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2020,年招收攻读硕士研究生考试题英语翻译基础无答案 杭 州 师 范 大 学 2020 年招收攻读硕士探讨生考试题 考试科目代码: 357 考试科目名称: 英语翻译基础 说明:考生答题时一律写在答题纸上,否则漏批责任自负。 I.Directions:Translate the following English words, abbreviations or terminology into Chinese respectively. There are altogether 25 items in this part of the test with one point for each. (25 points) 1.relay communication 2.renminbi as its base currency 3.strictly control market access of direct selling industry 4.IOT 5.Science and Technology Innovation Board 6.Kim-Trump summit 7.4S dealership 8.Notre Dame Cathedral 9.ETC 10.Shanghai-London Stock Connect 11.China VI vehicle emission standards 12.set-jetting 13.The Wandering Earth 14.no-outside-food-and-drink policy 15.benchmark deposit and lending rate 16.Champions of the Earth 17.targeted RRR cut 18.VR 19.registration-based IPO mechanism 20.foreign exchange reserves 21.hotel linen 22.value added licenses 23.crime of endangering public affairs 24.lifelong accountability mercialization of 5G services .Directions:Translate the following Chinese words into English respectively. There are altogether 25 items in this part of the test with one point for each. (25 points) 1.雄安新区总体规划 2.停产 3.国家科学技术奖 4.中国英语实力等级 5.不动产登记 6.烈士遗骸 7.连环爆炸 8.非物质文化遗产 9.粤港澳大湾区 10.剧透 11.归化球员 12.垃圾分类 13.仿制药 14.个税免征项目 15.良渚古城遗址 16.大练兵 17.人造肉 18.国家荣誉称号 19.中国特色社会主义先行示范区 20.中国共产党问责条例 21.外卖 22.秀肌肉 23.全国重点文物爱护单位 24.大众创业、万众创新 25.精准扶贫 . Directions: Translate the following English passage into Chinese one carefully. Pay special attention to the faithfulness and expressiveness. (50 points) It is a familiar example of irony in the degradation of words that “what a man is worth“ has come to mean how much money he possesses; but there seems a deeper and more melancholy irony in the shrunken meaning that popular or polite speech assigns to “morality“ and “morals.“ The poor part these words are made to play recalls the fate of those pagan divinities who, after being understood to rule the powers of the air and the destinies of men, came down to the level of insignificant demons, or were even made a farcical show for the amusement of the multitude. Talking to Melissa(梅丽莎)in a time of commercial trouble, I found her disposed to speak pathetically of the disgrace which had fallen on Sir Gavial Mantrap(盖威尔·曼特普), because of his conduct in relation to the Eocene Mines, and to other companies ingeniously devised by him for the punishment of ignorance in people of small means: a disgrace by which the poor titled gentleman was actually reduced to live in comparative obscurity on his wifes settlement of one or two hundred thousand in the consols. “Surely your pity is misapplied,“ said I, rather dubiously, for I like the comfort of trusting that a correct moral judgment is the strong point in woman (seeing that she has a majority of about a million in our islands), and I imagined that Melissa might have some unexpressed grounds for her opinion. “I should have thought you would rather be sorry for Mantraps victims-the widows, spinsters, and hard-working fathers whom his unscrupulous haste to make himself rich has cheated of all their savings, while he is eating well, lying softly, and after impudently justifying himself before the public, is perhaps joining in the General Confession with a sense that he is an acceptable object in the sight of God, though decent men refuse to meet him.“ . Directions: Translate the following Chinese passage into English one carefully. Pay special attention to the faithfulness and expressiveness. (50 points) 数字时代的一个引人注目的事务是美国购物中心竭力摆脱逆境。目前美国有1100家购物中心。但是,专家预料有约300家购物中心会在将来五年关闭。当梅西百货等大型百货公司的数十家门店关闭时,四周的小型商店会随之关门。很多购物中心仍有希望,但版图已经变更。对很多找寻便宜物品的购物者和找寻玩乐地的郊区青少年来说,美国的购物中心曾是他们的志向去处。但是,亚马逊网站的崛起和时尚潮流的改变使一些购物中心成了现代“鬼城”。曾经备受欢迎的服饰零售商已经申请破产。而大型零售商则被迫关闭门店。多家连锁零售商还宣布裁员。 亚马逊网站对这些公司来说是个大麻烦。目前在电商之王亚马逊网站上能买到一切物品。亚马逊甚至要推出自己的服装品牌。另外,亚马逊还将开设更多实体店。曾是最受年轻购物者欢迎的热门品牌现在也为了能留住市场而苦苦挣扎。这一趋势对城市大型购物中心的打击尤为严峻。最近几年底特律等城市的大型购物中心相继关门。但是,购物中心并没有失去全部希望。很多购物中心,尤其是较富有郊区的购物中心正在增加热门零售商的门店数量。所以,购物中心可能还不会走向衰亡。