The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes《福尔摩斯历险记(1984)》第二季第三集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
福尔摩斯探案集第2季第3集诺伍德的建筑师谢谢乔治Thank you, George.在刑事专家看来From the point of view of the criminal expert,伦敦已经变成一座十分乏味London has become a singularly odd,有趣的城市interesting city.嗯我不认为会有很多正派的市民Well, I hardly think youll find同意你的看法many decent citizens to agree with you.对对我不应该自私Well, well, well, one must not be selfish.这对社会有好处The community's the gain,除了可怜的专家and no one the loser say the poor,无事可做以外谁也没损失unfortunate specialist whose occupation was got.你一定是You must havebeen totally.有前总统文件案There's the case of the papers of ex-President.荷兰轮船“弗里斯兰号♥的惊人事件and shocking affair of the Dutch steamship Treesman, 后者险些害我们丧命which very nearly cost us both our lives.它们都成功解决了Both of them great successes.很抱歉福尔摩斯先生不在家I'm sorry, Mr. Holmes is not at home.如果我现在见不到他就会来不及了If I fail to see him now, it will be too late.很抱歉我帮不了你But I'm sorry, I cannot help you.但事情真的很紧急But it is a matter of the utmost urgency.谢谢你孩子Thank you, my boy.噢还有一件事Oh, one last thing.在一切事情还没有办完以前Not a word of this to your dear mother什么话都不要和你母亲说until everything is settled.我想给她一个小小的意外惊喜I want it to be a little surprised for her.小小的我Little, I.你容许吗?You. you promise?我向您保证You have my word.为了这次会面我提早出发I left in good time for my appointment, 但那栋房♥子太难找了 but had difficulty in finding the house, 当我到他家的时候快9点半了so that it was nearly half-past before I reached it. 晚上好Good evening.我和奥德克先生有约I have an appointment with Mr. Oldacre.你是麦克法兰先生吗?Mr. McFarland?对就是我Yes, that's right.那算不上很热情的接待It was not the warmest of receptions.房♥子有一种怪异的冷淡的气氛And the house itself had a peculiar, unloved feeling. 抱歉让你久等了孩子Sorry to keep you waiting, my boy.别客气先生Not at all, sir.请恕我来晚了I'm a little late, Tm afraid.你把文件都带来了吧?Now, you brought the papers?是的没错很好-Yes, indeed. - Excellent.卧室在一楼The bedroom was on the ground floor那里有个大的保险柜where there was a large safe.把其余文件都拿过来吧我的孩子Bring the rest of those papers, my boy.现在开始工作吧Now, to business.一切都办妥了吧?All done?是的先生都办妥了Yes, sir, all done.瞧这时间啊我的孩子Just seen the time, my boy.你得回家了You must get home.噢谢谢你Oh, thank you.我来的时候还带着一根手杖的I had a stick with me.哎呀不知道她放哪去了Ah, I wonder where she put it?一根很厚实的手杖A rather heavy walking stick.是父亲留给我的It belonged to my father.哎呀不要紧我会好好保管Ah, never mind, I'll take good care of it等你下次来取until we meet again.毕竟从现在起应该能经常见到你After all, I shall be seeing a great deal of you now, I hope.我们能经常见面的先生Indeed you shall, sir.我离开了他I left him there.保险柜是开着的The safe was open,那些字据还摆在桌上and the documents were on his desk.已经太晚回不去布莱克希斯了It was too late to go back to Blackheath, 所以我在诺伍德的旅馆里住了一晚 and so I spent the night at a hotel in Norwood. 在今天早上以前我对这起可怕的事件I knew nothing more of this horrible affair 一无所知until this morning.你手上还有奥德克先生带给你的Do you have the original draft of the Will 遗嘱草稿吗?that Oldacre brought to you?唉是的我带过来了Why, yes, I. I have it here.巡官能把这些草稿借给我看一天吗?May I retain this for 24 hours, Inspector?假如能对你有所启发的话It would amuse you.你还有别的要问吗福尔摩斯先生?Well, anything more yourd like to ask, Mr. Holmes? 在我去布莱克希斯前没什么要问的了Not until Tve been to Blackheath.你是说去诺伍德以前吧?You mean Norwood?啊对了我要说的是诺伍德No doubt, that is what I must have meant.好吧麦克法兰先生Now, Mr. McFarland, 我的警士就站在门口 my Constable's at the door, 外面还有辆四轮马车在等着 there's a four-wheeler waiting. 早安先生Morning, gentlemen.早安Morning.这份遗嘱确实有些特点There are certain points about this document, 华生你看呢?are there not Watson?嗯我能看出头两行Well, I can read the first two lines还有第二页中间几句and these in the middle of the second page还有最后一两行and one or two at the end,就跟印上去的一样清晰I mean, they're as clear as print.但其余局部都写得不清楚But the writing in between is very bad,有几处地方根本看不出写的是什么and there's several places where I can't read it at all.你怎么解释这一点呢?What do make of that?你怎么解释呢?What do you make of it?是在火车上写的That it was written on the train.清晰的局部是火车停站的时候写的The good writing represents stations,模糊的局部是火车行驶时写的最不清晰的局部the bad writing movement, and the very bad writing.是火车经过岔道时写的?Passing over the points?有经验的专家能马上断定A scientific expert would pronounce at once这是在一条郊区铁路线上写的that it was drawn upon a suburban line.因为Since nowhere,只有在大城市附近save in the immediate vicinity of a great city,才会有接二连三的岔道could there be so quick a succession of points.假如他花了整个旅程的时间Granting that his whole journey来起草这份遗嘱was occupied in drawing up the Will,那必定是一趟快车then the train must have been an express,在诺伍德和伦敦桥之间只停过一次stopping only once between Norwood and London Bridge.没错但这实在是太奇怪了Yes, but it's curious, is it not,一个人居然会以这么随便的方式that a man should draw up so important a document来写一份这么重要的文件?in so haphazard fashion?这说明他实际上And it suggests that he thought并不重视这份遗嘱it was going to be of no practical importance.这等于他同时给自己出了一张死刑判决书Well, he drew up his death warrant at the same time.这件案件对我来说还不是很清楚This case is not clear to me.走吧华生Come, Watson!我们去哪呢诺伍德?Where are we going, Norwood?不布莱克希斯No, Blackheath.走吧Come!我儿是天底下最敦厚良善的人My son's the gentlest creature on God's earth.我绝不相信他会犯下Itfs inconceivable he could even contemplate如此严重的罪行such a terrible crime.他根本不认识这个人福尔摩斯先生He didn't even know the man, Mr. Holmes.但你认识他麦克法兰夫人But you did, Mrs. McFarland.多年以前的事了Years ago.我几乎忘记了他的存在fd forgotten that he ever existed.我尝试去忘却I tried to forget.但要忘记像约纳斯奥德克这样的人It's impossible to quite forget是不可能的a man like Jonas Oldacre.是的我很了解他Yes, I knew him well.曾经我们几乎订婚结为夫妇At one time, we were engaged to be married.谢天谢地我还有眼力离开他Thank heaven I had the sense to turn away from him 跟一个也许比他穷但比他更好的人结了婚 and marry a better, if poorer, man.噢请坐Oh, please.你丈夫最近去世了 ?Your husband died recently?他是一个宽容温和的人He was a kind man, gentle man.他是和约纳斯奥德克完全不一样的人He was everything Jonas Oldacre was not.然而你曾经考虑过嫁给他?And yet, at one time, you were prepared to marry him? 我说过我熟悉他I said that I knew him well, 我越了解他but the more I knew of him, 就越意识到the more I came to realize 自己根本不清楚他的为人I knew him not at all.他会突然性情大变还会恐吓我He would change suddenly, would also frighten me. 在他性格里有阴暗的一面福尔摩斯先生There was a dark side to his character, Mr. Holmes. 想要制♥造♥痛苦的欲望A desire to cause pain.我自己的照片My own photograph.是送给他的第一份礼物It was my first present to him.天哪Good heavens!在我结婚的那天That was how it was returned to me他把照片弄成这样还给我on my wedding day,附着一张卑劣的纸条together with a vile note疯狂地诅咒我的家人urging a curse upon my house说他永远都不会原谅我and saying he'd never forgive me.不过看上去他现在宽恕你了And yet, he does seem to have forgiven you.毕竟他把自己的全部财产留给了你的儿子after all, to leave his entire estate to your son.我儿子和我都不要那个恶人的Neither my son nor I want anything任何东西不管他是死是活from that wicked man, dead or alive.麦克法兰夫人事实是Mrs. McFarland, the fact remains遗嘱已经拟好that the Will was made.我只不过不明白I simply can't understand it.为什么?Why?你有向儿子谈论过奥德克先生的事吗?Had you ever spoken of Oldacre to your son?也许提到过刚才告诉我们的事实?I mean, perhaps told him what you've just told me now?不从未说过No, never.从来没有?Never?他看到了照片He found the photograph.先夫想轻描淡写说一下就算了My husband tried to make light of it,但他坚持要知道缘由but he insisted.先夫将局部事实真♥相♥告诉他仅此而已My husband told him something of the truth, that's all. 这孩子听了之后很不安吗?And the boy was disturbed?他很自然会心烦意乱He was upset, naturally.情况是这样的麦克法兰夫人警方可能会认为You see, Mrs. McFarland, what the police might say is, 他听闻了奥德克先生对你的所作所为that he had heard of Oldacre's behavior toward you.自然会产生憎恨之心犯下暴行It would pre-dispose him toward hatred and violence.该案对他的指控And so that case against him would be就有更强而有力的依据了considerably strengthened.不No.主在天堂俯视众生福尔摩斯先生There is a God in heaven, Mr. Holmes,主终会惩罚这个邪恶的人and that same God who's punished that wicked man 只争迟与早will show in his own good time, 我儿手上确实没沾染过血污my son's hands are guiltless of his blood.请在这儿等我一下Wait here, please.福尔摩斯先生华生先生 Mr. Holmes, Dr. Watson. 我们刚刚清理完毕 We're just clearing up. 这是我之前借阅的遗嘱 The Will as promised. 看纽扣 Look, buttons!裤子的纽扣Trouser buttons.很可能你有带放大镜过来吗?No doubt, youfve brought your glass with you?上面的名字是海安姆The name is Hiams.据管家勒克辛顿太太说海安姆According to Mrs. Lexington, the housekeeper, Hiams, 是奥德克先生的裁缝的姓氏is the name of Mr. 01dacrers tailor.想必燃烧过后的有机体残骸Presumably, the organic remains已经送去实验室化验了吧?have been removed to the laboratory?是的医生They have, Doctor,虽然未必能派上什么用场though theyll be of little use, I suspect.这个倒霉的家伙早已烧成灰烬The poor devil was no more than bone and cinder.对凶手来说多么方便啊How very convenient for the murderer.虽然对奥德克先生来说可不怎么方便Not I might venture for Mr. Oldacre.虽然如此巡官好歹是骨头渣子啊Nevertheless, Inspector, bones cinder.谢天谢地幸好他还穿着裤子Thank heavens, he was wearing his trousers.那根手杖确实是属于被告的This stick belongs to the accused,他也成认了and he's never denied it.他声称离开房♥子的时候He says that he could not find it找不到那根手杖when he came to leave the house.一面之词福尔摩斯先生一面之词Says, Mr. Holmes, says.我的技术人员在地毯上My experts made out footmarks找到两组脚印of both men on the carpet.之后有无数人踏足此处And too much subsequent traffic所以我基本上查不出什么来to make any examination on my part worthwhile.有两组脚印福尔摩斯先生Two sets of footmarks, Mr. Holmes.没有第三者的脚印None of any third person.给你们布的又一个疑阵Another trick for your side.依我看这些字据都是从保险柜里拿出来的吧?I suppose all these papers are from the safe?没错Correct.没有没有任何东西And nothing; absolutely nothing,被移♥动 ♥过?has been removed?什么都没有Nothing whatsoever.如你所见有一两封已经拆开We have opened one or two, as you can see,来检查里面的内容to check the contents.我可以看看吗?May I check them?当然可以By all means.我还得回苏格兰场办点事I, myself, have business at The Yard.对了我想见一下女管家Oh, and I would like to see the housekeeper.她叫什么名字?what is her name?勒克辛顿太太Mrs. Lexington.她也提供不了什么新情况She'll add nothing more to what you already know.还是让我见见吧Nevertheless.我让她进来吧Ell send her in.难道这会成为Could it be that for once雷斯垂德有史以来第一次胜利?Le Strade is on the right track?我已经说过了年轻人福尔摩斯先生I have already told you, young man, Mr. Holmes.福尔摩斯先生Mr. Holmes!我一定得见你Well, I must see you.我跟这位年轻人说过你不在I told the young man you weren't here,但他不听我的but he wouldnft listen.对不起真对不起我几乎要疯了I'm sorry, fm sorry, but I'm nearly out of my mind.我就是那个倒霉的约翰赫克托麦克法兰I am the unhappy John Hector McFarland.慢慢告诉我们你是谁Now, tell us quietly and slowly who you are有什么需要帮助的and what it is that you want.你刚才只说了自己的名字You mentioned your name just now好像我应该认得你似的as if I should recognize it,但我确信but I can assure you,除了你是个单身汉beyond the obvious facts that you are a bachelor,律师共济会会员哮喘病患者这些显见事实外a solicitor and a freemason and an asthmatic,确实对你一点也不了解I know nothing about you whatever.你凌乱的衣服随身带的那一扎法律文件Your untidy clothes, sheaf of legal papers,表链和不规律的喘气声watch chain and your somewhat irregular breathing.没错福尔摩斯先生你说的就是我Why, yes, Mr. Holmes, I am all these things.除此以外此时此刻And in addition, I am at this moment,我还是全伦敦最不幸的人the most unfortunate man in London.要是您看过这份报纸的话我的所有直觉都指向一个方向All my instincts are one way, 事情另有隐衷and all the facts are the other.先生你要见我?You wish to see me, sir?是的勒克辛顿太太Yes, Mrs. Lexington这位是我的挚友及同事this is my friend and colleague,华生医生Dr. Watson.请坐Do sit down.如果可以的话请容许我站着PH stand, if I may.这房♥间让我觉得不太舒服This room has no comfort for me.你让麦克法兰先生进来的时候是9点半吗?You let young Mr. McFarland into this house at 9:30? 是的Yes.当时我该好好考虑一下的I wish that my hand had withered before I'd done so. 你在什么时候上♥床♥休息的呢?And you retired to bed at?H-一点二十分20 minutes past 11:00.十一点二十分20 minutes past 11:00.你什么都没听到吗?And you heard nothing?我的房♥间在房♥子另一头My room is at the far end of the house.在火警响起前什么都没听到I heard nothing until the fire alarm sounded.就在那个时候It was then, only then, 我意识到不幸的主人已经被谋害了that I realized my poor master had been murdered.勒克辛顿太太据你所知Mrs. Lexington, to your knowledge, 你的主人有仇人吗?did your master have any enemies?谁没有仇人呢Every man has his enemies.像奥德克先生这样的生意人And a businessman like Mr. Oldacre, 也许仇家就更多了是吧? more than most, perhaps?他是一位受人尊敬的绅士He was a well-respected gentleman 一直独来独往who kept himself very much to himself.你对这些字据是否知情?Do you know anything about these papers?我对奥德克先生I know nothing 的私人事务一无所知 of Mr. Oldacreprivate affairs.警方在灰烬里发现的纽扣呢?The buttons that the police found in the fire? 主人有三套衣服是由海安姆先生缝制的My master had three suits made by Mr. Hiams. 两套在衣橱里two are still in that wardrobe there, 第三套当天晚上他穿在身上and the third he was wearing that night.谢谢你勒克辛顿太太Thank you, Mrs. Lexington, 你非常很合作you have been most cooperative.你觉得她怎么样?What do you make of her?守口如瓶依我看Tight as wax, if you ask me, 但也许这只是她一贯的作风 but then, perhaps that's her usual manner? 我知道一切都不对我从骨子里感受到It's all wrong, I feel it in my bones, 还有些重要情况是我们一无所知的 something. something has not come out,而女管家是知道的and that woman knows it.福尔摩斯能让我看看这些字据吗?Holmes, would you like me to have a look at these papers?一个人的银行账号♥所透露的信息Well, a man's bank account can tell us就和口记所泄露的一样多as much as his diary.没错Correct.谢谢华生Thank you, Watson.没事的警官It's all right Constable,我只是舒展一下腿脚而已I'm just stretching my legs.我会看着他们的ril watch them.啊警官Ah, Constable.你是本地人吗?Are you a local man?我在伦敦桥出生先生离这儿半公里Born on Bridge, sir, not a half-mile from here.太好了Excellent.你能给我提供一点当地的消息吗?Then perhaps you can offer me some local knowledge?我会尽力而为的先生I'll do my best, sir,一定尽我所能ril most certainly do my best.福尔摩斯Holmes!雷斯垂德确实说过字据都没有被动过吧?Le Strade did say that no documents had been removed?是的Yes.我也觉得他没动过That's what I thought.你有什么发现吗?You've found something?没有一无所获才令我觉得很奇怪No, it's what I haven't found that interests me.比对过后发现There are certain cross-references确实发生过几笔交易金额颇大的交易to various deeds, valuable deeds,但找不到凭证none of which I can find.但有一事相当明确But one thing is clear:我们有理由相信Oldacre was hardly奥德克先生的境况in the affluent circumstances并不是太富裕we have been led to believe.他的银行帐户余额所剩无几His bank account was practically empty, 主要是因为过去一年里largely because he had made several large payments 他开了几张大额支票给柯尼利亚斯先生in the past year to a certain Mr. Cornelius.麦克法兰先生实际上一无所得Young McFarland would have inherited nothing.此事大有蹊跷This is of interest.为什么一个退隐的建筑师Why should a retired builder会和这位柯尼利亚斯先生有这样的大宗交易呢? have such large transactions with a Mr. Cornelius? 暧我们坐车回城Well, lets take our cab,看看能不能从他的银行账号♥里找到什么线索 and see what we can find out from his city bank.一起吗?You coming?我想再多留一会ril stay here for a while.诺伍德火车站Norwood Station.那么你不打算和朋友So, you're not going back to London一起回伦敦了 ?with your friend, then?不暂时先不回去No, not yet, anyway.希望我的存在不会给你造成不便I do hope my presence doesn't inconvenience you.顺便提一下我应当警告你一下By the way, I should warn you, 我发现有形迹可疑的人在大门窥视I found an undesirable lurking about by the gates.我看到他I saw him on.形迹可疑的人An undesirable?一个流浪汉勒克辛顿太太A tramp, Mrs. Lexington, 流落街头的男人a gentlemen of the road.我什么都给不了他He will get nothing here.啊你不认为应该对Ah, you don't believe in比我们不幸的人伸出援手吗?supporting our less fortunate brethren?我能养活自己他们也理应如此I work, so can they.确实是这样Quite so.我在去克莱克斯顿的路上I'm on my way to Croxton.我已经流浪够了I've done enough walking, I have.走遍各个地方To all kinds of places.就留在这里吧Ell stay put.我曾在这里和朋友会面I used to meet a friend of mine here.噢你可能会认识他他是个海员Oh, you might know him, he's a seafaring man.阿哈我知道有这么个