世界水日致辞文件温馨提示:本训练的学习目标是学习正常语速的演讲口译笔记、复杂句式的笔记模式及翻译技巧,听音频做笔记复述原文,尝试翻译即可,如果有同学对词组搭配理解不清楚,可以在直播课上向韩老师提问或者通过班主任老师把问题转交给韩老师!学习目标:学习正常语速的演讲口译笔记、复杂句式的笔记模式及翻译技巧,听音频做笔记复述原文,尝试翻译即可;练习内容是带有数字的句子,提供译文;练习步骤:听英文音频,按照目前脑记能力和听力习惯及时停顿,对所听内容进行脑记训练;看着听力文稿记笔记复述;听音频记笔记,尝试对中英文词组进行复述原文及翻译练习;看课程视频,听老师逐句讲解口译笔记及翻译,请大家知晓。练习内容:20_年3月22日今年,由于联合国将在9月通过一项新的20_年后可持续发展议程,世界水日便能突出表明水所发挥的重要和相互关联的作用。我们需要水来保障公共卫生和公平发展,水对于粮食和能安全至关重要,而且水是各个行业运作的基础。气候变化的出现,农业、工业和城市对有限的水资日益增长的需求,以及许多领域污染的扩大,均加速了水危机,这种危机只能通过国内、区域和全球跨部门的综合规划和政策才能解决。获得安全饮用水和卫生设施是最需要解决的问题之一。尽管解决这方面问题在20_年通过的千年发展目标中已取得进展,约7.5亿人换句话说,世界人口每10个人中有一个人以上仍然无法获得经改善的水供应。妇女和儿童特别受到缺水的影响,她们不仅健康受到损害,而且取水这项非生产性、有时是危险的事情占去了她们相当多的时间。卫生方面的统计数据就更加令人沮丧。大约25亿人仍然得不到经改善的卫生设施,有10亿人露天排便,使卫生成为千年发展目标中最不成功的领域。除非解决这一迫切需要的问题,我们无法实现人人享有尊严、健康和繁荣的世界。我们的可持续未来也受到气候变化的影响,这便是联合国会员国正致力于今年12月在巴黎达成一项有意义和普遍的气候协议的原因。在今后几年里,温室气体排放必须大大减少,才能避免气候变化造成最严重的影响,这种影响包括世界许多地区的天气模式发生变化,以及水资短缺造成的威胁。为了应对与水有关的许多挑战,我们必须本着立即合作的精神,接受新的想法和创新,并愿意分享我们都需要的解决办法,以实现一个可持续的未来。只有这样,我们才能结束贫穷,促进全球繁荣和福祉,保护环境和抵御气候变化的威胁。Secretary-General's Message on World Water DayNew York, 22 March 20_This year, as the UN prepares to adopt a new post-20_ sustainable development agenda in September, World Water Day highlights the essential and interconnected role of water.We rely on water for public health and equitable progress, it is essential for food and energy security, and it underpins the functioning of industries.The onset of climate change, grog demand on finite water resources from agriculture, industry and cities, and increasing pollution in many areas are hastening a water crisis that can only be addressed by cross-sectoral, holistic planning and policies internally, regionally and globally.Among the most urgent issues are access to safe drinking water and sanitation.Despite progress under the Millennium Development Goals, adopted in 20_, some 750 million people - more than one in ten of the worlds population - remain without access to an improved water supply.Women and children, in particular, are affected by this lack, as not only is their health promised, but considerable hours are wasted in the unproductive and sometimes dangerous business of collecting water.The statistics on sanitation are even less encouraging.Some 2.5 billion people still live without improved sanitation, and a billion people practice open defecation, making sanitation the least successful area of the MDGs.We cannot achieve a world of dignity, health and prosperity for all until we address this urgent need.Our sustainable future is also jeopardized by climate change, which is why United Nations Member States are working hard towards a meaningful, universal climate agreement this December in Paris.Over the ing years, greenhouse gas emissions will have to significantly decline in order to avert the worst impacts of climate change, which include changed weather patterns and the threat of water scarcity in large parts of the world.To address the many challenges related to water, we must work in a spirit of urgent cooperation, open to new ideas and innovation, and prepared to share the solutions that we all need for a sustainable future.If we do so, we can end poverty, promote global prosperity and well-being, protect the environment and withstand the threat of climate change.第 3 页 共 3 页