Dota: Dragon's Blood《DOTA:龙之血(2021)》第三季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
恐怖利刃Terrorblade!你得归还他们基础的支柱You will return the pillars to their foundation.你得修复流形形式You will restore the manifold form.龙的盲目自大The blind arrogance of dragons.你看到了我的监牢却没看到我的堡垒You see my prison. You failed to see my fortress.却没看到我的军队You failed to see my army.她动作很快提高警觉不要走散了She's fast. Watch yourself. Don't break rank.赞美蒙妮之月Praise the Moon of Mene.看看你Look at you.只比禽兽好一点Little better than an animal被比你低等的东西猎捕hunted by your lessers.但你曾有过远大的梦想But you had such dreams.没错你曾经受人敬畏Oh, yes. For a moment, you were feared.你曾站在恢复应有秩序的悬崖上You stood on the precipice of restoring the rightful order. 你的族人世界的主人Your people, masters of the world.我知道你是谁你是恶魔对不对?I know who you are. You're the demon, aren*t you?他的恶魔你攻击r银夜森林His demon. You attacked the Nightsilver Woods.我不只是恶魔我还是你的希望Oh, I am more. I am your hope.希望什么的希望?Hope. Hope for what?把世界改变成你喜欢的样子A world reshaped to your liking.我们可以一起打造不愿意做的事吗?in your own again?我爱你我不会崇拜你I love you. I won't worship you.没有Nothing.我什么事都愿意做There is nothing I would not.那就这么说定了吗?Then we have a bargain?我女儿非常固执My daughter, so willful.她很善良又很明智And she had a good heart, and she was wise.费洛米娜绝对不会接受你打造的世界Filomena would never accept a world made by you.她绝对不会接受有惨剧以她之名发生She would never accept a horror created in her name.我不接受你开的条件There will be no bargain.那好吧So be it.那好吧So be it.蜜拉娜不能派军去破峰Mirana can't send an army to the Broken Peaks,但她可以派我们去but she can send us.贤者他的高塔The Sage. His tower.看来我们是要复仇了Hmm, It's to be revenge, then.不是他握有很有价值却不属于他的东西No. He has something quite valuable that does not belong to him.消灭了银夜森林的恶魔很想要那个东西The demon who laid waste to the Nightsilver Woods wants it badly. 有一群龙会来找那个东西它们互相残杀的时候An army of dragons is coming for it. While they kill each other- 我们就把东西拿回来We take it back.那就太不明智了That would be unwise.也没有必要And quite unnecessary.我是来提议结盟的I'm here to propose an alliance.你骗了我们又背叛了我们You lied to us. You betrayed us.你利用了菲姆琳You used Fymryn- 我跟你们说的是事实I told you the truth.你只说了对你有利的局部The parts that suited you.他是谁?Who is this guy?月之恶魔他的声音很好听The Devil of the Moon. -He has a lovely voice.我们知道龙魂在你手上We know the dragon souls are in your possession. 只要放了它们我们就放过你Release them, and our business is concluded.让你平安离开这里You will be allowed to leave unharmed.恭喜你神化了陛下Congratulations on your apotheosis, Majesty, 但你对自己力量的了解连千分之一都还不到 but you understand not one-thousandth of your power. 我建议你谦逊一点I advise humility.你们在乎的龙已经化为灰烬了The dragons who concerned you are ash, 但恐怖利刃仍然存在还比以往更加强大 yet Terrorblade remains, more powerful than ever. 他已经取得了三条龙魂He commands three dragon souls 他在集满八条龙魂前是不会罢休的 and will not rest until he claims all eight. 它们各自分散会很危险Individually, they are vulnerable.如果一起待在我手上是会比拟平安Together, with me, they are safer,但也不算是真正平安but they are far from safe.如果你真的那么强大那你还需要我们做什么?Well, if you're so powerful, what possible need could you have of us?恐怖利刃是很有耐性又坚持不懈的敌人Terrorblade is a patient and relentless enemy.我是用了在他意料之外的极端手段才活下来的I survived only through extreme means he failed to consider.他不会重蹈覆辙He will not repeat his error.所以我确实需要你陛下So, I do have need of you, Majesty.我需要有神把这场战斗带到邪秽之渊I need a god to take the fight to Foulfell.只要到了那里我就会亲自消灭恐怖利刃Once there, I will destroy Terrorblade myself.我得去那里我得亲眼看看I have to go. I have to see.你得做好自己的本分You have to be who you are.她或许已经学乖了Perhaps, she's learned.她不可能变成另一种人She cannot be other than what she is.你本来就知道会这样对不对?You knew this would happen, didn't you?我确实算出了这些事很有可能会发生I calculated a high probability of these events, yes.但还是有一些我预料之外的方面There are, however, aspects I did not foresee.什么方面? 我的感受Aspects? -How I would feel.这点也一直让我很意外That always surprises me, too.你把预言告诉了我我给了你承诺You came to me with the prophecy. I made you a promise.我期望这两者都会成真女神I anticipate both will be fulfilled, goddess.我们的女神在等你了Our goddess waits for you.赛莉蒙娜的月光照耀穿透我光明又纯洁Selemeners moonlight shines through me, luminous and pure.我将灵魂贡献给她My soul is sealed in her servitude.欢迎你小寇德维格精灵Welcome, little Coedwen.月之孩子Child of the Moon.少在那边假装你是为了我们好Don't just stand there acting like you have our best interests in mind. 你之前就是跟恐怖利刃合作一定是You were working with Terrorblade. You had to be.你很有可能会再跟他合作Nothing is stopping you from doing it again.你有可能就是跟他合作才来的For all we know; that's why you're here.你的指控没有错你的疑虑也很合理Your accusations are accurate, and you are justified in your concerns. 我不只是有疑虑而已I'm a little more than concerned.你们的保存态度也改变不了实际现况Your reservations do not change the reality of the circumstances 还有陛下做出选择的必要or the necessity of Her Majesty's choice.我们如果容许就是疯了We'd have to be crazy to do this.我同意I agree.那就这么说定了谢谢你跑一趟I guess that's it, then. Thanks for coming.接着来商量龙魂的事吧Now, about the souls.我说我同意了我愿意帮助你I said, I agree. I will help you.我得进行一些安排There are arrangements I must make.我明天破晓时会再来的I will return tomorrow at dawn.跟你想象中一样吗?Is it just as you imagined?不一样这很像记忆不过是对梦的记忆No, it's like a memory; but a memory of a dream.比拟明亮还有音乐It was brighter. There was music.感觉就像发生战争前的家园It was like home before the war, I mean.这里没有战争没有死亡没有苦痛There is no war here, no death, no suffering.那些事件都很遗憾但都已经过去了Those events were regrettable, but they are behind us now.原谅我女神我没方法装作那些事都没发生Forgive me, Goddess. I can't just pretend they never happened.你爱我吗?Do you love me?我来找你是有目的的我们可以让我们的族人携手合一I came to you with a purpose. We can unite our people together.快说Speak the words.你爱我吗?Do you love me?女神?我好像Goddess? Something is.这些事你都不会记得小寇德维格精灵You will remember none of this, little Coedwen.你只会记得自己重拾了对我强烈的爱意You will remember only renewed, intense love for me.不No!不No.是他派你来找我的你骗了我He sent you to me. You lied to me.我原以为你会有善良的一面我也不希望他说的是事实I believed there could be good in you. I didn't want him to be right.够了Enough.荧光是我的The spark. Its mine.你不能从我身上夺走You will not take it from me.不No!不No!不No!是我的拜托是我的It's mine. Please; it's mine.你一定觉得我疯了You must think me mad.我没理由相信他I have no reason to trust him.也没理由相信这不是另一个Nor reason to believe this is anything more than another ruse 只会带来杀戮和悲剧的诡计that ends in bloodshed and tragedy.但我也相信我们别无选择But I also believe we have no options.这一切都跟我所想的不一样None of this is as I thought it would be.帝权、赛莉蒙娜、达维安The Imperium, Selemene, Davion.天啊我好想你Gods, I miss you.我就知道你会在这里I figured you'd be here.她一向都比我更会倾听She was always a better listener than me.你也很会倾听You*re an excellent listener.我非常不会倾听-没错I'm the worst. -True.我知道你不认同I know you don't approve.我也希望我能向你解释但I wish I could explain it to you, but-你不用向我解释You don't have to.你如果觉得这么做是对的那这么做就是对的If you think this is the right thing, this is the right thing.我原本还希望你能告诉我I was hoping you were about to tell me我错得多离谱how wrong I am.你错了吗?-我不知道Are you? -I don't know.那我也没什么需要说的Then there isn't anything I need to say.比起其他人的肯定我更相信你的质疑I trust your doubt more than I trust anybody else's certainty.你不需要参与这项任务You don't have to be here for this.我当然要陛下他会证明自己是骗子But I do, Majesty. He's going to prove himself a liar.我到时候就要砍下他的头When he does, I intend to collect his head.时候已经到了The hour has come.还没有两件事Not quite. Two things,如果想要我们帮助那我们有求于你if you want help, we need something from you.五条龙魂不可能The five dragon souls. Impossible.容器跟我有神秘连接The container is mystically bound to me.我如果没带着它们一起离开这个位面束缚就会结束Were I to leave this plane without them, containment would end. 它们会被释放对它们会很危险They would be released, vulnerable.你是天才自己想方法搞定You're the genius. Figure it out.还有第二个要求我要跟你一起去Which brings me to the second thing. Tm going with you.荒谬至极Preposterous.这没得商量这小子要去我们都要去This isn't an argument. The boy's going. We're all going.我们都欠那个混♥蛋♥东西We all owe the bastard something.这些就是我的条件Those are my terms.有个方法你已经容纳了一条龙魂There is a way. You have contained one dragon soul.你或许能容纳更多龙魂You may be able to contain more, 至少能容纳一段时间 at least for a time.龙魂The dragon souls, 空气元素the Element of Air, 四个基础法那么the Four Fundamental Forces.创世之柱我知道The Pillars of Creation, I know.等这一切结束这也会结束龙魂会被释放When this is over, this is over. The souls will be released. 龙魂会被释放自然秩序也会复原The souls will be released and the natural order restored. 该怎么做就怎么做吧Do what you have to do.熔炉会引用这些龙的力量The Forge channels the dragons' power.这个程序完成后它们的灵魂就会住在你体内When it is done, their souls will reside within you.只要你还活着的话So long as you survive.你会感受到一些痛楚There will be some pain.我的时间已经过了荧光已经回到你身上了My time has passed. The spark has returned to you.我的生命很快就会落入虚空Soon, my life will slip into the void.被遗忘forgotten.现在还来得及Its not too late.我们可以一起出现在他们面前We can appear to them together, 修补裂痕heal the rift.我已经尽力修补破裂的东西I did what I could to heal what had been broken, 庇护迷失者用光照亮阴影to shelter the lost, and bring light to the shadows.但你没有这么做你破坏了一切But that's not what you did at all. You broke everything.你的内心和四周充满了腐烂和疯狂There was a rot in you, around you, a madness.在没有力量的人眼里神的智慧看起来或许就像是一种疯狂The wisdom of a god would seem a kind of madness to the powerless.你也曾经疯狂过You were mad once, too,你之后还会再度疯狂and you will be mad again.赞美蒙妮之月Praise the Moon of Mene.We can build it together.但我们得先报仇对欺骗我们的人But first, revenge on the one who lied to us,背叛我们的人叫我们伺候他betrayed us, asked us to serve him.之后又抛下我们的人then abandoned us.我只是累到有点精神不济但我不笨I'm half-mad from exhaustion, not stupid.去死吧恶魔Fuck off, demon.你马上就会被他们包围了? They'll corner you soon J你会害怕Oh, you're afraid.你不能永远躲着他们你也心知肚明You can't evade them forever. You know this.死亡或希望的时刻到了The hour comes round for death or hope.你You there!我在叫你You heard me.我听到了I hear you,我会以死亡回应and answer with death.Aah! Hmph.我也不是想要自吹自擂Ed hate to break my arm patting myself on the back,但这把剑还蛮棒的but that sword was pretty great.应该说是你很棒都是你的功劳但这把剑I- I mean, you were great. It was all you, but the sword was just- 很棒吗?-至少还不错Great? -Pretty good, anyway.往后甩时有点大声但跟父亲铸造过的剑一样好Little loud on the backswing, but as good as Father ever made.这其实也是父亲铸造的我只是负责修复Well technically, Father did make it. I just repaired it.重点是铸造厂还能用The point is, the Foundry works.是我让铸造厂变得能用的I made it work.喂你现在应该要表现得很兴奋Hey, this is the part where you're supposed to act excited, 不然至少也要谨慎乐观or at least seem cautiously optimistic.抱歉是因为斯莱瑞克Sorry. Itrs Slyrak.已经将近三个月了这段时间一点消息也没有It's been almost three months. Three months and nothing.没有幻象连一场梦都没有连一股感觉都没有Not a vision, not even a dream, not so much as a feeling.世界依然存在这应该是好征兆The world is still here. So, that seems like a good sign. 龙还在胡闹这应该是坏征兆The dragons are still acting crazy. That seems like a bad one. 我们只能收拾残局All we can do is clean up the mess.听着我知道你很沮丧Look, I know you're frustrated.我知道你觉得自己被丢下了I know you feel left behind, 感觉就像自己没能完成战斗 like you didn't get to finish the fight,但是你已经做了你该做的事也做得比大家预期的更好but you did your part better than anyone could have expected.比大家有权要求的更多More than anyone had any right to ask.三个月了 一点消息都没有Three months. Not a gods damn thing.达维安你得看看这个Davion, there's something you should see.我昨晚仔细想过了你说的话I was thinking about what you said last night, 所以就开始整理最近龙现身的记录so I started plotting all the recent dragon sightings.不只是我们追过的也包含卡登和其他人追过的Not just the ones you and I went after, but Kaden, and everyone else. 我反推出了雏龙的可能路径I worked it backwards, figured out the wyrmlings most likely paths.它们正在移♥动♥所以呢?They're migrating. So what?我一开始也是这样想的Well, that's what I thought too, at first.但这不只是移♥动♥But that's not migration, 而 是集♥合 ♥that's convergence.土、水、余烬Earth, water, ember,它们要集♥合♥了就像去年在龙牢那样they're coming together like last year at Dragon Hold.这一点道理都没有I mean, it doesn't make sense.破峰没有任何重要的东西There's nothing important in the Broken Peaks.只有一堆石头而已.收拾行囊吧It's just a bunch of rocks. -Pack up the camp.我们得出发了We need to go.我知道破峰有什么东西I know what's in the Broken Peaks.第七军团回报他们还没得到补充兵力The Seventh Legion reports they have yet to receive supplemental forces, 我们无法顺利维持供应链and we've had some trouble maintaining our supply chain in-第四军团人太多了我们应该把多余的人改派过去The Fourth Legion is heavy. We should reassign the excess.雷格塔斯阿卡德说他需要更多士兵Mm, Legatus Akkad claims he needs the additional soldiers 才能维持适当的训练交替to maintain a proper training rotation.但第七军团在边境受苦挨饿While the Seventh withers and starves on the frontier.首都没有会帮第七军团说话的人陛下The Seventh has no patron in the capital, Your Radiance.全都是狐狼Jackals, all of them.唯一能控管战争委员会的方式就是使用钝器The only way to manage the war council is with a blunt instrument.你对商会恐怕会更不满I'm afraid you will be even less happy with the merchant's guild.陛下Majesty.恕我打搅-没关系Forgive the interruption. -Don be silly.我们只是在赞赏帝权在危机发生后竟能运作得这么好We were just admiring how the Imperium pulls together after a crisis.你有什么事吗?How can I help you?有一位访客是你的老朋友You have a visitor, an old friend.达维安Davion.他来不用先问过我我有点羡慕他能出征在外You don*t need to announce him. I envy him a bit, life on the road.不是龙骑土陛下Itfs not the Dragon Knight, Your Radiance.说来复杂It's complicated.她在城门投降要求要见你She surrendered at the city gates, demanding to see you.他们把她关进了围场吗?And they threw her in the stockade?是她坚持的她说这样“比拟舒服She insisted on it. She said it was "comfortable."公主-是“蜜拉娜皇帝陛下Princess. -Empress Mirana, Her Majesty.没关系阿萨尔It's all right, Asar.露娜?-请原谅我皇帝Luna? -Forgive me, Empress.我是来向太阳女神宣誓效忠的I've come to swear my allegiance to the Solar Goddess.我是来伺候你的I've come to serve you.我们到了第一个精灵社区时就开始看见了他们By the time we reached the first enclave, we started to see them.我们自己的士兵Our own soldiers,失去了赛莉蒙娜曾经赋予的力量四处游荡着wandering without the power Selemene once granted.他们遇到谁都说着一样的故事To the men and women, they told the same story,说神社活了过来how the shrines came to life.说女神的祝福降到了他们的身上How the goddess's blessing coursed through them.说他们决定复仇推♥翻♥ 了假预言How they took their revenge and gave the lie to a false prophecy.但有些人内心出现了质疑Yet some had questions.他们跟内心深处的空虚搏斗They wrestled with an emptiness in their guts,他们知道原本存在的爱已经消失了and they knew what love there may have been had passed.我把他们召集起来庇护派人到远处去寻找更多这种人I gathered and sheltered them, sent scouts far and wide to find more, 迷失者、破碎者、毁坏者the lost, the broken, the undone.你把他们全带来这里了吗? 我把他们带来给你了And you brought them all here? -I brought them to you.你叫我拯救他们我做到了You asked me to save them, and so I have,我现在要请你赋予他们目的and now I ask you to give them a purpose.赋予我目的Give me a purpose.让我们为你而战Let us fight for you.让我们照你的形象重建世界Let us remake the world in your image.重建世界?我连这个地方都重建不好Remake the world? I can barely rebuild this place.因为你没想到能倚靠别人Because you think you're alone.我们两个曾经都有过信念We used to believe in something, we two.没有什么破碎的东西是无法修复的Nothing is so broken it cannot be fixed.你现在已经有能力把一切修复好了Now you have the power to fix it all.你有神力The power of a god.你有帝国之力更重要的是The power of an empire. Most important.你现在还有我now you have me.放了她阿萨尔Free her, Asar.陛下她是灾祸Majesty! She is the Scourge.她是我的朋友She is my friend.痒死我了Itches like the Fifth Hell.这些战服一定没有高地人的尺寸Pretty sure these accouterments don't come in Oglodi size.这些闪亮亮的混♥蛋♥一定也希望不要有And I'm certain those shiny sons of bitches would rather they never do.换个角度想这样就不会有人盯着你的耳朵看了T