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        11. Diirecttionss: A. Titlle: OOnly Striicterr Traafficc Lawws Caan Prrevennt Acccideents B. Wordd Limmit: abouut 2000 woords C. Yourr commposiitionn shoould be bbasedd on the Outlline giveen inn Chiinesee bellow: 1. 每天全世世界都有成成千上万的的人死于交交通事故。 2. a. 开开车的人越越来越不注注重自己的的行为规范范,公德意意识越来越越差。 bb. 整个个社会对肇肇事者持纵纵容态度,交交通的发展展给城市和和乡村带来来很大影响响。 3. 制定>交交通法规遏遏止交通事事故的发生生。 例文: Onlly Sttrictter TTrafffic LLaws Can Prevvent Acciidentts Thoough the posssibillity of llivinng a longg andd happpy llife is ggreatter tthan everr beffore, eveery dday wwe ciites the incrredibble sslaugghterr of men, wommen aand cchilddren on tthe rroadss. Maan veersuss thee mottor-ccar! It iis a neveer-enndingg batttle whicch maan iss lossing. Thoousannds oof peeoplee thee worrld oover are killled oor hoorribbly mmutillatedd eacch yeear aand wwe arre quuietlly siittinng baack aand llettiing iit haappenn.It has beenn rigghtlyy saiid thhat wwhen a maan iss sitttingg behhind a stteeriing wwheell, hiis caar beecomees thhe exxtenssion of hhis ppersoonaliity. Therre iss no doubbt thhat tthe mmotorr-carr oftten bbringgs ouut a man''s veery wworstt quaalitiies. Peopple wwho aare nnormaally quieet annd plleasaant mmay bbecomme unnrecoognizzablee wheen thhey aare bbehinnd a steeeringg-wheeel. Theyy aree illl-mannnereed annd agggresssivee, wiillfuul ass twoo-yeaar ollds aand uutterrly sselfiish.Thee surrprissing thinng iss thaat soocietty smmiless so beniignlyy on the motooristt andd seeems tto coondonne hiis beehaviior. Everrythiing iis doone ffor hhis cconveeniennce. Citiies aare aallowwed tto beecomee almmost uninnhabiitablle beecausse off heaavy ttrafffic; the counntrysside is ddeseccrateed byy roaad neetworrks; and the masss annnual slauughteer beecomees noothinng moore tthan a sttatisstic, to be cconveenienntly forggotteen.It is hhigh timee a wworldd codde weere ccreatted tto reeducee thiis seenselless wastte off humman llife. Witth reegardd to drivving, lawws off somme coountrries are notooriouusly lax and evenn thee strricteest aare nnot sstricct ennoughh. A codee whiich wwas uuniveersallly aacceppted coulld onnly hhave drammaticcallyy benneficcial effeect oon thhe acccideent rrate.2.Dirrectiions: A. Tiitle: Parrentss Aree Tooo Perrmisssive Withh Theeir CChilddren Nowaadayss     BB. Woord LLimitt: abbout 200 wordds         CC. Yoour ccompoositiion sshoulld bee bassed oon thhe Ouutlinne giiven in CChineese bbeloww:1. 孩子成为为家庭的中中心,父母母日渐失去去应有的权权威。 2. 父母对孩孩子的溺爱爱和忽视导导致青少年年犯罪。3. 孩子的生生活过于安安逸对他们们日后的成成长不利。 例文: Parrentss Aree Tooo Perrmisssive Withh Theeir CChilddren Nowaadayss Theere aare ccounttlesss artticlees onn chiild ccare in mmagazziness andd newwspappers. Witth soo mucch unnsoliiciteed addvicee flyying abouut, mmum aand ddad jjust don''t knnow wwhat to ddo anny moore. In tthe eend, theyy do nothhing at aall. So, fromm earrly cchilddhoodd, thhe kiids aare iin chhargee andd parrentss' liives are reguulateed acccordding to tthe nneedss of theiir offfsprring. Wheen thhe liittlee deaars ddevellop iinto teennagerrs, tthey takee commplette coontrool. LLax aauthoorityy oveer thhe yeears makees addolesscentt rebbelliion aagainnst pparennts aall tthe mmore viollent. If the younng peeoplee aree goiing tto haave aa parrty, for insttancee, paarentts arre assked to lleavee thee houuse. Theiir prresennce mmerelly sppoilss thee funn. Whhat eelse can the poorr parrentss do but obeyy?Chiildreen arre haardy creaaturees annd moost oof thhem ssurviive tthe hharmfful iinfluuencee of extrreme permmissiiveneess wwhichh is the normmal ccondiitionn in the modeern hhouseeholdd. Buut a greaat maany ddo noot. TThe sspreaad off juvvenille deelinqquenccy inn ourr ownn agee is larggely due to pparenntal laxiity. Mothher, beliievinng thhat llittlle Joohnnyy cann loook affter himsself, is not at hhome whenn he retuurns fromm schhool, so litttle JJohnnny rooams the streeets. Thee divvidinng-liine bbetweeen ppermiissivvenesss annd shheer neglligennce iis veery ffine indeeed.Thee psyychollogissts hhave muchh to answwer ffor. Theyy shoould keepp theeir mmouthhs shhut aand llet pparennts gget oon wiith tthe jjob. And if cchilddren are knoccked abouut a litttle bbit iin thhe prrocesss, iit maay noot reeallyy mattter too muchh. Att leaast tthis willl hellp thhem tto deeveloop viigoroous vviewss of theiir owwn annd giive tthem someethinng poositiive tto reeact agaiinst. Perrhapss theere'ss somme trruth in tthe iidea thatt chiildreen whho'vee hadd a ssurfeeit oof haappinness in ttheirr chiildhoood eemergge liike sstodggy puuddinngs aand ffail to mmake a suuccesss off liffe.3.Dirrectiions:          AA. Tiitle: Peoople Shouuld BBe Reewardded AAccorrdingg To Abillity, Or To AAge AAnd EExperrien ce          BB. Woord LLimitt: abbout 200 wordds         CC. Yoour ccompoositiion sshoulld bee bassed oon thhe Ouutlinne giiven in CChineese bbeloww: 1. 年轻人进进入社会要要对论资排排辈的现实实。 2. 社会上种种种要素阻阻碍年轻人人发展。 3. 雇主应该该正确看待待一个人的的能力,按按其能力付付给报酬。 例文: Peoople Shouuld BBe Reewardded AAccorrdingg To Abillity, Or To AAge AAnd EExperriencce Youung mmen aand wwomenn joiin thhe hiierarrchy and takee theeir pplacee in the queuue. TThey go tto thhe veery eend oof thhe quueue and stayy theere nno maatterr howw briilliaant tthey are. Whaat thhey kknow is mmuch lesss impportaant tthan whomm theey knnow aand hhow oold tthey are. Whaat thhey kknow is mmuch lesss impportaant tthan whomm theey knnow aand hhow oold tthey are. If theyy aree ablle, ttheirr abiilitiies wwill be aacknoowleddged and rewaardedd in due courrse - thaat iss, affter twennty oor thhirtyy yeaars hhave passsed.Theere sseemss to be aa giggantiic coonspiiracyy agaainstt youung ppeoplle. WWhilee on the one handd soccietyy proovidees thhem wwith bettter eeducaationnal ffacillitiees, oon thhe otther it ddoes its bestt to excllude themm froom thhe joobs tthat reallly mmatteer. TTheree aree excceptiions, of courrse. Somee youung ppeoplle doo mannage to bbreakk thrroughh thee barrrierr desspitee thee resstricctionn, buut thhe grreat majoorityy havve too waiit paatienntly for yearrs beeforee theey caan reeallyy givve fuull rrein to ttheirr abiilitiies. Thiss meaans tthat, in mostt fieelds, thee vieews oof yooung peopple aare nneverr heaard bbecauuse ttheree is no oone tto reepressent themm. Prresiddent Kennnedy was one of tthe nnotabble eexcepptionns. OOne oof thhe moost ttragiic asspectts off hiss asssassiinatiion iis thhat mmankiind wwas ddepriived of aa youuthfuul leeaderr.Ressentmment is tthe ccausee of a grreat deall of bittterneess. The younng reesentt thee oldd beccausee theey feeel ddepriived of tthe ggood thinngs llife has to oofferr. Thhe olld reesentt thee youung bbecauuse tthey are afraaid oof loosingg whaat thhey hhave. A mman oof fiifty or sso miight say, 'Whhy shhouldd a yyoungg rasscal straaightt outt of schoool oout oof scchooll earrn moore tthan I doo? Buut iff thee youung rrascaal iss morre abble, moree dettermiined, harrder-workking thann hiss midddle-agedd criitic, whyy shoouldnn't hhe? EEmplooyerss shoould recoognizze abbilitty annd reewardd it justtly. Thiss wouuld rremovve onne off thee bigggestt cauuses of ffricttion betwween old and younng annd ulltimaatelyy it woulld leead tto a bettter ssocieety.''4.DDirecctionns:          AA. Wrrite an eessayy of abouut 2000 woords.          BB. Yoour eessayy shoould be bbasedd on the outlline beloow: 1. 主题句:人们对大大学合并持持有不同的的态度; 2. 发展句: a. 一些人认认为大学合合并是建设设世界一流流大学的重重要举措。 b. 另另一些人认认为大学合合并有一些些潜在的问问题,如管管理问题。 3. 结论句:大学合并并利大于弊弊,但应考考虑到带来来的问题。 例文: Uniiverssity Mergger Uniiverssity mergger, a hoot toopic bothh on and off camppus, has receeivedd mucch puublicc atttentiion. Peopple'ss atttituddes ttowarrds iit vaary ggreattly.Somme peeoplee favvor iit ass an impoortannt sttep tthat univversiitiess takke toowardds thhe gooal oof fiirst-ratee worrld uuniveersitties. Theey arrgue thatt, onnly tthrouugh mmergeers ccan uuniveersitties givee fulll pllay tto thheir own advaantagges aand mmake up ffor ttheirr dissadvaantagges. Takee thee merrger betwween Tsinnghuaa Uniiverssity and the Insttitutte off Apppliedd Artts ass an exammple. Thee forrmer''s sttrenggths in tthe ffieldd of highh tecchnollogy compplemeent tthe llatteer's repuutatiion ffor aart. Theyy alsso pooint out thatt uniiverssity merggers willl inccreasse thhe coompettitivve poower of CChineese uuniveersitties in tthe wworldd. Inn spiite oof thhese arguumentts, ttheree aree thoose wwho ssee iit ass a hhastyy deccisioon whhich has somee pottentiial pprobllems. Theey cllaim, forr insstancce, llocatted ffar aaway fromm eacch otther, thee uniiverssitiees innvolvved iin a mergger aare uusuallly ffacedd witth thhe toough probblem of mmanaggemennt.In my oopiniion, univversiity mmergeer haas moore aadvanntagees thhan ddisaddvanttagess, buut unniverrsitiies sshoulld taake iinto accoount the poteentiaal daangerrs reesultting fromm merrgerss. 如何看待宠宠物热 1. 有些些人喜欢养养动物作为为宠物。 9ZBFF1sMgg  2. 有有些人反对对圈养动物物作为宠物物。 >=V+X""Z   3. 你你的观点。 a5-=0L  OL rD44 e   参考范范文 V55B-S.ii   noowadaays, withh thee impproveementt of the peoppless livving stanndardd, soome ppeoplle foorm aa habbit oof raaisinng smmall or ddomesstic animmals as ppets. somme raaise smalll doogs oor caats aas thheir petss whiile ootherrs raaise variious birdds orr fisshes as ttheirr petts. ttheree aree stiill eeven somee peoople raissing snakkes aand ootherr unuusuall aniimalss as theiir peets. K_QCCYS .  lQBMM0|n  Dooes aanyonne haave tthe ssame opinnion of rraisiing aanimaals aas peets? no, somee peoople objeect tto thhe iddea oof raaisinng annimalls ass petts. tto thhem, animmals havee theeir oown rrightt to livee a nnaturral llife likee humman bbeinggs. oon thhe otther handd, thhe waay peeoplee raiise aanimaals aas peets hhave a neegatiive iinfluuencee on the surrrounddingss succh ass doggs bbarkiing aat miidnigght, dogss chhasinng peeoplee on the streeet aand sso onn. whhatss morre, ssome animmals willl traansmiit soome ddiseaases. in my oopiniion, i doo nott likke thhe iddea tto raaise animmals at ppets. aniimalss havve thheir own righht too leaad a lifee as theyy likke. wwe shhouldd nott depprivee theem off theeir nnaturral rrightt. inn thiis waay, wwe wiill llive in aa peaacefuul woorld in hharmoony wwith the otheer liivingg creeaturres. kTJJ<Dv;  owninng a privvate car 'H3e  1. 目目前,有越越来越多的的人拥有私私家车;(图表略) 9ccbI3rrGz   2. 拥拥有私家车车的利与弊弊; DD.(  3. 结结论。 .)q;Z   参考范范文 &T+aatLNN  Noowadaays , theere aare mmore and moree peoople owniing pprivaate ccars. on the one handd, soome wwealtthy ppeoplle whho eiitherr aree thee bosss off thee priivatee commpanyy or the whitte-coollarr mannagerrs inn bigg commpaniies hhave theiir prrivatte caars. on tthe ootherr hannd, ssome younng peeoplee whoo aree futture-mindded bbuy pprivaate ccars aheaad off theeir iincomme byy loaans ffrom bankks. 33r<QQ7e   Iss it a goood oor baad thhing to hhave a prrivatte caar? jjust as aa coiin haas twwo siides , soo theere aare bboth advaantagges aand ddisaddvanttagess of haviing aa priivatee carr. soo farr as its advaantagges aare cconceernedd, thhere are two exammpless forr thiis. ffirstt , iit pllays a veery iimporrtantt parrt inn proovidiing iits oownerr witth coonvenniencce, eenablling the owneer too go wherre hee wannts tto quuicklly annd eaasilyy. seecondd, itt cann hellp itts owwner to ssave a loot off timme whhich may be wwasteed byy waiitingg forr othher vvehiccles. howweverr, itt alsso haas itts diisadvvantaages . foor onne thhing, it willl havve a negaativee efffect on bboth the crowwded trafffic systtem aand tthe eenvirronmeent iin thhe loong rrun. for anotther, it placces bburdeen onn thee pubblic utillity in pproviidingg morre paarkinng loots. xbee$QQ  Inn shoort , ownning a prrivatte caar haas booth iits aadvanntagees annd diisadvvantaages. it is aadvissablee thaat wee shoould pay muchh atttentiion tto thhe ennviroonmenntal prottectiion bby noot haavingg a pprivaate ccar iif wee havve liittlee or no ppractticall usee of the privvate car16媒体体与名流. 17保护大自自然. 118我们们就要断水水了! 119汽车车与空气污污染. 220你们们把孩子惯惯坏了!社会热点话话题(166)Meddia && CellebriitiessOne hunddred yearrs aggo, ppeoplle beecamee fammous for whatt theey haad acchievved. Todaays celeebritties,howeever, oftten ddo noot beecomee knoown ffor aany eendurring(永久的) achhieveementt, thhey aare ssimplly faamouss forr beiing ffamouus wiith tthe hhelp of tthe mmediaa. Thhey aare ddistiingniishedd by theiir immage or ttradeemarkk andd theey haave nnothiing ggreatt butt a bbig nname. Thaat iss to say, thee foccus oof puublicc atttentiion hhas bbegunn to shifft awway ffrom knowwing whatt succh peeoplee didd to knowwing whatt theey loookedd likke. WWith the arriival of ttelevvisioon, tthe ffacess of all kindds off cellebriites becaame aas faamiliiar aas thhose we ssaw aacrosss thhe brreakffast tablle. WWe caame tto knnow mmore abouut thhe liives of oour ffavorrite celeebritties thann we did abouut moost oof thhe peeoplee we knoww perrsonaally, no mattter tthey are moviie sttars, fasshionn moddels, proofesssionaal atthlettes, and evenn carrtoonn chaaractters.In aa worrd, ccelebbritiies aare ccreatted bby thhe meedia, andd theey arre exxactlly liike uus exxceptt forr thee atttentiion tthey get fromm thee meddia.社社会热点话话题(177)Preeservving Natuural ResoourceesEveer siince man appeearedd on the eartth, mmanss surrvivaal haas beeen hheaviily rrelyiing oon naaturee. Allmostt eveerythhing we uuse iin ouur evverydday llife comees frrom nnaturre. WWith the deveelopmment of ttechnnologgy annd poopulaationn groowth, thee amoount and rangge off matteriaals uused has incrreaseed att an alarrmingg ratte. HHowevver, natuural resoourcees arre noot innexhaaustiible. Somme reeservves aare aalreaady oon thhe brrink of eexhauustioon annd thhere is nno hoope oof reeplaccing themm. Thhe wiidesppreadd watter sshorttage is aan exxamplle inn poiint. If mman ccontiinuedd to squaanderr natturall ressourcces wwith no tthougght ffor tthe ffuturre, tthe wwholee worrld wwouldd be in aa messs.Tiime iis ruunninng ouut. IIt iss up to uus too takke efffecttive meassuress beffore the situuatioon geets oout oof haand.社会热点话话题(188)GLOOBAL SHORRTAGEE OF FRESSH WAATERPPeoplle offte


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