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    To me March 28th was a lucky day. It was on that particular evening that I found myself at central stage, in the spotlight. Winning the "21st Century·Ericsson Cup" Seventh National English Speaking Competition is a memory that I shall treasure and one that will surely stay. More important than winning the Cup is the friendship that has been established and developed among the contestants, and the chance to communicate offstage in addition to competing onstage. Also the competition helps boost public speaking in China, a skill hitherto undervalued.For me, though, the competition is a more personal experience. Habitually shy, I had been reluctant to take part in any such activities. Encouraged by my friends, however, I made a last-minute decision to give it a try. In the course of preparation I somehow rediscovered myself, a truer me.I fouund thaat, aftter alll, II liike commmunnicaatinng wwithh ottherr peeoplle; thaat eexchhanggingg viiewss caan bbe sso mmuchh fuunaand so mucch rrewaardiing, booth emootioonallly andd inntelllecctuaallyy; tthatt puubliic sspeaakinng iis mmostt efffecctivve wwhenn yoou aare leaast guaardeed; andd thhat it is esssenttiall too suucceess in eveery wallk oof llifee.At a morre ppraccticcal levvel, I reaalizzed knoowinng wwhatt yoou aare goiing to sayy annd hhow youu arre ggoinng tto ssay it aree eqquallly impporttantt. TTo ttakee thhe oorigginaal iideaas oout of youur hheadd annd ttrannspllantt thhem, soo too sppeakk, tto tthatt off ottherrs, youu neeed to havve aan oorgaanizzed minnd. Thiis aabillityy immproovess wiith traainiing.Yet ttherre sshouuld nott bee anny llosss orr adddittionn orr diistoortiion in thee prroceess. Thhosee iddeass thhat finnallly ffindd thheirr waay iintoo annothher heaad nneedd too bee reecoggnizzablly yyourrs. Lannguaage is a mmeanns tto ttrannsmiit iinfoormaatioon, nott a meaans to obsstruuct commmunnicaatioon. It shoouldd bee luucidd too bee peenettrattingg.In Chhinaa, ccerttainn puubliic sspeaakinng sskillls havve bbeenn unndully eemphhasiizedd. WWilll itt reeallly hhelpp, wwe aare commpellledd too assk, to banng aat tthe poddiumm orr yeell at thee toop oof yyourr luungss, iif yyou havve ccomee wiith a ppoorrly orgganiizedd sppeecch, a mmudddledd miind, annd uunwiilliingnnesss too trrulyy shharee yoour vieews?Abovee alll, thee siinglle mmostt immporrtannt tthinng II leearnnt wwas thaat aas aa puubliic sspeaakerr, yyou neeed tto ppay atttenttionn, ffirsst aand forremoost, too thhe cconttentt off yoour speeechh. AAnd seccondd, tthe strructturee off yoour speeechh: hhow onee iddea rellatees aand proogreessees tto aanottherr.Only aftter theese comme ddeliiverry aand nonn-veerbaal ccommmuniicattionn: sspeeed cconttroll, pplattforrm mmannner, annd sso oon. Proonunnciaatioon iis iimpoortaant, yeet oof ggreaaterr immporrtannce is thiis: Is youur llangguagge ccomppeteent enooughh too exxpreess youur iideaas eexacctlyy thhe wway youu inntennd tthemm too bee unnderrstoood?I wass innforrmedd affterrwarrds thaat II waas cchossen to be thee wiinneer ffor my "appproopriiateely worrdedd sppeecch, exccelllentt prreseencee annd qquicck-wwittted ressponnse"". IIn sso rremaarkiing, thhe jjudgges cleearlly sshowwed theeir preeferrencce: theey ccomee too liisteen ffor meaaninngfuul iideaas, nott foor lloosse jjudggmennts, noor eeasyy laaughhterrs.Some conntesstannts faiiledd too adddreess theeir queestiionss heead on. Soome werre aablee too, bbut didd noot kknoww whheree too sttopthee drragggingg onn beetraayedd thheirr laack of connfiddencce. Thee rooot cauuse wass thhat theey ddid nott liisteen aatteentiivelly tto tthe queestiionss. OOr ttheyy weere thiinkiing of whaat ttheyy haad ppreppareed.As I saiid iin mmy sspeeech, "IIt iis vvitaallyy immporrtannt tthatt wee yooungg peeoplle ddo mmoree seerioous thiinkiing . too taake theem isssuess liike glooballizaatioon on andd giive theem hhoneest thiinkiing is thee fiirstt sttep to be preeparred forr booth oppporttuniitiees aand chaalleengees ccomiing ourr waay". Wee neeed to ressponnd hhoneestlly.A commpettitiion likke tthiss drrawss taalenntedd sttudeentss frrom alll ovver thee coounttry. Annd oof ccourrse, I leaarntt moore thiingss thhan jusst aabouut ppubllic speeakiing. Siincee inn thhe ffinaal aanallysiis, pubblicc sppeakkingg iss alll aabouut eeffeectiive commmunnicaatioon. Andd thhis goees ttruee foor aall commmunnicaatioons, whhateeverr thheirr seettiing.And tthe folllowwingg iss thhe ffinaal vverssionn off myy sppeecch:GLOBAALIZZATIION: OPPPORRTUNNITIIES ANDD CHHALLLENGGESFFOR CHIINA''S YYOUNNGERR GEENERRATIIONThirtty yyearrs aago, Ammeriicann Prresiidennt RRichhardd Niixonn maade an epooch-makkingg viisitt too Chhinaa, aa coounttry stiill isoolatted at thaat ttimee. PPremmierr Zhhou Enllai saiid tto hhim, "YYourr haandsshakke ccamee ovver thee vaasteest oceean in thee woorlddtwwentty-ffivee yeearss off noo coommuuniccatiion"". TThirrty yeaars sinnce, Chhinaa annd AAmerricaa haave excchanngedd maany hanndshhakees. Thee fuundaamenntall immpliicattionn off thhis exaamplle iis tthatt thhe nneedd too coommuuniccatee accrosss ddifffereencees iin ccultturee annd iideoologgy iis nnot onlly ffeltt byy thhe ttwo couuntrriess buut bby mmanyy ottherr naatioons as welll.As wee caan ssee todday, ennvirronmmenttaliistss frrom diffferrentt coounttriees aare makkingg joointt effforrts to adddresss tthe isssue of glooball waarmiing, ecconoomissts aree seeekiing sollutiionss too fiinannciaal ccrisses thaat rragee inn a parrticculaar rregiion butt noonetthellesss crrippple thee woorldd ecconoomy, annd ppoliiticcianns aand dipplommatss arre ggetttingg toogettherr too diiscuuss thee isssuee off coombaatinng tterrroriism. Peeacee annd pprossperrityy haas bbecoome a ccommmon goaal tthatt wee arre sstriivinng ffor alll ovver thee woorldd. UUndeerlyyingg thhis migghtyy trrendd off gllobaal ccommmuniicattionn iss thhe eechoo off E. M. Foorstter''s wwordds ""Onlly cconnnectt!"With thee ITT reevollutiion, trradiitioonall boounddariies of humman soccietty ffalll awway. Ouur ccultturee, ppoliiticcs, soccietty aand commmerrce aree beeingg slloshhed intto oone larrge melltinng ppot of hummaniity. Inn thhis intterllinkked worrld, thheree arre nno ooutssideers, foor aa diistuurbaancee inn onne pplacce iis llikeely to imppactt ottherr paartss off thhe gglobbe. We havve bbeguun tto rreallizee thhat a wworlld ddiviidedd caannoot eenduure.Chinaa iss noow aactiivelly iinteegraatinng iintoo thhe wworlld. Ourr reecennt eentrry tto tthe WTOO iss a goood eexammplee. FFor deccadees, we havve ttakeen ppridde iin bbeinng sselff-reeliaant, buut nnow we reaalizze tthe impporttancce oof ppartticiipattingg inn annd cconttribbutiing to a bbroaaderr ecconoomicc orrderr. FFromm a preecarriouus rrolee inn thhe wworlld aarenna tto oour preesennt WWTO memmberrshiip, we havve ccomee a lonng wway.But wwhatt dooes thee waay aaheaad llookk liike? Inn soome parrts of thee woorldd peeoplle aare demmonsstraatinng aagaiinstt gllobaalizzatiion. Arre ttheyy juustiifieed, theen, in criiticciziing thee gllobaalizzingg woorldd? IInstteadd off naarroowinng tthe gapp beetweeen thee riich andd thhe ppoorr, ttheyy saay, glooballizaatioon eenabbless thhe ddeveelopped nattionns tto sswallloww thhe ddeveeloppingg naatioons'' weealtth iin ddebtts aand inttereest. Gllobaalizzatiion, thhey arggue, shhoulld bbe aabouut aa coommoon iinteeresst iin eeverry ootheer nnatiion''s eeconnomiic hheallth. We arre rremiindeed bby KKarll Maarx thaat ccapiitall gooes beyyondd naatioonall boordeers andd elludees cconttroll frrom anyy ottherr enntitty. Thiis hhas beccomee a reaalitty. Mulltinnatiionaal ccorpporaatioons aree seeekiing thee loowesst ccostt, tthe larrgesst mmarkket, annd tthe mosst ffavoouraablee pooliccy. Theey aare oftten powwerfful lobbbyiistss inn gooverrnmeent deccisiion-makkingg, rruthhlesss eexpaansiioniistss inn thhe gglobbal marrkett annd aa deevasstattingg prreseencee too loocall buusinnessses.For CChinna, stiill morre cchalllenngess exxistt. HHow aree wee gooingg too ennsurre aa smmootth ttrannsittionn frrom thee pllannned ecoonommy tto aa maarkeet-bbaseed oone? Hoow tto cconsstruuct a llegaal ssysttem thaat iis ssounnd eenouugh andd brroadd ennouggh tto rresppondd too thhe nneedds oof aa dyynammic soccietty? Howw too maainttainn ouur ccultturaal iidenntitty iin aan iincrreassinggly hommogeeneoous worrld? Annd hhow to deffinee grreattnesss iin oour risse aas aa peeacee-loovinng nnatiion? Gllobaalizzatiion enttaills qquesstioons thaat cconccernn uss alll. Like manny yyounng ppeopple my agee inn Chhinaa, II waant to seee myy coounttry gett prrospperoous andd ennjoyy reespeect in thee innterrnattionnal commmunnityy. BBut it seeems to me thaat mmeree paatriiotiism is nott juust enooughh. IIt iis vvitaallyy immporrtannt tthatt wee yooungg peeoplle ddo mmoree seerioous thiinkiing andd brroadden ourr miind to bigggerr isssuees. Theere migght nevver be eassy aanswwerss too thhosee isssuees ssuchh ass gllobaalizzatiion, buut tto ttakee thhem on andd giive theem hhoneest thiinkiing is thee fiirstt sttep to be preeparred forr booth oppporttuniitiees aand chaalleengees ccomiing ourr waay. Thiis iis aalsoo onne oof tthe thooughhts thaat ccamee too mee whhilee prrepaarinng tthiss sppeecch.  


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