法律英语证书(LEC)全国统一考试样题 试卷一 本题为单项选择择题,限时1180分钟。 1. Billl of RRightssa. Domeestic federral leegislaation.b. Legaal prootectiion aggainstt inteerfereence oof rigghts bby priivate indivvidualls.c. A poopularr namee giveen to the ffirst ten aamendmments to thhe U.SS. Connstituution.d. The federral coonstittutionnal prrovisiion whhich ggrantss righhts too statte govvernmeents. 2. Stannding a. Abbrreviattion oof “nootwithhstandding”b. The abiliity too brinng a llawsuiit beccause of a partyys acctual injurry forr whicch thee courrt cann provvide aa remedy.c. The ripenness oof a ccase oor conntroveersy. d. The statuus of a perrson, groupp, or organnizatiion apppeariing ass a “ffriendd of tthe coourt.” 3. Conssideraation a. Proccess oof juddiciall deliiberattion bbeforee rendderingg a deecisioon in a conntesteed casse. b. The lengtthy reecitalls of “boillerplaate” llanguaage apppeariing inn manyy conttractss. c. The induccementt to eenter a conntractt, andd a neecessaary ellementt to pprove the vvalidiity off a coontracct.d. The detriimentaal relliancee of aan offferee. 4. Prommissorry Esttoppell a. A faailuree to pproseccute aa civiil or crimiinal aactionn.b. Poweer to make an offfer tto thee publlic raather than a speecificc indiividuaal.c. Equiitablee docttrine recoggnizedd as ssubstiitute for cconsidderatiion inn somee casees.d. Abillity oof an agentt to bbind aa prinncipall in mmatterrs beyyond tthe sccope ppf ageency. 5. Puniitive Damaggesa. Damaages tto commpensaate foor injjury .b. Civiil dammages meantt to ppunishh the wronggdoer for ccausinng injjury.c. “Nomminal” or miinimall damaages.d. Non-monettary ddamagees, suuch ass an iinjuncction (injuunctivve rellief) or” sspeciffic innjuncttion (injunnctivee reliief) oor “sppecifiic perrformaance” of a contrract oobligaation. 6. Whenn airpplaness fly over your home, are your propeerty rrightss viollated? a. No, neveer. b. Norrmallyy, no, unleess thhe fliights are llow annd freequentt. c. Yess, beccause you oown alll thee air abovee yourr homee, intto outter sppace. d. Norrmallyy, no, baseed on your rightt to qquiet use aand ennjoymeent off the propeerty. 7. Venuuea. The streeet or avenuue wheere a courtthousee can oftenn be ffound.b. Diveersityy of ccitizeenshipp.c. The datess of aa triaal.d. The locattion oof a ttrial. 8. Depoositioon a. A toool off disccoveryy usedd befoore trrial.b. Stattementts madde by a wittness on thhe wittness standd duriing trrial (also knownn as “ttrial testiimony”).c. The posittion aa defeendantt is pplacedd in wwhile waitiing foor a ttrial.d. The courtts reesoluttion oof a ccase. 9. Geneerallyy speaaking, a liimitedd parttnershhip maay be dissoolved by whhich oof thee folllowingg evennts orr occuurrencces? a. By the ffilingg of aa certtificaate off limiited ppartneershipp. b. By a rellocatiion off the partnnershiip. c. By the mmarriaage off a liimitedd parttner. d. By the bbankruuptcy of a generral paartnerr. 10. A ccorporrationn is aa legaal enttity: a. creeated by thhe loccal goovernmment. b. creeated and rrecognnized by ann entrreprenneuriaal ageency. c. mannaged interrnallyy by tthe feederall goveernmennt. d. creeated and rrecognnized by sttate llaw inn mostt casees. 11. Jurrisdicction a. A geeograpphic aarea, used primaarily for ddetermminingg eliggibiliity too votee.b. The preseence oof a ddefenddant iin a sstate wheree he oor shee can be seerved with a summmons or a subpooena.c. The powerr of tthe exxecutiive brranch to ennforcee the judgmments of thhe couurts.d. The powerr and authoority of a courtt or oother body to reender judgmment iin a ccase. 12.Paraalegalla. A seecondaary soource of laaw.b. A laawyers asssistannt.c. One who hholds an addvanceed laww degrree.d. A laaw stuudent. 13. Kirrby Coonstruuctionn Co. in prrepariing itts bidd for the cconstrructioon a nnew hoospitaal recceivedd a quuotatiion off $1200,000 from Katss Inteeriorss Incwho ooffereed to do thhe kittchen work in thhe neww hosppitalThis bid wwas $330,0000 loweer thaan Kirrbys next lowesst bidd for the kkitcheen worrkAs a ressult,KKirby lowerred hiis bidd by $20,0000 beffore ssubmittting it too the hospiital bboardAfterr Kirbby wass awarrded tthe coonstruuctionn bid,aand haad accceptedd Kat''s offfer, KKats presiident discooveredd thatt in hhis prreparaation of thhe quootatioon he had ooverloooked some subsiidiaryy kitcchen iinstalllmentts reqquiredd by tthe pllansImmediaately thereeafterr, Katts Innterioors brrings suit for rrescisssion of thhe conntracttTheyy shouuld(A)succceed,bbecausse of the uunilatteral mistaake(B)not succeeed,unnless Kirbyy kneww or sshouldd havee knowwn of Kat'ss erroor(C)succceed,bbecausse thee misttake wwas ann esseentiall elemment oof thee barggain(D)not succeeed,siince tthe coomputaation mistaake waas anttecedeent too acceeptancce of the bbid 14. In dispuutes oover wwhetheer a ppartneershipp exissts, wwhich of thhe folllowinng is NOT cconsiddered to bee an eessenttial eelemennt? (A) An equall righht in the mmanageement of thhe bussinesss. (B) The shariing off proffits oor lossses. (C) Thee conssultattion oon bussinesss straategy. (D) Joinnt ownnershiip in the bbusineess. 15. Thiis jurrisdicction makess suiccide aa crimme. Jiilly, a dayy tradder, iis desspondeent ovver a faileed marrriagee and catasstrophhic fiinanciial loosses durinng thee receent 2,000 ppoint drop in thhe Nassdaq sstock exchaange. Jillyy wentt up tto thee rooff of hher foourth storyy aparrtmentt buillding and ddecideed to jump off. She llandedd on ttop off two pedesstrianns, Allex annd Jeaan Pieetro, who ccushiooned hher faall annd savved heer liffe. Unnfortuunatelly, Allex annd Jeaan Pieetro wwere sseriouusly iinjureed wheen Jillly crrashedd on ttop off themm.Jilly iis guiilty oof (A) batttery(B) atttempteed murrder(C) atttempteed mannslaugghter(D) reccklesss endaangermment 16. Thee Commmonweaalth oof Dellmarvaa has passeed a llaw thhat prrovidees thaat onlly ressidentts of Delmaarva wwho arre cittizenss of tthe Unnited Statees cann own agricculturral laand inn the statee. Dellp, a citizzen off the Uniteed Staates wwho reesidess in tthe neeighbooring statee of AAgouraa, hass conttracteed witth Barrerra to puurchasse thee lattters farm whichh is llocateed in Delmaarva. Barreera, wwho iss a reesidennt of Delmaarva, has bbeen iinformmed byy his attorrney tthat hhis saales aagreemment wwith DDelp iis nulll andd voidd undeer staate laaw.Which oof thee folllowingg is tthe beest coonstittutionnal arrgumennt to conteest thhe vallidityy of tthe Deelmarvva staatute?(A) Thee Conttract Clausse proohibittion aagainsst a sstate from enactting aany laaw thaat willl imppair tthe obbligattion oof conntractts.(B) Thee Privvilegees andd Immuunitiees Claause oof thee Fourrteentth Ameendmennt.(C) Thee Privvilegees andd Immuunitiees Claause uunder Articcle IVV, Secction 2.(D) Thee natiional propeerty ppower proviision underr Artiicle IIV, Seectionn 3. 17. Aliice iss sittting oon herr fronnt porrch waatchinng herr husbband BBruce,wwho iss mowiing thhe lawwnCarrl,whoo hatees Bruuce buut is a friiend oof Aliices,wwhose preseence iis knoown too him,ddraws a pisstol aand thhreateens too killl BrucceAliice,whho is pregnnant,SSufferrs sevvere eemotioonal ddistreess ass a reesult of thhe traauma aand sooon affterwaards hhas a miscaarriaggeIn an aactionn by AAlice againnst Caarl foor menntal aanguissh ressultinng in her mmiscarrriagee,Alicce willl(A)losee,becaause CCarl ddid noot knoow thaat Aliice waas preegnantt(B)win,bbecausse it is hiighly probaable tthat CCarlss extrreme aand ouutrageeous cconducct wouuld caause eemotioonal ddistreess too Alicce(C)losee,becaause CCarl'ss actiions wwere ddirectted aggainstt Brucce,so only Brucee may recovver foor emootionaal disstresss(D)win,bbecausse shee is BBruce''s wiffe 18. Clyyde Coooch, a proominennt juddge, llived next door to Leester BiggssReceently Judgee Coocch hadd senttencedd Lestter Biiggs' son, Dopeyy, to six mmonthss in pprisonn on aa narccoticss charrgeOnne aftternooon whiile juudge CCooch was mmowingg his lawn,LLesterr deciided tto aveenge hhis soon's cconvicctionLesteer sett up hhis waater ssprinkkler bbehindd somee shruubberyy sepaaratinng theeir addjoiniing prroperttiesAAs thee judgge wass mowiing hiis lawwn andd camee withhin reeach oof thee wateer sprrinkleer, Leester turneed on the ssprinkkling devicce,andd doussed thhe juddge wiith waaterJudge CCooch wouldd be aable tto reccover againnst Leester for wwhich of thhe folllowinng torrt(s):(A) neggligennce(B) batttery(C) asssault and bbatterry(D) batttery and ttrespaass 19. Casssie aand heer fouur-yeaar-oldd son,NNoah,wwere CChristtmas sshoppiing att F.A.O. Scchwarttz Toyy Storre in midtoown MaanhatttanF.A.O. Schwaartz,wwhich operaates oone off New York''s larrgest retaiil toyy storres,seells aa compplete arrayy of ttoys,ggames,ddolls,hhobbiees andd crafftsThhe iteerns wwere ddisplaayed oon a vvarietty of tablees andd shellves wwhich were easilly acccessibble too the custoomersWhilee Casssie waas wallking down one oof thee aislles,heer atttentioon beccame ffocuseed on a "Hoowdy DDoody” doll that was pprominnentlyy exhiibitedd on aan oveerheadd dispplay sshelfWhen Cassiie appproachhed thhe dolll dissplay, she reachhed upp to ggrab tthe "HHowdy Doodyy" dolllAs she ddid soo, Casssie ffailedd to ssee a “Bufffalo BBob” ddoll llying on thhe flooorShhe triipped over the ddoll aand feell doown, ffractuuring her hhipIf Casssie asssertss a cllaim aagainsst F.AA.O. SSchwarrtz foor herr injuuries,wwill tthe dooctrinne of res iipsa lloquittur bee appllicablle on the iissue of thhe toyy storre's lliabillity?(A)Yes,bbecausse Casssie wwas a businness iinviteee on the ppremisses off the toy sstore(B)Yes,bbecausse F.AA.O. SSchwarrfz waas in contrrol off the premiises aat thee timee of tthe acccidennt(C)No, becauuse thhe "Buuffaloo Bob"" dolll may have been disloodged by annotherr custtomer(D)No,uunlesss the “Bufffalo BBob” ddoll hhad beeen diisplayyed onn the edge of thhe sheelf inn a neegligeent maanner by onne of F.A.O. Scchwarttz's eemployyees 20. Amoos is the oowner in feee simmple oof Blaackacrre. a 7-acrre traact, oon whiich hee mainntainss a dwwellinng houuse foor himmself and hhis faamilyAdjoiining Blackkacre is Whhiteaccre,a 10-accre trract,oowned by AnndyInn ordeer to gain accesss to the hhighwaay, Ammos haas an easemment tto crooss ovver WhhiteaccreAmos haas reccentlyy purcchasedd Greeenacree,a 122-acree tracct,whiich abbuts WWhiteaacre bbut iss not appurrtenannt to Blackkacre. Amoss has begunn consstructting aa farmmhousee on GGreenaacre aand iss usinng thee exissting easemment (acrosss Whiiteacrre) too gainn acceess too the 12-accre trractAAmos hhas neever rreceivved peermisssion ffrom AAndy tto usee the road acrosss Whiiteacrre to gain accesss to GreennacreIn an aapproppriatee actiion byy Andyy to eenjoinn Amoss fromm usinng thee exissting easemment tto gaiin acccess tto Greeenacrre,thee plaiintifff willl mostt likeely(A)succceed,bbecausse Amoos is makinng usee of tthe seerviennt tennementt beyoond thhe scoope annd exttent oof thee easeement as itt was origiinallyy creaated(B)succceed,bbecausse Amoos hass no rright to usse thee servvient tenemment iin connnectiion wiith a tractt of lland wwhich is noot parrt of the ddominaant teenemennt(C)not succeeed,beecausee Amoss has an eaasemennt by necesssity(D)not succeeed,beecausee Amoss has a rigght too use the eeasemeent inn a maanner not iinconssistennt witth thee righhts off the ownerr of tthe seerviennt tennementt 试卷二 本题包括翻译、写写作两部分,共共限时1800分钟1 Transslatioon(1)Pleaase trranslaate thhe folllowinng parragrapph intto Engglish 根据中国银监会会的资料,截截至20044年12月331日,中国国境内共有112家持有全全国性银行执执照的股份制制商业银行。截截至同一日期期,就总资产产规模而言,本本银行是这些些银行中最大大的。一般而而言,股份制制商业银行的的股东架构各各不相同,包包括(但不限限于)当地政政府实体及国国有企业。这这些股份制商商业银行大多多数是在八十十年代后期和和九十年代初初期组建,整整体市场份额额逐年增加,而而四大银行的的市场份额逐逐年下降。根根据中国银监监会的资料,截截至20044年12月331日,这些些银行占中国国金融机构总总资产约144.9%。 (2) Pleease ttransllate tthe foollowiing paaragraaph innto Chhinesee 2-202. Finall Writtten EExpresssion: Parool or Extriinsic Evideence.Terms wwith rrespecct to whichh the confiirmatoory meemorannda off the partiies aggree oor whiich arre othherwisse sett fortth in a wriiting intennded bby thee partties aas a ffinal expreessionn of ttheir agreeement with respeect too suchh termms as are iincludded thhereinn may not bbe conntradiicted by evvidencce of any pprior agreeement or off a coontempporaneeous ooral aagreemment bbut maay be explaained or suupplemmentedd (a) by coursse of dealiing orr usagge of tradee (Secction 1-2055) or by coourse of peerformmance (Secttion 22-208); andd (b) by evideence oof connsisteent addditioonal tterms unlesss thee courrt finnds thhe wriiting to haave beeen inntendeed alsso as a commpletee and excluusive stateement of thhe terrms off the agreeement . 2 WritiingSupposee you were Mariee Lin, a laawyer of SHHICHENNG LAWW FIRMM, youu havee knowwn thaat Maxx Chenn wantts to retaiin a llegal consuultingg firmm fromm a frriend. Noww, pleease wwrite a lettter tto Maxx Chenn, perrsuadee him to chhoose your law ffirm. You also send him yyour ffirm bbrochuure. Max Cheens aaddresss: ABBC corrporattion, Cyberr Toweer, Suuite 1119, HHaidiaan, Beeijingg, Chiina. Please pay mmore aattenttion tto forrmat oof youur lettter.