承德避暑山庄导游词(优秀9篇)作为一名乐于助人的导游,通常须要用到导游词来协助讲解,导游词具有极强的好用性,涉及的学问非常广泛。写导游词须要留意哪些格式呢?这次牛牛范文为您整理了9篇承德避暑山庄导游词,希望能够给您供应一些帮助。篇一:承德避暑山庄导游词 篇一各位游客,大家好!欢迎来到素有“紫塞明珠”以及“钒钛之都”美称的承德。佛曰:前世五百次的回眸,才换来今生的一次擦肩而过。既然大家能够从13亿人口中,从960万平方公里的土地上,相聚在我的家乡,相聚在这小小的车厢里,或许这就是缘分吧!我是石家庄红太阳旅行社导游员小红,为我们开车的是司机刘师傅,刘师傅已有十多年驾驶阅历,技术非常娴熟,坐他的车您尽管放心。我和刘师傅将竭诚为各位服务,希望大家可以玩的快乐,游的尽心。再过一会儿我们就要到达今日的目的地避暑山庄了,在这里,我先给大家简洁的介绍一下。避暑山庄,又称“热河行宫”,坐落于承德市中心以北的狭长谷地上,占地面积564万平方米,相当于颐和园的两倍,故宫的八倍,是我国现存最大的皇家园林。山庄始建于清康熙四十二年,其营建历时近90年,是清代康、乾盛世的象征。目前,避暑山庄及其四周寺庙为世界文化遗产以及国家5A级旅游景区。好了,我们也到了,大家带好随身物品,一起下车。大家先到这边集合一下,山庄的整体布局分为宫殿区和苑景区两大部分。苑景区又可分成湖区、平原区和山区三部分,我们一会将会看到。而我们眼前的这个面阔七间,进深三重的大殿就是宫殿区的主殿“澹泊敬诚”殿。它相当于故宫的太和殿,是清代实行重大庆典,百官朝觐,接见少数民族首领和外国使节的地方。大殿外观古朴淡雅,不饰彩绘,殿顶采纳的是青砖布瓦、卷棚歇山式的建筑形制,整个大殿用楠木建立,因此又叫“楠木殿”。大家可以闭上眼细致闻闻,看能不能闻到淡淡的檀木香。仅在殿外,我们就已经感受到它的庄重雄伟,清幽高雅。接下来我们就去一窥它的内里。进入大殿,首先映入眼帘的是皇帝的宝座,在宝座之上,悬挂着康熙皇帝亲笔题写的“澹泊敬诚”匾额。“澹泊”二字来自于:“不烦不扰,澹泊不失”,诸葛亮在其中也说了一句大家更为熟识的名言,“非澹泊无以明志,非安静无以致远”。当年康熙皇帝题“澹泊敬诚”这四个字,含蓄地表达了他“居安思危,崇尚节俭”的思想。匾额之下,宝座之后,设有紫檀耕织图围屏,围屏由五扇组成,其屏心图案并没有采纳皇室惯用的奇花异草、富贵祥瑞等传统图案,而是以精湛的雕工再现了古代劳动人民男耕女织、从事生产劳动的场景。163位农夫笑逐言开,忙劳碌碌,到处洋溢着丰收带来的喜悦。将这样一幅围屏放在皇帝宝座的背后,在其它宫廷陈设当中也不多见,可谓是匠心独运,从中也充分体现了一代帝王重农务本的国君之德。各位游客,在避暑山庄的巡游即将结束,我也不得不要和大家道声再见在这次旅途中,我还是有许多做的不到位的地方,感谢大家的理解与支持。最终祝福大家身体健康,阖家快乐,返程一路平安,感谢大家,再见。篇二:承德避暑山庄导游词 篇二游客挚友们,大家好!今日我是你们的导游,我姓郝,大家可以叫我郝导。游客挚友们,避暑山庄原名热河行宫,始建于康熙年间,建成于乾隆,耗时近90年,是我国现存最大的皇家园林,约为颐和园的两倍。青帝每年有半年时间在此会见王公贵族及外国使节、处理奏章、消夏避暑,所以这里是清朝的其次个政治中心。承德避暑山庄位于中华人民共和国河北省承德市。曾是中国清朝皇帝的夏宫。距离北京230公里。是由皇帝宫室、皇家园林和雄伟壮丽的寺庙群所组成。避暑山庄是世界文化遗产。最早康熙皇帝时称作“热河行宫”!这里面,至今还有康熙、乾隆和慈禧等皇室的陈设。避暑山庄的建筑布局大体可分为宫殿区和苑景区两大部分。苑景区又可分成湖区、平原区和山区三部分。山区要乘车巡游;湖区可乘船欣赏;平原区有草原和树林。山庄最大的特色是园中有山,山中有园,山水相间,景色可以用“山雄水秀”来形容,兼具南北园林之胜。山庄分为宫殿区和苑景区两大部分,其中苑景区又分为湖区、平原区、山区三部分。山庄内楼台殿阁,寺观庵庙等古建筑达120多组,人文胜迹与湖光水色达到完备结合的境界。宫殿区主要由正宫、松鹤斋、万壑松风殿和东宫四组建筑组成,是皇帝处理朝政、实行庆典和生活起居的地方。大家看,这就是湖区了,瞧这碧绿的湖面上一片片玉盘似的荷叶托起了一朵一朵的荷花,那白如雪,粉似霞的荷花像不像亭亭玉立的少女?我们现在就来到了避暑山庄的平原区,这里绿草茵茵,一派草原景色,看着古木参天,具有大兴安岭莽莽森林的景象。各位看,这就是山峦区了,这里山峦起伏,沟壑纵横,众多楼堂亭阁、寺庙点缀其间。各位假如走累了,也可以坐车上山,一个小时以后我们山下集合,剩下的时间大家自由活动吧。篇三:承德避暑山庄导游词 篇三Good morning, beautiful ladies, han()dsome gentlemen and lovely children. Welcome to the summer resort in Moli. I"m the guide of Fengcai travel agency, Xiao Mingyu. You can call me Xiaoyu. I am honored to be able to enjoy this beautiful scenic spot with you. Next, I will lead you to enjoy this beautiful royal garden.Did you know that Chengde summer resort is the imperial palace of ancient China, located in Chengde City, Hebei Province. In December 1994, it was listed in the world cultural heritage list. There are Rehe spring, plain area and other beautiful scenic spots. But I want to remind you not to litter.Attention, we are going to see the lake area. This is the beautiful lake area, with a total area of 496000 square meters and eight different lakes. That is, West Lake, Chenghu, Ruyi swimming, Shanghu, etc. There is an island in the lake called "Moonlight River sound"。 Every night when the moon goes to Dongshan, the bright moonlight shines on the lake, which is very beautiful. There are so many lakes and so beautiful islands that you might as well enjoy their beauty by yourself. But beauty is beauty. We must pay attention to safety and gather on time!After 30 minutes, everyone pay attention to the assembly.Next, we are going to another scenic spot, which is very famous! This is the largest palace of Chengde Summer Resort - Wanhe SONGFENG hall. Emperor Kangxi met officials here, read memorials, read and write. Emperor Kangxi once bestowed "Wanhe SONGFENG" lying on the side of the summer resort to Emperor Qianlong, the fourth son of the emperor and the fourth son of Prince shuoyong, Hongli. Later Hongli succeeded to the throne and nominated this hall as ji"en hall.Dear friends, this tour is over. Thank you for your cooperation and support. I wish you all the best in your work. Welcome to come again next time.篇四:承德避暑山庄导游词 篇四Hello! I"m your little guide: Li Xinyu. Welcome to Chengde summer resort. Located in the north of Chengde City, the summer resort is the largest classical Royal Garden in China.The summer resort is a symbol of the heyday of Kangxi and Qianlong in Qing Dynasty. As the founders of the villa, Kangxi and Qianlong visited the south of the Yangtze River for six times, traversing the beauty of the scenery in the world. In the construction of the summer resort, the advantages of many families were learned, and the style of Chinese north and south gardens was integrated, so that the summer resort became the summary and sublimation of Chinese classical garden art. Chinese garden experts say that the whole summer resort is the epitome of the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland. Why do experts say that? I think ladies and gentlemen will answer this question after visiting the summer resort. However, I would like to remind you that the reason is related to the topography of the summer resort. Ladies and gentlemen, the summer resort is here. Please get out of the car. Now I"ll show you her style.The antique door in front of us is the main door of the summer resort, which is called the Li main door. It is the entrance of the Qing emperor. Today, I invite you to be the "emperor" and experience the emperor"s life.People who come to Chengde usually go to the mountain to touch Bangchui mountain, because there is a popular saying in Chengde: "if you touch Bangchui mountain, you can live one hundred and three years." If you are interested, you may as well go up the mountain and have a look.This is the Chengde summer resort I"ll show you.篇五:承德避暑山庄导游词 篇五嗨!大家好,我是阳光旅行社的金牌导游庞梓月,今日就由我来给大家介绍一下承德的避暑山庄。请大家跟随我起先进入山庄,大家肯定要跟紧我的步伐,不然听不到我的讲解会很缺憾的。承德避暑山庄是世界文化遗产,全国重点文物爱护单位,中国四大名园之一。是清代皇帝夏天避暑和处理政务的场所。避暑山庄始建于1703年,历经清康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝,耗时89年建成。避暑山庄主要分为宫殿区和苑景区两部分。下面我们重点来介绍一下宫殿区。宫殿区位于湖泊南岸,占地10万平方米,地形平坦,是皇帝处理朝政、实行庆典和生活起居的地方,这里景色丰富,群山环绕,草翠花开,与其它园林相比,有其独特的风格。宫殿的建筑显得特别的气派。宫殿区巡游完毕,在我们的右侧的景区是苑景区,这个景区可分成湖区、平原区和山区三部分。主要是一片片草地和树林,山庄里面还有好几座大庙,大小湖泊八处,还有八个小岛屿,这个苑景区也是我个人最喜爱的景区。有山有水景色特别美。适合老人和孩子在景区中渐渐游玩。听了我的讲解,你们确定觉得我们国家劳动人民的在那个年头是多么聪慧和勤劳,你们确定也有自己最喜爱的景区,接下来你们可以自由活动,在自己喜爱的景区里面多游玩一会。我的讲解到这里就结束了,希望通过我的讲解,你们对承德避暑山有新的了解和见识。感谢大家!篇六:承德避暑山庄导游词 篇六各位团友:大家好!欢迎大家来承德避暑山庄观光巡游。我是本次的导游,我仅代表E-旅风旅行社和避暑山庄全部工作人员咱们的司机师傅为大家的到来表示真诚的欢迎!我叫孙玉肖,大家可以叫我孙导或小孙,我是联系电话是xxxx,大家有什么事可以找我,我会尽全力满意大家的要求,出门旅游肯定要协作导游,跟着导游走吃喝啥都有,问啥啥都会,走着还不累!咱们的司机师傅姓王,王师傅不仅长相好,脾气好,而且技术也高,所以一路上少不了王师傅的劳苦功高,所以我建议大家用热情的掌声感谢王师傅!然后请大家务必记住这辆蓝白相间的金龙大巴,车牌号码是冀A103511。最终预祝大家旅途开心!下面我们介绍承德避暑山庄。避暑山庄位于承德市区北部,是我国现存最大的古典皇家园林。避暑山庄是清代康、乾盛世的象征。作为山庄缔造者的康熙、乾隆,都曾六下江南,遍历天下景物之美。在修建避暑山庄时,博采众家之长,融合中国南北园林风格为一体,使避暑山庄成为中国古典园林艺术的总结与升华。我国园林专家们说,整个避暑山庄就是祖国锦绣河山的缩影。专家们为什么会这样说呢?这个问题我想还是请女士们、先生们巡游了避暑山庄之后再来回答。不过,我这里先给大家提个醒,这缘由与避暑山庄的地形有关。各位,避暑山庄到了,请大家下车,现在我就带领大家一睹她的风采。篇七:承德避暑山庄导游词 篇七女士们,先生们,小挚友们:大家好!我是教化旅蔡靖宇,大家可以叫我小菜。今日,我带大家去巡游存最大的古典皇家园林承德避暑山庄,大家跟我来。现在避暑山庄的大门已经在我们眼前了。大家看,这个们就是丽正门。你们看中间的门洞上方有一块匾,上面是乾隆皇帝用满、藏、汗、维、蒙五种语言所写的“丽正门”表明白我国是一个统一的多民族的国家。今日,我请大家产一回皇帝,进去感受一下皇帝的生活吧!前面这一片宫殿原本是清代皇帝办公居住的地方,现在承德人把这里改成了避暑山庄博物馆。现在,大家可以自由观看,二非常钟后在“阅射门”集合。这其次道门叫“阅射门”,是皇帝观看皇子皇孙射箭竞赛的地方。下面进入宫殿区的后半部分,叫后寝。是皇帝和嫔妃门居住的地方。现在大家可以自由巡游,四非常钟后在湖区门口集合。看完正宫后,我们现在到了湖区。在正前面就是热河,热河只有三千米长,是世界上最短的河流,可它的水有一个特点:冬暖夏凉。走过热河,我们来到木兰围场。这里林木葱郁、绿草如阴,是皇帝选骏马的地方。今日的避暑山庄一日游到此结束了,今晚大家要好好休息,明天我们去坝上草原。篇八:承德避暑山庄导游词 篇八Hello, tourist friends, I"m your tour guide. My name is Lin, shuangmulin. You can call me Xiao Lin or director Lin. I hope I can have a happy day with you.Chengde summer resort is located in the north of Chengde city. It is the largest existing classical Royal Garden in China and a symbol of the flourishing age of the Qing Dynasty. During the construction of this villa, the style of Chinese north and south gardens was integrated to make the summer resort a summary of Chinese classical garden art.We are now in Dehui gate of Chengde summer resort. Along this road, we will arrive at the famous Shuixin Pavilion. Shuixin Pavilion is a three Ying double eaves pavilion with stone bridge on the lake as the bottom. The three pavilions are two small and one large. Walking up the stone bridge, you can see beautiful murals on the wooden frame at the top of the three pavilions. You can also see Luohan mountain and sengguan peak in the distance. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi, parties were often held here on the 15th day of July. There were some pavilions and pavilions nearby. You can enjoy them freely.Next, we go north to the island called "Moonlight River sound", which is an oval island. The architectural layout of the island adopts the northern courtyard style, and the halls are connected by corridors. It seems that the pillars outside the gate and hall are inclined, but actually they are firm. This is one of the three unique features of the villa architecture. It is said that this design was inspired by Kangxi, implying that "the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked" to warn the officials. You can go to the island to play, take photos and pay attention to safety. We will gather here in 40 minutes.Well, all the friends are here. Let"s continue to play. Now the scenic spot we are going to is Lengxiang Pavilion. Some poets use "Pavilion pillow lotus pond to play with water fragrance. It"s very cool with flowers." To describe lengxiangting. Sitting in the pavilion, you can enjoy the fragrance of lotus and the water color.Because time is limited, today"s visit has come to an end. I hope you will have a chance to come to Chengde. I"ll accompany you to enjoy it. See you next time!篇九:承德避暑山庄导游词 篇九游客挚友们:大家好!我叫许天泽。我们即将要巡游的是承德避暑山庄。承德避暑山庄是清代皇家避暑和处理政务的场所,是国家级重点文物爱护单位,已经列入。巡游时请自觉保持它的干净。我们首先来到的是12座金碧辉煌、宏伟壮丽的喇嘛寺庙群,它们环列在山庄外的东部和北部的山麓,共占地47.2万平方米。一到处寺庙像一座座丰碑,记载着清朝统一和团结的历史。我们现在是在一座亭子里,这座亭子叫“南山积雪”。大家可以向后转,前面遥相对立的亭子叫做“四面云山”。再向左边转一下,就可以望见另一座凉亭,叫做“锤锋落照”。每当夕阳西照,对面馨锤锋就会被红色的霞光照得金碧生辉,故名“锤锋落照”。站在这三座亭子中的任何一座上,远眺,都可以把山庄的各个景点、山庄外的几座大型寺庙、四周山上的奇峰怪石以及承德市区一览无余。现在,我们来到了湖区。清朝康熙曾经夸耀说:“自然风景胜西湖”。湖区两岸绿树成阴,山庄主要的风景建筑都散落在湖区的四周,因此显得曲折有致,秀丽多姿。湖中心的两个岛分别有两组建筑,一组叫“如意洲”,另一组叫“月色江声”。 “如意洲”上有假山、凉亭、殿堂、庙宇和水池等建筑,布局奇妙,是景区的中心。“月色江声”是由一座精致的四合院和几座亭子和大堂所组成。每当胶洁的月光照着安静的湖水,山庄内万籁俱寂,只有湖水在轻拍堤岸,发出悦耳的声音,“月色江声”的题名便是由此而来。承德避暑山庄到处都是漂亮的景色,请大家细细品尝吧!