2022银行招聘考试考试历年真题精选9卷2022银行招聘考试考试历年真题精选9卷 第1卷六年级三个班参加运动会,运动会上举行三个项目的比赛。第一名得5分,第二名得3 分,第三名得1分。已知(1)班进入前三名的人数最少,(2)班进入前3名的人数是(1)班 的2倍。且这两个班所得总分相等,并列年级组的第一名。(3)班得了( )分。A. 9 B. 8 C. 7 D. 6答案:C解析:(1)班得名次的如果是3人,则(2)班需有6人得名次,但这样一来全部9个名次均被两个班瓜分,却无法产生并列第一名。全部得分3×(1+ 3 + 5)=27是奇数,因此 (1)班至多只有两人得名次,而两人得名次且只能都拿第一名才能满足与(2)班并列第一的要求。若有一人拿第二,则只能拿8分,而这不超过平均分27 + 3 = 9(分),无法并列第一。据此,(1)班和(2)班各得10分,(3)班必然得27-10×2 = 7(分)。在完全竞争市场下,某厂商的需求函数和供给函数分别为:Q=5 000-200P 和Q=4 000+300P。以下说法正确的是( )。A.该厂商的市场均衡价格为P=4B.该厂商的市场均衡产量为Q=4 600C.该厂商的市场均衡产量为Q=4 500D.该厂商的市场均衡价格为P=2答案:B,D解析:当市场均衡时,需求量等于供给量,即5 000-200P=4 000+300P,解得P=2;Q=4600。Questions 53-55 refer to the following letter.Dear Valued customerThank you for taking the time to fill out our questionnaire during your stay with us. We do appreciate hearing from our customers, as their comments are vital( ) us to continue improving our accommodations.A.with B.for C.atD.as答案:B解析:四名运动员参加4X100米接力,他们100米速度分别为v1,v2,v3 ,v4,不考虑其他影响因素,他们跑400米全程的平均速度为( )。答案:D解析:Im sorry, Im late.My car had a _.A.pureeB.punctureC.pythonD.pane答案:B解析:本题考查形近词辨析。选项A意为“果泥”;选项B意为“轮胎上扎破的小孔,小洞”;选项C意为“巨蟒”;选项D意为“窗格”。题目意为“很抱歉我来迟了,我的汽车车胎被扎破了。”因此选B,(轮胎上扎破的)小孔。我国最高人民法院在关于贯彻执行(中华人民共和国继承法)若干问题的意见中规定:相互有继承关系的几个人在同一事件中死亡,如不确定死亡先后时间的,应推定( )。A.年长的先死B.年幼的先死C.无继承人的先死D.男性先死答案:C解析:相互有继承关系的几个人在同一事件中死亡,如不能确定死亡先后时间的,推定没有继承人的人先死亡。死亡人各自都有继承人的,如几个死亡人辈份不同,推定长辈先死亡;几个死亡人辈份相同,推定同时死亡,彼此不发生继承,由他们各自的继承人分别继承。故ABD项表述错误。本题正确答案选择C项。资料:Rahul Chadha, co-chief investment officer for Hong Kong-based Mirae Asset Global Investments, has a few charts he is particularly fond of when it comes to telling a story about investing in China.One shows income growth in China. Based on the current rate of expansion, he expects the world's second-biggest economy will achieve high income status defined as income of almost $12,500 per capita in eight years.The second shows a ratio of household debt to gross domestic product for a number of countries. For thrifty mainland China households, the ratio is 28 per cent. That compares to India at one end of the scale at 15 per cent and the UK at the other with 90 per cent.So, based on their income and potential to borrow, the Chinese have spending power and the potential to increase it. The growing muscle of Chinese consumers is not, of course, a new investment theme when it comes to Asia. But at a time when wage growth is muted in other large economies, such as the US and the Eurozone, the situation in China is surprisingly overlooked rather than celebrated. Disposable income per household in China rose 7.3 per cent in real terms in the first half of this year. That surpasses the 6.9 per cent pace at which the economy expanded in the period. Moreover, the number of jobs created in urban areas came in at 8.55m in the first seven months of 2022, according to data from JPMorgan, not too far from the year-end target of 11m. In sharp contrast, India is generating roughly 1m jobs a year at a time when it needs to fashion 10 times more to absorb the youth streaming in from the countryside in search of a better living.It's not just the level of income that is improving in China. Its distribution is too. The government is spending more on a social safety net, and provides more by way of pensions and medicines, including medical care and education.“In a way this is catch up,” Haibin Zhu, chief China economist at JPMorgan, says of the income growth in China. “In a way it reflects the fact that the working age population is declining. But for the past 10 years income is going up for the majority of people steadily and gradually.”It's an especially notable achievement given that some of the other forces at work in the Chines economy are far from helpful. The expansion of the sharing economy and ever growing role of technology across most sectors is ultimately deflationary. Automation is increasingly displacing manufacturing jobs. At the same time, sophisticated computers are now eliminating low end service jobs.As investors survey the effects of income growth, it is the new economy, with its emphasis on services and consumption, and private companies in it, that are the beneficiaries as they cater to the appetites of a growing middle class. Mr Chadha, for example, is a fan of companies such as Ctrip, an online travel app, healthcare, insurers such as Ping An, (rather than the state owned behemoths) and internet and e-commerce firms. Ctrip for example has 75 per cent market share in online travel.Which of the following statement is false?A.The work force in China has increased in past ten yearsB.internet firms benefit a lot from the income growthC.The Chinese government is improving the social welfare for peopleD.the per capita income in China is expected to $12,500 in eight years答案:A解析:本题考查细节理解。 the following statement; false第2自然段Based on the current rate of expansion, he expects the worlds second-biggest economy will achieve high income status defined as income of almost $12,500 per capita in eight years. 根据目前的增长速度,他预测世界第二大经济体将在8年后达到高收入级别,人均收入近1.25万美元。第4自然段Its not just the level of income that is improving in China. Its distribution is too. 在中国,不只是收入水平得到改善,收入分配也在改善。In a way it reflects the fact that the working age population is declining. 从某种程度上,这反映出工作年龄人口在减少。第6自然段Mr Chadha, for example, is a fan of companies such as Ctrip,an online travel app, healthcare, insurers such as Ping An, (rather than the state owned behemoths) and internet and e-commerce firms. Ctrip for example has 75 per cent market share in online travel. 例如,查达钟爱在线旅游应用携程(Ctrip)等公司、医疗公司、平安等保险公司(而非国有保险巨头)以及互联网和电商集团。携程占有75的在线旅行市场份额。题干意为“下列哪一项是错误的?” 选项A意为“过去十年中国劳动力在增长”;选项B意为“互联网公司从经济增长中获益良多”;选项C意为“中国政府为人民提高社会福利”;选项D意为“八年后中国人均收入达到近1.25万美元”。根据主题句,选项B、C、D符合题意,故选A。中国资源价格主要存在两大方面的问题,一是资源价格基本上是政府定价或政府指导价,只反映了资源开发成本,没有全面覆盖环境破坏成本和安全生产成本,资源税也很低,更重要的是没能真实反映市场供求关系资源稀缺程度,致使资源价格偏低;二是资源性产品之间比价关系不合理。最能准确复述这段话的主要意思的是( )。A、中国资源价格没有真实反映市场供求关系和资源稀缺程度B、中国资源性产品之间比价关系不合理C、中国资源价格基本上是政府定价或政府指导价D、中国资源价格存在着盲目定价和比价关系不合理的问题答案:D解析:复述要概括的全面、精炼。D选项中“盲目定价”对应第一点“没能真实反映市场供求关系资源稀缺程度”, “比价关系不合理。对应第二点,D是四个选项中表述最全面的。在一定的产权制度下,商业银行内部的一组联结并规范所有者、经营者、使用者相互权力与利益关系的制度安排叫( )。A.法律规定B.治理结构C.协议要求D.产权约束答案:B解析:2022银行招聘考试考试历年真题精选9卷 第2卷第57题答案是_A.casesB.toolsC.methodsD.steps答案:C解析:空格处句意为“避免该情况发生的两种方法”。case表示“情况、案件”;tools表示“工具”;steps表示“脚步、步骤”,都不合适。计算机中数据的表示形式是()。A.八进制B.十进制C.二进制D.十六进制答案:C解析:在计算机内部存储、处理和传递的信息均采用二进制代码来表示。有甲乙两杯盐水溶液,其中甲杯400豪升,浓度为17%,乙杯600意升,浓度为23%。现在从甲杯中取出若干豪升溶液倒入乙杯中,混合均匀后,又从乙杯中取出千亳升海液倒入甲杯中。此时,甲乙两杯盐水溶液的浓度相同。那么,现在的浓度是多少?()A.20%B.20.6%C.19.4%D.19%答案:B解析:溶液问题,最终浓度相等,等于两种溶液混合后得浓度,则(400*179%+600*23%) /1000=20.6%。 货币供给之所以是一个内生变量,主要是因为货币当局能够对货币乘数实施直接或完全的控制。() 答案:错解析: 货币供给之所以是一个内生变量,主要是因为货币当局能够对基础货币实施直接或完全的控制答案:D解析:看交点的个数。交点的个数依次为:8、7、6、5,依次递减。因此选D。下列()利率一般会成为整个金融市场利率体系的基准利率。A.企业债券B.公司债券C.金融债券D.国债答案:D解析:正是因为有了第二味觉,哺乳动物才能够边吃边呼吸。很明显,边吃边呼吸对保持哺乳动物高效率的新陈代谢是必要的。以下那种哺乳动物的发现,最能削弱以上的断言?( )A.有高效率的新陈代谢和边吃边呼吸的能力的哺乳动物B.有低效率的新陈代谢和边吃边呼吸的能力的哺乳动物C.有低效率的新陈代谢但没有边吃边呼吸能力的哺乳动物D.有高效率的新陈代谢但没有第二味觉的哺乳动物答案:D解析:题干表明第二味觉、边吃边呼吸是高效率新陈代谢的必要条件,对必要条件的削弱是没有必要条件也能出现结果,所以选择D。.在课堂上一位同学对追索权作了如下回答,其回答中( )是错误的。A.追索权是第二次的请求权,对任何签章于票据的人均可行使B.当持票人为出票人的时候,对其前手无追索权C.当持票人为背书人的时候,对其后手无追索权D.追索权可以不按照票据债务人的先后顺序,对前手中的任何一人、数人或者全体行使答案:A解析:追索权是指持票人在汇票到期未获付款,到期前未获承兑或其他法定原 因发生时,向其前手请求偿还票据金额以及相关损失的票据权利,是法律上为补充付款请求权 而设定的第二次请求权。但并非对任何签章于票据的人都可行使,只能向其前手行使,并且对 票据出票人和签章人都存在免责的情形,A项说法过于绝对,错误。 “由抽象上升到具体”的过程是从理性认识到实践的过程。() 答案:错解析:抽象到具体,是从感性认识到理性认识的过程。2022银行招聘考试考试历年真题精选9卷 第3卷国际法的识别是指在适用冲突规范时,依照某一法律制度,对有关事实或问题进行分类和 定性,将其归人一定法律范畴,并对有关冲突规范进行解释的过程。下列不属于国际法的识别的是( )。A.案件所涉及的事实是属于合同问题还是侵权问题B.案件是夫妻财产纠纷还是继承权纠纷C.案件所涉及的标的是动产还是不动产D.案件所涉及的冲突规范指向的法律是不是仅指实体法答案:D解析:案件所涉及的冲突规范指向的法律是不是仅指实体法,这是识别之后的 事项。故选D。商业银行的代理业务不包括( )。A.代发工资 B.代理财政性存款C.代理财政投资 D.代销开放式基金答案:C解析:银行代收代付业务主要包括代理各项公用事业收费、代理行政事业性收费和财政性收费、代发工资、代扣住房按揭消费贷款等。代理财政性存款是商业银行代理中央银行的业务,代销开放式基金是商业银行的其他代理业务。故本题正确答案为C。人文教育从表面上看,好像只是传授文史哲方面的知识,尤其是在现在的学科体制下,一切教育似乎都可以量化为客观知识和能力,如英语的等级考试。实际上人文教育是通过对文史哲的学习,通过对人类千百年积累下来的成果的吸纳和认同,使学生有独立的人格意志,有丰富的想像力和创造性,有健全的判断能力和价值取向,有高尚的趣味和情操,有良好的修养和同情心,对个人、家庭、国家、天下有一种责任感,对人类的命运有一种担待。这段话表达的主要观点是:( )A英语的等级考试是为大众所熟悉的一种人文教育B人文教育的主要内容是传授文史哲方面的知识C在目前的学科体制下,人文教育可以量化为客观知识和能力D人文教育的目的包括人性境界提升、人格塑造以及个人与社会价值实现答案:D解析:“人文教育从表面上看”,可以看出A、B、C概括的都过于片面;“实际上人文教育是一种担待”,这段话强调的是人文教育的目的,包括在人性、人格等方面的提升,故正确答案为D。甲、乙、丙、丁是四位天赋极高的艺术家,他们分别是舞蹈家、画家、歌唱家和作家,尚不能确定其中每个人所从事的专业领域。已知:(1)有一天晚上,甲和丙出席了歌唱家的首次演出。(2)画家曾为乙和作家两个人画过肖像。(3)作家正准备写一本甲的传记,他所写的丁的传记是畅销书。(4)甲从来没有见过丙。下面哪一选项正确地描述了每个人的身份?()A.甲是歌唱家,乙是作家,丙是画家,丁是舞蹈家B.甲是舞蹈家,乙是歌唱家,丙是作家,丁是画家C.甲是画家,乙是舞蹈家,丙是歌唱家,丁是作家D.甲是作家,乙是画家,丙是舞蹈家,丁是歌唱家答案:B解析:题干包含人物和职业两类元素,选项涉及了所有元素的对应关系,可以直接根据题干条件进行排除。根据(1)可知甲和丙不是歌唱家,排除A、C两项;根据(2)可知乙不是画家和作家,排除D项。故答案选B。下列不属于商业银行常用的风险规避策略的是()。A.避重就轻的投资选择原则B.收软付硬、借硬贷软的币种选择原则C.扬长避短、趋利避害的债务互换D.资产结构短期化策略答案:B解析:应为收硬付软、借软贷硬的币种选择原则。The vision of that big black car hitting the sidewalk a few feet from us will never be()from my memoryA.ejectedB.escapedC.erasedD.omitted答案:C解析:以下应作为债权处理的项目是()。A.应付账款B.应交税费C.预收账款D.预付账款答案:D解析:应付账款、应交税费和预收账款都是负债类科目,应作为债务处理预付账款属于资产类科目,应作为债权处理。A.13/19B.6/19C.18/19D.1/19答案:B解析:“画蛇添足”常用来比喻做了多余的事,非但没有益处,反而不合适。以下关于蛇的脚的解释正确的是( )。A.蛇的身上有很多鳞片,这些鳞片都曾经是蛇的脚,在进化过程中逐渐演变成了鳞片B.蛇曾经有脚,但在进化过程中因为妨碍爬行,就自然衰退了C.蛇的身上有很多鳞片,这些鳞片既是蛇的盔甲起保护作用,也是它的脚,能配合肌肉推动身体向前爬行D.蛇不需要脚。所以进化过程中没有出现脚答案:C解析:蛇的身上有很多鳞片,这是它们身上最外面的一层盔甲。鳞片不但可以保护身体,还可以充当它们的脚。蛇向前爬行时,身体会呈S形,每一片在S形身体外边的鳞片都会翘起来,帮助蛇前进时抓住不平的路面。这些鳞片跟蛇的肌肉互相配合,推动身体向前爬行所以蛇没有脚也可以走动。2022银行招聘考试考试历年真题精选9卷 第4卷There was a Greek shopkeeper in a small conner shop in London. She taught me about the 41of an act of kindness, which has motivated me to give.On the day I went to that shop, I was42with a very high fever. I had been off work fordays and I had43out of food. Because I had been working so hard since I had 44 to town,I also had no friends who could help.So I went out to get some food.45, I would have gone to the supermarket, butonthis 46, Iwent into the Greek shop because it was closer. I47a few things, from the looks of whichrevealed the48that I lived alone. Then I49them to the shopkeeper, who told me, "Youare unwell." I50rather shyly. She pointed at the things I was buying and51. "I can makeyou a sandwich, so you don't have to do it yourself.So, she made the sandwich and asked me to52a moment. She went in the back room andreappeared with a container of hot soup. "It will53you up," she said with a smile.What really warmed me up,54, was not the soup. It was her55that told me shecared. Her kindness made me feel cared for when I was particularly56.And it57me. It made me want to be as58as the shopkeeper. I had been quite shy,but, from that day on, I did not let shyness prevent me from59random acts of kindness.I was determined to60the joy . and I haven't felt lonely since!阅读以上短文,回答161-180题。第41题答案是_A.lessonB.methodC.powerD.cause答案:C解析:她告诉我了施善行为的力量,后面有motivate,可知选power。国家安全生产监督管理局是国务院组成部门。()答案:错解析:国家安全生产监督管理局是国务院直属机构。在1970年到1980年之间,世界工业的能源消耗量在达到顶峰后下降,1980年虽然工业总产出量有显著提高,但工业的能源总耗用量却低于1970年的水平。这说明,工业部门一定采取了高效节能措施。最能削弱上述结论的是( )。A1970年前,许多工业能源的使用者很少注意节约能源B20世纪70年代一大批能源密集型工业部门的产量急剧下降C工业总量的增长1970年到1980年间低于1960至1970年间的增长D20世纪70年代,许多行业从使用高价石油转向使用低价的替代物答案:D解析:本题的主要结论是工业部采取高效的节能措施导致了工业能源总耗用量的降低。要削弱这个结论,就要找出另外一个导致降低的理由,D项用低价替代物替代高价石油,促使石油的消耗总量的降低,刚好符合条件,所以当选。He holds an important position in the company.( ),I dont quite trust him.A.ThusB.FurthermoreC.OtherwiseD.Nevertheless答案:D解析:本题考察连词,题目意为“他在公司中担任重要位置,但是我并不太信任他。”A选项意为“因此,这样”,B选项意为“此外,而且”,C选项意为“否则”,D选项意为“然而”。根据句意,D选项意思正确,强调转折的含义。人民币汇率形成机制改革坚持主动性、可控性、渐进性的原则,2022年7月21日,人民币汇率形成机制改革启动,开始实行以市场供求为基础、参考一篮子货币政策进行调节、有管理的浮动汇率制度。自汇率形成机制改革以来,人民币汇率弹性逐步扩大,并形成双向波动的格局,呈现稳中有升的态势。根据上述资料,回答问题:()是指经国家外汇管理局批准可以经营外汇业务的境内金融机构(包括银行、非银行金融机构和外资金融机构)之间通过中国外汇交易中心进行人民币与外币之间的交易市场。A.银行间外汇市场 B.同业拆借市场C.票据市场 D.债券市场答案:A解析:题干所述为银行间外汇市场的概念。2022年9月29日,中国()自由贸易试验区正式挂牌。A.北京B.上海C.广州D.深圳答案:B解析:2022年9月29日,中国(上海)自由贸易试验区正式挂牌。宪法作为一国的根本法,具有至高无上的地位。新中国成立后,先后共制定颁布了 4部宪 法,现行宪法是( )。A. “七八”宪法 B. “八二”宪法C. “八四”宪法 D. “八八”宪法答案:B解析:我国先后在1954年、1975年、1978年和1982年制定过4部宪法。“八 二”宪法是我国的现行宪法,由第五届全国人大第五次全体会议于1982年12月4日通过。这 部宪法以四项基本原则为指导思想,继承和发展了“五四”宪法的基本原则,全面总结了我国社 会主义建设正反两方面的经验,反映了改革开放以来各方面取得的巨大成就,规定了国家的根 本制度和根本任务。故本题答案为B。All car makers are spending billions trying to figure out a future that is more_,more autonomous and steps back from fossil fuels。A.electricB.electricalC.electronicD.electrified答案:A解析:本题考查形近词辨析。题目意为“所有的汽车制造商都在花费数以亿计的美元,试图找到一个更加电气化、更加自主的未来,并逐步退出化石燃料。”。A选项“电动的,电气车辆”,B选项“有关电的,电气科学的,C选项“电子的”, D选项“电气化的”。电气车辆electric vehicle,所以这里表示汽车的电气化应该使用electric,选项A正确。Questions 176177 refer to the following advertisement.CARE YOUR OWN SPACEDo you dream of having a space away from the demands of everyday life-a space where you can create, think, and relax?Marvel Space Planners, a group of architects, designers, and makers of built-in furniture, can turn an unused room or an awkward space into a practical room of your own. Our free, full-colorbrochure presents a sampling of options for individually designed spaces.If you would like to create a customized space, why not call us today at 800-555-7552 to request a copy of the brochure or to schedule a free initial consultation with our design team.What is being advertised?A. Rooms for rentB. A design serviceC. A job placement serviceD. Vacation package答案:B解析:2022银行招聘考试考试历年真题精选9卷 第5卷 一个三位自然数正好等于它各位数字之和的18倍,则这个三位自然数是( )。A. 999B. 476C. 387D. 162 答案:D解析:根据题意,这个三位数是18的倍数,则它一定能被9和2整除: 被9整除的数: 各位数字之和能被9整除,排除B; 能被2整除的数: 末位数为0、2、4、6、8,排除A、C; 所以,选D。How long did it take for the account to be cleared?A.Two monthsB.Six months C.One year D.Two years答案:B解析:根据两封邮件的内容和时间可知3月31日起开始支付,到9月3日付清,答案为B。资料:It seems simple enough. Take all the line-forming and paper-filling busy work of the government, and put it all up on the Internet. Now, in order to report a pot-hole, pay your property tax, complain to an official or cast a vote, just log on and hit a few buttons. Goodbye bureaucracy, hello e-cracy?However, the shift to e-government is turning into one giant pain in the neck technology isn't the problem, money is. The Gartner Group estimated that project spending for e-government will grow from $6.5 billion in 2022 to more than $16.8 billion by 2025.The cost worldwide over the next 15 years, however, is thought by some to reach or even exceed $600 billion.Citizens are of two minds they like the convenience and flexibility of e-government, but they have shown no great interest in coughing up extra tax dollars for this purpose. E-government is turning out to be much more expensive than its early champions envisioned. Just because that a state's department of motor vehicles allows online auto registration doesn't mean it can shut down its physical stations. The cost of creating and maintaining an Internet presence must be added to the existing cost structure.Why so expensive? It's cheap enough for a regional forest service to put up a fire alert website. But mounting a comprehensive system of inputs and outputs that mirrors and in some instances supersedes off-line government structures is a mammoth expenditure, conducted with little assurance that emerging technol