Remarks掌握机械 图样分类 及组成Cross sectionFig.1-1-1 Part drawingsProjected viewsDiaensions重点零件图的表达方式Title blockTeckoictl leqoireientsTecbalcil r”irete”iLDtSfecifiel chufer Cl. i.2. tbe drivea ikift lust ke nkjecied to oteicb to licreiie hrdicss.Driven Shaftxxx Co. Ltd.DesignDavidScale1.5:1DVC NO.A001ICheckJobsMitcriil4tCrhie2010.3.179 ±0,5Fig. 1-1-2 Assembly drawings2. Representation of machine elementsMechanical drawings in national standards are restricted to those which specify the view, sectional view and broken sectional view to模块1Module 1 Foundation of Mechanical Technology学习任务1Task 1 Mechanical EngineeringTeaching contentTexti.x.x. Drawing1. Engineering drawingTypical drawings in machine manufacturing are classified as part drawings and assembly drawings.在机械制造中比较典型的机械图样有两种:零件图和装配图。对比法、启 发式结合 授课看图学习Tool length compensationThe GOO command moves a tool to the position in the workpiece system specified with an absolute or an incremental command at a rapid traverse rate.GOO指令是在工件坐标系中以快速移动速度移动刀具到达由绝 对或增量指令指定的位置。The G01 command moves a tool along a line to the specified position at the feed rate specified in F code.G01指令是将刀具以代码指定的进给速度沿直线移动到指定的 位置。G02/G03 (circular interpolation) command will move a tool along a circular arc. The arc center is specified by addresses I, J and K for the X , Y and Z axes, respectively.G02/G03 (圆弧插补)指令使刀具沿圆弧运动。圆弧圆心是用 地址I、J和K (分别对应于X,Y和Z轴的坐标)指定的。2. Tool Compensation Codes(l)Tool length compensation (Fig. 1-3-8)(2)Tool radius compensation (Fig. 1-3-9 )刀具旋转方向A刀具旋转方向补偿看图学习G41 与 G423. Multiple Repetitive Cycle CodesG71 (stock removal in turning) canned cycle will rough out material联系编程 教学,启发 学生讲授on a part given the finished part shape. All that a programmer needs to do is define the shape of a part by programming the finished tool path and then submitting the path definition to G71 by means of a PQ block designation.G71循环指令能按照给定的精加工后零件形状粗车去除多余材 料。通过编程精加工刀具轨迹来定义零件形状,并且通过PQ程序段 指定把刀具轨迹赋予G71指令。G73 (pattern repeating in turning) canned cycle permits cutting a fixed pattern repeatedly, with a pattern being displaced bit by bit.G73 (仿型粗车循环)指令可以车削固定的图形,并且是按此图形 逐步逼近。通过这种切削循环,就可以高效的切削已粗车成型、铸造 成型或锻造成型的工件。G81 (drilling cycle)G81 (G98)G81 (G99)Point R看图讲授7Point R. Point R levelO Point ZRapidly move to the X and Y coordinate of the hole position.Rapidly move to Z axis reference plane (R).(3)Feed to the Z axis final depth. Rapidly back to either the Z axis initial position or the Z axis reference plane (R).X轴和Y轴快速定位到孔中心的位置上。快速运行到Z向参考平面。Z向切削进给到最终深度。快速退回到Z向初始位置或Z向参考平面。4. SubprogramIf a program contains a fixed sequence or frequently repeated pattern, such a sequence or pattern can be stored as a subprogram in memory to simplify the program.一个程序包含固定顺序或频繁重复的图形,这样的顺序或图形就 可以编成子程序存在存储器中以简化编程。Main programSubprogramSubprogramSubprogramSubprogra(One-level nesting)(Two-level nesting)(Three-level nesting)(Four-level nes133 Automatic Programming1. Create the geometry modeling(1) By using the graphical design interface provided byMasterCAM X.结合软件 教学讲授(1)使用MasterCAM X提供的交互绘图设计。(2) By making the design in CAD software, e.g. UG, Pro/E,SolidWorks then saving it in a format that MasterCAM X can import.(2)在CAD软件比如UG, Pro/E, SolidWorks中进行设计,然后保存成MasterCAM X能导入的格式。(3) Creating the tool path1 1) Select the machine type (Fig.1-3-13)Machine TypeToolpaths Screen Settings HelpI MillDefaultLatheRouterRouter1 D:PR0GRAM FILESMASTE. .MILL 3 - AXIS HMC MM.MMD2 D:PR0GRAM FILESMASTE. . MILL 3 - AXIS HMC.MMD3 D:PR0GRAM FILESMASTE. . MILL 3 - AXIS VMC MM.MMDMachine Definition Manager.Control Definition.4 D:PR0GRAM FILESXMASTE.5 D:PR0GRAM FILESXMASTE.6 D:PR0GRAM FILESXMASTE.7 D:PR0GRAM FILESXMASTE.8 D:PR0GRAM FILESXMASTE.9 D:PR0GRAM FILESVMASTE.10 D:PR0GRAM FILESMASTE 11 D:PR0GRAM FILESMASTE12 D:PR0GRAM FILESMASTE 13 D:PR0GRAM FILESMASTE H D:PR0GRAM FILESMASTE Select.MILL 3 - AXIS VMC.MMDMILL 4 - AXIS HMC MM.MMDMILL 4 - AXIS HMC.MMDMILL 4 - AXIS VMC MM.MMDMILL 4 - AXIS VMC.MMDMILL 5 - AXIS TABLE - HEAD VERTICAL MM.MMD.MILL 5 - AXIS TABLE - HEAD VERTICAL. MMD.MILL 5 - AXIS TABLE - TABLE HORIZONTAL MM. MMD.MILL 5 - AXIS TABLE - TABLE HORIZONTAL. MMD.MILL DEFAULT MM.MMD.'MILL DEFAULT. MMD(2) Look for an existing tool that you may want to use (Fig.1-3-14,Fig. 1-3-15)Endmill2 Sphere | Tool Type | Parameters j(3) Create the tool path (Fig. 1-3-16)Surface Rough Parallelrvi x i 3 i3. Verify the cutting process (Fig.1-3-17, Fig.1-3-18)Before a part is machined, the CAM model needs to be verified thatthe part program is correct.在一个零件加工之前,需要验证CAM模型的零件程序是否正确。4. Create the G codes (Fig.1-3-19)Different CNC machines use slightly different versions of G codes.The conversion of the machining data to the G codes specific for a particular CNC machine is called post-processing. The format of the G code is stored in different post-processing files and the system will use whichever post-processing format you select.不同的数控机床所使用的G代码形式有一定的区别。将加工的 数据转换成某一机床所需的G代码格式称为后处理。G代码被存储 成不同格式的后处理文件,可以根据需要选择后处理文件格式。I . Match A with BA仿型粗车循环 增量坐标 几何模型 刀具补偿 子程序钻孔循环以学生练 习为主,提 示、引导为 辅ExercisesBincremental coordinatesubprogramtool compensationpattern repeating in turningdrilling cyclegeometry modelingII. Mark the following statements with T (true) or F (false)()1. The operator sets a machine zero point for each machine.()2. A positive motion in the Z direction moves the cutting tool away from the workpiece.()3. Generally speaking, there are three types of program: theprogram number, the program content and the program end.()4. Many controls use a D word to specify the offset number used with tool radius compensation.()5. A single call program code (M98) can only call asubprogram once.()6. In MasterCAM you can't see the G codes file.ID. Answer the following questions briefly according to the text.1. Who determines the program zero?2. What does the program number usually start with?3. Which command moves a tool to the position in the workpiece system specified with an absolute or an incremental command at a rapid traverse rates.4. When had we better use subprogram?Reading Material分层教学 使用Program ConfigurationGenerally speaking, there are two types of program: the main program and the subprogram. The main program contains a series of commands for machining workpieces. The subprogram can be called by the main program or another subprogram. Either the main program or a subprogram contains three parts: the program number, the program content and the program end.一般来说,程序类型有两种:主程序和子程序。主程序包括一系 列加工工件的指令。子程序可以被主程序或另外一个子程序调用。不 论是主程序还是子程序都由三部分组成:程序号、程序内容、程序结 束。A CNC program consists of one or more blocks of commands. A block is a complete line of information to the CNC machine. It consists of one word or an arrangement of words. Blocks may vary in length.一个数控程序包含一个或多个程序段。一个程序段是包含机床信 息的一个完整行。它包含一个或一系列的字,程序段的长度可以变化。Module 1 Foundation of Mechanical Technology学习任务4Task 4 Tolerance and MeasureRemarksTeaching contentText1.4.1 ToleranceThe nominal size of a component dimension is arrived at as a convenient size based on the design process.联系公差课程内容教授零件的公称尺寸是设计人员根据设计工艺的需要而制定的一个 恰当的尺寸值。It is therefore customary in engineering practice to allow a permissible deviation from the nominal size, which is termed as tolerance. Tolerance on a dimension can also specify the degree of accuracy.在工程实际中常允许在公称尺寸左右有一个变化范围,这称为公 差。尺寸的公差也能说明尺寸的精确程度。Take for example a shaft and hole, which will have to fit together. In the simplest case if the dimension of the shaft is lower than the dimension of the hole, then there will be clearance. Such a fit is termed clearance fit. Alternatively, if the dimension of the shaft is more than that of the hole, then it is termed interference fit.以轴和孔配合为例,最简单的情况是轴的尺寸比孔的尺寸小,轴 与孔之间会存在间隙,这样的配合成为间隙配合。反过来,若轴的尺 寸比孔的尺寸大,则称为过盈配合。There are two types of tolerance: dimensional tolerance and geometric tolerance.公差分为两种:尺寸公差和形位公差。Dimensional tolerance can be symmetrical, such as 50±0.1, or asymmetrical, such as。5。二瞋,the dimension 50 is basic size. And theupper deviation is -0.030, the lower deviation is -0.045.Therefore the maximum limit size is 49.970. The minimum size is 49.955.讲练结合尺寸公差可能是对称的,如尺寸50±0.1;或者是非对称的,如 。50比黑,尺寸50是基本尺寸,上偏差为-0.030,下偏差为-0.045,因 此,最大极限尺寸为49.970。最小极限尺寸为49.955。Geometric tolerance is used to specify the features of shape and position. Things like: straightness, flatness, circularity, cylindricity, perpendicularity etc. Geometric characteristic symbols are shown in chart 1-4-1.形位公差用来指定形状和位置特征。比如:直线度、平面度、圆 度、圆柱度、垂直度等。形位公差特征符号见表4-1。type。symboLtype。symboLstraightness-angularity乙flatness。口。parallelism/.circularity(roundness).o.positioncvlindricitXX.concentricityprofile of linesymmetry.、profile of surface.、dcircular run out.,perpendicularity-Ltotal run out。夕Chart 1-4-1 Geometric characteristic symbols.看图讲解1.4.2 Usages of Measure Tools1. Usage of a Vernier CaliperThe vernier caliper provides the three basic functions of inner, outer and depth gauge.游标卡尺有三种功能,分别是测量外部、内部和深度尺寸。EXTERNAL JAWS结合量具结构教授The scale is then read by first taking note of where the zero mark on the vernier scale falls on the main scale. This is the number of complete divisions on the main scale. This is the whole number that should be noted. The fraction or decimal is then read from the vernier scale. This number is taken as the line on the vernier scale that aligns with any line on the main scale.结合实际使用情况读数时,首先记录游标卡尺零刻度线在主尺上的位置,这是主尺 上完整刻度线的数字,也就是要记录的整数部分。剩下的小数部分从 游标尺上读出。这个数字是看游标上第几条刻度线与主尺的刻度线对 齐。Regardless of what type of vernier caliper you use, be sure to take the following precautions to avoid damaging the vernier caliper:无论使用什么型号的游标卡尺,都要采取以下防护措施,以免损 伤游标卡尺。(1) Wash your hands before you handle the vernier caliper to remove dirt and oils that might damage the caliper.(1)在拿游标卡尺之前,洗净手上的油污,这些油污会损伤卡 尺。(2) Wipe the caliper components clean both before and after you use the caliper.(2)用前和用后擦净卡尺的各个组件。(3) Do NOT drop the caliper, which may damage or destroy the caliper.(3)不要将卡尺掉落,那样会损坏卡尺。2. Usage of an Outside MicrometerOutside micrometer usually called micrometer for short. It is an even more rigid measuring instrument than vernier caliper. It usually consists of sleeve, thimble, anvil, spindle and ratchet etc.结合实际外径千分尺常简称为千分尺,它是比游标卡尺更精密的长度测量仪器。通常它由固定套管、微分筒、测砧、测微螺杆和棘轮旋柄等组 成。看图学习First, take the thimble9s end surface as the directrix, you read the markings on the sleeve (read the integer part only); then take the level line on the sleeve as the directrix, read the making on the thimble. The sum of these two parts is the result, the former is integer part and the latter is decimal part.首先以微分筒的端面为准线,读出固定套管下刻度线的分度值 (只读出整数部分),再以固定套管上的水平横线作为读数准线,读 出可动刻度上的分度值。这两部分的和就是结果,前者为整数部分, 后者为小数部分。1.4.3 Surface Roughness Tester1. Outline of the surface roughness testerThe SJ-201P is a shop-floor type surface roughness measuring instrument, which traces the surfaces of various machine workpiece, calculates their surface roughness based on standards roughness specimen and displays the results.SJ-201P是一种适合车间现场使用的粗糙度检测仪,能够测 量加工零件的各种表面。通过与标准粗糙度片对比计算表面粗糙度值 并显示测量结果。2. SJ-201P operation panel (Fig. 1-4-3)represent the structures and shapes.国家机械制图标准规定采用视图、剖视图、断面图等各种方 法来表达机件的结构和形状。(elevation view)(left view) (front view) (right view) (back view)(top view)此部分结合机械制图课程进行动导向教学法Basic viewsSectional viewsBroken sectional views结合金属材料课程讲解与提问交叉进行难点:三种铸铁、三种钢的异同1.1.2 Properties of Metals1. MetalsMetals are divided into two general groups: ferrous metals and nonferrous metals. The major types of ferrous metals are iron, carbon steels, alloy steels and tool steels.金属材料分为两种基本类型:铁类金属和非铁金属。铁类金属主 要有铸铁、碳钢、合金钢和工具钢。The three primary types of cast iron are gray cast iron, white cast iron, and malleable iron.铸铁主要分为三种:灰铸铁、白口铸铁和可锻铸铁。看图讲授3. SJ-201P measurement operationPOWER(1) Press the DATA key to turn the power on.POWER按下下前键,打开电源。(2) CalibrationThe process of calibration involves the measurement of a standard roughness specimen and the adjustment of the difference between the measured value and the standard roughness specimen. The following are the calibration procedures.校正是指通过测量粗糙度标准片,对测量值和标准值的差异进行 调整的过程。in the measurement mode and theCALSTD Press the RANGE key calibration value is displayed.CALsTd在测量模式下按RANGE键,显示校正基准值。在测量模式3 CAL:STD下按RANGE键,显示校正基准值。(2) If the displayed value is different form that marked on theprecision roughness specimen, modify the calibration value. If the ncalibration value does not require modificication, press the ENT key.The calibration value has now been set.如果显示的数值与粗糙度标准片上标注的数值不同时、则需修结合图片 讲授操作 过程n改校正基准值。如果数值不需要修改,则按ent键,完成校正基 准值的设定。Setup the roughness specimen.安放粗糙度标准片START(D Press the STOP key. A calibration measurement with the precision roughness specimen is performed, and “" is displayedduring the calibration measurement. When the calibration measurement has been completed, the measured value will be displayed. Press the nENT key to complete the entire calibration.START按键开始校正的测量,在校正测量的过程中液晶屏幕上显示当校正测量结束后,会显示测量值,按ENT键,完 成校正操作。(3) Measurement Place the SJ-201P surface roughness tester on the workpiece and confirm that the stylus is in proper contact with the measured surface.将SJ-201P粗糙度检测仪放在工件上确保探针正确的接触在测 量面上。STARTPress the STOP key in the measurement mode to carry out the measurement. While measurement is being performed,“is displayed on the LCD. After the measurement has been completed, the measured value will be displayed on the LCD.START在测量模式下,按键开始测量。在测量过程中液晶 屏幕上显示当测量结束,测量的结果显示在液晶屏幕上。(4) Switching the parameter to be displayed PARA-Press the meter ey untu the desired parameter value is displayed. If the parameter displays setting of “Ra” currently, a displayed parameter isswitched to "Ry", "Rz" and " Rq" in this order each time the key is pressed.PARA-按MErER键,直到显示所希望的参数值。如果当前显示的是PARA-“Ra”值,则每按下一次MEER键,将会分别显示“Ry”, "Rz”和“ Rq» 测量值。I . Match A with BA校正值外径千分尺允差公称尺寸形位公差 圆柱度 表面粗糙度ExercisesBnominal size allowance geometric tolerance cylindricity outside micrometer surface roughness calibration valueII. Mark the following statements with T (true) or F (false)( )1. Tolerance on a dimension can not specify the degree ofaccuracy.( )2. The dimension of the shaft is more than that of the hole, thenit is termed interference fit.( )3. The vernier caliper provides the three basic functions of