2022项目管理师模拟试题8辑2022项目管理师模拟试题8辑 第1辑 下列哪项理论可被用于降低成本或缩短计划( )A赶工B变更范围C平等实施几项活动而不是按序列实施D以上都是正确答案:D 158 Risk classified as unknown unknowns (i.e., those which cannot be identified or evaluated): A. should be deflected to the contracting officerB. should be handled via contingency allowancesC. should be ignored, since they cannot be identifiedD. should be ignored, since they are not covered in the Project Risk AssessmentE. C and D正确答案:B 37 You have assembled your thoughts into a message. As you pass this information to a second party, you are giving this person your:A. InputB. OutputC. DataD. FeedbackE. A and C正确答案:B 19 "Paraphrasing" is most closely associated with which part of the communication process? A. encodingB decodingC. barriersD. feedbackE. None of the above正确答案:D 担保成本是以下哪种成本的范例?A、 内部失败成本B、 评估成本C、 外部失败成本D、 客户满意成本正确答案:C During which phase of the project life cycle is the amount at stake lowest?A conceptB developmentC executionD conclusionE C and D正确答案:A2022项目管理师模拟试题8辑 第2辑 You have summarized the project and note that , hours have been scheduled, , hours have been earned and , hours paid. The correct conclusion is:A.The project is operating at a favorable cost efficiency ratio.B.the project is spending more than plannedC.the project is behind scheduleD.the project is ahead of scheduleE.B and C正确答案:CC As a project is carried out and slack time is consumed on individual tasks, the slack left over for the remaining tasks is:A Insignificant.B Reduced.C Unchanged.D Increased.E Doubled.正确答案:C 4 An informal communication network on a project and within an organization is called a(n):A. free upward flowB. free horizontal flowC. unrestricted communication flowD. grapevineE. open network正确答案:D Conflict management requires problem-solving. Which of the following is often referred to as a problem-solving technique and used extensively in conflict resolution?A . ConfrontationB . CompromiseC . SmoothingD . ForcingE . Withdrawal正确答案:A By which process may an unsuccessful supplier seek remedy for unjust awards?A Contract disputeB Stop work orderC Bid protestD Coffective actionE None of the above.正确答案:C 以下哪项不属于合同文件的一部分A、 建议书B、 工作范围C、 条款和条件D、 谈判纪录正确答案:D2022项目管理师模拟试题8辑 第3辑 在项目最近的一次状态评审会议上,一个队员批语其他队员,并且似乎试图贬低其他人在团队中的状态。这个人被认为属于以下哪一类带破坏性的团队角色?( )A认同追寻者B阻碍者C攻击者D独裁统治者正确答案:C 如果项目小组成员即对职能经理又对项目经理汇报工作,项目团队的建设将变得非常复杂。对这种双重负责机制进行管理通常是谁的职责?A、有关的小组成员B、项目经理C、项目所有权人或者赞助人D、职能经理正确答案:B 132 Which of the following contract types has the highest risk to the contractor:A. Firm fixed price (FFP)B. Time and material (TM)C. Cost plus fixed fee (CPFF)D. Cost plus incentive fee (CPIF)E. A and B only正确答案:A The financial closeout of a project dictates that:A All project funds have been spent.B No charge numbers have been overrun.C No follow-on work from this client is possible.D No further charges can be made against the project.E All of the above.正确答案:D 项目干系人包括:( )A终端用户B供货商C市民D以上都是正确答案:D 有两类风险:商务和可保险型,以下哪项可看作可保险型风险 ( )A薪水册成本B机会成本C沉淀成本D有担保的承包商造成的损害正确答案:D2022项目管理师模拟试题8辑 第4辑 试验设计在质量计划编制中的作用在于:( )A确定哪些对整体产出影响最大B对比各种项目质量管理实践C说明系统各元素间的联系D确认何处需要进行少量返工正确答案:A 9 Cost management includes processes that are required to maintain financial control of projects. These processes may include:A. economic evaluationB. cost estimatingC. cost forecastingD. B and CE. All of the above正确答案:E 你正准备与一家韩国公司建立一个大型的电子培训的合资企业。在首次与公司部经理的谈话中,你提到你会说几句简单的韩语。他为您熟悉这种语言而吃惊和高兴,你们的关系就这样良好地开始了。透露你懂他的语言可看做是以下哪一种特性?( )A自信的谦逊B很强的灵活性C积极进取的洞察力D夸张正确答案:C 184 _ is based on information gathered and analyzed about demand and supply. This forecast provides a prediction of short and long term prices and the underlying reasons for those trends. A. Demand forecastB. Price forecastC. Supply forecastD. Production forecastE. None of the above正确答案:B 你已以准备好了项目的范围说明和WBS。你的项目计划也已经被批准了。目前你的项目已经开始实施了,但你认识到,基于项目工作的天性,项目范围的变动是在所难免的。由于不久前你就经历过范围不断扩大的折磨,所以这次你对范围蔓延的危险特别留意。为了避免类似事件的发生,你召集了团队会议要建立一套项目范围变更控制系统。这个系统是指:( )A一系列正式的有书面文件记载的程序,这些程序规定了如何修改正式的项目文件的步骤B一套有正式的书面文件记录的流程,其主要作用是用来实施技术和行政的指导和监督,这样做的目的是为了保证项目各个部分的工作能够得以明确,并且有正式文件记录工作日志记录和变更报告变更控制,以及为了保证工作按照预定要求正常进行而进行审核工作C可以使用项目范围得到变更的一系列程序,主要包括文书工作跟踪系统和批准变更必须的审批级别D有关项目变更的命令,这些命令是为了保证项目的范围管理计划在上级部门审阅和签署之前不会被随意改变正确答案:C "Hard logic" in the preparation of a network refers to:A.Discretionay dependenciesB.External depenenciesC.Mandatory dependenciesD.All of the aboveE.A abd B only正确答案:CC2022项目管理师模拟试题8辑 第5辑 113 The basic terminology for networks includes:A. Activities, events, manpower, skill levels and slack.B. Activities, documentation, events, manpower and skill levels.C. Slack, activities, events, and time estimates.D. Time estimates, slack, sponsorship involvement, and activities.E. Time estimates, slack time, report writing, life cycle phases, and crashing times正确答案:C Contingency planning should include all but which of the following?A The development of a contingency allowance determined by combining (layering) various estimate segments to form. larger estimate segments.B the development of schedule alternatives and work-aroundC the management of a contingency budgetD an assessment of project shut-down liabilities.E A and C正确答案:A Japanese resource management models exhibit.A . a cooperative spirit of goal settingsB . non-specialized career pathsC . frequent changes on team assignmentsD . A and B.E . All of the above.正确答案:E In performing an impact analysis, the most effective tool to ensure all risks are identified on large projects is the:A Work breakdown structureB milestone review and schedule techniqueC cost/schedule control systemD planning programming budget systemE program and evaluation review technique正确答案:A 73 In a contract, the point of total assumption refers to the point where:A. The customer incurs the total financial responsibility for each additional dollar spent.B. The contractor incurs the total financial responsiblity for each dollar spent.C. The schedule and cost variance are zero.D. The customer will incur no further costs for the work the contractor performs in the completion of the contract.E. B and D only正确答案:E 项目控制的一个关键目的是( )A对不确定因素提前计划B发布状况报告C使项目保持在轨道D建立项目路线图正确答案:C2022项目管理师模拟试题8辑 第6辑 Sally是项目经理和两个组员解决一个冲突。 其中一方, Bill已经退出。 另一个,Kathleen试图采取折衷的办法,问题解决得很慢。由于问题得不到解决, 为快要达到的一个里程碑造成了很大的负面影响。Sally 召集两人正视问题, 但是, 两个人都不配合他解决问题。 Sally 最终听取了两方面的意见后作出决定。 Bill的形势优于Kathleen。 Sally最终采取那种方式解决问题?a. 折衷b. 冲突c. 强迫d. 缓和e. b 和c正确答案:Aa 当选择项目组织结构时必须考虑很多因素以保证能覆盖所有或有费用。例如,项目规格及工期,项目经理的经验,高级管理的支援程度,项目所出的位置,可用资源以及是否有常规经验,客户关注点和差异,项目的类型等。为将所有这些项目包括在内,项目管理就是将它们结合在一个项目中的一种手段 要将职能组织和WBS元素联系起来,项目经理应该使用一个:A、 WBS索引B、 项目WBSC、 成本帐目矩阵D、 工作包分配索引正确答案:A 127 A warranty may not be a remedy for products delivered unfit when _ .A. the PM has knowledge of the product, inspected it without relying on the seller's skillB. the products delivered comply with the plans and specifications of the clientC. the plans and specifications produced by the seller match the completed product.D. A and BE. None of the above正确答案:D 灵敏度分析和头脑风暴法是两种不同的风险识别方法,灵敏度分析的优点有: ( )A仅针对公众确定风险B考虑独立的答案C管理层理解可能会有大量不同的结果D可以提供项目经理可能缺乏的对项目的理解正确答案:C 175 The type of contract (payment mechanism) chosen for a project is often a reflection of the degree of risk associated with completing that project. For a firm fixed price contract, payment for risk _ .A. Is accomplished by paying the actual costs to the contractor.B. Is accomplished by paying the contractor for his costs plus a fixed fee (profit).C. Is an undisclosed contingency in the contractor's bid.D. Is accomplished by paying for the budgeted costs of dealing with risks, as predicted in the project risk assessment.E. B and C正确答案:C 对于发生在信息技术事业部的项目成本,某项目经理正试图较好地加以管理。下列哪一生命周期阶段使项目经理对于管理成本有最大的影响?a. 收尾b. 实施c. 安装d. 构思和设计正确答案:D2022项目管理师模拟试题8辑 第7辑 在一个典型的项目中,什么时候风险最高而影响最小 ( )A在构思阶段B项目完成或者接近完成阶段C在项目执行阶段D替换项目经理时正确答案:A 72 The first step in building a PERT/CPM network is to:A. Create a flow chartB. Determine the critical pathC. Show task relationshipsD. Create a work breakdown structureE. None of the above正确答案:D 合同收尾和行政收尾的相似处在于二者都要求:A、 由项目经理之外的另一个人管理相关活动B、 在执行工作时核实任何时候都没有错误发生C、 准备好WBSD、 核实工作令人满意的完成了正确答案:D 109 Problems can occur in properly defining a project because:A. Project goals may not be agreeable to all partiesB. The plan was "too loose," thus allowing priorities to changeC. Low turnover of project personnelD. Too much communication between the client and project personnelE. The project objectives were quantified正确答案:A 你的组织对项目应包括的信息提出了要求。其中要求对你的项目的管理方法和战略进行说明。为此,你应该概括:A、项目章程B、范围说明C、进度和成本的绩效考核基线D、其它知识领域的管理计划正确答案:D 你是一个大型IT公司的项目经理. PX软件由一家软件开发公司开发,并将合成到你的系统。最近你发现PX有错误,但PX公司不想让你的客户知道这个问题,因为这个问题要在项目完工后很久才会出现。他们也可以在纠正或出售下一个版本的PX。PX公司和你的公司都可以从中获取利润,你如何克服这个冲突:( )A会见客户,告诉他们如何向PX公司的工程师询问新软件的功能,这样客户就能发现问题了。B忽略这个问题,因为项目完成后你将要离开。C和PX公司经理个情况,劝服他不要使用这种方法D暂时不向客户透露,会见你的主管和PX经理和销售小组探讨备选方案。正确答案:D2022项目管理师模拟试题8辑 第8辑 对目标的坚持是持续改进的核心概念。一个坚持目标的机构必须具有以下所有的因素,除了( )A形成文件而且广为分发关于目标的远景的陈述B一系列战略和战术的计划C所有机构成员对目的、远景、目标及子目标的了解,以及他们对在实现它们的过程中所扮演的角色的了解。D质量保证和控制部门分别对高层经理负责正确答案:D 对一些特定的要求过份灵活会对时间的延迟产生什么样的影响( )A减少B消除C双倍D增加E无影响正确答案:D Smoothing out resource requirements from period to period is called resource _.A.Allocation.B.PartitioningC.Leveling.D.QuantificationE.None of above.正确答案:CC 148 A good team leader must be concerned not only with _ but also with _ .A. Long term goals; short term goalsB. Organizational goals; personal goalsC. Legitimate power; referent powerD. Group efficiency; power and authorityE. Tasks to be accomplished; needs of the team members正确答案:E The scope of a project can be expected to change if:A.The project manager must provide cost estimates without having a design conceptB.Oversimplification (underestimating) of the nature of the work occursC.The project manager is assigned after the project is defined, and the cost and schedule are approvedD.A clear objective is not providedE.All of the above are possible based upon the situation正确答案:E 120 Management calls a meeting to explain to all employees the new benefits package for the rank and file. This is an example of:A. Upward communicationB. Downward communicationC. One-way communicationD. Two-way communicationE. None of the above.正确答案:C