2022年南阳市卧龙区九年级中考英语一模试题卷注盍事项21.上试卷共8页,六个大展.总分值120分.考试时间100分钟.2.上试卷分试晏卷和答嶷卡两局部.考生应首先同读试J8卷上的文字信息,然后在答勰卡上柞 答,在试会卷上作答无效,交卷时只交答霆卡.一.听力退学(20 eg.苍小题1分.共20分)算一节听下面5段对话.寻段冠W卷有一个小建.又建=中处的A、B、C三小送或。送三盘俊苍灵.尊会 对话读两剧1. Which T-stirt dees the woman like?A. The blazk om.B.The blueom.C. The white one.C.To匕nd inhomwoik for him.C.At7:30.C. Marie.C. At night.C. At right.C. Seme coflfee,C.Tohr/eaptCEic.C.Cbudy.2. V.ta doesbov a5k»iri to do?A To take him to hosptBl.B.Togo to a dais with hint. What time will the two sjnaken meet'A. Ai 6:30.B.AI7:00.3. Who will look after ±e childiai?A Jennifer.B.Sime.4. Why dees the boy M rrh3PpyA BecaiHe his father is strict with himB. B索皿* his feihef doesn't love himBecause 曲 B±er doesn't uzdentsEd him第二可听F面几刻话求独占.总会对越冬E后再几个小器 2建U1的A. B. C三个送项u三三W隹苔灵色毁对话或独m京殉§听二言一段对话.回苔莒6三±7考个小更.6. W±h doe! thii conveostia: h©j>en?A.k tbe Qomrg.B.In±e afternoon.7. Wba does this snvenaioi: happen?A. In tbemon±:E.B. In the aftemoon.8. Whawild the bov like to havhA. Sone -aod'icbBB.B. Sane essi.Fwr听下面一段对话.回答其8三空9寿个小器.S. What does Frank plan to do?B.TowoikoniefiA. To viiit his daismaie:.9. Hoxv h the weather th型 虫泻?A.Ramv.B.Sumy. .听y直一段独m.回答言io三区12三个小至.10. Who is 心-peaker most probably*?A. Tb2 boysparHLB. A doctor.11. How many pieces of advice does tbe speaker give?A Two.B.Thfg12. Vrlat is tbe spaakefs suggestion?A. Taking2ome exercise.B. Eating proper bfkta-t.听下直一段对话,回答芟13三第15三个小建.13. Wkw dees the woman 宣皿 to go?A. To City Mall.B. To Gtean Ba±.C.Atea±ef.C.Foux.C. Gettingrp eadier.C.ToPaiLdaBaLk.PmdflBuk| 5 MT14. Whi<± is the rizht mz)?1 工 How will the woman get ±erenA. On foot.B. Bybiu.C. Bvcar.芸三十时不亘一管宝文.根捱应NW容.本照你手圻变的支管用字将F面的苞片排序立式京后道.BCD16. 17. 18. 19. 20.二,阅读三制(20小建.口小建2分.共40分)更凌律日等无言材桂.郎告按MSW求领建.Whilw COMD-19 may have kept us off planes, we can stay at kcae, sitting in comfiMtable sofe. enjoy the gst virtual (虚报的)vacation txsvel RitbouilesviEg home.Have a virtual travel at the Grand Cuvon VYbu 血 view ±e GrsDd Canyon through 36C±giee photai oe sl archaeohgy (考古至)virtual toix go on a virtual hike to thePhantom Ranch, or float深阳 研工 the Colotado River on a bMtirg trip.Onlia: View virtual tours, aspz. aijd photo* ttiough tbeNsiioral Park System's webiite./Smile back at Xfoo&Lisa in ParisThe Louie in Paris is the largest art museum ir 心 worid, home to more than 35, 000 3rt wotks. Whik ±e muieum ii usually oowdai especially on tbe weieEds. you can vhit virtual; from youi own comfortable boma Hd the muiem's dost wgdmfd woik-.Oiilire: Sea Esvptian antiques, tba Louvre most and of coune, Mora Lilis iniik The musem's web-et abo *11vwvwvhas armber ofvidsos that you can watch to get a better UEdentandiiiE of±e muieucts an.nv&lkalong theGreat WaUof C1iBaForttficstioi:(正老 二事)walls, co/erirg Aoiands of miles, were built m EOfthem Chu to protect thm coamtxy agairjt MRies M to control trade along ±e Silk Road. The Great Wall of Chiu is Jxown as om of the greateit wonden 达 thwKodd.Online: Wander through aectioiu of the Great XVall of Chiia thicugh a vixtual tout, provided by Ybu Visit. Youcan enjoy -omecan enjoy -omeOus movies and cartooL pictoes about ±e Great Wall.根揖耳容三绽佳假设灵How can you vi” 心 Grand Canyon onlire?A Through 3的也票g photos.B. Though vidacs.C. Through omous moviej.D. Through cartoon picture.21. What do we know firomwiSmile ba± 3t Mora Lira in Paris"?A. There are mwevisiiDG irtbeweekdsM in±e Louvre.B. Tbe enviromait ir tbe Louvre is veiy comfiMtable.C.Tbe Louvra in Paris is om of ±e largest museixBir ±ewodd.D. Vi 齐至 can geta better mdentsEdiiiE of museum's art ttxough videosWhich website will vou eo to ifvou are irtereited tn Ckira? «vA. Ibu Viait website.B. Phantom Ranch s Wbmitw.C. Tbs Lcuxyb muHmt webiite.D. The National Pa± Svifem s -ebsite.22. Whaf § tbeRiposw oftte passage?A To tB3± p»ple bwto 匕vw a virtual travel. B. To irtroduce socb vinual tnvel mformation.C. To ofe 3ome fir?e tour tickets.D. To explsir the lease口 for virtual ttavel.23. In wHch section of a zwmg* would you probably read tbe text?A. SportsB. Job Wanted. C. Sciaxe Study. D. Tour Time.In a small village, there uied to be two ftecds wh«e age were 5 皿i 10, they both lived oe the -acie street. The9三 of 必 5-y.old boy was .必修河dd boy was Jxk. J心 wb= much bigger 皿i 也环er thanJomv.vwwOm dsty they ran into the finest and phyed hide-SDd-seek therm Six<Enly Jai fell into a pit (;元之).及% started to shout for help.四啜皿 to Jai 3t OKe. Without wasting a mini定 he got a ropa and gave oce end to Jack and asked him to hold on to it 及既 tried vay hard arzi firally pulted Jack out firoa ±e pit. Both of ±en cried, smikd md then walked towards home.Sins JorxvaDd Ja± were 彝叶 for a long time. thek parents got womed. All the viHagers started to helpfor theduldien. V.len Joixv aocd Js± fiiallv mivad back tr the vilhEa their parent- huszed them 3nd aiked where WWWJ一 r *they had gor.,almost m omJorzatd Jack told everycmw 宣tai had h©paied in the forest. Howler, e/efyore was balieved them. One wrsor a-ked Jolev lHw can voi help a Denon切 is double voux size md wetzht?1 ThenJollv feplied, 1 uied a rope, Evervone laizhed. and JollVj father -aid. lDotttell storie- tons/vvww J wsaaA/vAmong tbe j»ople was a 械犯 old man. He Ad that 曰巧山丐 that tbe boy raid was true. A woman SBkei1Joe£v is only 5 vean old. How was he able to do that, WW/V d dTbs old man replied. "That m Zeathere was co one th织 to tdl Joimv S,ou cant do if”. 4WWW .根据加力容送球使左灵.24. XVhst temble Lpened to Jack when he was in thw foiejt?A He lost hUKSv.C. He fell into adero hole.B. He was meht in a stemD. He fell off±e tf起.2 7. V.lat did Joixv use to help J心 bm out of danmei' X/WWV" F.B28. Wkich of ±e foUonrE can be put it ±eA excitedA excitedE. angryC.miprizadD. nervous29. Nhst does ±emiedired words -tell 就丽英” 口海?30. Nhst does ±emiedired words -tell 就丽英” 口海?A. explam tr detailB. tell a lie31. V.W 5 ±e be5t tide for ±e text?C.makeapfociiieD. k评 the secretA. Two Eood feaids B. Faze thedifScultyA. Two Eood feaids B. Faze thedifScultyC.Bebtr/e, keep calmCD. To 珏 eve, believeOn Febfuan44±. 2022, ±e opedug day of 24thBWji理 Sluter Olympic Games, molar tema appear tn opedng皿皿邙 h 宣器 thisyeafs 四觌"or心港in迪of 加写 SHm of止式4 iohf tennsof的 tfaditional hx3r Chinese calendar.The solar terns 社ict were bom it Chira several the仁皿i yean ago repfeient the 24 periods in ±e Ctiese lix3f caleDdar that ihow ±e changes in LStoe md dimae. The ancient Chhiese developed the 24 solar terms to ©de agriailtuial (衣立)prodiKtion. Tb2y §比宣 Chineae people,i hops to a±ie/e harmony (SiS) wtk natne.In 202 ±e 24 solar terns were listed 器 a Eattoral-levd intangible oiltml heritage (然力黄二化式产)in Chi里 and were added to ±e UNESCO's (疑看国蓄科又组照)iinangtble cultuial heritage list ten yean laer. After ±e 24 solar tarn- a±ieved recomtion from UNESCO, a 工芸 ofganizstion which ipreai: the cultural heritage of the 24 ala terns was 闫 up.NW want to spread 皿i protect ttaditioral oiltuie as well si develop it in a oeative wsy tkfough oux efifoits together? said tbe leader of thm ofgsnization. Sone experts did more resaarA, 坪w sjch md rote books. Some 史中 in the wganizaiton orgsnizad some show- and compstition. Wei Wei, tbe 记口of thw 8cmd prize of a competiticQ, produced a longpamting describing 2<>cie cuitonis related to each tern.RTih aaatiiis this paintingfBalizsd that 24 solar terns affected people1 j liver For example, in many pixel.people Wvw the cuitom of cdebratirg the begimug of winter. ?上工 wrier comes, agricultuisl 丈tivitie5 ad, sozonia w当fdutk” to 匕期 应h othr It m匈* tmev folk ontomi ar? de,皂k f213tl to Mficd忙ral artiNti也sayiWei.Neixtanz Comt Heran Province, has a histoxyof sinrg a petformnca ofbtirz ths iprirs coui to celebrate the begirrmg of spring. Famen do tbai wo± by azcordiiig to the 24 molar terns.siaphB, we can know that根提材料K容送罐佳谷灵Accofins to the fint three i sA. The 24 solar tenns have ahUtoiv of about a thousand year.B. Tbe 24 solar terns Lavw somethiiz to do with time.C. The andent Chinese people met q an ofgmzationto spread the 24 solaf terms.D. The 24 solar terns appeared tbe UNESCO 5 intangible cultuxal heritage list before 2016.b. T1比y give 羽空hes.d. Tb2V orzauze 必*工C.kie31. What do Chmese experti do to spread md develop the 24 solar ternsn a They write lx2ks.c. They do reieax±.a They organiza conpetitior.Aa.b,cB.jqdWhat 皿 we lean: about the24 solar tern- fiom tba pasaghA. It mightbeuiedto guide people 5 lives.B. It might be used to celebrate dififerait fetivals.C. It nightinfhiHN agricultuial pfodLCtion.D.It 让ors hacnioiiy between people and ratoe.32. Accor6rg to tbs snide, probably 网 tbe most attention to tbe 24 solar terns?A Students.B.Teaien.C. Athletes.D. Fannen.33. . Whafs the them式主的 of the text ?A Sports.B. Cultuie.C.Techrclogy.D. Histoiy.DOn Hvkirsbiitbd3s he tells us quietly.On his schooliigAt school, I never studied better than half of my dasicistei. All of my dai-aaes wen very dever. My danwofk was very ixtidj: and my handiiting was terrible. But mj dannutes 曾t me the Hdxrnm Eg 自 e.36 WhM I was twelve, ote of my ft endsbet (?7 适)Hother foend a bag of iwets that I would never come to anythLg I don't Ixov what was tbe fesult of the bet and uio got the bag of 尔戈u. On disabflitiesIf you are di 53bly it is probably cot your fadt. 37 One nuist make the best of the sintion that one foods oneself tn. Ifo«is physically disabled, one cainx)t afiford to be psychologically (心 S±p) disabled 器 well. On imperfectionNext time someone complain that you have made a mi stake, tell him that may ba a good thing.38On the advice he gave his children39 Never give up woi. Woric gives you maamng and puipose and life is empty wthout it. If you arehxky enough to fird love, remenibef iti* ±ere and dott throw it 即ay.On time travelI would go back to 1%二皿i tbe birth of my fint child, Robert.40根挎蚱W容,从七面三个送项o比3能步人三u立战史的最住在项费又至交总这以力客三菱.A No ore is perfect in the wodd, both you sod I.B. Remember to look up at the itars md cot doz at youi feet.C. Probably tb2>, ssigrj of lomthirg better.D. My thx由 kids have bfought me great joy.E. But it is co good complaacg about the E»ld or expecting it to take pity on you.三.之形填豆(15小建,包小建1分.共15分)夫巨京显又.系亘其大言.卸专从A. B. C. D 口今殳至匚三3一个可以缜入年三立E处的聂使苔灵NI-aHish School is ir Phwnix. Rrizora. USA Recently the school mde ±e 41it opaed alaxdiy foom (浣衣宝)called iZThe Mt sing Sock," It providw itrdenti xn± a washing marhii: a &y.亚d42也.加供法比)for fee.The laudiy rooci h ±e idea of prirctpal John Ardenon. He43 ths idea after fealizinE that many ofthe Khool'm stixlffits-more than 30 percent of whom are homeless. They want to come to school 44the Khool'm stixlffits-more than 30 percent of whom are homeless. They want to come to school 44provndiiig him with ±e 45 resoLxces he needed 3t KhooL Ai兑anon decided it wa- time for tbs 46to step ir.50, with tbe help of several oigadzati皿,the school got enough mowy to 3 one of 47 large closets (适应宣)into a lain" foom. Strdazti 48 the change. It Las rlly made a 49 to many of their liva.AiNieva. a wotker at NfayaHid: School 三期? she comes from a homeleiB 50 and knows how hard it is to come to school whe: youi 51 smellc come to school smelling, kids don't want to be 52 you. They are talking about you Yai will fird it hard to 匣vm your53 attention to school learning.Accccdirg toAix;!. The Miistng Sock is also a sTibol ofM-a High Schoofs promisa to provide stDdentB with54 than just knowledge. We ofe theci life 55 to tea± them ttinp that someone is probably rottea±irg them outside of school srd to 止ow them love?41. A soA ever42. A. got alongA. especially43. A baskA. psracts44. A hisA accepted45. A. suggestioi;A mfiMm3tton,46. A. aweA. forB.ifB. evenB. caught rp KithB. speciallyB.ri±B. t±erB.herB. receivedB. wthB.ba±groixdB3B.byC.bKsn-eC.jiut C.puiq)Kith C. siqply C.pfOJ>2f C. schoolC. itsC. BalcomedC. convenattoEC. stituation wwwwvC.foodC. cromD. thoughD. ririitD. came upD. firallvD.usenJD. Kcr/eranentD.myD. refineddifiereceWS/VXA/VD. do±esD. like53. A. specialB. activeC.strongD.foilA moreB. betterC.woneD.less54. A.dx>iceB. skillC.8rtD.mterest四.语篇货空(15小段.每小8n分.共15分)莞一千度京京.从方框。造多壬:的词并且其壬会彩式埃兰使孟M这里,在思完整.寻亘谡货一行.5 逐屈另一次.lose Europe body agamst p 国 famous health treat Ride thaiDo vou know about Tfaiitioul Chinese Mediae?Txaditioral CtireseMedicine i- a medical svateni56 hastea uied to gt illnBies and help people itsy healthy for more than 2, OCCyean. It5'an important role trChirese paoplefs life. TCM a” the hmsn 58 are always ctsEging md Lave relstioEship with HvkoMiait.People checked 51t 心 livingaround in 3Eda:t time ir order to fight 59 illren警.Theysot a lot of exparience. Duiile ±e Wamrz State Period, docton 60about medictre firoa difeentplazei 皿d Kfots a large Ember of hooka61 tUres«ej.Howe/er, many medical hooka were 62 irthe wan ir QirH3E<i Han Dyxanies. In tbe Sii 3Dd Tang Dynasties, TCM developed quickly and wall. Acd there were a lot of excell剪 doctor. In the Nlirs IXxastv, a doctor ramed Li ShizhaL xTote jome 63 medical books. Nowadays, tbs doctors sai 甄pens ofgauze 心 books ofTCM agair and letup classes of medidM.In many medical schools in 64 countries, studaiU must lean TCM. With ±e development of medical sctaxe. I believe hman beinK will be65 and live lonzer tn ±e future.其二十回京以.根捱云筒云及1立,使孟工读组,岂思三名豆限一词Lite is a raze. Its nomal to lose and win. Success can make you awe cocfideit. 66 you can, t alwsvi rixcead. Ea± tine you fell, you lean: to live. HaviLg a posinB (& 校地)attitude ix life is very impartatt. The positive feling puibas you tows曲 mucus.Developing positive altitude would make you67 hpier pefion. Happine-i does 8t d-apetd on wealth . It comes 68 Hide you.Ybn attitude and the way you think have mixh to do with a you feel about yoiiel£ Choo莞 to look 班 yomelf in & positive way. See whst ii positK'e 亚d good in you. It will make you believe you will get whai you want. It willabo help you to achieve more than you ever expected.Life is a follercoBSter (过一主)fide. Not every。理 can tare th由 fint position. SocHttmes it doaar't matter what position you are ir. all marten wtai you 70 learned 此riig 侬 raze. alija and be thankfiil for wtsi you have.三.补金对话0小建.总小麦2分.共10分)根推相的对话W景.在短个空之处填上一个适台的句子.使对话的比息连员、元茎.A: Hi, Steve! Ihavw't 冷nyou for atile. 71.?B: Piaty good.I have Wen busy on thmIrmet.A: Really? 71?B: Neither 1 startirz a website nith av niecda. It makes me raallv ttxed but excited.A: Cool! 73.?B:Its mai匈 for young people to share photos and other infbfmstioL. YbukEow young people like -haring on the Intercut.A: Great. 74.?.皿Thank you. Til check out you website often. By the