精品_精品资料_资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -中学英语写作的教学设计吉林省公主岭市第七中学时伟光一教学设计Teaching Aims1. To get the students to comprehend the text properly2. To encourage the students to analyze the organization of the text3. To enable the students to know how to write an essay4. To develop the students writing skills upon the basis of re ading comprehensionTeaching Methodology1. Constructivism2. Theory of Task-based Teaching&LearningTeaching ProceduresStep1 Lead-inShow several pictures about different professions.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_Have a free talk with the students.Step2 PresentationShow two pictures of part-time jobs.Let the students have some idea of a part-time job.Introduce the topic.Step3 Reading ComprehensionAllow the students a few minutes to read the text and the n check theircomprehension.Step4 Organization AnalysisGet the students to grasp the main idea of the text and s ee how the text isorganized.Step5 WritingTeach the students how to write an essay.Illustrate the skills to write an essay.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_Ask the students to write a similar essay in the form of discussion.Step6 Further ReadingStep7 Consolidation&SummaryAnnotation: Step6 and Step7 are possible steps if time pe rmits.Step8 Home workWrite a short passage about the disadvantages of doing a part-time job.二 教学设计理念1 本节课任务型教学理论为依据来绽开设计,强调以同学为主体,同学在多边互动中共同参加学习,把握学问.2 通过互动式的教学支配要达到以下目标:(1)明白和把握“ part-time job”的概念.( 2)明白本篇文章的大意和结构(3)明白怎样来写“ essay”.( 4) 当堂完成一篇简洁的“essay ”.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_在全部的教学目标中,目标 4 是最终目标,是同学学以致用、才能进展的详细表达. 在整个教学过程中是必需要达到的,也是衡量这堂课胜利与否的关键.3 整个教学过程始终以“互动方式”绽开,分为四部分:(1) ) 导入部分:(2) ) 课文懂得部分:(3) 写作部分:本部分是基于对本篇文章阅读基础上而设计.(4) 学问拓展部分三课堂实效分析1 通过小组争论的形式绽开教学活动,同学参加的积极性较高,思路开阔,相对的限制性较少, 同学受到高度重视, 有一种“主人翁” 的感受.2 从同学回答疑题的情形看,基本上都能懂得文章的大意.3 在对“ part-time job”的概念引入的过程中,部分同学的个性化得到肯定的表现, 他们的观点新奇特殊,是他们经过小组争论积极思维的结果.4 在阅读懂得的基础上引入写作,同学感到有详细内容,而不是“空中阁楼”,符合同学的认知结构,同学对“essay ”写法的建构也是水到渠成.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_5 从同学当堂作文反馈情形看,虽然一些同学在作文中显现这样或那样的语法错误, 但是同学都留意了写作的谋篇布局,这正是这次写作要达到的目的.6 对于同学作文中显现的错误,通过同学自己修改,成效抱负.7 部分同学当堂完成的作文,其中一些有语法错误.如下,抽样一:Smoking is a bad habit. It will be bad for your health an d waste the money.Above all, smoking will harm your body, because a chemica l contained incigarette will do harm to your body. Even when you form t his habit, you willnot easily get rid of it. And it will waste the money whi ch you earn. It also cancause the danger to society when you throw the cigarette.It will set a fireeasily. So we must keep off the smoking.抽样二:可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_Smoking is really a bad habit. First of all, smoking is very bad to the smokers own health. It hurts ones lungs, bl ood and even heart. Secondly, smoking pollutes the air and makes air full of smoke. The smoking air is not suitable forbreathing. Last, smoking costs a great deal of money and is a pressure for a family. To sum up, the habit of smoking d oes nothing good.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载