Chapter 1 Civil EngineeringSection A Introduction of Civil EngineeringSection A Introduction of Civil EngineeringCompany LogoContents One of the oldest major is civil engineering.最老的专业之一是土木工程。Civil engineering is that branch of engineering which aims to provide a comfortable and safe living for the people shelter.土木工程是工程的一个分支,它的目的是为人类的住处提供一个舒适而安全的生活。The engineering marvels of the world,starting from the pyramids to todays shell structure,are the results of the development in civil engineering.世界上的工程奇迹,从金字塔到当今的壳结构都是土木工程发展的结果。Company LogoContents Shelters,apart from just being shelters,have been constructed by civil engineers to provide a peaceful and comfortable life.除了仅仅作为住处之外,由土木工程师建造的住处提供了一个和平而舒适的生活。Since then,the term civil engineer has often been to refer to engineers who build public facilities,although the field is much broader.从那时起,土木工程师这个词用来指建设公共设施的工程师,尽管这一领域非常广阔。Company LogoContents The scope of civil engineering is broad,depending on the type of the project and the skills needed.土木工程的范围很广,这取决于项目的类型及所需的技术。Structural engineering is the most important specialization,it includes:positioning and arranging the various parts of the structure into a definite form to achieve best utilization;determining the forces that a structure must resist,its own weight,wind and hurricane forces,and temperature change that expand or contract construction materials,and earthquake.结构工程是最重要的一个专业,它包括:将结构的不同部分进行定位和布置,从而形成一个确定的形式以获得最好的利用;确定结构必须抵抗的力,结构的自重,风和飓风,使施工材料产生的膨胀和收缩的温度变化,以及地震力。Company LogoContents They also determine the combination appropriate materials:steel,concrete,plastic,stone,asphalt,brick,aluminum,or other construction materials.他们还要确定合适的材料组合,包括钢材、混凝土、塑料、石头、沥青、砖、铝及其它建筑材 Most structural engineer work for apartment or public construction and factory constructions.大多数结构工程师从事公寓建筑、公共建筑和厂房建筑工作。Company LogoContents Civil engineers who specialize in geotechnical engineering deal with the following aspects:the properties of soils and rocks as materials that support the structure;the various types of foundation for a structure;settlements of buildings;stabilities of slopes and fills;effects of groundwater.从事岩土工程专业的土木工程师研究的是以下几个方面:作为支撑结构材料的土壤和岩石的性能;结构不同的基础类型;建筑物的沉降;边坡和路堤的稳定;地下水的影响。Because foundation is the most important part of a building,it is very complicated underground and it is difficult to remedy if something is wrong.由于基础是建筑物最重要的部分,地下非常复杂,如果出现任何错误都很难补救。Company LogoContents These engineers analyze the properties of soils and rocks that support structures and affect structural behaviors.这些工程师要分析支撑结构和影响结构性能的土壤及岩石的性能。They evaluate and work to minimize the potential settlement of buildings and other structures,which stems from the pressure of their weight on the earth.他们评估并采取措施使建筑物和其他结构的重量对地面的压力引起的潜在的沉降最小化。These engineers also evaluate and determine how to strengthen the stability of slopes and fills and how to protect structures against earthquakes and effects of groundwater.这些工程师还评估并确定如何加强边坡和路堤的稳定性以及如何保护结构抵抗地震和地下水的影响。Company LogoContents Transportation engineering is the science of safe and efficient movement of people and goods.运输工程是人和物安全而有效运动的学科,它是土木工程的一个子学科。The planning aspects of transportation engineering relate to urban planning,and involve technical forecasting decisions and political factors.运输工程规划方面与城市规划相关,并涉及技术上的预先决策和政治因素。Passenger trips are the focus of transportation engineering because they often represent the peak of demand on any transportation system.由于在任何运输系统中,旅客的运输需求最大,因此在运输工程中旅客的运输成为了焦点。Company LogoContents Fluid mechanics,hydraulics and hydraulic machines,in this branch of engineering,civil engineers deal with the properties and behavior of fluids at rest or in motion.流体力学、水力学和水利机械,在这个工程分支中,土木工程师研究的是处于静止或运动的流体的性能。Engineers design and maintain harbors,hydroelectric dams,waterfront facilities,control water runoff land.工程师们设计并维护港口、水电坝、河流设施,控制水流量,控制并治理不同的水资源,他们建造坝、水库并把水渠分布到耕地。Company LogoContents Those engaged in environmental engineering design systems to sanitize water and air,they provide safety drinking water for people and control pollution of water supplies,they help to build water and wastewater treatment plants,dump sites to eliminate hazardous or toxic wastes and prevent pollution of surrounding land.从事环境工程的人们设计系统来净化水和空气,他们为人们提供安全的饮用水并控制供水污染,他们帮助建造水和废水处理厂、垃圾站来消除危险的和有毒的废物并避免周围环境的污染。Company LogoContents Civil engineers in pipeline engineering build pipelines and related facilities which transport liquids,gases,or solids ranging from coal slurries and semi-liquid wastes to water,oil,and various types of highly combustible and noncombustible gases.从事管道工程的土木工程师建造管道和相关设施来运输液体、气体和固体,运输的物质范围从煤浆(煤与水混合)和半液态废弃物到水、油和各种高度易燃和不易燃的气体。Company LogoContents The engineers determine pipeline design,the economic and environmental impact of a project on regions it must traverse,the type of materials to be used-steel,concrete,plastic,or combination of various materials installation techniques,methods for testing pipeline strength,and controls for maintaining proper pressure and rate of flow of materials being transported.工程师要确定管道的设计和工程项目对管道必经地区的经济和环境的冲击,所用材料的类型-钢材、混凝土、塑料或各种材料的组合和安装技术,管道强度的测试方法,以及控制运输材料适当的压力和流速。Company LogoContents Though the difference of special knowledge and skills needed,structural engineers determine the members size,geotechnical engineers perform experiment to determine the earth capacity,transportation engineers aim at easing the transportation pressure,hydraulic engineers consider the behavior of fluids,environmental engineers study the projects potential pollution and protecting,pipeline engineers deal with aspects of design and installation of pipelines.尽管所需的专业知识和技能不同,结构工程师要确定构件的尺寸,岩土工程师作试验来确定土壤的承载力,水利工程师考虑流体的性能,运输工程师的目的是减轻运输压力,环境工程师研究项目潜在的环境污染及保护,管道工程师处理的是管道的设计与安装方面的问题。Company LogoContents These specialists always work together,computers are their necessary tool,they make extensive use of computers to handle large quantities of data and determine the best way to execute a project.然而这些专家总是一起工作,计算机是他们必备的工具,他们充分利用计算机来处理大量的数据并确定最好的方法来实施项目。Company LogoExercise.Fill in the blanks with the information given in the.Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text.text.Loads to foundations are generally broken into two broad Loads to foundations are generally broken into two broad categories,gravity loads(dead and live)and _ loads categories,gravity loads(dead and live)and _ loads(wind and earthquake).All loads to foundations are treated(wind and earthquake).All loads to foundations are treated as _ loads.Live loads,wind loads,and _ as _ loads.Live loads,wind loads,and _ loads may actually be highly dynamic,but in practice such loads may actually be highly dynamic,but in practice such loads are applied as _ static loads rather than as loads are applied as _ static loads rather than as _ loads._ loads.dynamicequivalentearthquakestaticlateralCompany LogoExercise.Translate the following passages from English into Translate the following passages from English into Chinese.Chinese.One of the primary needs of mankind is provided by civil One of the primary needs of mankind is provided by civil engineers.Civil engineers design and construct buildings,engineers.Civil engineers design and construct buildings,railways,roads,bridges,tunnels,harbors,water and sewage railways,roads,bridges,tunnels,harbors,water and sewage systems,and other public facilities.The efficient planning of systems,and other public facilities.The efficient planning of water supply and irrigation systems increases the food water supply and irrigation systems increases the food production in a country.Shelters,apart from just being production in a country.Shelters,apart from just being shelters,have been constructed by civil engineers to provide shelters,have been constructed by civil engineers to provide a peaceful and comfortable life.a peaceful and comfortable life.Company LogoExercise.Translation answerTranslation answer人类的主要需求之一是由土木工程师提供的。土木工程师设计并建造房屋、铁路、道路、桥梁、隧道、港口、给水和污水系统以及其它公共设备。供水及灌溉系统合理的设计提高一个地区食物的产量。除了仅仅作为住处之外,由土木工程师建造的住处提供了一个和平而舒适的生活。Chapter 1 Civil EngineeringSection B Structural EngineeringSection B Structural EngineeringCompany LogoContents Structural engineering is a branch of civil engineering concerned with the designing and execution of all types of structures,such as buildings,bridges,highways,power plants,dams,transmission towers,and many other kinds of specific structures.结构工程是与各种类型结构如房屋、桥梁、公路、电厂、坝、传输塔及许多其它特种结构的设计和施工有关的土木工程的一个分支。Company LogoContents The designing phrase starts with the understand of the project,the designer must take through study of the technological and service performance requirements that must be expected from the structure,including load intensities and their duration,any dynamic action that might take place.设计阶段开始于对项目的理解,结构师必须充分研究结构所期望的技术和使用性能需求,包括荷载强度及其作用的持续时间,任何可能发生的动力作用。The same structure in different location exhibits different design because of ground water level,soil characteristic.处于相同位置的不同的结构由于水位、土壤性能的不同而显示出不同的设计。Company LogoContents If the substructure is below the grounder water level,methods such as well points,or pumping from sumps should be taken to remove water.如果下部结构位于地下水位线以下,那么就需要采取一些方法来排水,如井点降水和集水坑抽水。A designer must first calculate the dead loads,live loads,earthquake and wind loads,and their combination,then selects structural system and construction materials.Finally,the designer analyzes structure and design members.设计师必须首先计算出恒载、活载、地震荷载,风荷载及它们的组合,然后选择结构体系和建筑材料,最后设计师分析结构并设计构件。Company LogoContents Steel and concrete are traditional materials,carbon fiber is novel material which has excellent strength and stiffness,but they are used only in limited application because of the high cost.钢材和混凝土是传统的材料,碳纤维是新材料,它有良好的强度和刚度,但是由于造价较高,因而应用受到限制。Analysis of structures aimed at determining the forces and deformations existed in members.结构分析的目的是确定构件中的力和变形。Excessive lateral sway may causes recurring damage to partions,ceilings,and other architectural details and may cause discomfort to the occupants of the building.大的侧向摆动会引起隔墙、顶棚及其它一些建筑部分的循环破坏,也会使房屋的居住着感到不舒服。Company LogoContents Structural design and structural analysis are components of structural engineering and a key component in the structural design process,they are interlocked subjects.结构设计和结构分析是结构工程的组成部分,并且是结构设计过程中的主要部分。The structural engineering has the objective of proportioning a structure such that it can safely carry the loads to which it may be subjected.结构工程的目标是合理设计结构,以使其安全承受施加的荷载。Structural analysis provides the internal forces and structural design utilizes those forces to proportion the members or systems of members.结构分析给出结构的内力,结构设计是将内力合理分配给构件或构件系统。Company LogoContents Member sizes designed are often from experience and comparison to some similar design and use of available empirical rules combined with some rough calculations.设计构件尺寸通常是从经验以及与一些类似的设计相比较并使用经验原则结合一些近似的计算。Most design are initially based on the strength and stability criteria,while other criteria are used to carry out checks at a later stage.大多数设计开始都是基于强度和稳定准则,其它一些准则是在后面阶段用来进行检验的。Company LogoContents To arrive at an optimum and economical design,it is usually to repeat the analysis with the revised sizes and shapes.为了得到最佳最经济的设计,通常要重复分析修订后的尺寸和形状。The speedy execution of the project requires the ready supply of all materials,equipment and labor when needed.项目的快速施工需要准备好所有材料,设备和劳动力。Excavation follows preparation of the site,it may be done by special excavator,and the soil excavated can be used for landscaping and fill 开挖是在现场准备好后进行的,由专门的挖掘机来开挖,挖出的土壤可以用于周围环境的绿化和填土。Company LogoContents If the excavation areas are wet,dewatering and stabilizing of the soil become major operation;if the materials encountered are hard,blasting will be needed.如果开挖区湿,那么排水和土壤的稳定就成为主要的操作过程;如果遇到的材料硬,将需要爆破。In superstructure construction,it generally consists of several operations:forming,concrete production,placement and curing(浇注和养护).在上部结构施工中,一般包括几个过程:支模板,混凝土的生产、浇注和养护。Electrical and mechanical systems need ancillary space to provide a comfortable environment.电力和机械系统需要附属的空间以提供舒适的环境。Company LogoContents Engineers apply both technical and managerial skills,including knowledge of construction methods,planning,organizing,financing,and operating construction projects.工程师们利用技术和施工管理技能,包括施工方法、规划、组织、资金筹措以及施工项目的操作。They coordinate the activities of virtually everyone engaged in the work:the surveyors,workers who lay out and construct the temporary roads and ramps,excavate for the foundation,build the forms and pour the concrete;and workers who build the steel framework.他们协调每一个参加工作的人员的活动,包括测量员、设计与建造临时道路与斜坡、基础开挖、搭建模板和浇筑混凝土的工人以及建造钢结构的工人。Section C Careers in Civil EngineeringCompany LogoContents Many government jurisdictions also have licensing procedures which require engineering graduates to pass an examination,similar to the bar examination for a lawyer,before they can actively start on their careers.许多获得批准的政府管辖部门要求工程毕业生通过一项考试,就像律师在他们从事职业之前要通过律师的职业考试一样。In the university,mathematics,physics,and chemistry are heavily emphasized throughout the engineering curriculum,particularly in the first two or three years.在大学里,在整个工程课程中,着重强调数学、物理和化学,尤其是在前两年或前三年。Company LogoContents An important aspect of statistical mathematics is probability,which deals with what may happen when there are different factors,or variable,that can change the results of a problem.统计数学中重要的一方面就是改变问题结果的概率,概率研究的是当存在不同的因素或变化时会发生什么。Because a great deal of calculations are involved in solving these problems,computer programming is now included in almost all engineering curricula.由于在解决这些问题是要进行大量计算几乎所有的工程课程计划都有计算机编程。Company LogoContents Computers,of course,can solve many problems involving calculations with greater speed and accuracy than a human being can.当然计算机可以比人更快速准确地解决许多问题。In spite of the heavy emphasis on technical subjects in the engineering curriculum,a current trend is to require students to take courses in the social sciences and the language arts.尽管在工程课程计划中着重强调技术课,但是现在的趋势是要求学生上一些社会科学和语言艺术方面的课程。Company LogoContents The relationship between engineering and society is getting closer;it is sufficient,therefore,to say again that the work performed by an engineer affects society in many different and important ways that he or she should be aware of.工程与社会之间的联系愈来愈紧密,因此,足可以说由工程师所从事的工作以不同的方式或重要的方式影响了他或她应该关心的社会。An engineer also needs a sufficient command of language to be able to prepare reports that are clear and,in many cases,persuasive.工程师也需要足够的语言的运用能力才能够清晰地,在许多情况下是更有说服力地准备报告。Company LogoContents An engineer engaged in research need to be able to write up his or her finding for scientific publications.从事研究的工程师需要能够把他或她的发现写出来进行科学出版。For the student who is preparing to become a civil engineer,these specialized courses may deal with such subjects as geodetic surveying,soil mechanics,or hydraulics.对于打算成为土木工程师的学生,这些专业课程涉及的是这样一些课程,如测量、土力学或水力学。Many different corporations and government agencies have competed for the services of engineers in recent years.最近几年,许多不同的公司和政府机构在竞争工程师的服务工作。Company LogoContents Young engineers may choose to go into environmental or sanitary engineering,for example,where environmental concerns have created many openings;or they m