唐顿庄园第一季六集 中英台词剧本.docx
唐顿庄园22去年六月爱米莉戴维森Last June saw Emily Davison23爱米莉戴维森 妇女选举权激进分子24命丧国王的马蹄之下crushed to death beneath the hooves of the King's horse!251913年6月4日穿越赛马场护栏走到国王的赛马前26种种迹象说明她并无殉道的企图27一年后的这个夏天Will the summer of 191428所以她的真正动机众说纷纭29妇女的希望是否仍成泡影 绝不prove as fatal for the hopes of women? It cannot!30此次历史性的补选This historic by-election31补选 指在两个常规选举日之间32是我们向男女平等迈出的第一步had been a first step of the journey to women's equality.33为填补某个职位空缺举行的选举122很精彩I thought so.123但现场不怎么太平But there was quite a brouhaha.124您也知道这种场合一贯如此You know what these things can be like.125是的 所以我非常震惊I do. Which is why I am astonished126你竟然不向我请示就私自前往you should not feel it necessary to ask my permission to attend.127-这一定是布兰森的主意-不是的-1 assume this was Branson's scheme. - No.128我成认我还觉得请一位I confess I was amused129爱尔兰激进分子做司机挺有意思at the idea of an Irish radical for a chauffeur,130但现在才知道我太天真了but I see now I've been naive.131是我让布兰森带茜玻去的I told Branson to take Sybil.132你这话什么意思What are you saying?133茜玻要去里彭我让布兰森送她去的Sybil needed to go to Ripon. I asked Branson to drive her.134我觉得这样比拟妥当出了乱子也有人照应着I thought it would be sensible. In case there was trouble.135我想参与拉票 补选在即I want to do some canvassing. The by-election isn't far off.136拉票Canvassing?137没有任何危险Oh, it's quite safe.138几个人一组挨家拜访就是了You're in a group and you knock on doors.139我当然知道拉票是怎么回事Yes, I know what canvassing is.140我觉得茜玻只是-怎么你也要去拉票吗-1 think that Sybil is. - What? Are you canvassing,too?141还是要自己洗衣服了Or would you rather take in washing?142我只想说茜玻有权持有自己的观点I was only going to say that Sybil is entitled to her opinions.143不这要等她嫁人以后No, she isn't until she is married,144她丈夫自然会告诉她应该持有什么观点then her husband will tell her what her opinions are.145-我的奶奶啊我知道您不会同意-Oh, Granny. -1 knew you wouldn't approve.146所以你们就做什么事都瞒着我Which, presumably, is why you all hid your plans from me.147夫人再不小心的话就要挨板子了Her ladyship will have a smacked bottom if she's not careful.148动作快点我可不想今晚再出什么乱子Hurry up. I don't want anything else to go wrong tonight.149酱汁在哪这菜不是该配荷兰酸辣酱吗Where's the sauce? Doesn't this have Hollandaise?150我去拿马上就好你愿帮我忙啊-I'll get it. I won't be a jiffy. - Would you do that for me?151我愿帮你做任何事I'd do anything for you.152这么说你下个月不打算进宫了Does this mean you won't be presented next month?153当然不是 您何出此言Certainly not. Why should it?154我要是五月在暴动中被捕Well, I doubt I'd expect to curtsy to155就不会指望六月份还能去进见国王和王后陛下Their Majesties in June when I'd been arrested at a riot in May.156不过我老了 也许世道不同了But then I'm old. Things may be different now.157她没有被捕而且没有发生暴动She hasn't been arrested and it wasn't a riot.158下次说不定就会呢But it might be next time.159不会有下次了There will not be a next time.160夫人被当众斥责心里不太舒服Her ladyship's not best pleased at being told off in public.161威廉说她气得两眼冒火William said she was looking daggers.162都怪我多嘴这不关你的事-I'm sorry I started all this. - Oh, it's not your fault.163有个关心时政的女儿他该高兴才是Anyway, he ought to be glad he's got a daughter who cares.164老夫人准备回去了Her ladyship's ready to leave.165我去把车开出来I'll bring the car around.166你满意了Are you pleased with yourself?167他就是个蠢货Silly chump.168他是草木皆兵He's nervous.169担忧我向卡森先生揭发他偷酒的事He thinks I'm planning to tell Mr Carson about the wine.170早知今日何必当初Well, he shouldn't have stolen it then, should he?171对No.172可我不想害别人丢了工作But I don't want anyone to lose their job because of me.173即使是托马斯即使是试图陷害你的人Even Thomas? Even after what they tried to do to you?174即使如此Even then.175-夫人能否耽误您片刻-当然-Your ladyship, do you have a moment? - Of course.176我收到一封朋友的来信夫人I've received a letter, my lady, from a friend of mine.177他是弗林特夏尔侯爵的贴身男仆He's valet to the Marquess of Flintshire.178那可不是轻松的差事I don't envy him.179弗林特夏尔大人是外交部大臣Lord Flintshire is a minister at the Foreign Office.180如您所知弗林特夏尔夫人是老爷的表妹As you know, Lady Flintshire is his lordship's cousin.181当然当然我想说的是Oh, of course, of course. The point is,182他与土耳其大使打些交道he has dealings with the Turkish Ambassador.183而大使阁下似乎听到一些下流的传言It seems His Excellency has made him privy to a scurrilous story184是关于玛丽小姐和已故帕努克先生的concerning Lady Mary and the late Mr Pamuk.185能否让我看看这封信May I read this letter?186您需要我做点什么吗Is there anything you want me to do about it?187不必了谢谢 No, thank you.188有时候否认这种事Sometimes, even to deny these things 189也只会是火上浇油is only to throw paraffin onto the flames.190我本想告知老爷-什么-1 did try to inform his lordship. - What?191不过现在时机似乎不太合适But I couldn't seem to find the right moment.192可不是嘛还是我来跟老爷说吧Quite right. Please leave his lordship to me.193很遗憾I'm sorry.194赶走一个仆人的唯一方法The only sure way to get rid of a servant195就是让他成为盗窃案的嫌疑人is to have him or her suspected of stealing.196你忘了我们上次尝试以失败告终Aren't you forgetting we've tried that and it didn't work?197但上次的盗窃是我们做的戏But last time we invented a theft.198我们要做的是 如果真有东西失窃What we need to do is to make him a suspect199把火引到他身上when something's really been stolen.200咱们怎么知道有什么东西失窃了How do we know anything's been stolen?201你不是偷了吗笨蛋Because you stole it, you noodle.202-你说那些酒-对就是酒-Oh. You mean the wine. - Yeah,the wine.203可这才是问题的关键 贝茨知道是我拿的But that's the whole point. Bates knows I took it.204他威胁要向卡森先生告密He was threatening to tell Mr Carson.205如果我们先发制人他不就告不成你了Well, he can't, can he? Not if we get to him first.206你是说你看到他拿了酒窖的钥匙Are you telling me you saw him take the cellar key?207也不算是不过我看到他在这儿Not exactly. But I saw him in here208而钥匙似乎还在钩子上晃来晃去and I thought the key was swinging on its hook.209我只是在想您是否觉察有酒失窃I just wondered if you'd noticed if any of the wine was missing?210我想我该为晚餐时说话的态度向你抱歉I think I owe you an apology after the way I spoke at dinner.211下次你想像教训淘气女生一样训斥我Next time you want to treat me like a naughty schoolgirl212你可以私下里训斥别当着仆人的面you might do it in private, not in front of the servants.213你说得对我很抱歉You're right. I'm sorry.214不过这大概是圣诞节之后你母亲最开心的一晚Of course it gave your mother her best evening since Christmas.215即便如此我们必须想方法管住茜玻Even so, we must try to keep control of Sybil.216罗伯特相信我你无须担忧茜玻Robert, believe me, Sybil is not your problem.217今年的伦敦社交季We've got to support Mary this year,218我们要全力支持玛丽when we get to London.219可这是茜玻的首次亮相But it's Sybil's first season.220不该让玛丽抢她的风头We can't have Mary stealing her thunder.221茜玻会表现得很好但玛丽该有着落了Sybil will do well enough. It's time Mary was settled.222事不宜迟啊High time.223可怜的伊迪丝我们似乎从来都不提她Poor old Edith. We never seem to talk about her.224恐怕伊迪丝得照顾我们的晚年生活了I'm afraid Edith will be the one to care for us in our old age.225想想都觉得凄凉What a ghastly prospect.226妈妈安娜说你找我Mama? Anna said you wanted me.227快看是谁到访Look who's paid us a visit.228安东尼爵士很高兴见到您Sir Anthony. How nice.229我们都以为那可怕咸布丁We all thought we'd driven you away with230把您吓跑了呢that horrible salty pudding.231不会不过我确实出了趟门No, indeed. But I have been away.34倘假设你真正维护妇女权利请让女性发言If you're so keen on women's rights, let a woman speak!35干嘛不说下去Why stop there?36把这些小丑都放上去让他们蹦跳吧Let's get the dogs up and listen to them bark!37-小姐您没事吧-多振奋人心啊-Are you all right, my lady? - Isn't it exciting?38你是个蠢材You're an idiot!39茜玻 该让布兰森送你回家了Sybil, I think it's time for Branson to take you home.40一再等会儿不行-Not yet. -1 think so.41你来这里的勇气可嘉I applaud your spirit in coming,42现在离开那么是明智之举and I will applaud your discretion when you leave.43-您同意他的话吗-同意亲爱的-But you agree with everything he says? -1 do, my dear.44但我也知道如果你有什么闪失But I also know if anything happens to you,232他去了奥地利和德国He's been in Austria and Germany.233-真有趣-有趣但也令人忧心-How interesting. - Interesting. And worrying.234安东尼爵士是来请你看他的新车的Sir Anthony is here to show you his new car.235我很喜欢驾驶I've rather taken to driving myself236我总要四处周游来证明我这一喜好and I have to keep finding destinations to justify it.237是什么样的车What kind of car is it?238敞篷的劳斯莱斯It's an open Rolls-Royce239我想请你同去兜风and I wondered if you might like a spin in it.240那真是太好了可惜今天不凑巧Oh,how kind. But alas, not today.241我已经让人给美钻上了鞍等着我I've had Diamond saddled and he's waiting for me.242你可以下午再骑马嘛You could ride this afternoon.243但我都安排好了不过非常感谢 安东尼爵士But it's arranged now. But thank you,Sir Anthony.244请下次再邀我吧Do ask me again.245不知您是否愿意带我去I don't suppose you'd take me.246当然乐意至极Of course. I should be delighted.247我被控什么罪名What is it that I am accused of?248并非有人指控你Oh. Nobody is accusing you of anything.249只是有人暗示我说But there has been a suggestion250你拿了酒窖的钥匙that you were handling the cellar key,251在我继续调查之前and before I take it any further252我想知道此事是否有合理解释I want to find if there's a simple explanation.253是因为有酒失窃了Because some wine is missing.254你是如何得知的How do you know that?255好吧暂时先说到这里吧Right. Well, we'll leave it there for now.256凯撒大帝是个相当善变的人The Kaiser is such a mercurial figure,257最后一位德国皇帝 引发一战的祸首之一258时而是好战的暴君时而是情伤的诗人one minute the warlord, the next a lovelorn poet.259一个想要称霸天下的诗人But a poet in need of an empire.260说得好想要称霸天下的诗人正是如此That's very good. "A poet in need of an empire." Yes.26100:13:45,800 -> 00:13:47,300我已故的妻子曾经说过My late wife used to say that.262-斯特兰夫人说过什么-算了-What did Lady Strallan used to say? - Oh,never mind.263-可我很想知道-真的你真的想知道-But I should like to hear it. - Really? Would you,really?264她曾说凯撒比尔热爱制服和勋章She used to say that Kaiser Bill loved uniforms and medals265可他从没把这些与战事挂钩but he never really connected them with fighting.266她是怎样的人莫德吗 她非常幽默-What was she like? - Maud? Oh, she was awfully funny.267有些人不懂她可她确实幽默Some people couldn't see it, but she was.268林奇在附近吗Is Lynch anywhere about?269我没看到他小姐Oh, I haven't seen him, my lady.270-我的马跛了 -让我看看-My horse is lame. -1 could have a look at him.271你也懂马吗Do you know about horses?272我曾在父亲的农场照顾马匹I looked after the horses on my father's farm.273那是世界上最好的工作It was the best job in the world.274那你为何离开Then why did you leave it?275我母亲希望我争取更好的前途My mother wanted me to have a chance of bettering myself.276当第二男仆吗As a second footman?277对我来说这是很好的职位小姐It's a good place for me, my lady.278当然是对不起Of course it is. I'm sorry.279她希望有天我能当第一男仆She hopes, one day, that I might be first footman,280-甚至是当上-卡森得小心点了-or even get to be. - Carson had better watch out.281希望渺茫不过谁说得准Stranger things happen at sea.282我有时会看见贝茨先生拿着瓶酒I've seen Mr Bates with a bottle from time to time.283我以为他是帮您拿的I must have thought he was helping you.284我怎会让贴身男仆去拿酒Why would I order a valet to help with the wine?285您这么一说 当然是不会了Well, when you put it like that, of course you wouldn't.286那么说贝茨先生拿了酒 他为何要这么做So, Mr Bates is taking wine. And why would this be?287自己喝吗To drink it?288总不会拿来刷靴子It's not to clean his boots.289谢谢你的发言托马斯Thank you, Thomas.290黛西托马斯说你也有话要说Daisy? Thomas says you have something to add to this.291你没惹麻烦也不必担忧惹上任何麻烦You are not in any trouble, or any danger of trouble.292你看到什么你自己记得You remember what you saw.293我可能看见他从酒窖出来I may have seen him coming out of the cellar.294你说可能 究竟看到了没有*'May". Did you or didn't you?295别为难这Y头了 卡森先生It's very hard for the girl, Mr Carson.296您吓到她了You're frightening her.297抱歉谢谢你们可以走了I'm sorry. Thank you. You may go.298谢谢奥布瑞恩Thank you, O'Brien.299仆人们怎么样How is everything downstairs?300我觉得还好夫人All right, I think, my lady.301不过卡森先生有些沮丧Though Mr Carson's a bit cast down.302是吗为什么他怎么了Oh? Why? What's the matter with him?303他刚发现一些事He's found out something about.304有个他欣赏的人干了不体面的事Well, a person he admires, and it isn't very nice.305他说是谁了吗Has he said who this person is?306是谁让他失望了Who's proved a disappointment.307我不愿说夫人I don't like to say, my lady.308如果你知道就请说-我知道-Please do, if you know. - Oh, I know.309是贝茨先生It's Mr. Bates.310贝茨啊怎么他干了什么Oh, Bates. Why? What's he done?311夫人还是问卡森先生吧You should ask Mr. Carson, my lady.312我不该多嘴It's not my place to tell.313爸爸Papa?314周五晚上能让布兰森送我去里彭吗Can Branson drive me into Ripon on Friday evening?315我觉得不行 上次都差点出事I don't think so, no. Not after the last time.316求您了我有个慈善感化院的会议要参加Oh, please. There's a meeting of my borstal charity.317已经错过两次这次一定得去了I've missed two and I simply must be there.318那你要带上玛丽或伊迪丝同行You'd have to take Mary or Edith with you.319您别逼我呀那些会议一向无趣Don't make me. Those meetings are deadly at the best of times,320您知道她们无聊时会发脾气的and you know what they're like when they're bored.321你怎么总关注阴暗面呢Why are all your causes so steeped in gloom?322阴暗面正需要我们的帮助啊Because it's the gloomy things that need our help.323如果阳光普照万物又何必多事If everything in the garden's sunny, why meddle?324这我同意Well, I agree with that.325说到阳光 社交忙季要到了 你期待吗Talking of sunny, are you looking forward to your coming season?326挺期待的I am, rather.327你好呀来这儿有什么事Hello. What are you doing here?328我来找你父亲卡森以为他在外头I'm in search of your father. Carson thought he was outside.329他在书房He's in the library.330有什么事呢What is it?331没什么 有个农庄的事要问问他Nothing much. I've had an enquiry about one of the farms.332大庄园里有什么新鲜事呢So, what's new at the big house?333主要是茜玻吧Sybil, mainly.334她喜欢上政治了这当然惹恼了爸爸She's discovered politics, which of course makes Papa see red.335我倒挺欣赏茜玻的热情I admire Sybil's passion, though.336热情当然好但我喜欢以理服人Of course. But then I like a good argument.337爸爸就不喜欢跟人理论Papa does not.338你假设真喜欢跟人理论If you really like an argument.339-怎么-我们就该多见见面-Yes? - We should see more of each other.340那行吗我可以去吗So, it's all right? I can go?341-会很晚吗大概会错过晚饭-Will you be late? -1 think I'll miss dinner.45布兰森会丢了饭碗Branson will lose his place.46小心驶得万年船小姐Better safe than sorry, my lady.47是慈悲之举吗我看未必.is an act of mercy? I disagree!48车子就在这边The car's just here.49妇女获得选举权是大势所趋对吗布兰森Women must get the vote, mustn't they, Branson?50首相为何要阻挡历史的车轮Why does the Prime Minister resist the inevitable?51政客往往看不出什么是Politicians can't often recognise the changes52民心所向that are inevitable.53我希望你去参政这是个不错的志向I hope you do go into politics. It's a fine ambition.54是志向还是妄想Ambition or dream?55我要是参政 我关心的就不只是妇女选举权If I do, it's not all about women and the vote for me,342那记得让布兰森给自己带个三明治Well, remember to tell Branson to take a sandwich for himself.343-是谁写来的-苏珊弗林特夏尔-But who's it from? - Susan Flintshire.344.写了什么最好最坏的心理准备-What does she say? - Well, prepare for the worst.345不在第一页Not the first page.346我这外甥女用词倒是向来大方My poor niece never uses one word when 20 will do.347从那开始“我很遗憾”Start there. 'Tm sorry."348”我很遗憾地告诉您休听说了件丑事"I'm sorry to have to tell you that Hugh has heard a vile story349是关于您孙女玛丽的“"About your granddaughter Mary."350遗憾我看她乐疯了Sorry? She's thrilled.351首先我得问你Now, first I must ask,352我希望你想好了再回答and I want you to think carefully before you answer.353这信里所言 有半句是真的吗Is any of this true?354我懂了I see.355有几分真话有几分呢Some of it is true. How much?356天啊Oh, dear.357玛丽没有把尸体拖走She didn't drag him.358我也琢磨那个来着I wondered about that.359我是说苏珊显然忘记了I mean, obviously Susan's forgotten the distance360小姐房间离未婚男