兵工自动化 摘要英译集 2006年第1期2006-1题录英译集*武器装备自动化 基于误差预处理技术的纯方位目标跟踪方法刘军,赵海英(海军潜艇学院 研究生队,山东 青岛,266071)摘要:基于误差预处理技术的纯方位目标跟踪方法,采用多项式分段拟合测量。在潜艇作变向机动时,以转向点为界,根据目标方位变化曲线建立数学模型,并对目标方位序列进行多项式逼近分段拟合,对测量方位的误差进行处理。该方法通过仿真证明有效。关键词:纯方位目标;目标跟踪;分段拟合;误差预处理Tracking Method of Pure Orientation Target Base on Error Pretreatment TechnologyLIU Jun, ZHAO Hai-ying(Brigade of Graduate, Submarine Academy of PLA Navy, Qingdao 266071, China)Abstract: The tracking method of pure orientation target was based on error pretreatment, and adopted polynomial segmentation fitting to measure. When submarine made diversion maneuvering, the turning point was considered as bound, the mathematical model was set up according to the curve for measured target orientation variant. The target orientation sequence was approximated with polynomial and fitted with segmentation, and and the errors of measurement orientation were processed at the same time. This method was testified effectively through simulation.Keywords: Pure orientation target; Target tracking; Segmentation fitting; Error pretreatment*某型导弹测试机架的PLC控制高昆,丁丽丽,胡进(空军第一航空学院,河南 信阳 464000)摘要:某型导弹测试机架的PLC控制,由PLC、电源模块、现场I/O信号、步进电机、驱动器、位置传感器、适配器、上位机接口等组成。PLC主控单元根据控制要求列出输入输出信号并标出代号。其脉冲和方向输出端串接相应限流电阻,以满足输入端电流范围。PLC的I/O公共端接DC24V电源,输入端可任接COM端,输出公共端须分正负极。软件采用模块化结构设计,以满足PLC控制要求。关键词:PLC控制;控制单元;导弹测试机架PLC Control of Certain Type Missile Test FrameGAO Kun,DING Li-li,HU Jin(The First Aeronautic Academy of Air Force, Xinyang 464000, China)Abstract: PLC control of certain type missile test frame consists of PLC is composed of power supply module, local I/O signal, stepping motor, driver, position sensor, adaptor, up PC interface and so on. The main control unit of PLC listed I/O signals and marked designations according to the control request. The corresponding current-limiting resistance was connected with pulse output end in series to satisfy the current range of input end. The I/O public end of PLC was connected with DC24V power supply, the input end was linked with COM end arbitrarily, and the output public ends were distinguished with positive pole or negative pole. The software was designed with modular structure to meet requirement of PLC control.Keywords: PLC control; Control unit; Missile test frame*OpenGL在雷达图像实时显示中的应用彭劲松,秦永元,严恭敏(西北工业大学 自动化学院,陕西 西安 710072)摘要:采用OpenGL图形显示硬件(显卡)的软件接口,以OpenGL API调用被传送的硬件驱动程序,与图形显示硬件直接交互。在雷达图像实时显示应用中,用glDrawPixels函数绘制像素贴图、glRasterPos定义当前光栅位置、glPixelStore控制像素贴图格式、glPixelZoom设置水平和垂直缩放比例因子。仿真测试证明,OpenGL能够满足雷达图像显示的需要。关键词:雷达图像;实时显示;OpenGL;像素贴图;光栅操作Application of OpenGL in Radar Image for Real-Time DisplayPENG Jing-song, QIN Yong-yuan, YAN Gong-min(College of Automation, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xian 710072, China)Abstract: OpenGL is soft interface of image display hardware(display card). The hardware driver is called by OpenGL API to interacte with image display hardware directly. In the real-time display application of radar image, the chartlet of image point was drawn with glDrawPixels function. The current raster position was defined with glRasterPos, and chartlet form of image point was controlled with glPixelStore. The factor of proportionality for amplification and reduction in horizontal and vertical was set up with glPixelZoom. The result of simulation test proved that the OpenGL satisfies the need of radar image display.Keywords: Radar image; Real-time display; OpenGL; Chartlet of image point; Raster Operating*基于PDA的装备战场损伤评估曹原,杜晓明,贾希胜(军械工程学院 装备指挥与管理系,石家庄 050003)摘要:基于个人数字助理(PDA)的装备战场损伤评估,通过过程建模、评估知识表达、智能推理等步骤实现。再将评估结果通过无线网络发到装备保障指挥中心,由装备指挥员按其装备损伤评估报告组织抢修。系统硬件为Pocket PC,操作系统为Windows CE.NET 4.1,开发工具为VC-Embedded Visual C+ 4.0,数据库为SQL Server CE Version 2.0。关键词:个人数字助理;装备战场损伤;损伤评估Assessment of Armament Battlefield Damage Based on PDACHAO Yuan, DU Xiao-ming, JIA Yong-xi(Dept. of Equipment Command and Management, Ordnance Engineering College, Shijiazhuang 050003, China)Abstract: The assessment of armament battlefield damage was based on the PDA. At first, armament battlefield damage was evaluated through process modeling, representation of assessment knowledge and intellective reasoning. Then the assessment result was sent to the armament security command center through wireless network. At last, the armament commanders recognized the salvage immediately according to the assessment report of armament damage. Pocket PC is used for hardware of system; CE.NET 4.1 is used as the operation system; VC-Embedded Visual C+ 4.0 is used as the development tool; SQL Server CE Version 2.0 is used as the database of system.Keywords: PDA; Armament battlefield damage; Damage assessment*基于状态监测的导弹地测发控系统故障诊断王维,李洪儒(军械工程学院 导弹工程系,河北 石家庄 050003)摘要:基于状态监测的导弹地测发控系统包括机内测试、上位机状态监测及维修决策。通过传感器组分别采集地测发控系统的各模块、分系统的状态参量等,经MCU处理后,通过蓝牙内嵌模块将信号发送给上位机。上位机获得状态监测数据后,通过软件对数据分析处理,完成导弹地测发控系统的状态评估和维修决策。关键词:故障诊断;导弹地测发控系统;状态监测;维修决策Fault Diagnosis of Launching and Controlling system for Missile Ground-testing Based on State Monitoring WANG Wei, LI Hong-ru(Dept. of Missile Engineering, Ordnance Engineering College, Shijiazhuang 050003, China)Abstract: The fault diagnosis system for launching and controlling system of missile-testing based on state monitoring is composed of testing sin computer and upper PC state monitoring and maintenance decision-making subsystem. The state parameter of the different modules and subsystems in launching and controlling system of ground-testing was gathered by sensor group, then the acquired data was processed by MCU and signal was sent to upper PC through Bluetooth embedded module. After receiving the state monitoring value, the data was analyzed and processed by system software, the assessment of system state and mending decision was completed by upper PC.Keywords: Fault diagnosis; Launching and controlling system of missile ground-testing; State monitoring; Mending decision*基于虚拟样机的智能诊断系统知识组织与表达陶贵明,张锡恩(军械工程学院 导弹工程系,石家庄050003)摘要:基于虚拟样机的智能诊断系统由协同支撑平台、模型库、样机引擎和虚拟环境组成。按系统-分系统-部件的次序进行故障诊断。诊断知识分为结构、故障处理、故障机理等10类。故障知识分经验、因果和定律三种类型。其知识表示把抢修对象的原理、维护、故障机理和维修等知识,以集合框架形式分类封装于诊断辅助系统知识库。试验证明该系统能准确表达诊断知识。关键词:智能诊断;虚拟样机;知识组织;知识表达Organization and Expression of Knowledge for Intelligence Diagnosis System Based on Virtual PrototypeTAO Gui-ming, ZHANG Xi-en(Dept. of Missile Engineering, Ordnance Engineering College, Shijiazhuang 050003, China)Abstract: The intelligent diagnosis system based on virtual prototype is composed of synergetic support platform, model base, prototype engine and virtual environment, the faults were diagnosed in system, subsystem, assembly in order. The content of diagnosis knowledge is divided into ten parts: structure, fault processing, fault theory and so on. The fault knowledge is distinguished into three types: experiences, cause and effect and the first law. The knowledge expression means that the principal knowledge, maintenance knowledge, fault theory knowledge and repairing knowledge of repaired objects were classified and packaged in collection frame mode, then stored them in knowledge base of diagnosis assistant system. The test proved that the intelligence diagnosis system could express the diagnosis knowledge correctly.Keywords: Intelligence diagnosis; Virtual prototype; Knowledge organization; Knowledge expression*军用物资编码标准的综合评估刘伟,王学义,冀亚林(军械工程学院 军械工程研究所,河北 石家庄 050003)摘要:军用物资编码标准的综合评估,以层次分析法获得整个体系的综合评估系数。即先在物资编码标准评估指标体系中,确定两个层次的评估体系集合,并通过比较子集最大值及确定向量大小建立评估模型。再依据标准评估模型和效益评估模型,建立具体的效益评估矩阵,从而确定编码标准的效益。关键词:物资编码;综合评估;层次分析法Integrated Assessment of Military Material Coding StandardLIU Wei, Wang XUE-yi, JI Ya-lin(Institute of Ordnance Technique, Ordance Engineering Collegec, Shijiazhuang 050003, China)Abstract: The integrated assessment of military material coding standard, the integrated assessment coefficient of the whole system was abtained by using layer analysis method. So, the assessment system collections of two-layer were confirmed in assessment index system of material coding standard, the assessment model was also established through comparing the maximal values of subset and ensuring the dimension of vector. Then, according to the standard assessment model and benefit assessment model, the specific matrix of benefit assessment was set up to make sure the benefit of code standard.Keywords: Material code; Integrated assessment; Layer analysis method*交换式以太网在航空电子系统中的应用刘中,李成贵(北京航空航天大学 仪器科学与光电工程学院,北京. 100083)摘要:基于交换式以太网的航空电子系统,端系统与交换机间不仅有一条直接、双向的连接,同时,交换机之间保持第二条双向连接。系统协议采用虚拟链接结构,在MAC层中为每个终端分配唯一的48位地址标识符。端系统通过几个独立、冗余网络通信,每帧同时通过两个网络发送,先到达接收端的具有正确序号的帧被接收,第二个具有相同序号的帧到达时被丢弃。如果第一个帧未到达接收端,则第二个到达的正确帧被接收。关键词:航空电子;交换式以太网;端系统;交换机Application of Switched Ethernet in AvionicsLIU Zhong,LI Cheng-gui(School of Instrumentation Science & Optoelectronics Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100083, China)Abstract: For avionics network based on switched Ethernet, its each end system has a direct and bi-directional connection with a switch. There is a second bi-directional connection between another switches. Visual link architecture was adopted for system protocol and each end system was assigned a unique 48-bits address as identifier in MAC layer. End systems were communicated with one another through several independent redundant networks. Each frame was sent through two networks at the same time. The first arrived frame with right serial number was received and the other frame with same serial number was discarded. If the first frame did not reach destination, the second correct frame was received.Keywords: Avionics; Switched Ethernet; End system; Switch*先进制造技术 基于XML的人机交互微装配机器人实时任务规划李薇,黄心汉,吕遐东,王敏(华中科技大学 控制科学与工程系,湖北 武汉 430074)摘要:基于XML的微装配机器人的人机交互,操作者可通过微装配任务编辑器和图像空间直接编辑装配路径进行微装配实时任务规划,由显微视觉伺服控制机器人自动执行。微装配任务编辑器以文本和对话框形式实现任务规划及任务树的创建,并采用DOM接口实现相关XML节点操作。在线编辑装配路径允许操作者使用鼠标分别在水平与垂直光路图像平面点击,直接选定操作手和操作对象。关键词:微装配机器人;任务规划;人机交互;可扩展标记语言(XML)Real-Time Task Plan for Human-Robot Interaction of Micro-assembly Robot Based on XMLLI Wei, HUANG Xin-han, LU Xia-dong, WANG Min (Dept. of Control Science & Engineering, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan 430074, China)Abstract: The man- robot interaction of micro-assembly robot was based on XML. The operator could realize the real-time task plan of micro assembly through the task editor of micro assembly and direct edit assembly path of image space and executed automatically by the robot adopting the micro vision servo control. The task plan and task tree were established by task editor of micro assembly in text and dialogue box forms, then DOM interface was adopted to implement the operation of corresponding XML nodes. In online editing assembly path, the operators were promised to use the mouse to hit separately in horizontal and vertical image plane of optical path, and then chose the operation hands and objects directly.Keywords: Micro-assembly robot; Task plan; Human-robot interaction; XML*装备管理评分标准规范化的序列型评分模式张茹,郭希维,赵琦(军械工程学院 装备指挥与管理系,河北 石家庄 050003)摘要:针对现有评分标准概念模糊、含义不清等漏洞,提出装备管理评分标准规范化的序列型评分模式。该模式以扣分为例,包括最简扣/加分序列、否决/满分序列、一次性扣分序列、台阶扣/加分序列、加速扣/加分序列、有限扣/加分序列及完全扣/加分序列。关键词:装备管理;评分模式;评分序列;评分标准中图分类号: 文献标识码:ASequence Grading Pattern of Equipment Management Evaluation StandardsZHANG Ru, GUO Xi-Wei, Zhao Qi(Dept. of Equipment Command & Management, Ordnance Engineering College, Shijiazhuang 050003, China)Abstract: Aiming at the question in blurry concept and indistinct meanings, the standardization grading pattern was put forward for management evaluation standards. Taking deduction as an example for this pattern, it includes the most simple subtract/Bonus sequence, veto/ full-mark sequence, one-off subtract sequence, step subtract sequence, accelerated subtract sequence, Ltd subtract sequence and absolute subtract sequence.Keywords: Equipment management; Grading pattern; Grading sequence; Grading standard*时间分割法的渐开线插补刘华建(中国兵器工业第58研究所 数控事业部,四川 绵阳 621000)摘要:时间分割法的渐开线插补,用若干等弦逼近实际渐开线。通过插补运算,计算出每个插补周期内X、Y轴的进给量以控制相应轴的运动。其运动轨迹合成后形成一段渐开线。该插补流程包括:读取渐开线数据、计算渐开线起点和终点角度,并由此判断和计算渐开线的插补点或终点的进给量并输出,最后进行插补精度分析。关键词:渐开线插补;时间分割法;数控技术Involute Interpolation of Time-Sharing MethodLIU Hua-jian(Dept. of CNC Products, No.58 Research Insitute of China Ordnace Industry, Mianyang 621000, China)Abstract: For the involute interpolation of time-sharing method, many equivalent chords are adopted to approach the actual involutes. Through interpolation operation, the feed value of X and Y axis in every interpolation period was calculated to control the movement of relative axis. After the cooperation of movement traces, one involute was formed. The interpolation process includes: reading the involute data; calculating the start and end angles of involute; according to the angles, the feed value of involute point or end was judged, calculated and inputted; at last, the involute precision analysis was carried on.Keywords: Involute interpolation; Time-sharing; CNC technique*几何量测量中的拟合算法孙朝明,伏德贵(中国工程物理研究院 机械制造工艺研究所,四川 绵阳 621900)摘要:几何量测量中的拟合算法,将几何量非接触测量要素分为直线、圆、圆弧及椭圆等类。并在采集图像上完成被测几何要素的初始定位,再确定几何量边缘点且按不同最优化指标对其拟合,得到检测量的几何描述。最后用Matlab数学函数fmins进行拟合计算。关键词:几何量;拟合算法;fmins函数Curve Fitting Algorithm of Different GeometrySUN Chao-ming, FU De-gui(Institute of Machinery Manufacturing Technology, China Academe of Engineering Physics, Mianyang 621900 China)Abstract: Concerning the curve fitting algorithm of different geometries, Different geometries were divided into line, circle, arc and ellipse in geometrical measurements. After the measured geometrical elements were localized initially in gathering image, the edge points of geometrical quantity were confirmed and curve was fitted according to the different optimization indexes to get the geometrical description of detection quantity. At last, the mathematics function fmints in Matlab was used to make fitting calculation.Keywords: Geometry, Curve fitting algor