21年项目管理师考试答案7辑21年项目管理师考试答案7辑 第1辑 65 Parametric estimates are based on variables such as:A. Detailed planning and cost restraints.B. Physical characteristics and historical data.C. The WBS and similar projects.D. Project objectives and manpower allocations.E. Precise measurements and multiple inputs正确答案:B 在一个最近的项目状态评审会议上,一名团队成员非常不满,而且贬低别人在团队中的地位。这个人属于下列哪项提及的破坏性团队角色?A寻求赞誉者B阻挡者C攻击者D独断者正确答案:B 45 A deficiency in characteristics that render the quality of the material/service unacceptable is usually referred to as:A. defectiveB. defectC. non-conformanceD. poor workmanshipE. lack of fitness for use正确答案:C The review for the specification completeness is performed during which of the following cycles.A Award cyclesB requirements cycleC requisition cycleD solicitation cycleE contractual cycle正确答案:C 137 The core function of the project manager isA. Systems designB. Client interfacingC. Quality assuranceD. integration正确答案:D 下列哪一项是范围说明的一部分 ( )A项目判断B项目可交付成果C项目目标D以上都是正确答案:D21年项目管理师考试答案7辑 第2辑 现在已经落实了项目预算,然而在预算或项目范围中却有些工作没有计划到,在哪儿可以找到执行这些新发现的要作的资金? ( )A应急储备B项目利润C管理储备D放弃资金正确答案:C 25 For a given characteristic in a construction process, the standard deviation associated with production variation is 0.8", and the standard deviation associated with measurement variation is 0.6". The total standard deviation for this characteristic is:A. 1.4"B. 1.2".C. 1.0"D. 0.8"E. 0.2"正确答案:C 25 In which of the following scope management processes is the scope management plan prepared? A. InitiationB. Scope planningC. Scope DefinitionD. Scope change controlE. Scope verification正确答案:B 以下哪3个领域的冲突之和超过了项目总冲突的50%?( )A个性、成本目标和进度B成本目标、行政程序和进度C进度、项目优先权和人力资源D个性、项目优先权和成本目标正确答案:C The sequential steps that define the process for successfully completing a project is:A Implementation PlanB a life cycleC Development PlanD a critical pathE Management Plan正确答案:B 作为一名项目经理,在于员工进行沟通的时候你想要采取移情的聆听方式。在是使用这种方法时,你应该:( )A重复对方所说的话B试探对方的意思,然后掂量谈话的内容C先评价内容再提出建议D站在对方的角度看问题,体验问题正确答案:D21年项目管理师考试答案7辑 第3辑 141 Which of the following statements is in agreement with McGregor's concepts concerning Theory X and Theory Y managers?A. Theory X managers view subordinates as being lazy, irresponsible, and resistant to changeB. Theory Y managers view subordinates as being imaginative, creative, and willing to accept responsibilityC. Theory X managers tend to be autocratic whereas Theory Y managers are more likely to delegate responsibilityD. A and B.E. All of the above正确答案:E 31 Cost forecasting calculations include:A. EAC = ACWP + (BAC - BCWP)B. EAC = BAC/CPIC. EAC = ACWP + (BAC/CPI)D. All of the above.E. A and B正确答案:E Quality may be defined as:A . conformance to requirements.B . fitness for use.C . continuous improvement of products and servicesD . appeal to the customerE . All of the above except B正确答案:E 在当今的高科技环境中,要成功的激励一个团队,项目经理要使用哪些激励理论才能保持一个快乐高效的团队?A、 期待、X理论B、 Y理论和Masolw等级制度C、 Y理论,期待、Herzberg保健因素D、 Herzberg保健因素、期待正确答案:C 不计成本的结算有时用来:A结束一个正确履行的合同B替代正式的结束程序C当买方按照合同不提供资产D当该结算方法对于当事的一方是可以接受的时候正确答案:B 项目章程最少应该:( )A描述项目经理和职能经理的职责和权利B探讨项目的风险和限制以及针对这些问题的计划C指定项目的组织结构D说明执行组织的商业目标正确答案:A21年项目管理师考试答案7辑 第4辑 基于你的制造项目的质量控制测量,管理层认训到需要立即对材料需求计划(MRP)系统进行纠正,以避免在未来的项目中出现返工问题。为执行必要的变更,你必须遵循( )A机构的质量政策B质量管理计划C已制订的操作定义和程序D整体变更控制程序正确答案:D “计划” 和“进度”两个术语在项目中有时交替使用,然而它们在项目中是不同的行为。下列那一个是进度活动?a. 项目由横跨6个县的国际专家组完成,他们可以在因特网上使用工作组的工具b. 对装饰公司,卖主必须是最后的第一季度被挑选的c. 由于高成本和很宽的产品制造时间框架,许多公司就不同卖主签约d. 卖主成本和交付时间框架必须同合同中要求的接近e. b 和 d正确答案:Bb. 计划编制和制定进度的区别是:计划编制说的是一个项目“如何”被完成,制定进度是在计划中应用已经获得的受约束的时间和资源。除了 b的所有答案都说项目任何被完成, b 指的是完成任务的时间框架。 Going from Level to Level in the work breakdown structure will result inA.Less estimating accuracyB.Better control of the projectC.Lower status reporting costsD.A greater likelihood that something will fall through the cracksE.None of the above正确答案:EE 你是一位项目经理,管理着一个医疗数据库系统项目。公司有专业的编程人员负责设计程序,但是你需要从外部购买硬件。项目中负责合同管理的人员告诉你,需要向承包商提供一份产品描述,这个产品描述也被称作A、工作说明B、合同范围说明C、项目章程D、合同正确答案:A 24 Ensuring that all work is both authorized and funded by contractual documentation is the responsibility of:A. The project managerB. The functional managerC. The project sponsorD. The clientE. All of the above正确答案:A The difference between a project and a program is that:A.A program is made up of multiple projectsB.A program requires at least three times longer to plan than a projectC.A project is a one-shot deal while a program is on-goingD.A and CE.B and C正确答案:DD21年项目管理师考试答案7辑 第5辑 绩效衡量基线为:( )A计划价值(PV)B挣值(EV)C实际成本(AC)D计划完成工作的实际成本(ACWS)正确答案:A 29 The WBS is:A. An organization oriented family tree of the project.B. A task oriented family tree of the project.C. A cost centered structure of the project.D. Only required on large complex projects where separately identifiable work packages are difficult to construct.E. None of the above正确答案:B 如果决策的结果预先不知道,这是以下哪个概念的定义 ( )A确定性B风险C不确定性D已知-未知正确答案:C 让一个公司接受并使用项目管理模式来进行管理的可能性取决于项目的及 ( )A竞争及经济价值B行业类型及人力要求C规模及特性D质量要求及人力要求正确答案:C 对于发生在信息技术事业部的项目成本,某项目经理正试图较好地加以管理。下列哪一生命周期阶段使项目经理对于管理成本有最大的影响?a. 收尾b. 实施c. 安装d. 构思和设计正确答案:D Researching, organizing and recording pertinent information is called:A Alternative analysisB Information gatheringC Configuration managementD Post project analysisE All of the above正确答案:B21年项目管理师考试答案7辑 第6辑 34 Three types of written media used in organizations are _, _, and _.A. manual, letters, guidelinesB. individually-oriented, legally-oriented, organizationally orientedC. guidelines, forms, proceduresD. letters, guidelines, brochuresE. letters, contracts, policies正确答案:D 你负责管理一个项目,项目团队中的成员拥有各种技能和特长。你想要劝说各位成员共享他们关于此项目的相关知识,以便做出更好的决策,最适合该过程的管理风格是:( )A自由放任型B民主型C专制独裁型D指导型正确答案:B 在什么时间选择并指派项目经理较为理想?A、 项目启动过程期间B、 项目计划编制过程期间C、 项目生命周期概念阶段结束时D、 在项目生命周期发展阶段开始之前正确答案:A 171 Documented work authorization provide:A. a means of effective internal coordination of the project's activities.B. an audit trail of all work authorized from project initiation to completionC.a means for communication of work activity between the project manager and the performing activities.D. All of the aboveE. A and B only正确答案:D 进度报告的50-50规则被用于 ( )A计算精确的EVB提供一个EV的良好估计值C确定进度偏差D确定货币的进度偏差正确答案:B The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is the basis for communicating:A.Project scope, cost control, schedule, qualityB.Project objectives, dependencies, plan, cost controlC.Project scope, schedule, staffing, cost controlD.Project scope, quality, schedule, dependenciesE.Project budget, schedule, risk factors, work assignments.正确答案:AA21年项目管理师考试答案7辑 第7辑 178 Assigning resources in an attempt to find the shortest project schedule consistent with fixed resource limits is called resource _.A. Allocation.B. PartitioningC. LevelingD. Quantification.E. None of above.正确答案:A 12 Using the situation stated in the Special window, what is the schedule variance for Case #8?A. 1000B. 2000C. -1000D. -2000E. 0正确答案:C 资源计划编制的目的在于:A、 确定执行项目活动所需的物理资源B、 近似的计算完成项目活动所需的资源成本C、 确定可能获取的资源D、 评估组织有关项目使用资源的政策正确答案:A A work breakdown structure is most useful for:A.identifying individual tasks for a projectB.scheduling the start of tasksC.developing a cost estimateD.determining potential delaysE.A and C正确答案:EE 39 Filling vacant positions by recruiting within the organizationA. Is exempt from equal employment opportunity lawsB. Is less expensive than recruiting externallyC. Can help provide new and innovative ideas to the organizationD. Is more time consuming than recruiting externallyE. A and B正确答案:B 57 Which of the following scheduling methods uses more of the risk management concepts:A. ADMB. PDMC. CPMD. PERTE. Gantt正确答案:D