MBA专业术语汇总AAbiliity-tto-paay prrinciiple 能力纳税税原则The iidea thatt taxxes sshoulld bee levvied on aa perrson accoordinng too howw welll thhat ppersoon caan shhouldder tthe bburdeen Absollute advaantagge 绝对对优势The ccompaarisoon ammong prodducerrs off a ggood accoordinng too theeir pproduuctivvity Aggreegatee-demmand curvve 总需需求曲线A currve tthat showws thhe quuantiity oof gooods and servvicess thaat hoousehholdss, fiirms, andd thee govvernmment wantt to buy at aany ppricee levvelAggreegatee-suppply curvve 总供供给曲线A currve tthat showws thhe quuantiity oof gooods and servvicess thaat fiirms chooose tto prroducce annd seell aat anny leevel Appreeciattion 升值An inncreaase iin thhe vaalue of aa currrenccy ass meaasureed byy thee amoount of fforeiign ccurreency it ccan bbuy Autommaticc staabiliizerss 自动稳稳定器Changges iin fiiscall pollicy thatt stiimulaate aaggreegatee demmand whenn thee ecoonomyy goees innto aa reccessiion wwithoout ppoliccymakkers haviing tto taake aany ddelibberatte acctionn Averaage ffixedd cosst 平均均固定成本本Fixedd cossts ddividded bby thhe quuantiity oof ouutputt Averaage rrevennue 平平均收益Totall revvenuee divvidedd by the quanntityy solld Averaage ttax rrate 平均税率率Totall taxxes ppaid diviided by ttotall inccome Averaage ttotall cosst 平均均总成本Totall cosst diivideed byy thee quaantitty off outtput Averaage vvariaable costt 平均可可变成本Variaabless cossts ddividded bby thhe quuantiity oof ouutputt Accellerattor 加加速数the eeffecct onn GDPP of the incrreasee in inveestmeent tthat resuults fromm an incrreasee in outpput. For insttancee, thhe grreateer ouutputt leaads aa firrm too bellievee thaat thhe deemandd forr itss prooductts wiill rrise in tthe ffuturre; tthe rresulltingg inccreasse inn invvestmment leadds too groowth in ooutpuut annd sttill furtther incrreasees inn invvestmment, acccelerratinng thhe exxpanssion of tthe eeconoomy Acquiired endoowmennts 后后天禀赋 resouurcess a ccounttry bbuildds foor ittselff, liike aa nettworkk of roadds orr an educcatedd poppulattion Adapttive expeectattionss 适应性性预期expecctatiions baseed onn thee exttrapoolatiion oof evventss in the receent ppast intoo thee futture aggreegatee exppendiiturees sccheduule 总总支出曲线线a currve tthat tracces oout tthe rrelattionsship betwween expeenditturess-thhe suum off connsumpptionn, innvesttmentt, goovernnmentt exppendiiturees, aand nnet eexporrts-and the natiionall inccome, at a fiixed pricce leevel antittrustt lawws 反托托拉斯法laws thatt disscourrage monoopolyy andd resstricctivee praacticces aand eencouuragee greeaterr commpetiitionn arbittragee 套利the pproceess bby whhich asseets wwith compparabble rrisk, liqquidiity, and tax treaatmennt arre prricedd to yielld coomparrablee exppecteed reeturnns adverrse sselecctionn 逆向选选择princciplee thaat saays tthat thosse whho moost wwant to bbuy iinsurrancee tennd too be thosse moost aat riisk, but charrgingg a hhigh pricce foor innsuraance (to coveer thhe hiigh rrisk)willl disscourrage thosse att lesss riisk ffrom buyiing iinsurrancee at all assett 资产any iitem thatt is longg-livved, purcchaseed foor thhe seervicce itt rennderss oveer itts liife aand ffor wwhat one willl recceivee wheen onne seells it assisstancce inn kinnd 实物物援助publiic asssisttancee thaat prroviddes ppartiiculaar gooods and servvicess, liike ffood or mmediccal ccare, ratther thann cassh asymmmetriic innformmatioon 信息息不对称a sittuatiion iin whhich the partties to aa traansacctionn havve diifferrent infoormattion, as whenn thee selller or aa useed caar haas moore iinforrmatiion aaboutt itss quaalityy theen thhe buuyer autonnomouus coonsummptioon 自主主消费that partt of conssumpttion thatt doees noot deependd on incoome averaage ccostss 平均成成本the ttotall cossts ddividded bby thhe tootal outpput averaage pproduuctivvity 平均产量量totall quaantitty diivideed byy thee tottal qquanttity of iinputt B Beneefitss priincipple 受受益原则 The ideaa thaat peeoplee shoould pay taxees baased on tthe bbeneffits theyy recceivee froom goovernnmentt serrvicees Bondd 债券 A ceertifficatte off inddebteednesss Budgget cconsttrainnt 预算算约束 The limiit onn thee connsumpptionn bunndless thaat a conssumerr cann affford Budgget ddeficcit 预预算赤字 An eexcesss off govvernmment spenndingg oveer goovernnmentt recceiptts Budgget ssurpllus 预预算盈余 An eexcesss off govvernmment receeiptss oveer goovernnmentt speendinn barrrierss to entrry 进入入障碍 facttors thatt preeventt firrms ffrom enteeringg a mmarkeet, ssuch as ggoverrnmennt ruules or ppatennts basiic coompettitivve moodel 基本竞争争模型 the modeel off thee ecoonomyy thaat puulls togeetherr thee asssumpttionss of selff-intteressted conssumerrs, pprofiit maaximiizingg firrms, and perffectlly coompettitivve maarketts bequuest saviings motiive 储储蓄的遗产产动机 peopple ssave so tthat theyy cann leaave aan innheriitancce too theeir cchilddren Berttrandd commpetiitionn 伯特兰兰竞争 an ooligoopolyy in whicch eaach ffirm beliievess thaat itts riivalss aree commmittted tto keeepinng thheir pricces ffixedd andd thaat cuustommers can be lluredd awaay byy offferinng loower pricces bilaateraal trrade 双边贸易易 tradde beetweeen twwo paartiees boomm 繁荣 a peeriodd of timee wheen reesourrces are beinng fuully usedd andd GDPP is growwing steaadilyy CCapittal 资资本The eequippmentt andd strructuures usedd to prodduce goodds annd seervicces Capittal fflighht 资本本外流A larrge aand ssuddeen reeducttion in tthe ddemannd foor asssetss loccatedd in a coountrry Carteel 卡特特尔A grooup oof fiirms actiing iin unnisonn Catchh-up effeect 追追赶效应The ppropeerty thatt couuntriies tthat starrt offf pooor ttend to ggrow moree rappidlyy thaan coountrries thatt staart ooff rrich Centrral bbank 中央银行行An innstittutioon deesignned tto ovverseee thhe baankinng syystemm andd reggulatte thhe quuantiity oof mooney in tthe eeconoomy Ceterris pparibbus 其其它条件相相同A Lattin pphrasse, ttransslateed ass 'otther thinngs bbeingg equual,'' useed ass a rreminnder thatt alll varriablles ootherr thaan thhe onnes bbeingg stuudiedd aree asssumedd to be cconsttant Circuular-floww diaagramm 循环流流向图A vissual modeel off thee ecoonomyy thaat shhows how dolllars floww thrroughh marrketss amoong hhouseeholdds annd fiirms Classsicall dicchotoomy 古古典二分法法The ttheorreticcal sseparratioon off nomminall andd reaal vaariabbles Closeed ecconommy 封闭闭经济An ecconommy thhat ddoes not inteeractt witth otther econnomiees inn thee worrld Coasee theeoremm 科斯定定理The ppropoositiion tthat if pprivaate ppartiies ccan bbargaain wwithoout ccost overr thee alllocattion of rresouurcess, thhey ccan ssolvee thee prooblemm of exteernallitiees onn theeir oown Colleectivve baargaiiningg 集体谈谈判The pproceess bby whhich unioons aand ffirmss agrree oon thhe teerms of eemplooymennt Colluusionn 勾结An aggreemment amonng fiirms in aa marrket abouut quuantiitiess to prodduce or ppricees too chaarge Commoodityy monney 商商品货币Moneyy thaat taakes the formm of a coommoddity withh inttrinssic vvaluee Commoon reesourrces 共有资源源Goodss thaat arre riival but not exclludabble Compaarablle woorth 同工同酬酬A docctrinne acccordding to wwhichh jobbs deeemedd commparaable shouuld bbe paaid tthe ssame wagee Compaaratiive aadvanntagee 比较优优势The ccompaarisoon ammong prodducerrs off a ggood accoordinng too theeir oopporrtuniity ccost Compeensatting wagee difffereentiaal 补偿偿性工资差差别A difffereence in wwagess thaat arrisess to offsset tthe nnonmoonetaary ccharaacterristiics oof diifferrent jobss Compeetitiive mmarkeet 竞争争市场A marrket withh manny buuyerss andd selllerss traadingg ideenticcal pproduucts so tthat eachh buyyer aand sselleer iss a ppricee takker Compllemennts 互互补品Two ggoodss forr whiich aan inncreaase iin thhe prrice of oone ggood leadds too a ddecreease in tthe ddemannd foor thhe otther goodd Consttant retuurns to sscalee 规模收收益不变The ppropeerty thatt lonng-ruun avveragge tootal costt staays tthe ssame as tthe qquanttity of ooutpuut chhangees Consuumer pricce inndex 消费物价价指数A meaasuree of the overrall costt of the goodds annd seervicces bboughht byy a ttypiccal cconsuumer Consuumer surpplus 消费者剩剩余A buyyer'ss willlinggnesss to pay minuus thhe ammountt thee buyyer aactuaally payss Consuumptiion 消消费Spendding by hhouseeholdds onn gooods aand sserviices, witth thhe exxcepttion of ppurchhasess of new houssing Cost 成本The vvaluee of everrythiing aa selller mustt givve upp to prodduce a goood Cost-beneefit anallysiss 成本收益分析析A stuudy tthat compparess thee cossts aand bbeneffits to ssocieety oof prrovidding a puublicc goood Crowdding-out effeect 挤挤出效应TThe ooffseet inn agggregaate ddemannd thhat rresullts wwhen expaansioonaryy fisscal poliicy rraisees thhe inntereest rrate and therreby reduuces inveestmeent sspendding Curreency 通货The ppaperr billls aand ccoinss in the handds off thee pubblic Cycliical unemmployymentt 周期性性失业The ddeviaationn of unemmployymentt froom itts naaturaal raate capittal ggain 资本增值值the iincreease in tthe vvaluee of an aassett bettweenn thee timme itt is purcchaseed annd thhe tiime iit iss solld capittal mmarkeet 资本本市场the mmarkeet inn whiich ssavinngs aare mmade avaiilablle too invvestoors categgoriccal aassisstancce 分类类帮助publiic asssisttancee aimmed aat a partticullar ccateggory of ppeoplle, llike the eldeerly or tthe ddisabbled causaationn 因果关关系relattionsship thatt ressultss wheen ann chaange in oone vvariaable is nnot oonly corrrelatted wwith but actuuallyy cauuses the channge iin annotheer onne centrral pplannning 中央计划划the ssysteem inn whiich ccentrral ggoverrnmennt buureauucratts (aas oppposeed too priivatee enttreprreneuurs oor evven llocall govvernmment bureeaucrrats) dettermiine wwhat willl be prodducedd an how it wwill be pproduuced centrralizzatioon 集权权organnizattionaal sttructture in wwhichh deccisioon maakingg is conccentrratedd at the top centrrallyy plaannedd ecoonomyy 中央计计划经济an ecconommy inn whiich mmost deciisionns abbout resoourcee alllocattion are madee by the centtral goveernmeent certiificaate oof deeposiit (CCD) 存存单accouunt iin whhich moneey iss deppositted ffor aa preeset lenggth oof tiime, thatt musst yiield a sllighttly hhigheer reeturnn to comppensaate ffor tthe rreducced lliquiidityy circuular floww 循环流流程how ffundss movve thhrouggh thhe caapitaal, llaborr, annd prroducct maarketts beetweeen hoousehholdss, fiirms, thee govvernmment, andd thee forreignn secctor classsicall ecoonomiists 古典经济济学家econoomistts prrevallent befoore tthe GGreatt Deppresssion who beliievedd thaat thhe baasic comppetittive modeel prrovidded aa goood deescriiptioon off thee ecoonomyy andd thaat iff shoort pperioods oof unnemplloymeent ddid ooccurr, maarkett forrces woulld quuicklly reestorre thhe ecconommy too fulll emmployymentt classsicall uneemplooymennt 古典典失业unempploymment thatt ressultss froom tooo-hiigh rreal wagees; iit occcurss in the suppply cconsttrainned eequillibriium, so tthat righhtwarrds sshiftts inn agggregaate ssupplly reeducee thee levvel oof unnemplloymeent compeetitiive eequillibriium ppricee 竞争性性均衡价格格the ppricee at whicch thhe quuantiity ssuppllied and the quanntityy demmandeed arre eqqual to eeach otheerconsuumer prottectiion llegisslatiion 消消费者保护护法laws aimeed att prootectting conssumerrs, ffor iinstaance by aassurring thatt connsumeers hhave moree commplette innformmatioon abbout itemms thhey aare cconsiideriing bbuyinng consuumer soveereiggnty 消费者权权益the pprincciplee thaat hoolds thatt eacch inndiviiduall is the bestt juddge oof whhat mmakess himm bettter off consuumptiion ffuncttion 消费函数数the rrelattionsship betwween dispposabble iincomme annd coonsummptioon contiingenncy cclausses 应应变条款stateementts wiithinn a ccontrract thatt makke thhe leevel of ppaymeent oor thhe woork tto bee perrformmed ccondiitionnal uupon variious facttors corpooratee inccome tax 公司所得得税a taxx bassed oon thhe inncomee, orr proofit, recceiveed byy a ccorpooratiion correelatiion 相相关relattionsship thatt ressultss wheen a channge iin onne vaariabble iis coonsisstenttly aassocciateed wiith aa chaange in aanothher oone cost-pushh infflatiion 成成本推动型型通货膨胀胀inflaationn whoose iinitiial ccausee is a riise iin prroducctionn cossts Cournnot ccompeetitiion 古古诺竞争an olligoppoly in wwhichh eacch fiirm bbelieeves thatt itss rivvals are commmitteed too a ccertaain llevell of prodductiion aand tthat rivaals wwill reduuce ttheirr priices as nneedeed too selll thhat aamounnt credeentiaals ccompeetitiion 文文凭竞争the ttrendd in whicch prrospeectivve woorkerrs accquirre hiigherr eduucatiionall creedenttialss, noot soo mucch beecausse off anyythinng thhey aactuaally learrn inn thee proocesss butt to convvincee pottentiial eemplooyerss to hiree theem byy siggnaliing tthat theyy willl bee morre prroducctivee empployeees tthan thosse wiith wweakeer crredenntialls crediit coonstrraintt efffect 信贷约束束效应when pricces ffall, firrms' reveenuess alsso faall, but the moneey thhey oowe ccrediitorss remmainss uncchangged; as aa ressult, firrms hhave feweer fuunds of ttheirr ownn to inveest. Becaause of ccrediit raationning, firrms ccannoot maake uup thhe diifferrencee; acccorddinglly, iinvesstmennt deecreaases crediit raationning 信贷配给给crediit iss rattioneed whhen nno leenderr is willling to mmake a looan tto a borrrowerr or the amouunt llendeers aare wwilliing tto leend tto boorrowwers is llimitted, evenn if the borrrowerr is willling to ppay mmore thann othher bborroowerss of compparabble rrisk who are gettting loanns crosss subbsidiizatiion 交交叉补贴the ppracttice of cchargging highher ppricees too onee grooup oof coonsummers in oorderr to subssidizze loower pricces ffor aanothher ggroupp DDeadwweighht looss 无无谓损失The rreducctionn in totaal suurpluus thhat rresullts ffrom a taax Demannd cuurve 需求曲线线A graaph oof thhe reelatiionshhip bbetweeen tthe ppricee of a goood aand tthe qquanttity demaandedd Demannd deeposiits 活活期存款Balannces in bbank accoountss thaat deeposiitorss cann acccess on ddemannd byy wriitingg a ccheckk Demannd sccheduule 需需求表A tabble tthat showws thhe reelatiionshhip bbetweeen tthe ppricee of a goood aand tthe qquanttity demaandedd Depreeciattion 贬值A deccreasse inn thee vallue oof a currrencyy as meassuredd by the amouunt oof fooreiggn cuurrenncy iit caan