaison off the Contrract pprojecct.9.2.4 TThe deesigneer shaall bee respponsibble foor revvisionn or ssuppleement to thhe misstakess or oomissiion off the desiggn doccumentts. Thhe dessignerr shalll be free of thhe dessign cchargee of lloss ppart bbesidees remmediall meassures takenn for casuaalty lloss oof connstrucction qualiity caaused by thhe dessignerr due to thhe wroong deesign, and shalll pay compeensatiion mooney ffor thhe empployerr baseed on degreee of loss. Amouunt off comppensattion wwhich is deecidedd by ttwo paartiess throough cconsulltatioon is % off actuual looss.9.2.5 II