车辆租赁合同中英文版车辆租赁合同中英文版 车辆租赁合同范本: 车辆接送客合作经营合同 Outsourced Car Rental Company Contract 甲方: Party A: 乙方: Party B: 甲乙双方因合作经营甲方酒店客人用车事宜,特达成如下合作合同,供双方共同遵守: This contract is made by and between Party A and Party B, whereby both parties agree to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter: 一、 合作基本方式 Scope of work 双方共同经营(以下简称)车辆接送客人业务。乙方提供车辆及驾驶员,甲方负责轿车接送客业务安排及驾驶员管理。双方按约获得利润分成,承担责任按经营分工,各负责任。乙方应提供明细的收费项目表给甲方,甲方有权就收费情况给予意见。 Party A and Party B agree to manage (hereinafter referred to as”) guest transportation together.Party B provides car and driver, Party B is in charge of guest transportation task and driver management.Party A and Party B will share the profit according to the contract.Party B shall provide standard pre list with details to Party A, Party B has the right to comment and advise the pre.二、 甲方权利义务 Rights and responsibilities of Party A 1、甲方负责安排、提供酒店轿车接送客人业务,且该业务甲方只能按本合同约定安排由乙方车辆接送,不能安排其他非乙方车辆接送。 Party A is responsible for arranng and providing hotel cars for guest.Party A can only use Party Bs car according to the contract.2、甲方应做好轿车接送客人的业务管理工作,每日予以记录业务清单与应收报酬,每周甲乙双方核对客人用车经营收入。 Party A shall ensure proper administration, such as recording the daily business inventories and compensation receivable.Party A and Party B shall review the business income weekly.3、甲方有权按本合同约定获得利润及有义务承担相应责任。甲方提供三个免费停车位。 Party A has the right to obtain the stipulated share of profit and is obliged to related responsibilities Party A should provide 3 complimentary parking lots to Party B.三、 乙方权利义务 Rights and Obligations of Party B 1、乙方需提供蒙迪欧、奥迪A6、别克GL8、丰田考斯特等车型为甲方客人提供接送服务。 Party B shall provide 2 Mendeo, , AudiA6, BukGL8,Toyota Coaster including other models of car as per guest(s) request.2、乙方提供相应驾驶员,经营甲方接送客业务,驾驶员必须服从酒店管理。 Party B shall provide professional lensed drivers who must follow the rules and regulations of the hotel.3、驾驶员服装按甲方要求由乙方自备,乙方应保证所提供之车辆车况及驾驶员之服务,着装符合甲方酒店服务标准,如有违反甲方将给予乙方书面警告并建议乙方更换驾驶员,上述书面警告累计达三次以上如乙方仍无改进,甲方有权考虑终止合同。 Party B shall responsible for the drivers uniform based on the glooming standard and requirement by the hotel.Violation of this regulation will result in warning letter and driver change.Party A can terminate this contract if Warning letter amounted to more than three times 4、乙方提供的上述车辆来源以乙方有权合法使用为原则,不以车辆所有权归属为限。 Party B shall guarantee the legal use rights of the cars, it will not be limited by the ownership of the cars.5、乙方应负责办理好车辆的保险,保险费全部由乙方承担。 Party B shall be full in charge of car insurance and totally bear the insurance fee.6、乙方应负责其提供的轿车的日常维修工作。 Party B should be responsible for daily car maintenance.7、乙方有权利按本合同约定获得利润及有义务承担相应责任。 Party B has the right to obtain the stipulated share of profit and is obliged to related responsibilities 四、 甲方客人用车费用的收取 Guest Transportation charge 本合作事项所产生的收益,即甲方客人的用车费用,由甲方先行收取。 Party A can charge for guest first on behalf of Party B according to the profits made by the co-operation business.五、 经营成本负担 Management cost 1、甲方的管理成本由甲方自行承担,均包含在本合同约定的甲方收入内。 According to the contract party As management cost is to be borne by Party A , whh is included in party As income 2、下列经营、管理成本由乙方承担: Management cost hereinafter is to be borne by Party B: A、乙方所提供的轿车购置成本费用由乙方自行承担,车辆所有权属于乙方。甲方对乙方提供的车辆不享有所有权。 Car purchasing epense is to be borne by Party B.Party B has the ownership of the cars.Party A does not have the ownership of the cars.B、驾驶员工资收入。 Driver salary C、车辆及驾驶员的保险费用。 Car and Driver Insurance D、车辆的维修、保养费用,油费,过路、过桥、养路费用等。 Car maintenance fee / petrol fee /road toll fee.六、 收入分配 Revenue distribution 1、本合作事项为双方利润分成形式。即因本合作每月所产生的收入,甲方获得25作为本合作收入,其余75全部收入由乙方所得。 Based on the terms and conditions of the contract the benefit pattern is that both sides share the profits.All the income from every months co-operation, Party A can obtain 30 of the revenue, party B can obtain 70 of the rest revenue.2、以上收入是指乙方每月接、送客人后,由甲方客人支付的全部用车费用。所有收入均由甲方代为收取,乙方不可向客人收取用车费用。甲方有偿使用乙方车辆所产生的用车 费用不包含在此,需另行结算。 Above revenue includes all guest transportation charge from hotel, all the income shall be charged by party A, party B is not entitled to charge for guests.Party As compensation use of the car is not included in the revenue, it will be checked up by another way.3、本条所指收入,双方按月予以结算。即在每月1-5号内结算上月收入,并在结算后2日内予以分配。 Revenue should be cleared on the 1st to 5th of each month and distributed in 2 days.4、甲方客人所需车型超出乙方提供车型,由乙方负责协调外调。外调车除去调车成本后,所余利润部分甲方获取25,乙方获取75。 If the guests of Party A want another type of car whh Party B cant provide, Party B is responsible for coordinating it.Deducting the coordination costs, Party A will own 30 of the rest profits; Party B will own 70 of the rest profits.七、 经营相关责任承担 Distribution of the related responsibilities 1、因本合作事项产生损害结果,包括但不限于车辆损失、驾乘人员损伤、第三方损失均由乙方自行承担与解决。 Party B shall be borne damages whh includes, without limitation, car damage, driver and passenger injury and all third party loss.2、若以上损害系第三方原因造成的,需以甲方名义予以解决的,则甲方应予以解决。届时,甲方可自行或委托乙方处理,但甲方因此产生的各项费用由乙方承担。同时,甲方向第三方获得的各项赔偿应返还给乙方。 If the above damages are caused by a third party and need Party A to solve, Party A shall assist.All cost resulted shall be borne by Party B.The compensation that Party A obtained shall be returned to Party B.八、 特别约定 Special agreement 客人所需要消费发票由甲方提供,扣除甲方获得利润,余下部分乙方每月结帐时全额开据发票结帐。 Party A shall provide invoe as required, Party B shall provide full invoe on monthly clearing.本合同全作期限限为壹年,从签约时算起,合同期满后,如双方就继续合作没有异议,此合同自动顺延一个合同期。 This contract will take effect from the signing date.After epiration of contract it can be etended for another year thereafter if agreed.九、 合同的解除,终止 Termination 1、本合同存续期间,任何一方非因法定或约定事由均不得解除本合同,否则,视为违约解除合同,应按本合同作相应处理。 The parties shall perform their obligations stipulated in the contract.No party shall unilaterally modify or rescind the contract.2、本合同方经协商一致,可以解除本合同。协商解除本合同的,双方互不违约。 The Agreement can be terminated upon agreement of both sides.3、合同到期,双方如不再续签合同,合同终止。双方应做好最后结算工作。 This agreement shall automatally terminate, without note by either party to the other, when it epires.十、 违约责任 Default 本合同存续期间,任何一方非因法定事由均不得无故解除本合同。否则,视为违约,违约方应向守约方支付违约金贰拾万元整。此款包括了因一方解除合同后给另一方造成的全部损失、赔偿金等。任何一方不得以本条约定的违约金过高为由向法院起诉要求降低。 The parties shall perform their obligations stipulated in the contract.No any party shall unilaterally modify or rescind the contract.Violation of this regulation, default party should pay 20,000 to the other party.十一、争议的解决 Dispute 甲乙双方因本合同发生争议的,应协商处理,协商不成的,由甲方所在地人民法院管辖。 Any dispute during eecution of the contract shall be resolved by mutual friendly negotiation.Upon failure of negotiation, disputes shall be submitted to arbitration committee.十二、其他 Miscellaneous 本合同经甲乙双方盖章后生效。本合同一式肆份,甲乙双方各执贰份。本合同未尽事宜,双方可签订补充合同,补充合同与本合同具有同等效力。 The Contract shall come into force after signatures by both parties.The Contract is in four (4) orinals, two (2) for Party A and two (2) for Party B.If need, both sides are entitled to sign a supplemental contract, whh is also effective as this contract. 甲方: Party A: 乙方: Party B: 甲方法人代表人: Legal Representative: Legal Representative: 签定日期: 年 月 Date: Date: 乙方法人代表人: 日 签定日期: 年月日 第 6 页 共 6 页