A Wild Year on Earth《狂野地球(2020)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
地球是一个动乱不安的地方Earth is a restless place.季节变化是由围绕太阳的公转决定的Its seasons driven by the orbit around our sun.一段史诗般的旅程决定了所有生命的节奏An epic journey that sets the rhythms of all life.人类通过仪式和庆祝来纪念这一时刻Humans honour this passage through ritual and celebration.大自然用自己的模式来记录这一循环Nature marks the cycle with its own patterns.在一年的时间里,Over the course of a year,地球上最壮观的迁徙行动,the planet's most spectacular events of migration,开始了重生与蜕变rebirth and transformation unfold.每时每刻,Moment by moment,月复一月,month by month,在地球上狂野的一年里throughout a wild year on Earth.狂野地球一月二月一年之初几十亿年前,Billions of years ago,地球是从火中诞生Earth was born from fire.今天,火预示着新年的到来Today,fire heralds the New Year.这是一个全球范围内的极端时期This is a time of extremes across the globe.无论是盛夏,还是深冬Both the height of summer,and depths of winter.我们所知道的季节有着奇怪的超凡脱俗的起源The seasons we've come to know have strange otherworldly origins.一次行星碰撞使我们的家园永远偏离其轴线23.5度A planetary collision left our home forever skewed at 23.5 degrees on its axis.这种微小的倾斜对地表生命有着巨大的影响每一次蜕皮都会让它们变得更黑,就像它们的母亲一样Each moult leaves them darkerjike their mother.但不像他们的母亲,But unlike their mother,幼虫不用浪费精力保护家庭the young don*t waste energy protecting family.相反地,On the contrary,不幸的兄弟姐妹提供了一个可怕的足球游戏unhatched siblings offer a macabre game of soccer.还有晚餐And supper.这顿饭暂时还不错This meal is good for now.但是冬天很长But winter is long.幼虫向妈妈索要更多的食物They turn to Mum for more food.但她只剩一样东西可以养活幼虫But she only has one thing to feed them.在孕产妇护理的最后一幕中,In a final act of maternal care,她做出了最大的牺牲she makes the ultimate sacrifice.为她的孩子提供生存到春天所需的热量和蛋白质Offering her young the vital calories and protein needed to survive till spring.到一月底,By late January,东亚大局部地区也处于冬季much of east Asia is also in winter's grip.西伯利亚的气温会骤降到零下74华氏度,The temperature in Siberia can plummet to minus 74 degrees fahrenheit, 凛冽的寒风掠过冰封的湖面and bitter winds race across the frozen lakes.风在日本海上空吹过时会聚集湿气The wind gathers moisture as it travels over the Sea of Japan.与日本西部陡峭的山脉相撞,Colliding with the steep mountains of western Japan,风把大桶的雪吹开了the winds lift and dump great powder kegs of snow.日本可能是地球上雪最多的地方之一Japan can be one of the snowiest places on the planet.不是找猴子的典型地点Not the typical spot to find a monkey.日本掰猴是世界上最北的灵长类动物,Japanese macaques are the world's most northerly species of primate, 除了人other than people.从冬天的储藏室里寻找食物是很困难的Feeding from winter's larder can be tough.有时候只是为了找一只结了冰的虫子,Sometimes it's just a lot of digging for an ice-encrusted bug, 或者一点树皮or a bit of bark.在雪地里,皮毛很难晒干In driving snow,it's hard for fur to dry.随着体温下降、压力升高,As body temperature falls and stress rises,只有一件事要做there's only one thing to do.和一群朋友去泡温泉Hit the spa with a group of friends.温泉的温度比空气高50度Hot springs can be 50 degrees warmer than the air.这似乎在掰猴中引起了一种禅意般的心境It seems to induce a zen-like mood among the macaques.猴群连续几个小时洗澡The troop bathes for hours on end.喜欢集体生活是灵长类动物的习惯,Their preference for communal living is a primate habit,我们人类已经走到了极端one we humans have taken to the extreme.数以亿计的人在流动,Hundreds of millions of people are on the move,与世世代代的家人团聚过年to reunite with generations of family for the Chinese New Year.这是地球上最大的人类迁徙It*s the largest human migration on the planet.从上海到北♥京♥,城市灯火通明From Shanghai to Beijing,cities alight.两周来,For two weeks,人们聚在一起看龙跳舞people come together to see dragons dance.龙象征好运The dragon symbolizes good luck.在它的面前,就是来年的幸福和幸运To be in its presence is to be blessed with happiness and fortune for the coming year. 中国新年是冬至之后的第二个新月Chinese New Year marks the second new moon after the winter solstice.它预示着北半球的春天即将来临It signals spring is on its way in the Northern Hemisphere.穿越赤道到达南半球,Crossing the equator to the Southern Hemisphere,强烈的太阳能驱动了另一种现象intense solar energy is driving another phenomenon.二月份,In February,太阳在赤道非洲上空的路径烘烤着陆地the path of the sun over equatorial Africa bakes the landmass.当热量上升,湿气和风会聚,As heat rises,moisture and winds converge,形成一个巨大的热带雨带forming an immense tropical rain belt.穿越大♥陆♥,Marching across the continent,大量的水正在流动vast quantities of water are on the move.这是一个被称为“湿的活动It's an event known simply as The Wet.在南部非洲国家赞比亚,In the southern African country of Zambia;1月和2月的降雨量几乎是全年的降雨量the same amount of rain falls in January and February as the entire rest of the year. 河马在雨季最快乐Hippos are happiest in the wet season.二月是产犊期February is mid-calving time.对这位初出茅庐的妈妈来说,责任重大A big responsibility for this first-time Mum.只有几个星期大,Only a few weeks old,幼崽完全依赖妈妈来告诉它在这个水世界里是什么the calf is entirely dependent on Mum to tell him what's what in this water world. 他们看起来很危险They look dangerous.妈妈几乎没有反响Mum barely reacts.像她这样的成年河马又大又壮,不会成为鳄鱼餐An adult hippo like her is too big and strong to be considered a crocodile meal.在雨季,And in the wet season,游泳池里有足够的空间让大家保持平安距离there's plenty of room in the pool for everyone to keep a safe distance.但那双不眨眼的眼睛,令人不安But those unblinking eyes,are disconcerting.妈妈觉得在岸上休息不是个坏主意Mum decides a breather ashore is not a bad idea.幼崽紧靠着妈妈The calf stays close to Mum.他们之间的联♥系♥非常紧密,可以持续6年或更长时间The bond between them is intense and can last for six years or more.他依靠她来保护自己He depends on her for protection.危险无处不在Danger lies everywhere.这条河上的狮子是专业的河马杀手Lions on this river are specialist hippo killers.没有经验的妈妈很难判断自己的幼崽在哪里最平安It's hard for the inexperienced Mum to judge where her calf is safest.她做了大多数河马做的选择She makes the choice most hippos make.她误以为自己的人身平安是平安的She mistakes her own personal safety as safe.旁观者能感觉到事态的开展,The bystanders have a sense of what's unfolding, 但是幼崽太天真了but the calf is too naive.当母亲意识到她严重的判断错误时,By the time the mother realizes her terrible error of judgement, 太晚了it*s too late.对这位母亲来说,这是一个令人心碎的结局It's a heartbreaking outcome for the mother.但是只有一半的河马宝宝能活过第一年,But with only half of all baby hippos surviving their first year,她的失落是一个她可能会经历很屡次的现实her loss is a reality she may experience many more times.雨季继续席卷南部非洲The wet season continues to wash across southern Africa.巨大的食草动物狼吞虎咽地吃着所有新鲜的树叶The giant herbivores gorge on all the fresh foliage.当雨水落回平原时,只有不到一半的食物得到了适当的消化Less than half is properly digested by the time it rains back down on the plain.A级粪便和高湿度的混合对一个当地居民来说是令人兴奋的The combination of A-Grade dung and high humidity is a heady mix for one local. 当滴答滴答地敲门时,When drops and plops knock on his door,他急忙回答he hurries to answer.对于红棕色蜕螂来说,这是天堂For the copper dung beetle,this is heaven.他在地下度过了旱季,He spent the dry season underground,处于半冬眠状态in semi-hibernation.季节性的雨水使他的身体开始活动The seasonal rain kick-starts his body into action.当一些人匆忙交♥配♥时,他奔驰而过While some rush to mate,he gallops past.他想先专注于创作他的季节性杰作He wants to focus on creating his seasonal masterpiece first.他设计了一个育儿舞会He fashions a brood ball.这是给雌性留下深刻印象和鼓励产卵的最终方法It's the ultimate way to impress a female and encourage egg laying.他急忙完成,在别人偷走它之前把它滚走He hurries to complete it and roll it away before someone else steals it.他脑子里有一个清惭的计划,经常停下来看看太阳的位置He has a clear plan in mind and stops often to check the position of the sun.粪便带来的问题是苍蝇也喜欢它The problem with dung is that flies love it,too.如果他们有机会用卵弄脏他的球,Given a chance they would contaminate his ball with their eggs,所以他们必须被赶走so they have to be shooed away.他最后一次检查坐标He checks his coordinates one last time.在远处,他发现了目的地In the distance,he spots his destination.软土,一点草Soft soil,a bit of grass.很完美Perfect.他挖得很深,He digs deep,确保他的球和里面的蛋平安,ensuring his ball and any egg laid within it stays safe,当雨季变干时as wet season turns to dry.二月是印尼赤道海域平静的季节February is a time of calm seas in the equatorial waters around Indonesia.这里是两大洋的交汇处Here is the meeting place of two major oceans.水从太平洋通过数千个蜂窝状岛流入印度洋Water flows from the Pacific into the Indian Ocean through thousands of beehive islands.这种融合形成了一个动态的热带生态系统,This convergence results in a dynamic tropical eco-system,拉贾安帕特,王冠上的宝石with Raja Ampatjts crowning jewel.水面下,Under the surface,强大的洋流搅动着营养物质,浮游生物大量繁殖strong currents churn nutrients and plankton blooms.这种微生物汤支撑着整个海洋食物链This soup of micro-organisms supports the entire oceanic food chain.密集的鱼饵群吸引了一队食肉动物Dense schools of baitfish attract a squadron of predators.蝠鲸Devil rays.这些专门吃鱼的吃货将旅行数百公里These specialist fish eaters will travel hundreds of kilometres为了追求季节性的赏金in the pursuit of this seasonal bounty.一组30条或更多,他们成蓝剪In groups of 30 or more,they scissor the blue.他们紧密的队形使受惊的鱼饵成群结队Their tight formations herd the frightened baitfish.轻盈敏捷的身体,后掠的翅膀就像喷气式战斗机,Light,agile bodies with swept-back wings like a jet fighter, 可以在毫秒内从巡航加速到攻击速度can accelerate from cruise to attack speed in milliseconds.出乎意料的是,Out of the blue,一条大洋蝠龈来了,拖着搭便车的人an oceanic manta ray arrives,with hitchhikers in tow.这是世界上最大的蝠鳗种类This is the world's largest species of ray.翅膀轻快地推动它两吨♥重的身体在水中穿行Wings propel its two-tonne body lithely through the water.一年中的大局部时间,它喜欢单独旅行Most of the year,it prefers to travel solo.在四王群岛,But at Raja Ampat,这个季节营养丰富的水吸引着个体the season's nutrient-rich waters draw individuals 从四面八方进食to feed from far and wide.他们与珊瑚礁蝠鳗混合在一起They mingle with the resident reef manta rays.这是一年中罕见的两个物种在同一水域汇合的时候It's a rare time of year when both species converge in the same waters.带着滤食性大嘴,With filter feeding mouths agape, 他们像魔毯一样乘风破浪they ride the currents like magic carpets.在印度尼西亚的南部是澳大利亚,To the south of Indonesia lies Australia, 夏天意味着酷热的大♥陆♥ a continent where summer means extreme heat. 超过100华氏度的高温使人们在海边冲浪降温Soaring temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit send people surfside to cool off. 每年这个时候,At this time of year,澳大利亚是地球上最热的地方之一Australia is one of the hottest places on Earth.在内陆,已经好几个月没有下雨了Inland,no rain has fallen for months.澳大利亚的夏天越来越热,Australian summers are becoming hotter, 随着全球气温上升,气候变得更加干燥和致命 drier and deadlier as global temperatures rise.干涸的闪电连接着干枯的青草Dry lightning connects to the tinder-dry grass.星火燎原A spark becomes an inferno.当大多数人都争相逃跑的时候,Whilst most scramble to escape, 一只空中掠食者猛扑过来an aerial predator swoops closer.黑色的莺The black kite.故意寻找火的生物A creature who deliberately seeks out fires.这只鸟也许是唯一一个欢迎火烧季节的澳大利亚居民This bird is perhaps the only Australian who welcomes the fire season. 被浓烟吸引,Drawn by the smoke,其他人那么从几公里外聚集others converge from kilometres around.随着火势逐渐平息,竞争也随之爆发As the fire simmers down,competition flares.少火,少食Less firejess food.一只黑莺还饿着One black kite is still hungry.既是凤♥凰♥又是纵火狂Both phoenix and pyromaniac.它接下来要做的就是传奇What it does next is the stuff of legend.土著梦想层称莺为“火鹰”Aboriginal Dreamtime calls the kite/Fire Hawk1.像人类一样,Like humans,它为了个人利益而点火it harvests fire for personal gain.它现在希望得到的是蚱蠕What it hopes to gain now is grasshopper.吃饱了,莺继续飞,satiated,the kite flies on,像任何卫星一样灵敏地发现新的火灾spotting new fires as deftly as any satellite.干燥的澳大利亚内陆与南美洲的丛林形成鲜明比照Parched inland Australia stands in stark contrast to the jungles of South America.二月份,In February,现在是亚马逊雨林的旱季it's the dry season in the Amazon rainforest.但是干燥是一个相对的术语But dry is a relative term.丛林里仍然下着倾盆大雨The jungle still gets heavy downpours.天刚放晴As quickly as the heavens open.它们又关上了.they close again.天气稍息,With a break in the weather,切叶蚁沿着他们的高速公路加快步伐leaf cutter ants pick up the pace along their mass highway.毛葭树正在开花,一年四季都有收获The buttercup tree is flowering,an annual seasonal harvest.一千万只蚂蚁参加了觅食游♥行♥Ten million ants join the foraging parade.为了给他们的地下藻类园提供营养,匆忙前行It's a rush to get nutrition to their subterranean algae gardens在下一场倾盆大雨之前before the next downpour.在里约热内卢,In Rio de Janeiro,人类用嘉年华来庆祝这个季节,humans celebrate this season with Carnivale,节庆节前庆祝丰富的一年一度的节日an annual festival celebrating abundance before abstinence.这两项活动都需要紧张的准备,Both events require intense preparation,团队合作和同步teamwork and synchronization.这是今年年初的一个疯狂高♥潮♥It's a wild climax to the start of the year.我们的星球绕着大火球旋转了 60度Our planet completes its first 60 degrees of revolution around the great ball of fire.在接下来的几个月里,In the months ahead,更深刻的变化等待着地球上的居民,more profound change awaits the planets inhabitants,因为在地球上一个狂野的年份里,变化是不变的for change is the one constant during a Wild Year On Earth.This small tilt has huge consequences for life on the surface.一月份,In January,南半球感受到了太阳的全部力量the southern hemisphere feels the full force of the sun.远离太阳,Tilted away from the sun, 北半球被冷落了the northern hemisphere is left out in the cold.在一月份的北极,In the Arctic in January, 气温降到零下40度 temperatures drop to minus 40 degrees. 白天最短The days are at their shortest.这是一个极端的地方和季节,This is about as extreme a place,and season,任何生物都能持续存在as any creature can endure.令人难以置信的是,这个看似没有生命的环境造就了地球上最大的陆地食肉动物Incredibly,this seemingly lifeless environment has given rise to the planets largest land carnivore.北极熊The polar bear.一只雄性单独游荡,A male wanders alone,完全暴露在冬天最糟糕的环境中fully exposed to winter's worst.他的体重有一半是保温脂肪Half his bodyweight is insulating blubber.他的白毛下是黑皮肤,Under his white fur is black skin,吸收太阳的热量to absorb what little solar heat there is.在这个冰冷的国度里,他是国王In this icy realm,he is king.这片冰冻土地上的居民并不是唯一应对北极极端气候的生物The residents of this frozen land are not the only creatures coping with Arctic extremes 每年的这个时候 this time of year.一月份,极地急流向南推进,In January,the polar jet stream pushes south,深入北美penetrating deep into North America.这股强劲的锋面快速移♥动♥,寒冷的空气将落基山脉牢牢地控制住This powerful front of fast-moving,frigid air takes the Rocky Mountains firmly in its grip. 雪差不多有一米厚The snow lies almost a metre thick.为了生存,To survive,动物必须与雪成为盟友,而不是敌人animals must make snow an ally,not an enemy.一只通常在夜间活动的猛禽在冬天转为白天狩猎A normally nocturnal raptor has switched to daytime hunting over winter.大角猫头鹰The Great Horned Owl.它的食物选择减少了,Its food options have decreased,但它的胃口却没减少but its appetite has not.它必须每天吃100克肉才能生存It must eat 100g of meat per day to survive.那与三只田鼠等值That's three voles1 worth.不像许多小型哺乳动物,Unlike many tiny mammals,草地田鼠不冬眠the meadow vole doesn't hibernate.整个冬天,Over winter,它在雪地卜挖掘出迷宫般的隧♥道♥it digs a labyrinth of tunnels under the snow.在消音毯下,Under the muffling blanket;田鼠发出最微弱的沙沙声the vole makes the faintest rustle.即使在20米之外,猫头鹰也能听到Even 20m away,the owl can hear it.田鼠有敏锐的感觉和快速的反响The vole has acute senses and quick reflexes of its own.但这场猫捉老鼠的游戏还没有结束But this game of cat and mouse is not over.田鼠有弱点The vole has a weakness.它不会把食物藏在雪下It doesn't stash food under the snow.它需要稳定的植物种子供应It needs a steady supply of seeds.找到食物意味着打破掩护Getting food means breaking cover.猎人乘着冰冷的北风继续飞行Riding the icy north wind,the hunter flies on.横跨北美大♥陆♥,Across the continent of North America,极地急流向南弯曲the polar jet stream arcs south.在寒冷的北太平洋,Out in the cold expanse of the North Pacific,急流的季节变化有着截然不同的影响the jet stream's seasonal shift has a very different impact.一场冬季风暴使大海变得狂暴A winter storm whips the sea into a frenzy.沿着加利福尼亚海岸,Along the California coast,岩石海湾和海湾提供庇护rocky coves and bays offer shelter.但无法逃脱海水的温度,But there's no escaping the sea temperature,温度保持在54华氏度which stays a frigid 54 degrees fahrenheit.幸运的是,海獭喜欢寒冷Fortunately,sea otters love