1.亲和图法007 从浑沌的状态中 ( 未知 , 未经验的领域, 将来的问题 ), 将所收集到的语言资料, 根据其相互间的类似性 ( 亲和性 ) 来分类,将问题明确化. 2.关联图法47 对于各种复杂性原因缠绕的问题,针对问题将原因群展开成 1 次、 2 次原因,将其因果关系明朗化,以找出主要原因 (必须采取对策的重点项目)。3.系统图法6 為為了达成所决决定的目的与与目标,依目的?手手段系列做做有系统的展展开,以寻求求最适当手段段及策略的方方法, 又称称树形图或家家系图.4.箭形图法770 以上达成成的目的必要要实施事项 (作业、手手段等) 為為主体,依时时间序列的顺顺序,连结成成网状的箭形形图,而订定定最适当的日日程计划,有效率地地管理进度。PERT (计画评核核术) 表现现日程计划之图,即是是箭形图法。5.过程决定计计划图法2772 针对计划划的实施, 随著事态的的进展而设想想各种结果&&问题,制定定出能获得理理想结果的过过程. 6.矩阵图法法1 利用一元性性的排列,找找出其相对因因素,探索出出问题之所在在、问题形态态;也可从二二元性关系中中,获得解决决问题的构想想。7.矩阵数据解解析法 又称為主成成分分析法, 是 多变变量解析法中中的一个解析析方法.可将将矩阵图中排排列之众多数据作整整理及预测. 为新QC七大大手法中,22唯一的数值值资料解析法法.多用于市市场调查,及及工程问题之之解析.李阳疯狂英语4400句 首页>>YesizeCOM>>英语坊>>品牌英语>>疯狂英语>>正文 疯狂英语疯狂狂400句(1150) 1.Sayinng is easy.Doingg is ddifficcult. 说起来容容易,做起来来难。2.SSeeingg is bbelievving. 眼见为实实。3.Teeachinng is learnning. 教学相长长。4.drrivingg is eexcitiing. 开车真是刺刺激。5.LLying is a bad hhabit. 说谎是是一个坏习惯惯。6.Geettingg dailly exeercisee is iimporttant. 每天锻炼炼很重要。77.Listteningg to hhis sppeech is booring. 听他的的演讲很无聊聊。8.Paarkingg is pprohibbited here. 此地禁禁止停车。99.Raissing cchildrren iss a biig ressponsiibilitty. 养养育孩子是一一项重大责任任。10.WWalkinng in the rrain iis rommanticc. 雨中中漫步很浪漫漫。11.CClimbiing thhe mouuntainn in wwinterr is ddangerrous. 冬季登这这座山很危险险。12.DDrivinng to Shenzzhen wwill ttake uus 2 hhours. 冬季开开车去深圳要要2小时。113.Askking aa womaan's aage iss impoolite in myy counntry. 在我们国国家,问女士士的年龄是不不礼貌的。114.Ridding wwith aa drunnken ddriverr is aa riskk. 乘坐坐一个喝醉酒酒的司机的车车是一种冒险险。15.SSpeakiing inn publlic iss a chhallennge too a loot of peoplle. 对对许多人来说说,公众演讲讲是一大挑战战。16.FFindinng youur offfice iisn't easy. 你们办办公室真是难难找。17.Heariing thhe othher siide off the storyy woulld be interrestinng. 听听听这个故事事的另一面可可能会很有意意思。18.Readiing neewspappers iin thee mornning hhas beecome a rouutine for mme. 早早晨读报已经经成为我每天天必做的一件件事。19.Owninng a ccar iss becooming more and mmore ccommonn in CChina. 拥有汽汽车在中国越越来越普通了了。20.LLosingg someeone yyou loove iss a paainfull expeeriencce. 失失去你深爱的的人是非常痛痛苦的遭遇。21.Meeting new people makes me nervous. 与陌生人见面使我很紧张。22.Working hard will produce good results. 努力工作将产生好结果。23.Making money is everybody's dream. 赚钱是每个人的梦想。24.Complaining doesn't solve problems. 抱怨解决不了问题。25.Falling in love is easy. Staying in love is hard. 一见钟情很容易,长相厮守很难。26.Eating to live is more meaningful than living to eat. 为了活而吃比为了吃而活更有意义。27.Shouting English is very helpful conquering your shyness. 大喊英语对克服你的羞怯心理很有帮助。28.Arguing with you all the time makes me tired. 老是跟你争吵使我厌烦。29.Eating too much can make you fat. 吃得过多会使你发胖。30.Smoking causes a lot of health problems. 吸烟会导致多种健康问题。31.Having a cold isn't much fun. 患感冒可不是什么好玩的。32.Getting married costs a lot.Getting divorced costs much more. 结婚很贵,离婚更贵。33.Understanding each other is essential for a good relationship. 相互理解是维持良好关系的关键所在。34.Spending money is easier than making money. 花钱比赚钱容易。35.Learning English needs persistence. 学英语要持之以恒。36.You are great! 你真棒!37.You are crazy. 你疯了!38.You are hopeless! 你没救了!39.You are out of your mind! 你脑子有病!40.You are too much! 你太过分了!41.You're impossible! 你没救了。42.You are disgusting. 你真恶心!43.You are such a nuisance. 你真讨厌!44.You are the worst. 你是最差劲的。45.You are abnormal. 你变态!46.You are so frustrating. 你真让我感到泄气。47.You are so foolish. 你太傻了。48.You are beyond hope. 你没希望了。49.You are nothing/nobody. 你狗屁都不是!50.You are useless/worthless. 你真没用。51.You are ggood ffor noothingg. 你真没用!/你真是饭饭筒! 522.You are ssuch aa jerkk. 你这个混蛋蛋! 53.You aare daaydreaaming. 你你做白日梦! 54.YYou arre a ppain iin thee ass. 你你是个讨厌鬼鬼! 55.Hey!YYou arre a bbig heelp. 嘿!你你阵是帮了个个大忙。 千万注意,这是反语! 56.You are aa loseer! 你输定了了! 57.You aare thhe stuupidesst guyy I haave evver meet! 你是我见见过的最愚蠢蠢的家伙! 58.Yoou aree too carelless! 你太太不小心了! 59.YYou arre gettting on myy nervves! 你真让让我烦! 660.Youu are so seelfishh. 你真自私。 61.Yoou aree so aannoyiing. 你真烦烦人。 622.You are tto blaame. 都是你你的错。 663.Youu are goingg to mmake iit. 你准行! 64.YYou arre goiing too win. 你你会赢的! 65.Yoou aree my oonly hhope. 你是是我的希望。 66.Yoou aree almoost thhere.KKeep ttryingg.sticck to it. 你马上上就要成功了了,坚持,坚坚持下去! 67.Yoou aree the best. 你你真是顶呱呱呱!这是母母亲对儿子、女女孩对男友常常说的话。 68.YYou arre fanntastiic. 你太棒了了! 69.You aare sppeciall. 你真特别!其实,一一个SPECCIAL就是是最高的赞赏赏。 700.You are aamazinng. 你真了不不起! 711.You are iincreddible.=You are sso greeat. 你真难难以置信。 72.Yoou aree one in a milliion. 你是万万中挑一。 73.Yoou aree so ccleverr. 你真聪明! 74.YYou arre perrfect! 你你太好了! 75.Yoou aree a geenius. 你你真是个天才才! 76.You aare a nice guy. 你是是个不错的小小伙子。 777.Youu are reallly sommethinng. 你真了不不起! 788.You are aa luckky dogg! 你真幸运! 79.YYou arre eveerythiing too me. 你是是我的一切。 80.Yoou aree so ssweet. 你你可爱! 881.Youu are my anngel. 你是是我的小天使使! 82.You aare soo kindd. 你真好! 83.Yoou aree so cconsidderatee! 你真体贴! 84.YYou arre thee one for mme. 你是我的的梦中情人。 85.Yoou aree the pretttiest girl in thhe worrld 你是世界界上最漂亮的的姑娘。 886.Youu are mind.I'm yyours. 你你属于我,我我属于你。 87.Yoou aree breaaking my heeart. 你让让我心碎。 88.Yoou aree sexyy. 你真性感! 89.YYou arre so hot. 你真真撩人! 990.Youu are turniing mee on. 你真真让我动心! 91.YYou arre kiddding. 你你开玩笑! 92.Yoou aree makiing fuun of me. 你在开开我玩笑! 93.Yoou're a liaar. 你骗人! 94.YYou arre a ssnake. 你你真阴险! 95.Yoou aree unbeelievaable.=You aare a good kisseer or loverr. 你真令人难难以置信。 96.Yoou aree alwaays wrrong. 你总总是犯错误。 97.Yoou aree alwaays inn trouuble. 你总总是惹麻烦。 98.Yoou aree a meess. 你搞得得一团糟。 99.Yoou aree shamme to our ffamilyy. 你是我家的的耻辱。 1100.Yoou aree an eembarrrassmeent.=YYour bbehaviior iss unaccceptaable. 你真真丢脸。151.I wwonderr if tthey ccan maake itt. 我我不知他们能能否办到。1152.I wondeer if you ccould pass me thhe sallt? 能不能把盐盐递给我一下下。153.I wonnder iif theere's a payy phonne in this buildding. 我不知知道这栋大楼楼里有没有付付费电话。1154.I wondeer if it wiill snnow toomorroow. 我想知道明明天会不会下下雪。1555.I woonder if wee can catchh the firstt traiin. 我想知道我我们能否赶上上第一趟车。156.I wonder if that store accepts credit cards. 我不知道那家商店是否接受信用卡。157.I wonder if the library is open today. 我不知道图书馆今天是否开放。158.I wonder if your mother likes me. 我不知道你母亲是否喜欢我。 159.I was wondering if I could use your computer. 我在想我是否能用一下你的电脑。160.I was wondering if you could give me some information about places to visit in the area? 你能不能帮我推荐一下这一带比较好玩的地方?161.I was wondering if you were busy Saturday night .If not,would you like to come to the movie with me? 我不知道星期六晚上你有没有时间。如果有空的话,能不能跟我一起去看场电影?162.I wonder if I can learn to speak good English in a year. 我不知道能否在一年内学会说一口流利的英语。163.I wonder who called me then bung up when I answered. 我不知道是谁打了电话给我,等我去接时,又挂掉了。164.I wonder if he knows what he is doing. 我想知道他是否知道自己在做什么。165.I wonder if she is married. 我想知道她是否结婚了。166.I guess so.BR 我想是的。167.I guess it's going to rain . 我想要下雨了。168.I guess not . 我不这么想。169.I guess you're right. 我想你是对的。170.I guess I need a doctor. 我想我得去看医生。身体不适是就可以用这个句子了。171.I guess he won't come. 我猜他不会来了。172.I guess she'll come to the party. 我猜她会来参加宴会。173.I guess you can come over. 我猜你能过来。174.I guess I'll pay for dinner. 我想,晚餐有我付吧。175.I guess she will forgive you . 我想她会原谅你的。 176.I guess she is wrong. 我想是她错了。177.I'm hungry. I guess I'll have a hamburger. 我饿了。我想我得要个汉堡。178.I guess it's OK with me. 我想这个对我来说是合适的。179.I guess she will be OK. 我想她会没事的。180.I guess Jim did this. 我猜这是吉姆干的。181.I guess she is about fifty. 我猜她大约五十岁。182.I guess I must be going now. 我想我现在得走了。183.I guess they had a good time in Guilin. 我想他们在桂林一定玩得很开心。184.I guess she will marry him. 我想她会嫁给他的。185.I guess your daughter is dying to see you. 我想你女儿一定渴望见到你。186.I guess we'll have a good profit this year. 我想今年我们的盈利状况会很好。187.I guess Shanghai will become the most prosperous city in China. 我想上海将成为中国最繁华的城市。188.I guess we need to hold another meeting to discuss this matter. 我想我们得再召开一次会议来讨论这件事。189.I guess we have to stay home this Sunday. 我想这个星期天我们得呆在家里。190.I guess we won't be able to finish this today. 我想今天我们是做不完了。191.I guess I'll be late for the meeting. 我猜我开会要迟到了。192.I guess she has something to tell you. 我猜想她有话对你说。193.I guess you want me to help you with your English. 我猜你在英语方面需要我的帮助。194.I guess I don't have to call you,now that I ran into you! 既然我们不期而遇了,我想就没必要打电话给你了。195.I guess the share price will go up. 我想股价会上涨。196.I guess you are paying for lunch. 我猜你要为这顿饭付钱了。197.I guess he is the right man for me. 我想他是合我心的男人。198.Speaking good English is no at difficult as you think. 说流利的英语并非像你所想象的那么难。199.I'm not as stupid as you think. 我并非像你想象的那么蠢。200.It's not as bad as you expected. 事情并非你预料的那么糟。201.Thee t's not aas goood as it coould bbe. 这本应该该会更好的。202.The United States is not as great as I thought. 美国并非像我以前认为的那么好。203.The weather is not as cold as I expected. 天气并非像我预料的那么冷。204.He's not as old as he looks. 他的实际年龄并非像他看起来那么老。 205.She is not as pretty as her picture. 现实中的她并没有照片上那么漂亮。206.He is not as clever as his brother. 他没他哥哥那么聪明。207.He is not as naive as he used to be. 他不像以前那么天真幼稚了。208.Guangzhou is not as clean as Shenzhen. 广州没有深圳那么干净。209.The film is not as interesting as you tole me. 这部电影并没有像你告诉我的那样有趣。210.Chinese is not as difficult as it seems. 中文并非像表面上看起来那么难。211.It is not as successful as last time. 这次并没有上次那么成功。212.Michael Jackson is not as popular as he used to be . 迈克尔·杰克逊没有以前那么红了。213.His problem is not as serious as it seems. 他的问题并没有看上去那么严重。214.This flight is not as long as the flight to Beijing. 这次飞行旅程没有去北京那么远的距离。215.I am not as upset as I was yesterday. 我没有像昨天那么忧虑了。216.This restaurant's food is not as good as my cooking. 这家餐馆的菜还不如我做的好。217.My scores were not as good as I had hoped they would be. 我的成绩没有我希望的那么好。218.She is not as pretty as her sister. 她没有她姐姐那么漂亮。流言蜚语,少说为妙。219.Come on, its not as difficult as you think. 别这样,英语并没有你想的那么难。220.I promise I won't do it again. 我保证不会再干这种事。221.I promise I won't do anything stupid. 我保证不会做任何愚蠢的事。222.I promise I'll never lie again. 我保证不再说谎。223.I promise to pay you back. 我保证还你钱。224.I promise I'll be on time. 我保证按时到。225.I promise I'll keep it secret. 我保证不泄露秘密。226.I promise I won't be late again. 我保证不会再迟到。227.I promise I'll be quick.BR 我保证立即去做。228.I promise I'll be home bu 10 o'clock. 我保证10前赶回家。229.I promise I'll be good . 我保证做个好孩子。230.Mom,I promise I'll study hard. 妈妈,我保证更加努力学习。231.I promise I will remember your birthday this time. 我这次保证记住你的生日。232.I promise I won't hurt you . 我保证不会伤害你。233.I promise I won't let you down. 我保证不会让你失望。234.I promise I'll come back to China. 我保证会回到中国。235.Dear,I promise I'll get a better job.I promise I'll make more more money.Don't leave me! 亲爱的,我保证会找个更好的工作。保证会挣更多的钱。不要离开我。236.I promise I'll pay more attention to you . 我保证今后对你更加关心。237.I promise I won't make you angry again. 我保证不会再惹你生气。238.I promise I'll never leave you. 我保证不会离开你。239.I promise I'll keep my promises from now on! 从现在开始我保证信守诺言。240.I'll try my best,but I can't promise anything. 我会尽力而为,但我不能做任何保证。241.Please forgive me, I promise I won't be late again. 请原谅我,我再也不会迟到了。