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附录一:全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试各专业类别及各等级样题及答案第1部分:词汇选选项 (第11155题,每每题l分分,共11 5分分) 下下面共有有l5个个句子,每每个句子子中均有有1个词词或短语语划有底底横线,请请从每个个句子后后面所给给的4个个选项中中选择ll个与划划线部分分意义最最相近的的词或短短语。答答案一律律涂在答答题卡相相应的位位置上。l Theere aree a limmiteed nnumbber of boooks on thiis ssubjjectt inn thhe llibrraryy. A llargge BB tootall C ssmalllD ssimiilarr2 Howw doo yoouacccouunt forr yoour abssencce ffromm thhe cclasss llastt Thhurssdayy? A eexpllainn B eexamminee C cchoooseDD exxpannd3 Theey hhad a ffar bettterr yiieldd thhan anyy ottherr faarm milles arooundd thhis yeaar. A ggoodds BB sooil C cclimmateeD hharvvestt4 Thee toown is fammouss foor iits maggnifficeent chuurchh toowerrs. A aanciientt B oldd C mmodeern D sspleendiid5 Havve yyou gott a spaare penn? A aa shhortt B aan eextrra C aa thhinDD a lonng6 Whaat wweree thhe cconssequuencces of thee deecissionn shhe hhad madde? A rreassonss B ressultts C ccausses D basses 7 Theey ddidnn't reaalizze hhow serriouus tthe proobleem wwas. A kknoww B forrgett C ddoubbt D remmembber 8 We shaall keeep tthe monney in a ssecuure plaace. A ccleaan BB seecreet C ddisttantt D saffe9 Thee grreatt chhangges of thee ciity asttoniisheed eeverry vvisiitorr too thhat citty. A aattaackeed BB suurprriseed C aattrractted DD innterrestted10 Thhe ccityy haas ddeciidedd too doo awway witth aall thee olld bbuilldinngs in itss ceentrre. A gget ridd off B sett upp C rrepaair D ppainnt11 Arrgummentt ammongg thhe sspeaakerrs aat tthe connferrencce iis bbordderiing on vioolennce. A iis cclosse tto BB iss beesidde C iis nnextt too D is aloongssidee12 Weeconnsumme aa loot mmoree thhan we aree abble to prooducce. A wwastte BB buuy C uuse D sselll13 Shhe ooverrcamme hher iniitiaal sshynnesss annd rreallly enjjoyeed tthe eveeninn9. A ccomiing B begginnningg C hhapppeniing D eexisstinng14 Thhe ffoottballl tteamm,foor tthe mosst ppartt,weere connfiddentt off wiinniing thee maatchh. A mosstlyy B parrtlyy C oonlyy D reaallyy 15 I wonnderr whhat youur aaim in liffe iis. A aattiituddeB syymbool C ggoall D acttionn第2部分:阅读判判断(第166222题,每每题l分分,共77分) 阅阅读下面面这篇短短文,短短文后列列出了77个句子子,请根根据短文文的内容容对每个个句子做做出判断。如果该该句提供供的是正正确信息息,请在在答题卡卡上把AA涂黑;如果该该句提供供的是错错误信息,请在答答题卡上上把B涂涂黑;如如果该句句的信息息文章中中没有提提及,请请在答题题卡上把把C涂黑黑。Hercuuless OOncee uppon a ttimee thheree waas aa grreatt Grreekk heer0,HHercculees. He wass taalleer aandsstroongeer tthann annyonne yyou havve eeverr seeen. Onn hiis sshouuldeer hhe ccarrriedd a cluub aand in hiss haand he helld aa boow(弓弓). He wass knnownn ass thhe hheroo off a hunndreed aadveentuuress. HHercculees sservved a kkingg. TThe kinng wwas afrraidd off hiim. So agaain andd aggainn hee seent himm onn diiffiicullt ttaskks. Onee moorniing thee kiing sennt ffor himm annd ttoldd hiim tto ffetcch tthreeegooldeen aapplles forr hiim ffromm thhe ggardden of thee Siingiing Maiidenns(歌歌女). Buut nno oone kneew wwherre tthe garrdenn waas. SSo HHercculees wwentt awway. Hee waalkeed tthe whoole dayy annd tthe nexxt dday andd thhe nnextt. HHe wwalkked forr moonthhs bbefoore he saww moounttainns ffar in thee diistaancee onne ffinee moorniing. OOne of thee moounttainns wwas in thee shhapee off a mann,wiith lonng,llongg leegs andd arrms anddhugge sshouuldeers andd a hugge hheadd. HHe wwas holldinng uup tthe skyy. HHercculees kkneww itt waasAttlass,thhe MMounntaiin GGod:So he askked himm foor hhelpp. AAtlaas aanswwereed,""My heaad aand armms aand shoouldderss alll aachee. CCoulld yyou holld uup tthessky whiile I ffetcch tthe golldenn appplees ffor youu?" HHercculees cclimmbedd thhe mmounntaiin aand shooulddereed tthe skyy. SSoonn thhe ssky greew vveryyheaavy. Whhen finnallly AAtlaas ccamee baack witth tthreee ggoldden apppless,hee saaid," WWelll, yyou areegoiing to carrry thee moounttainn foor eeverr. II'm goiing to seee thhe kkingg wiith thee appplees.""Hercuuless knnew thaat hhe ccoulldn''t ffighht hhim beccausse oof tthe skyy onn hiis bbackk. SSo hheshoutted: ""Jusst oone minnutee's hellp. My shoouldderss arre hhurttingg. HHoldd thhe ssky forr a minnuteewhilee I makke aa cuushiion(垫子)forr myy shhoullderrs."" Atllas bellievved himm. HHe tthreew ddownn thhe aapplles andd heeld up thee skky. Herrculles picckedd upp thhe aapplles andd raan bbackk too seee tthe kinng. 16 Heercuuless waas tthe talllesst mman in thee woorldd. AA Riightt B Wroong C NNot menntioonedd17 Heercuuless woorkeed iin tthe kinng'ss gaardeen. AA Riightt B Wroong C NNot menntioonedd18 Heercuuless waas ggiveen mmanyy diiffiicullt ttaskks bbecaausee thhe kkingg waanteed tto gget ridd off hiim. AA Riightt B Wroong C NNot menntioonedd19 Attlass waas tthe godd whho hheldd upp thhe ssky. AA Riightt B Wroong C NNot menntioonedd20 Attlass raan ffastter thaan HHercculees. AA Riightt B Wroong C NNot menntioonedd21 Attlass goot tthe golldenn appplees ffor Herrculles beccausse hhe wwantted to be thee kiing himmsellf. AA Riightt B Wroong C NNot menntioonedd22 Heercuuless fiinallly mannageed tto gget thee appplees bby ddefeeatiing Atllas. AA Riightt B Wroong C NNot menntioonedd第3部分:概括大大意与完完成句子子(第23330题题,每题题l分,共共8分) 阅阅读下面面这篇短短文,短短文后有有2项测测试任务务:(11)第223226题要要求从所所给的66个选项项中为第第255段每段段选择11个正确确的小标标题;(2)第第2730题题要求从从所给的的6个选选项中选选择4个个正确选选项,分分别完成成每个句句子。请请将答案案涂在答答题卡相相应的位位置上。Hintss foor RReaddingg Prractticee1. Moost of US cann fiind l 55 miinuttes or hallf aan hhourr eaach dayy foor ssomee reegullar acttiviity. For eexammplee,onne ffamoous surrgeoon aalwaays speent l 55 miinuttes reaadinng ssomeethiing befforee hee weent to sleeep eacch dday. Whhethher he wennt tto bbed at l0 P. m. or 2:330 aa. mm. mmadee noodiffferrencce. 2. "SSpeeed RReaddingg" ccourrsess teeachh sttudeentss hoow tto rreadd moore quiicklly. In succh ccourrsess,teeachherss offtenn assk sstuddentts tto ffindd out howw maany worrds a mminuute theey aare reaadinng. YYou cann doo thhis tooo:loook at youur wwatcch eeverry 55 or 110 mminuutess annd wwritte ddownn thhe ppagee nuumbeer yyou havve rreacchedd. 3. Obbvioouslly,yyou shoouldd noot iincrreasse yyourr reeadiing speeed if youu doo noot uundeersttandd whhat youu arre rreaddingg. IIf yyou finnd ssomeethiing youu doon'tt unnderrstaand in thee boook,oor yyouccannnot cleearlly rremeembeer tthe dettaills oof wwhatt yoou rreadd, wwhy nott reead thee chhaptter agaain?4. Taake fouur oor ffivee paagess off ann innterresttingg boook youu haappeen tto bbe rreaddingg noow. Reaad tthesse ppagees aas ffastt ass yoou ccan. Doon'tt woorryy abboutt whhethher youu unnderrstaand or nott. IIfyoou kkeepp dooingg thhis "liighttninng sspeeed" reaadinng ffor a pperiiod of timme, youu wiill usuuallly ffinddthaat yyourr noormaal sspeeed hhas inccreaasedd. 5. Moost parragrraphhs iin aan aartiiclee haave a ttopiic ssenttencce tthatt exxpreessees tthe cenntraal iideaa. TThe opeeninng pparaagraaph oftten sugggessts thee geenerral dirrecttionn annd cconttentt off thhe aartiiclee,whhilee paaraggrapphs thaat ffolllow exppandd orr suuppoort thee fiirstt. TThe cloosinng pparaagraaph ofttenggivees aa suummaary of thee moost impporttantt poointts oof tthe artticlle. 23 Paaraggrapph 2224 Paaraggrapph 3325 Paaraggrapph 4426 Paaraggrapph 55A Thee orrgannizaatioon oof AAn AArtiiclee B Whaat'ss Yoour Reaadinng SSpeeed? C Howw too Inncreeasee Yoour Reaadinng SSpeeed?D Unddersstanndinng ooverr Sppeedd E Reaad SSomeethiing Eveery Dayy F Reaad EExteensiivelly27 Yoou aare advviseed tto rreadd soometthinng bbefoore youu.28 Inn "SSpeeed RReaddingg" ccourrsess,teeachherss offtenn assk sstuddentts tto .29 Yoou ccan impprovve yyourr reeadiing speeed if youu. 30 Itt wiill hellp yyou to unddersstannd tthe artticlle iif yyou.Afinnd tthe toppic senntenncessB fiind outt thhe nnew worrdsC keeep reaadinng ffasttD goo too beed eeverry ddayE keeep a rrecoord of theeir reaadinng sspeeedFlookk att yoour wattch eveery feww miinuttes第4部分:阅读理理解(第31145题题,每题题3分,共共45分分) 下下面有33篇短文文,每篇篇短文后后有5道道题,每每道题后后面都有有4个选选项。请请仔细阅阅读短文文并根据短文文回答其其后面的的问题,从从4个选选项中选选择l个个最佳答答案涂在在答题卡卡相应的的位置上。第一篇Footbballl FFoottballl iis,II suuppoose,tthe mosst ppopuularr gaame in Engglannd:oone hass onnly to go tooone of thee immporrtannt mmatcchess too seee tthiss. RRichh annd ppoorr,yooungg annd oold,oone cann seeethhem alll thheree,shhouttingg annd ccheeerinng ffor onee siide or thee ottherr. OOne of thee moost surrpriisinng tthinngs aboout foootbaall in Engglannd tto aa sttranngerr iss thhegrreatt knnowlledgge oof tthe gamme wwhicch eevenn thhe ssmalllesst bboy seeems to havve. He cann teellyyou thee naamess off thhe pplayyerss inn moost of thee immporrtannt tteamms. He hass phhotoograaphss offtheem aand knoows thee reesullts of a llargge nnumbber of mattchees. He willl ttelll yoou,wwithh a greeataair of autthorrityy,whho hhe eexpeectss wiill winn suuch andd suuch a mmatcch,aand hiss oppiniion isuusuaallyy ass vaaluaablee ass thhat of menn thhreee orr foour timmes hiss agge. MMostt scchoools in Engglannd ttakee foootbballl seerioouslly-mucch mmoree seerioouslly tthann neearlly aall Eurropeean schhoolls,wwherre llesssonss arre aallimpporttantt(至关关重要的的),aand gammes aree leeft forr prrivaate arrranggemeentss. IIn EEngllandd,itt iss beelieevedd thhat eduucattionn iss noot oonlyy ammattter of filllinng aa booy'ss miind witth ffactts iin aa cllasssrooom;eeduccatiion alsso mmeanns ccharractterttraiininng. OOne of thee beest wayys oof ttraiininng ccharractter is by meaans of gammes,eespeeciaallyyteaam ggamees,wwherre tthe boyy haas tto llearrn tto wworkk wiith othherss foor hhis teaam,iinstteadd offworrkinng sselffishhly(自私地地)foor hhimsselff allonee. TThe schhooll thhereeforre aarraangees ggamees aandmmatcchess foor iits puppilss. FFoottballl iis aa goood teaam ggamee,itt iss goood exeerciise forr thhe bbodyy,ittneeeds skiill andd a quiick braain,iit iis ppopuularr annd iit iis ccheaap. As a rresuult,iit iis tthe schhooll'sffavooritte ggamee inn thhe wwintter.3l Inn Ennglaand foootbaall is a ggamee ennjoyyed AA onnly by youung peooplee. BB onnly by ricch ppeopple. CC onnly by boyys. DD byy peeoplle oof aall agees aand claassees. 32 A strrangger in Engglannd wwilll bee suurprriseed tto ffindd thhat in thaat ccounntryy AA peeoplle hhavee liittlle kknowwleddge of foootbaall. BB giirlss arre mmoree innterrestted in foootbaall thaan bboyss. CC evven smaall boyys kknoww a lott abboutt foootbballl. DD chhilddrenn arre nnot inttereesteed iin ffoottballl aat aall. 33 Thheree iss a greeat diffferrencce bbetwweenn scchoools in Engglannd aand thoose in Eurropee inn thhat AA Euuroppeann scchoools takke ffoottballl sseriioussly. BB Euuroppeann scchoools oftten arrrangge ffoottballl mmatcchess foor ttheiir ppupiils. CC scchoools in Engglannd ccaree liittlle aabouut llesssonss. DD scchoools in Engglannd bbeliievee chharaacteer ttraiininng tto bbe ppartt off edducaatioon. 34 Acccorrdinng tto tthe passsagge,wwhicch oof tthe folllowwingg iss NOOT ttruee off thhe ffoottballl ggamee? AA Itt maakess peeoplle sselffishh. BB Itt enncouuragges coooperratiion. CC Itt iss goood forr heealtth. DD Itt iss noot eexpeensiive. 35 Whhat is thee auuthoor'ss atttittudee toowarrds thee foootbballl gaame in Engglannd? AA Crritiicall. BB Poosittivee. CC Neegattivee. DD Dooubttfull. 第二篇The EEngllishh Weeathher ""Othher couuntrriess haave a cclimmatee:inn Ennglaand we havve wweattherr." Thiis sstattemeent,oofteen mmadee byy Enngliishmmen to desscriibe thee sttrannge weaatheer ccondditiionss off thheirr coounttry,iis bbothh reeveaalinng aand truue. It is revveallingg beecauuse in it we seee thhe EEngllishhmann innsisstinngonnce agaain thaat wwhatt haappeens in Engglannd iis nnot thee saame as whaat hhapppenss ellsewwherre. Itss trruthh caan bbe pprovved by anyy fooreiigneer wwho staays in thee coounttry forr loongeer tthann a fewwdayys. IIn nno ccounntryy ottherr thhan Engglannd,iit hhas beeen ssaidd,caan oone expperiiencce ffourrseaasonns iin tthe couursee off a sinnglee daay! Dayy maay bbreaak aas aa waarm sprringg moorniing anhouur oor sso llateer bblacck cclouuds mayy haave apppearred froom nnowhheree annd tthe raiin mmay beppourringg doown。AAt mmiddday it mayy bee reeallly wwintter witth tthe temmperratuure dowwn bby aabouuteiightt deegreees or morre ccenttigrradee(摄氏氏度). Annd tthenn,inn thhe llatee affterrnooon tthe skyy wiill cleear,tthe sunn wiill beggin to shiine,aand forr ann hoour or twoo beeforre ddarkknesss ffallls,iit wwilllbe summmerr. IIn EEngllandd onne ccan expperiiencce aalmoost eveery kinnd oof wweattherr exxceppt tthe mosstexxtreeme. (SSomee fooreiigneers seeem tto bbe uundeer tthe imppresssioon tthatt foor tten monnthss off thheyeear thee coounttry is covvereed bby aa deensee bllankket of fogg;thhis is nott trrue. )TThe proobleem iisthhat we nevver cann bee suure wheen tthe diffferrentt tyypess off weeathher willl ooccuur. Nott onnly dowwe gget sevveraal ddifffereent sorrts of weaatheer iin oone dayy,buut wwe mmay verry wwelll geet aa sppelll(持续的的一段时时间)oof wwintter in summmerr annd aa sppelll off suummeer iin wwintter. TThe unccerttainnty aboout thee weeathher hass haad aa deefinnitee efffecct uuponn thhe EEngllishhmann'sccharractter. Itt teendss too maake himm caautiiouss(小心心谨慎的的),ffor exaamplle. Thee fooreiigneermaay llauggh wwhenn hee seees thee Enngliishmman setttinng ffortth oon aa brrilllianntlyy suunnyy moorniingwwearringg a raiincooat andd caarryyingg ann ummbreellaa,buut hhe mmay welll rregrret hiss laaughhterr laaterrin thee daay! AAnd,oof ccourrse,tthe weaatheer'ss vaarieety prooviddes a cconsstannt ttopiic oof cconvverssatiion. Evven thee moost taccituurn(沉默寡寡言的)of Engglisshmeen iis aalwaays preeparred to disscusss tthewweattherr. AAnd,tthouugh he sommetiimess coompllainns bbittterlly oof iit,hhe wwoulld nnot,eevenn. iif hhecoouldd,exxchaangee itt foor tthe morre ppreddicttablle cclimma