奇尔Chill!快回来Come back!放开我Let me go!嘘嘘Shh. Shh.冷静平息疯狂的念头Calm. Calm your craze.把手上的东西给我-不能给你Give me what's in your hand. - You can't have it.别做傻事You*re making a mistake.已经太迟了 不It's too late for this. - No.不迟It's not too late.我是为了你好你怎么不明白呢I'm doing this for you, can't you see?放弃吧Just let go.我是为大家For all of us.为所有人的未来For our future.不行No.奇尔停下Chill! Stop!一切都在改变Everything*s changing.那不挺好吗你该摆脱困境了So that's good. You need to get unstuck.要是我不想摆脱呢Maybe I like being stuck.你跟她谈过自己的感受吗Have you talked to her about how you feel?我试过了但她不愿意I've tried. She doesn*t want to.交谈的时代已经过去了 一嗯哼moved up by six weeks, huh?这是给你的礼物This is a gift.这次什么活What's the job?我们希望你带一剂“歌♥者”回来We want you to bring us home a Singer.是一种药物一种机械制剂的名字It's their name for a drug, a mechano-pharmasude.他们在一种狂欢仪式中会用到它It's used in one of their kook ceremonies.据说是使用纳米技术They say it uses nanos使人感知通达to blow open the doors of perception可以审视自己的心境什么的to your inner life or some such shit.总之我们这儿没有这种东西Anyway, nothing like it down here.暂时还没有Not yet.它们这就来到你身边了杰蒂They're coming for you, Jatey.你知道谁最该好好审视一下自己的心境吗You know, if anyone should take a good look是你啊贝拉at their inner life, that'd be you, Bella.这嗑药体验也太差劲了I can't think of a worse high.我们只需要一份样本就可以在这里仿制了One sample's all we need to dupe it here.你只需要停机等待All you gotta do is park and wait.他们会把样本给你送过来的Theyll deliver it to you.伟大的10使者The great and powerful Envoy of 10.滴Honk.你好萨诺中午好Hello, Sarno. - Noon.我们来处理奇尔斯潘谋杀案We've come to checkbox the Chill Spen killer. 斯特里格纳尔-给他登记了吗Strego Nall? - You checked him in?三号♥拘束舱Cell 3.唤醒拘束舱Wake cell.斯特里格纳尔Strego Nall.你成认杀害了奇尔斯潘吗Do you admit to killing Chill Spen?我承不成认重要吗Does it matter?月球决不容忍♥黑暗的罪行The Moon is no place for the dark you bring.你有罪Guilty.吃午饭去吧Lunch.我知道你会弥补错误的I know you'll make this right.你会治愈你所造成的创伤You'll heal what you've wounded.我不配得到治愈I don*t deserve to be healed.没事没事Okay. Okay.我们要去追他吗You want us to go after?不用他还能跑哪儿去No. Where's he gonna go?我们会找到他的Well find him.我有别的事情给你们做I got something else for you.走吧Come on.醒醒我们要到了Wake up. We're coming in.你们可以摘掉鼻罩了尽可能地多喝水You can take off the nose pin. Drink as much as you can.不用担忧You needn't worry.托姆醒得慢像头冬眠的老熊一样Tomm comes up slowly, like an old hibernating bear.你经常飞这条线吗Do you make this run often?每个月一两次吧都是运货Once or twice a month with cargo.但我一般待在船上我不能进入桃花源But I stay on the ship. Tm not allowed on Glade.他们几乎不让外人进去They let very few outsiders in.是的Yeah.我不介意I'm fine with that.你从来都没想过去看看你的未来吗You never wanted to see your future?听说10解决了人类全部的问题我已经很高兴了I'm glad to hear ID's solved all of our problems.地球会轻松很多Earth could use some easy.越快用到越好The sooner we get it, the better.10不过是个工具10's only a tool.它需要人类的教育指引It needs people to teach it, guide it,然后它才能指引我们so it can guide us.指引我们去哪Guide us where?终结苦难To the end of suffering.有不少人There's no shortage of people想破坏我们的行动who wanna disrupt what we're doing.但是只要我们成功一定要成功But if it works. - It must work.一定会成功It will work.她是贝拉-我知道This is Bella. - Yes.贝拉单独屹立Bella stands alone.我只是特立独行我觉得挺好I stand apart, and I'm fine with that.独行但不孤独Apart, but not alone.我喜欢她I like her.准备落地了We're on approach.我可以放音乐吗有助于集中注意力You mind some music? It helps me concentrate.没想到你还挺浪漫I didn't take you for a romantic.如果你不喜欢这里贝拉If you don't like it here, Bella,为什么还要一次次回来why do you keep coming back?我喜欢痛苦I like to be miserable,但是显然这一套已经过时了but apparently, that*s going out of style.系好平安带Buckle up.带手♥枪♥干什么What's the pistol for?在这玩嗨rTo shoot yourself就给自己一枪吗if you get too blissed out here?枪在桃花源没有用的武器全部失效Doesn't work on Glade. No weapons do.但我确实喜欢带着很帅But I do like what it does for my silhouette.如果你愿意跟我们上岸If you*d like to come ashore with us,我们十分欢迎you can be my guest.可能会改变你的看法我得呆在船上It might change your mind. -1 should stay on CAT. 要与黑暗共舞贝拉Dance with the dark, Bella.这里的人都这么说That's what they say here.黑暗是你必须拥抱的礼物The darkness is a gift you must embrace.为什么Why?因为你就是光Because you are the light.欢迎您欢迎您Welcomin, welcomin噢母亲噢母亲Oh, Mother, oh, Mother我们是您的孩子We are your children环着您绕着您We round you, surround you请月亮铭记Let the Moon remember从前皆是最好All that was best before再照亮前路And light the way forward未来会更好The future is better我没想到您会来见我I wasn't expecting you to meet me, 理事会主席麦迪女士Council Chair Maite.我有必要避而不见吗Why should I hide away?让你把我想象得更高大更厉害吗Make you think me bigger, better?没有时间华而不实No time for pompfluff.未来会更好The future is better.是的Yes.每次看到都会触动I'm always unprepared.太美了It's beautiful.我们的生死都是承蒙10的恩典We live and die by the grace of 10,我们对您也十分感激and we have you to thank.我只是信使I am only the messenger.毋须隐藏您的力量使者Nay hide your power, Envoy.创造10的那些人创造了世界Those who make 10 make the world.10是为世界服务的10 serves the world.为普罗群众服务It works for the many.如果哪天10只为少数人服务我们便会把它关掉When 10 serves the few, well shut it down.我们很期待您明天的致辞使者We look forward to your address tomorrow, Envoy. 您能亲自过来演说真的意义非凡It means much that you came here to make it.第一批先行者已经迫不及待要返回母星The First Wave is eager to return to the Mother.这一刻我们等了太久了We*ve waited a long time for this moment.准备开始真正的奋斗吧Now the real work begins.你的船当鼓敲真不错Your ship makes a good drum.我是保罗萨诺他是阿洛,诺恩Paul Sarno. This is Arlo Noon.我们是警♥察♥We are police.我们可以进去吗Can we come in?噢-不错Oh. - Yeah.真不错很棒啊Yeah. Nice.都是金属-是啊Metals. - Yeah.噢复合材料啊Oh, composites. - Ah.你知道我们都是用木头You know, we have wood, mostly.嗯都是木头Mm. Mostly wood.所以有什么事情找我吗警官So what seems to be the problem, officers?噢-噢Oh.- Oh.对哦-嗯Yes. - Hmm.这个嘛我得说我们发现了一件事女士Well, I'm afraid there's been a discovery, ma'am.嗯哼Mm-hmm.你得跟我们去局里走一趟You need to come downtown with us to the station.我们是在玩警♥察♥抓小偷吗Are we playing Cops and Robbers?是啊Yeah.想当年他们就是这么说的That's how they used to do it in the, uh, good ol' days.走一趟"Downtown."是啊想当年Yeah. The good ol1 days.我反正是不会跟你们走的Well, Tm not going anywhere.砰砰Bang. Bang.你们死了嘿哈You're dead. Yeehaw.嘿哈Yeehaw!是啊嘿哈Yeah. Yeehaw.你呃还是得跟我们走You, um, do need to come with us, though.你们这样使者肯定会不高兴的The Envoy won't be happy about this.我是她的飞行员I'm her pilot.如果需要的话我们可以给她带个话You can send word if you like.我是被指控了吗Have I been charged with anything?我能请律师吗Can I get a lawyer?我们这里没有律师We have no lawyers here.所以才叫乌托邦啊That is why this is a utopia.运动字符学The Kinetobet.舞蹈字母表我们都学Dance alphabet. We all learn it.呼吸两次净化心灵Two breaths to clear the mind.我们的习惯你想试试吗It's our custom. Would you like to try?不想No.你们还是没告诉我为什么带我来这儿You still haven't told me why I'm here.你来月球干什么Why did you come to the Moon?我是飞行员这是我的工作I'm a pilot. Itrs my job.你喜欢飞行吗You like to fly?钱给得挺多的The money*s good.嗯你喜欢钱吗Mm. You like money?认真的吗Seriously?我们这里没有钱We have no money here.昨晚尊驾的心灵身在何处Where was your mind yesterday night?呃Uh.在距离这里大约45, 000英里的地方it was about 45,000 miles away from here.听着如果说的是对地球的加密呼叫的事Look, if this is about the encrypted call to Earth, 我那时在测试我的辅助通讯频道I was testing my secondary comm channels.例行公事而已我可以给你看记录Ifs routine. I can show you records.不与通话无关No. This is not about a call.是关于谋杀案It*s about murder.从昨天到现在你什么也没感觉到吗And you've felt nothing since yesterday?为什么老是问我的感觉Why do you keep asking me what I feel?在这里人们会有不祥之感Here we acknowledge the dreadfeel.当你的心感知到一个垂死之人的惊呼时When your heart sees a dying person's fright-scream, 会感到不安这里you feel troubled, here.通常是你爱的人Ifs usually someone you love.我跟什么谋杀案无关I had nothing to do with any murder.我都不知道你们这里还会有杀人案I didn't even know you had murders here.我还以为这是天堂I thought this was paradise.伏蛇难料Snakes still slither.跟我们说一说令堂吧Tell us about your mada.令你的母亲My. - Your mother.她是个月球人对吗She was a Mooner, right?我们中的一员One of us?我从来都不认识我的母亲I never knew my mother.我听说她在生下我后决定到这儿来I heard she decided to come here after I was born. 把我丢下了She left me behind.可能她更喜欢一个人生活吧Didn't want the company, I guess.你来这里这么屡次All your trips here,从来没有和她联♥系♥的渴望吗you've never had the yearn to reconnect?渴望The yearn?我们都想要联♥系♥We all want connection.是吗Do we?呃听着如果她在这里做错了什么事Uh, look, if she's done something wrong up here, 我一点都不在乎I am the last person who would care about that.她抛弃了我所以我也抛弃了她She gave me up, so I gave her up.如果你们想知道我的感受And if you wanna know how I feel about that.我没有感受I feel nothing.我受够了I'm done with this.你妹妹去世了Your sister is dead.我没有妹妹I don't have a sister.她的名字叫奇尔斯彭We're "past talking/11 guess. - Mm.以前她还会看着我的眼睛呢She used to look me in the eye.嗯哼-我们就这样彼此对视Mm-hmm. - We'd see each other.口丝口丝作响The sizzle.仿佛心有灵犀没错We'd feel it. - Yeah.真怀念呀-嗯I miss it. - Mm.那个消防员弗里茨呢What about Fritz the Fireman?呃他经常到我家来Well, he's coming around the house a lot.跟孩子们也渐渐熟了Kids are getting used to him.我不傻看得出他的居心才怪呢保罗你就是个傻子I'm not a fool. - Oh, no. You are a fool, Paul.傻也不是一天两天了That's been long established.孩子们渐行渐远了They drift away, Arlo.再正常不过了但你就傻看着什么也不做吗That's what happens. And you watch and do nothing. 谁说的Not true.我绞尽脑汁地想方法I think and think and think.越想越乱都失眠了Got so many thinks, I can*t sleep.我有个对付失眠的法子I have a way out when I can't sleep now.说来听听What's your trick?我起床出门走入黑夜脱♥光♥衣服I get up, I go outside, I get naked in the dark.听我说完Stop.我赤足踏上泥土I put my bare feet in the dirt.Her name is Chill Spen.比你小六岁She's six years younger.我们今天早上发现了她的亡灵The gonesoul was found this morning.当你进入我们的领空时I。将你识别为她的血亲10 flagged you as blood when you entered our airspace.好吧Okay.所以我有一个我不认识的母亲生的妹妹So I had a sister from a mother I don't know.谢谢你们告诉我Thanks for telling me.你们俩到底知不知道怎么办这个事Do you guys even know how this works?办什么事How what works?审讯An interrogation.要不我帮你们审吧Do you want me to take over?你认识受害者吗不认识"Do you know the victim?" No.你是否曾与受害者接触过“Have you ever made contact with the victim?1'没有No.你是否知道受害者曾活在世上“Did you even know the victim was alive?" 不知道No.你们懂我意思了吗You guys getting the hang of this yet?你们知道她为什么被杀吗Do you even know why she was killed?这个不重要Doesn*t matter.这个案子已经破了The case is already solved.你们知道是谁干的了You know who did it?这不是审讯This isn't an interrogation.我们想帮你缓解悲哀We want to help you grieve.悲哀必须通过适当的途径释放A loss must be felt and properly released.这是我们的工作This is our job.天啊Holy shit.当你的内心充满着黑暗你的双眼也会被蒙蔽When your heart's dark, your eyes canrt see. 我们想帮你重见光明We want to help you see again.你可能没有见过你的母亲You may not have met your mother, 但你已经在月球环线上飞行了数百次 but you've flown the Moon Loop hundreds of times. 不是侦探Doesn't take a detective也看得出来你想靠近她to see you wanted to be near her.我妈是要从这扇门里走出来了吗Is my mother about to walk through that door?她十年前去世了She died ten years ago.很抱歉孩子Sorry, daughter.你不知道吗You didn't know?一般来说我们会提供疗愈之光Normally, we would offer the Bright.因为你是外人所以禁止使用Since you are an outsider, it is prohibited.我们可以做斯克林吉格-噢We could do the Scrinjig. - Ooh.一定要还您宁静We owe you some peace.还我什么请接受The what? - Please.这是我们对你和死者应尽的义务It is our duty to you and to the dead.嗯呃Mm-hmm.等等不Wait. No.停下来不要Stop it. No.我们必须这样做请停下We must. - Please.怎么样了侦探们How now, detectives?想不想喝一杯Feel like a drink?噢当然Oh, you bet.你不应该和使者在一起吗Shouldn't you be with the Envoy?我和她说得救你出来I told her you needed to be rescued.那些警♥察♥不肯告诉我为什么找你来Those police wouldn't tell me why they pulled you in. 货单有点问题Some mix-up with the manifest.已经弄好了Ifs sorted.嗯Hmm.好吧第一批先行者即将启程Well, with the First Wave leaving soon,每个人都坐立不安everyone's on edge.他们需要一段时间Takes a while to get used to this,才能适应to them.我必须警告你月球人从不放弃And I have to warn you, Mooners don't give up.你走之前一定会再看一遍那个舞蹈You're gonna get that dance before you go.祝他们好运Good luck to them.这到底是怎么一回事托姆How is any of this gonna work, Tomm? 地球上的人在互相残杀People back home are killing each other. 忍♥饥挨饿戴着防毒面具They're starving and wearing gas masks. 他们不是为了自己 None of this is for them.而是为了孩子It's for their children, 为了孩子的孩子 their children's children. 生在这个时代这样 When you're born into it, it's 其实并不奇怪这就是生活 It's not weird, it's just life. 在地球我们要战斗 On Earth, we fight. 我们都知道在天黑后All we know when the lights go out 如何生存下去 is how to survive.根本不用学出生就会No one learns it. Its how we*re made. 中国海China Sea.去过两次Two tours.这里有人懂得那种感受吗Has anyone here ever felt what that's like? 没有No.他们要学的They study it.他们什么都要学They study everything.他们知道我们的能力They know what we're capable of. 处处提防 and they guard against it. 我明白这将是我们的未来I get that this is supposed to be our future, 一切都会改变that everything needs to change, 但你我都知道but you and I know.黑暗终会来临darkness finds a way.很高兴再见到你侦探Great to see you again, Detective.我也不想来这里I don't love the idea of coming here either.但这件事很重要This is important.你妹妹有个水姐妹叫阿瑟斯Your sister had a water sister, Asus.水姐妹是什么A water sister?就是一起长大的姐妹A sister she grew up with.在这里我们不能抚养自己的孩子We don't raise our own children here.只能养别人的We raise others1 children.我们只有在亲生孩子出生时We only see our blood children when they are born 和我们快死的时候能见他们一眼 and when we are about to die.是的我们都听说了Yeah, we heard all about that.底下的地球人肯定很难接受It*s gonna be a tough sell down there on Earth, 你不觉得吗 donft you think?当你没法养亲生孩子的时候Well, when you don't raise your own, 所有小孩就都是你的孩子了 they're all yours.而且我们会说上面的地球人And we say nup there on Earth."阿瑟斯Asus.阿瑟斯要我给她疗愈之光Asus has asked for me to give her the Bright.这是好事因为她太过痛苦This is good because for her, the pain is deep.疗愈之光会软化她的记忆The Bright will soften her memory.她想在忘记你之前见见你She's asked to meet you before she forgets.老实说我不在乎Honestly, I don't care.如果使者的飞行员没生病的话I wouldn't have had to deal with any of this bullshit我根本用不着处理这些破事if the Envoy's pilot hadn't gotten sick.你就和她说我很抱歉So just tell her I'm sorry.她说她有话要告诉你She said she has a message.是关于你母亲的From your mother.我很高兴你能来I'm glad you came.奥比斯Orbis.她是奇尔的狗She was Chilfs dog.和我说一下流程Tell me how this works.我第一次做My first time.你把药吃了就会入睡You take the pill. Puts you to sleep.等你醒过来会感觉好多了When you wake, you feel better.疗愈之光会让你的心从记忆中解脱出来The Bright unhooks your heart from the memories.你还会看到从前的画面The pictures still play,但是不会刺痛了没有but there's no friction, no.没有眼泪的味道没有胸口的沉重No tear-taste. No chest-dark.你还会记得你的姐妹You'll still remember your sister,但不会再感到疼痛了but the pain will be frozen.你会忘记她遇害的画面The killing will be gone.就像滑冰一样滑过去You*ll just slide over it like ice.你的痛苦根深蒂固我的水姐妹There's pain in your root, water sister.我能看到I see it.比起我你更应该被疗愈Better for you to take this than me.噢Oh.以前我总想看看你的脸I wanted to see your face.现在我看到了Now I know.你看到什么了Now you know what?奇尔和我还小的时候When Chill and I were little.我们会单独在海边玩we'd play alone down by the sea.一天一个女人从森林里走出来One day a woman walked out of the forest.她长得和你一样She had your face.在临走前Before she left,她抱起奇尔抱着她说再见she picked up Chill to hold her and say goodbye.她对奇尔耳语了几句She whispered something into her ear.有点冷It's cold.这说明药起作用了Mm. That means it's working.我不想忘记我的姐妹I don't wanna forget my sister.你只会忘记悲伤You1! just forget the sadness.但是爱就在悲伤中That's where the love is.阿瑟斯奇尔说了什么Asus, what did she say?奇尔告诉我Chill told me.她说她还有一个姐妹She said she had another sister.地球上的姐妹A sister on the Earth.会照顾她Who would watc