厦门韦博英语培训分享老友记对白:122倒人胃口的约会The One With31639.docx
厦门韦博英语培训分享老友记对白:122倒人胃口的约会The One With the Ick Factor厦门韦博英语()分享的提供一点老友记英语对白资料122倒人人胃口的的约会TThe Onee Wiith thee Icck FFacttor(Scenne: Cenntraal PPerkk. EEverryonne iis ttherre.) Monicca: Telll hhim.Racheel: No.Phoebbe: Telll hhim, teell himm.Monicca: Jusst.plleasse ttelll hiim.Racheel: Shuut uup!Chanddlerr: Teell me whaat?Monicca: Loook aat yyou, yoou wwon''t eevenn loook at himm.Chanddlerr: (ssarccastticaallyy) OOh, comme oon ttelll mee. II coouldd usse aanottherr reeasoon wwhy wommen wonn't loook aat mme.Racheel: Alll riightt, aall rigght, alll rrighht. Lasst nnighht, I hhad a ddreaam tthatt, uuh, youu annd II, wweree.Phoebbe: Doiing it on thiis ttablle. (poointts aat tthe tabble)Chanddlerr: WWow!Joey: Exxelllentt drreamm sccoree.Ross: Whhy, whyy, wwhy wouuld youu drreamm thhat?Chanddlerr: Moore impporttanttly, waas II anny ggoodd?Racheel: Welll, youu weere preettyy daamn goood.Chanddlerr: Innterresttingg, ccausse iin mmy ddreaams, I''m aallwwayss suurprrisiinglly iinaddequuatee. (Monnicaa paats himm onn hiis llap)Racheel: Welll, lasst nnighht yyou seeemedd too knnow youur wway arooundd thhe ttablle.Ross: I lovve iit, wheen wwe ssharre.(Rosss gooes oveer tto tthe couunteer. Chaandller folllowws hhim.)Chanddlerr: Yoou'rre ookayy thheree?Ross: I cann't bellivee yoou ttwo hadd seex iin hher dreeam.Chanddlerr: I''m ssorrry, it wass a onee-tiime-thiing. I wass veery druunk andd i wass soomebbodyy ellse''s ssubcconsscioous.Openiing CreedittsScenne: Cenntraal PPerkk, cconttinuued froom eearllierr, CChanndleer iis ssitttingg onn thhe ttablle.Chanddlerr: Heelloo Raacheel.Racheel: Gett offf.Phoebbe: (poointts aat JJoeyy's penn) UUh, uh, giimmee. CCan youu seee mme ooperratiing a ddrilll ppresss?Joey: I donn't knoow. Whaat aare youu weeariing?(Channdleer, Monnicaa annd PPhoeebe loooks at himm)Ross: Phheebbs, whyy woouldd yoou wwantt too opperaate a ddrilll ppresss?Phoebbe: Jusst ffor somme sshorrt-ttermm-woork. Yoou kknoww, uuntiil II geet bbackk soome of my masssagge cclieentss.Chanddlerr: Piirattes agaain?Phoebbe: No, noothiing likke tthatt. II waas jjustt.succh aa duummiie. I ttaugght thiis ""masssagge-yyourrsellf-aat-hhomee-woorksshopp." Andd thhey aree.Joey: Heey, heyy, CChann. SShe couuld worrk ffor youu.Chanddlerr: (ssarccastticlly) Thaankss Jooey, thhat''s aa goood ideea.Phoebbe: Whaat. II coouldd, II coouldd doo itt. WWhatt iss itt?Chanddlerr: Weell, myy seecreetarry iis ggonnna bbe oout forr a couuplee off weeekss. SShe is havvingg onne oof hher booobs redduseed. (Rooss loooks at herr.) It''s aa whholee biig bboobb sttoryy.Phoebbe: I ccoulld bbe aa seecreetarry.Chanddlerr: Weell, yoou kknoww Phhoebbs. I ddon''t kknoww iff itt's youur kkindda tthinng, beccausse iit iinvoolvees aa loot oof bbeinng nnormmal. Foor aa laargee poortiion of thee daay.Phoebbe: I ccoulld ddo tthatt.(Rosss's beeeperr gooes offf)Racheel: Whaat aare youu pllayiing witth?Ross: Ohh, iit'ss myy neew bbeepper.Joey: Whhat thee heell doees aa paaleoontoologgistt neeed a bbeepper forr?Monicca: Is it likke ffor dinnosaaur emeergeenciies. 'HHelpp, ccomee quuickk, ttheyy'ree sttilll exxtinnct.'Ross: Noo, iit'ss foor wwhenn Caaroll gooes intto llaboor. Shee caan gget me wheerevver I aam. I mmeann, aall shee haas tto ddo iis tto ddiall 555-JIIMBOO.Chanddlerr: A coool pphonne nnumbber, annd aa poossiiblee naame forr thhe kkid.Monicca: Alll riightt, II'lll seee yyou guyys llateer. (raaisees)Racheel: Offf too seee yyounng EEthaan?Monicca: Thaank youu.Joey: Hoow yyounng iis yyounng EEthaan? Youung?Monicca: He''s. oour agee.Chanddlerr: Whhen we werre?Monicca: Okaay, he''s aa seenioor iin ccolllegee.Ross: Coolleege?Chanddlerr: Whhoa! Annd tthiss maanchhildd haas nno pprobblemm wiith howw olld yyou aree?Monicca: No, off cooursse nnot. Itt's nott evven an isssue. Caausee I tolld hhim I wwas 22.All: Whaat?Monicca: Oh, I cann't passs ffor 22?Phoebbe: Welll, mayybe 25-26.Monicca: I aam 226.Phoebbe: Theere youu goo.Scenne: Chaandller''s ooffiice, hee annd PPhoeebe aree thheree whhen thee phhonee sttartts rringgingg.Chanddlerr: Caan yyou heaar tthatt?Phoebbe: (pllayss wiith a tthummbtaack remmoveer) Yeaah?Chanddlerr: Seee tthatt'lll sttop wheen yyou picck uup tthe phoone.Phoebbe: Oh. Uhh, II'm on. (ppickks uup tthe phoone)Phoebbe: (wiith a ddeepp vooicee) MMr. Binng'ss offficce. (Liisteens) Noo I''m ssorrry, he''s iin aa meeetiing rigght noww.Chanddlerr: I''m nnot in a mmeettingg. II'm rigght. Whooopss.Phoebbe: Willl hhe kknoww whhat thiis iis iin rrefeerennce to? (LListtenss) AAnd he hass yoour nummberr? (Lisstenns) Alll riightt, II'lll seee tthatt hee geets thee meessaage. Byye bbye.Chanddlerr: WWhatt?Phoebbe: Rosss ssayss hii.Chanddlerr: AAh!Phoebbe: Thiis iis sso ffun. Alll rrighht, whaat ddo wwe ddo nnow?Chanddlerr: Weell, noow, I aactuuallly hhavee too geet tto wworkk.Phoebbe: Mosst llikeely. (rraisses andd gooes towwardd thhe ddoorr) OOkayy, II'm gonnna be outt thheree.Chanddlerr: OOkayy.Phoebbe: Alll riightt. BBye byee.Chanddlerr: Byye bbye.(The intterccom buzzzess)Chanddlerr: (aanswweriing it) Yees?Phoebbe: Whaatchha ddoinn'?Chanddlerr: Oooh. (leeanss aggainnst thee deesk)Scenne: Monnicaa annd RRachhel''s, Monnicaa annd RRachhel aree thheree. MMoniica is jusst ffiniishiing cleeaniing thee wiindoows.Monicca: Winndowws aare cleean, caandeels aree liit. Uh, beelt''s tto ttighht, gottta chaangee thhe bbeltt. DDid I tturnn thhe ffishh? (goees ooverr too thhe kkitcchenn too chheckk onn thhe ddinnner) Noo, ccausse II maade lassagnne. (too Raacheel) Am I oout of conntrool?Racheel: Jusst aa toouchh. MMon, I donn't unddersstannd. I mmeann, yyou''ve beeen ddatiing thiis gguy sinnce likke, whaat. hhis middterrms? I meaan, whyy alll tthe sudddenn arre yyou so. Oh.Monicca: Whaat?Racheel: Couuld tonnighht bbe tthe Nigght?Monicca: I ddon''t kknoww. LLookk hee's a ggreaat gguy andd I lovve bbeinng wwithh hiim bbut. youu knnow. Thhinggs hhapppen, annd ttheyy haappeen. Youu doon'tt pllan theese thiingss.Racheel: So, diid yyou shaave youur llegss?Monicca: Yeaah.Racheel: A-hha!Scenne: Cenntraal PPerkk. JJoeyy annd RRosss arre ttherre.Joey: Woouldd yoou llet it go Rosss. It wass juust a ddreaam. It doeesn''t mmeann.(Rosss's beeeperr gooes offf)Ross: Ohh, ooh. Oh, ohh. OOh tthiss iss itt. OOh mmy ggod it''s bbabyy tiime. Baaby timme.Joey: Alll rrighht, rellax, reelaxx. JJustt reelaxx, jjustt reelaxx. BBe ccooll, bbe ccooll.(Rosss diialss a nummberr onn hiis ccelllulaar pphonne)Ross: (oon pphonne) Yeaah, hi, I wass juust beeepedd. (pauuse) Noo, AAndrr?iss noot hheree. (to Joeey) Thiird timme ttodaay. (onn phhonee) YYes, I''m ssuree. Noo, ssir. I donn't perrforrm tthosse kkindd off seerviicess.Joey: Seerviicess? (Rosss llookks aat hhim) Ohh, sservvicees.Ross: (oon pphonne) Yeaah, youu waant 55-JUMMBO. Yeeah, thhat''s rrighht. Thaat'ss riightt, JJUMBBO wwithh a U, sirr. (pauuse) Noo, bbeliive me, yoou ddon''t wwantt mee. JJudggingg byy hiis nnumbber, I''d bbe aa huuge dissapppoinntmeent. (ppausse) Alll riighttie, byye bbye.(Phoeebe andd Chhanddlerr ennterr)Joey: Heey, heyy. HHow wass thhe ffirsst dday?Phoebbe: Oh, exxelllentt. EEverryonne wwas so, soo niice.Chanddlerr: Seee, it payys tto kknoww thhe mman whoo weearss myy shhoess. (Joeey aand Rosss wwondder whaat hhe mmeanns) Me.Phoebbe: No, I diddn'tt teell anyyboddy tthatt I kneew yyou.Chanddlerr: Whhy nnot?Phoebbe: Oh, beecauuse, yoou kknoww. thhey donn't likke yyou.Chanddlerr: WWhatt?!Phoebbe: I tthouughtt yoou kkneww thhat.Chanddlerr: Nooho. Whho ddoessn'tt thhey likke mme?Phoebbe: Eveeryoone. Exxceppt ffor uh. no eveeryoone.Chanddlerr: Whhat aree yoou ttalkkingg abboutt?Phoebbe: Donn't feeel bbad. Yoou kknoww thhey useed tto llikee yoou aa loot. Butt thhen youu goot pprommoteed, andd, yyou knoow, noww yoou'rre llikee "MMr. Bosss MMan"". YYou knoow, Mr. Biing. Mrr. BBingg, ""Bosss MMan Binng".(Joeyy annd RRosss laaughhs)Chanddlerr: I cann't bellivee itt.Phoebbe: Yeaah, yeaah. Theey eevenn doo yoou.Chanddlerr: Thhey do me?Phoebbe: Youu knnow likke. uuh ookayy. uhh. 'CCoulld tthatt reeporrt bbe aany latter?'(Joeyy annd RRosss laaughhs)Chanddlerr: I donn't souund likke tthatt.Ross: Ohh, ooh CChanndleer.Joey: Ohh. Yeeah, yoou ddo.Ross: 'TThe hillls werre aalivve wwithh thhe ssounnd oof mmusiic.''(Phoeebe, Jooey andd Rooss lauughss)Joey: (rreacchess foor hhi ssconnes) Myy scconees.Phoebbe, Joeey, andd Rooss: 'MMy ssconnes.'(Phoeebe, Jooey andd Rooss lauughss aggainn)Chanddlerr: Okkay, I donn't souund likke tthatt. TThatt iss soo noot ttruee.(Joeyy annd CChanndleer llaugghs)Chanddlerr: Thhat is so nott. Thhat is so nott. Thhat. Oh, shhut up!(Phoeebe, Jooey andd Rooss lauugh)Scenne: Monnicaa annd RRachhel''s, Monnicaa annd YYounng EEthaan aare sitttinng iin tthe couuch.Monicca: Didd noot.Youngg Etthann: II amm teelliing youu, uup uuntiil II waas, likke nninee, II thhougght thaat ggunppoinnt wwas an acttuall pllacee whheree crrimees hhapppen.Monicca: Howw waas tthatt poossiiblee?Youngg Etthann: WWelll, tthinnk aabouut iit. It''s aalwaays on thee neews. 'AA maan iis bbeinng hheldd upp, aat ggunppoinnt.'' 'TTourristts aare beiing terrrorriseed, at gunnpoiint.' AAnd I jjustt keept thiinkiing: whhy ddoess peeoplle cconttinuue tto ggo ttherre? (Hee chheckks hhis wattch.) OOh, ah. I shoouldd goo.Monicca: Okaay.(Theyy kiiss)Youngg Etthann: OOkayy.Monicca: Unllesss.Youngg Etthann: WWhatt?Monicca: Uh, ahh. UUnleess youu waannaa sttay oveer? I mmeann, II'm goiing to, soo.Youngg Etthann: YYeahh, II'd reaallyy liike thaat.(Theyy kiiss)Youngg Etthann: UUuh, beeforre wwe gget intto aany staayinng-ooverr-sttufff, ttherre iis ssomeethiing youu shhoulld kknoww.Monicca: Okaay, is thiis llikee 'II haave an earrly claass tommorrrow'' orr 'II'm seccrettly marrrieed tto aa gooat?'Youngg Etthann: WWelll itt's sommewhheree inn beetweeen. Yoou ssee, inn a strricttly tecchniicall seensee, oof ccourrse, I''m nnot uh., weell I, I mmeann I havven''t eeverr uhh.Monicca: Ethhan?Youngg Etthann: YYeahh?Monicca: Aree yoou aa viirgiin?Youngg Etthann: WWelll, iif tthatt's whaat yyou kidds aare calllinng iit tthesse ddayss thhen, yees II amm. II uhh, II'vee kiindaa beeen waiitinng ffor thee riightt peersoon.Monicca: Reaallyy?Youngg Etthann: YYeahh. YYou do knoow II waas ttalkkingg abboutt yoou, rigght?(Theyy kiiss)Timee laapsee. TTheyy arre nnow in Monnicaa's beddrooom, on thee beed.Youngg Etthann: WWow!Monicca: Youu keeep sayyingg thhat.Youngg Etthann: YYou knoow, youu reead aboout it, yoou ssee it in thee mooviees. Eveen wwhenn yoou ppraccticce iit aat hhomee, mman oh mann, iit iis nnothhingg liike thaat.(Theyy kiiss)Monicca: Lisstenn, uuh, youu toold me sommethhingg thhat wass reeallly ddiffficuult forr yoou. Andd I, I-I ffiguuredd iff yoou ccoulld bbe hhoneest, thhen I ccan to.Youngg Etthann: OOh ggod, doon'tt teell me, I didd itt wrrongg.Monicca: No-no. Noothiing wroong aboout thaat. Youngg Etthann: OOh.Monicca: Um, okkay, heere it goees. I'mm noot 222. I'mm, II'm 25. andd thhirtteenn moonthhs. Youngg Etthann: HHuh!Monicca: Butt I figgureed, youu knnow, thhat shooulddn'tt chhangge aanytthinng. I mmeann, wwhatt thhe hhelll dooes it mattterr hoow oold we aree.(Theyy kiiss)Youngg Etthann: UUh, lisstenn umm, aas llongg ass wee'ree teelliing stuuff, uhh, II haave anootheer oone forr yoou. I'mm a litttlee yooungger thaan II saaid.Monicca: Youu'ree noot aa seenioor?Youngg Etthann: OOh, I'mm a senniorr. inn Hiigh Schhooll.Monicca: Ok.aay.Commeerciial BreeakScenne: Monnicaa's Beddrooom, conntinnuedd frrom earrlieer.Monicca: Whaat wwe ddid wass wrrongg. OOh ggod, I jusst hhad sexx wiith sommeboody thaat wwasnn't aliive durringg thhe BBiceenteenniial.Youngg Etthann: II juust hadd seex.Monicca: Ethhan, foocuss. HHow couuld youu noot ttelll mee?Youngg Etthann: WWelll, yyou nevver tolld mme hhow oldd yoou wweree.Monicca: Welll, thaat'ss diiffeerennt. My liee diidn''t mmakee onne oof uus aa feelonn inn 488 sttatees. Whaat wweree yoou tthinnkinng?Youngg Etthann: II waasn''t tthinnkinng. I wwas tooo buusy falllinn'.Monicca: Donn't sayy itt. (cloosess Etthann's mouuth witth hher hannd)Youngg Etthann: .iin llovee wiith youu.Monicca: Reaallyy?Youngg Etthann: (nodds) Sorrry.Monicca: Welll,ffalll ouut oof iit. Youu knnow, yoou sshouuldnn't eveen bbe hheree, iit'ss a schhooll niightt. OOh ggod, ohh good. I'mm liike thoose wommen thaat yyou seee wiith shiiny guyys nnameed CChadd. II'm Joaan CColllinss.Youngg Etthann: WWho? Scenne: Monnicaa annd RRachhel''s, eveeryoone exeept Monnicaa iss thheree.Ross: (oon pphonne) Okaay, Anddr?sshouuld be theere in likke 445 mminuutess. AAll rigghtiie, byee byye. (too Phhoebbe) Jusst eeasiier thaat wway.Chanddlerr: Ohh, ccomee onn. YYou tolld mme aabouut tthe lasst ddreaam.Racheel: No, foorgeet iit.Chanddlerr: Ohh, wwhy nott. WWas I ddoinng aanytthinng ppartticuularrly. sauucy?Racheel: Alll riightt, ffinee. UUm, youu weere nott thhe oonlyy onne ttherre. (Caamerra ffadees tto RRosss, wwho''s llistteniing verry ccareefullly) Jooey wass thheree tooo.Joey: Alll rrighht. (Moovess clloseer.)Ross: Waas ttherre.uhh, hhuh, huuh, huhh. anndybbodyy, aanybbodyy ellse theere.Racheel: No.Ross: Yoou'rre ssuree? NNoboody uh, haandeed oout uh, miintss orr annythhingg?Racheel: No, itt waas jjustt thhe tthreee oof uus.Ross: Huuh!Joey: Soo, ttelll mee. WWas it likke yyou andd Chhanddlerr, aand theen yyou andd mee, oor yyou andd mee annd CChanndleer?Racheel: (laaughhs) Youu knnow whaat?Joey: Whhat?Racheel: Theere werre ttimees wwhenn itt waasn''t eevenn mee.(Channdleer aand Joeey llaugghs, unntill thhey loook aat eeachh ottherr thhen reccoill inn hoorroor.)Phoebbe: Thaat iis sso ssweeet, youu guuys. (hhugss thhem)(Monii