练习双语:奈飞的“威胁信”刷爆外网 风格很小清新.docx
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练习双语:奈飞的“威胁信”刷爆外网 风格很小清新.docx
练习双语:奈飞的威胁信刷爆外网风格很小清新庐斗#Netf庐斗#NetfA cease-and-desist letter is no laughing matter - unless, apparently, it*s been sent byNetflix.一份禁令可不是开玩笑的事情一一除非是奈非(Netflix)发出的禁令。While hugely successful and uber-wealthy organisations tend not to go too much to town with the "hope you're wells" and kisses in the sign-off, Netflix are clearly an entertainment company with a difference.多数成功又有钱的公司不会给用户发出祝你平安且结尾附有吻痕的信件,但是奈非显 然是家与众不同的娱乐公司。As one pop-up bar in Chicago recently discovered.芝加哥一家升降吧台近日发现了奈非发出的这份信。Like millions of others, the folk behind The Upside Down bar are clearly fans of the Netflix-original drama, Stranger Things.吧主和很多人一样是奈非推出的原创剧怪奇物语(StrangerThings)的粉丝。So much so, it was the theme behind their (unauthorised) pop-up bar.Granted, it looks amazing, but sadly there are some intellectual property issues too.问题的源头在于这个临时升降吧台的主题未得到官方许可经营。虽然它看上去很酷,但 是不幸的是其中牵涉了一些知识产权问题。So they received this letter.因此,他们收到了奈飞的信。It begins chummily enough: "My walkie-talkie is busted so I had to write this note instead. I heard you launched a Stranger Things pop-up bar at your Logan Square location.开头非常亲切:我的电话坏了,所以写了这份信。听说您在洛根广场(Logan Square) 放置了一个播放怪奇物语的吧台。"Look, I don't want you to think I'm a total wastoid, and I love how much you guys love the show.听着,我不是你想象中的怪咖,我很开心你们能喜欢怪奇物语。"(Just wait until you see Season 2!) But unless I'm living in the Upside Down, I don't think we did a deal with you for this pop-up.(在第二季播出前等等好吗!)但是鉴于我不是吧主,我想奈非没有和你们这样的吧台 达成协议吧?"You're obviously creative types, so I'm sure you can appreciate that it's important to us to have a say in how our fans encounter the worlds we build."我欣赏你们的创造力,也相信你们能理解,在奈飞为粉丝推出的剧这件事上,我们是有 话语权的。The lawyer - clearly a Stranger Things enthusiast - sugars the pill by allowing the bar to see it out its run.奈飞的律师显然也是怪奇物语的粉丝,没有敞开天窗说亮话,而是允许吧主运营。"We're not going to go full Dr. Brenner on you, but we ask that you please (1) not extend the pop-up beyond its 6 week run ending in September, and (2) reach out to us for permission if you plan to do something like this again/我们不会起诉你,但是请你做到以下几点:到9月底,请停止临时已经运营了六周的吧 台。如果你还想做类似的事情,告知我们,经过允许再做好吗?"Let me know as soon as possible that you agree to these requests.We love our fans more than anything, but you should know that the demogorgon is not always as forgiving. So please don't make us call your mom.”如果您同意以上事项,请尽快告知我们。粉丝是奈飞的一切。切记魔鬼是不会一忍再忍 的。答应我别让我们叫家长好吗?Now, THAT is how you write a threatening letter.看看吧,这才是威胁信的最佳模板。(来源:翻译:阿忙)