Conversations with Friends《聊天记录(2022)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
聊天记录第一集伯克利图书馆霍德玛超♥市♥梅丽莎贝恩斯的下一步是什么?尼克康韦尼克康韦演员1987年出生于都柏林并在此生活发给博比:看看她的花瓶老公热铁皮屋顶上的猫你很出色恭喜感谢你的赠票弗朗西丝尼克康韦:很遗憾没见着你你之前应该留下来和我喝一杯的我不想让你紧张演出真的很棒谢谢你你们下次在哪表演?我想来看看你不过是客气而已有来有往给你们讲个谜语Here's a riddle.我本一文不值"I am inherently worthless.但却收获高度赞赏".but highly prized.我又要掏空你们的钱包"I will empty out your bank account.我对爰一往情深"I'm all about love.但我却有颗石头般的心"But I have a heart of stone并且众所周知“and have been known.我更喜欢被占有".to prefer to be owned."怎么啦What?写得很好It's good.我得回图书馆了I have to go back to the library.行吧我不用嗯唔Okay. I don't. Hmm.那你滚吧I feel like when Fm writing, Tm trying to get clarity, 我希望这种清晰的思维能一直存留下去and then when I do, I want to keep it.不我也在尝试改变但No, I think I'm trying for that but-但我觉得很难实现And it. it just doesn*t feel possible.可能我不希望把我的作品打包然后卖♥♥给别人Or maybe I don't want to package it for people to own.弗朗西丝是一名共♥产♥主义者Frances is a communist.哦谢谢你博比Oh. - Thanks, Bobbi.嗯哼Mm-Hmm.所以你觉得书是商品咯?So, books understood as commodities?也许吧在某种意义上Maybe, in a sense.分情况吧It depends.我的意思是显然真正优秀的那些书远不只是商品I mean, obviously, the really good ones are more than that. 剩下的那些只是在生产线上充数的The rest of us are just grinding it out on the production line. 你介意我哦请You mind if I- -Oh, please.你需要火吗?-要谢谢Do you need a light? - Uh, yes, please.我完全不擅长社交I'm not great at these things.我也是Me too.真的很好吃谢谢That was really delicious. Thank you.你嗯Are you, um-你现在在做什么吗Are you, uh, in something at the moment?嗯前Um, yeah.我在演戏剧Uh, doing a play.你喜欢表演戏剧吗?Are you enjoying it?嗯我觉得有个工作挺好的I mean, it's, uh. its nice to be working.唔Hmm.我知道人们会这么说I know people always say that and-这部剧挺好的The play is fine.演这部剧不怎么大胆It's not a very bold choice.热铁皮屋顶上的猫Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.你知道这部吗?Do you know it?是的我很久之前读过Yeah, I-I, um, I read it a long time ago.但是没有看过戏剧But I-I havenrt seen it.嗯是一部情节剧Hmm. - It's melodrama.那不是那不是为了挖苦我没有Which isn't, you know, it's not a dig. fm not- 大家都很轻蔑地觉得戏剧的目的是挖苦People say that, don't they, in a disparaging way? 但是那就对了那才是有趣的地方But, I mean, that's the point. Itrs the fun of it.情节剧就是一出有情节的正剧It's a proper play where stuff happens.但不是But, no.我应该去看看I should see it.我是说我读的时候就很喜欢Uh, like, I liked the play when I read it.对嗯Yeah, um-我可以给你一些票I can get you some tickets.这部剧不怎么具有突破性但It's nothing groundbreaking, but-你只是人好才愿意来You*re being polite.没有我是真的很想去看看No, I just would really like to see it.如果留下你的邮箱我可以帮你要到门票Yeah, if I take your email, I can sort it out.你平时都写什么What, um, what do you write about?这个问题不好太烂了That's a terrible question. - The worst.我再想一个轻松一点的话题Ell think of another one. Something lighter. 你是忠实的共&hearts产♥主义者吗So are you committed communist?不是Not really. No.我从来没有参与过任何与此相关的活动Um, I mean, I don't do anything about it at all, uh- 可能会让我听起来which must make me sound-完全不会No, not at all.我觉得不管怎么说这都很好Itrs; uh, it*s good, I think, in whatever way.我们中的大多数人都只是漫游在一个漫无目的You know, most of us just kind of swim around 且舒适的环境in a pretty aimless, comfortable-嗯um-我不知道我在说什么I'm not making any sense.没事Um, not at all.我觉得你说得很对Uh, I mean, you are, I think.我就知道-太可怕了.I know! -Thats horrible.你不觉得他们结婚很奇怪吗?Don't you think it*s weird they're married?怎么奇怪?Weird how?你觉得他们不怎么合适?You think they're not, like. well-suited?不是Not really.我更想说“他们到底为什么结婚But, I mean, more like, "Why the fuck would you get married?" 大家都结婚People get married.很显然弗朗西丝Obviously, Frances.人们长大结婚生孩子People grow up, get married, have babies.无聊的人们才那么做Yeah, boring people.无聊的人们也都会离婚Boring people who then get a fucking divorce.但她很有趣But she is interesting.清醒又聪明Conscious, smart.我无法想象他们办婚礼的样子Like, I can't picture them having a wedding穿着裙子蛋糕上站着俩小人with a dress and those little people on a cake.你说呢?-也许他们没这样办婚礼Right? - Maybe they didn't.也许她穿的是连衣裤用的是奶酪拼盘Maybe she wore a jumpsuit and they had a cheese board.我猜的I don't know.那也还是操蛋的婚姻It's still fucking marriage.你喜欢上她了吗You have a crush on her.我当然喜欢上她了Obviously, I have a crush on her.我觉得他挺有趣的啊I thought he was funny.他根本不怎么说话He barely opened his mouth.你能想象他们俩独处的样子吗他们做♥爰♥的样子Can you actually imagine them on their own. fucking.他们能持续谈话超过两分钟吗?Holding a conversation that lasts longer than two minutes?博比我的意思是I mean, who knows what happens谁也不清楚独处的两个人会干些什么between two people when they're alone, Bobbi.那么我就把你交给So I will leave you能干的菲利普了in Philip's capable hands.弗朗西丝非常高兴这个夏天你能加入我们Really happy to have you with us for the summer, Frances.谢谢Thanks.过会儿见谢谢亲爰的See you later. - Thanks, honey.随便挑个工位吧Great. Uh, you can kinda sit wherever.你坐在哪?Hmm. Where do you sit?这儿Um, here.其实都是轮着用的Kind of a hot-desking thing.所以我平常可以读给你听了 ?Oh. So I can read to you?不用你自己脑子里读一遍就行Um, no. You read to yourself. in your head.啊然后你写一份报告Ah. - And then you write a report.那我就只需要坐在这So I-I sit here and I make an assessment自己不够格还要评价别人的水平on someone's abilities when I'm not qualified.我不觉得这样做是对的And I'm fundamentally opposed to the whole notion.弗朗西丝你自己说你想要这份工作的You said you wanted this job, Frances.我要是早上过得很糟糕怎么办?What happens if I have a shit morning?我就可以做出武断的决定了吗Do I just make arbitrary decisions然后再以此作为判断员工工作价值的测试?and we use that as a test of cultural excellence?别激动你写我读Don*t get excited. You write it. I read it.说不定你就能发现一个被埋没的天才And if you happen to have an undiscovered genius in that pile.然后就会有更重要的人注意到那个人there may be someone more important who might get to hear about it. 那好吧Alright, then.来靠着我Lean on me.不把我的拐杖给我No. Just give me my crutch.靠着我的肩膀Lean on my shoulder.我不要你扶我玛吉I don't wanna lean on your shoulder, Maggie.给我拐杖就行I want my crutch.你再不拿给我拐杖Are you gonna give me my crutch我就要跪倒在地上爬着走了or do I have to get down on my knees on the floor and crawl?给你拿着Here, take it!拿着Take it.之前那太恶心了.before, but it was disgusting.演出怎么样?So how was the play?他演得很好He was good.演出嘛就Um. yeah, the play was-挺好的好尴尬Yeah. - Awkward.真不敢相信你没带我一起去Can't believe you went without me with me.梅丽莎也在吗?Was Melissa there?我没看到她Um, I didn't see her.倒也是Makes sense.她觉得田纳西威廉姆斯的作品很矫情She thinks Tennessee Williams is mannered.不过我觉得就是这样不是吗?Yeah, I mean, that's the point, though, isn't it?他就是故意写得很矫情Like. like it's not like it's accidentally mannered.还挺明显的Like, I feel like that's pretty obvious.行吧弗朗西丝你现在真的很烦人Okay, Frances, now you're being annoying.哦对不起Yeah. Sorry.我们可以取餐了Oh, I think our food's ready.操Fuck.弗朗西丝?Frances?你没事吧?Are you okay?嗯痛经Yeah, just period pain.你有止疼药吗?Have you got any painkillers in there?没有Um, no.稍等一下Okay, hang on.你还需要点什么别的吗?Do you need anything else?不用了不用了No, no, no.你回家吧You go home.弗朗西丝呀Um, Frances.你待了一晚上You stayed.你疼着呢You suffer.我给你泡点茶I'll make you some tea.谢谢Thank you.感觉怎么样了 ?How you feelin?好点了Better.别盯着自己看了 好Stop staring at yourself. - Yeah.对不起Sorry.嘿Hey.来吧Come on.准备好了吗?Ready?这首诗叫钻石This poem is called Diamonds.给你们讲个谜语Here's a riddle.我最好的朋友My best friend.本一文不值.is inherently worthless.但却收获高度赞赏.but highly prized.又要掏空你们的钱包who'll empty out your bank account. 但钻石真正的用处我们援引一份报告But what they did do, and well quote from their report here, 这份报告可比起我们编造的任何话语都要更值得听which is much better than anything we could ever make up.订婚钻戒所蕴含的大道理All of these lectures revolve around the diamond engagement ring 传到成百上千的女孩那and are reaching thousands of girls她们从名列前茅的教学机构里in their assemblies, classes, and informal meetings 集♥会♥课堂和非正式会议上听来in our leading educational institutions.他们说经由政♥治♥领袖的妻女They spread the word, they said, 传递了这些话语using wives and daughters of political leaders.她们能让杂货店老板娘Any woman who can make the grocer's wife和机修工的女儿说and the mechanic's sweetheart say.“我也想要她们拥有的”"I wish I had what she has."你是否感觉我们依旧屈从于Do you get a feeling that we are still kneeling别人告诉我们的那些道理的压力under the heavy midst we've been told 所以他们能卖♥♥出钻石 so stones can be sold.如果钻石如此重要那就镶其于戒指And if a diamond's a thing, put it on a ring, 但别跟我提被钻戒神化了的爱情but don*t sing to me about love being enshrined in its class.我不听你的道理我头脑清醒I won't be your audience. fm out of your grasp.嗨刚才的表演真棒Hey. - That was brilliant.谢谢嗨Thank you. - Hey.非常成功Well done.谢谢-想请我喝一杯吗?Thanks. - You wanna buy me a drink?当然可以我的荣幸Yeah, of course. Be my pleasure.你先谢谢你After you. - Thank you.你觉得那天晚上的戏剧怎么样?So what did you think of the play the other night?挺好的Yeah, it was good.我觉得你演得特别好I thought you were very good.谢谢Thanks.你不觉得有点矛盾吗Don't you feel a bit conflicted?整部剧还是Generally or你演的角色是个同性恋可你是个直男You're playing a gay character and you're a straight man.布里克是同性恋吗Is Brick gay?他可能是双性恋Bisexual, maybe.你的说法听起来像是同性恋是目的地You make it sound like gay is the destination而双性恋只是中途的一站而已and bisexual is like a stop on the way.还没完全变弯Not quite there.弗朗西丝是双性恋Hmm. -1 mean, Frances is bisexual.我的天啊博比Jesus Christ, Bobbi.你也许已经完全冒犯到她了You've probably totally offended her.博比我向你保证我感觉非常矛盾I promise, I feel very conflicted, Bobbi.好吧我很抱歉Okay. - And I apologize.你只要自我鞭挞并且感觉很糟糕就行了Well, as long as you're self-flagellating and having an awful time.梅丽莎我带你见个人好的Off you fuck then.行拜拜拜拜Okay, bye. - Bye.学得开心哦谢了Have fun. - Thanks.嘿-你好呀Hey. - Heya.抱歉我很快就好了Sorry, it won't be a minute.没事没事别在意No, no, don't worry.你需要是的是的Do you need to- - Yeah. Grand.今天过得还不错吗嗯哼你呢Good day? - Mm-hmm. You?嗯不错挺好的Yeah, grand. Grand.我其实明天就要回家了I'm actually- fm gonna head home tomorrow.我爸来接我My dad's picking me up.噢好的Oh, okay.呃祝你暑假愉快Uh, have a good summer.好你也是Yeah, you too.还有祝你剩下的考试一切顺利And best of luck with the rest of your exams.谢了Thanks.嘿博比他活过来了Hey, Bobbi. -He's back.没错Yay.完美发挥-好样的啊Nailed it. - Good shit.我觉得是I think so.嘿Hey.Melissa, I need you to meet someone. Okay.菲利普这位是梅丽莎梅丽莎这位是菲利普Philip, Melissa. Melissa, Philip.你好Hi.很抱歉我迟到了I'm sorry I was late.谢谢你能来Thanks for coming.我很喜欢你的演出I really liked it.是的Yeah.我不知道还能怎样更加表达我的想法I don't really know how to be articulate about it beyond that.但是But我真的很喜欢I liked it.我觉得我还是不说话比拟好I think it would have been better if I'd said nothing.我会用复杂完整的句子ril craft you an email.认真给你写一封邮件Ifll be full of compliments and-里面全是我的赞美be in complete sentences.但是写邮件的话我们就没有眼神交流了But won*t require us to make eye contact.没错Right.但是我们可以试试We could try, though.很高兴见到你Good to see you!真是太棒了This is. amazing.你好弗朗西丝-你好Hey, Frances. - Hey.人们思考时都是成双成对的People think in couples.你需要努力抗拒You have to work really hard to resist it.他明显很喜欢你He's clearly into you.他其实挺好的He's nice actually.我只是不知道要怎么做I'm just not sure what to do yet.我亲了梅丽莎I kissed Melissa.我之前从来没有和男人做过I've never had sex with a man before.重要的是你要知道你让我很开心It's important you know how happy you make me.我们之所以认识他是因为他和一个很有趣的人结婚了We only know him because he's married to someone interesting.梅丽莎没有那么有趣Melissa's not that interesting.关于尼克你没有别的事情要告诉我了对吗There's nothing else that I should know about with Nick, is there?你们从什么时候开始不再相爱了?When did you stop being in love?我觉得我没有不爰她了I don't think I did stop.你的意思是你还爱她You're saying you still love her?你要告诉我吗Were you going to tell me?弗朗西丝我想继续和你见面Frances. I want to keep seeing you.我爱上你了可是你明显不爱我I'm in love with you and you obviously don't feel the same.我真的不知道该怎么办了I don't really know how to do this anymore.也许我没有能力去爱I thought that maybe I wasn't capable of love.不是这样的That isn't true.你感觉如何How do you feel?好钦暑假来了Yay. Summer.当然可以当然That's fair. - Surely.好钦明智的选择好Yes. Smart. - Good.是的是的这个得有哇Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. - Ooh.再拿点再拿点More; more, more.我一旦开始-你一旦.once I start. - Once you-你现在是在给我施加压力吗才不是我只是Are you like pressuring me right now? - No, I'm just- 你有没有感觉到我的感觉只是在表现出兴趣Do you feel that I feel- - .just showing interest.我该回家了 好的I should head. - Okay.到家了给我发消息Text me when you're home.一直会的弗朗西丝Always, Frances.晚安晚安Good night. - Good night.鞭打敲打嚅啪作响Whip, crack, snap.一场献给在场女性的宣言An announcement to the females in the room.尽管我们怀疑会有更多人感兴趣Although we suspect the interest will be wider.多亏了主流电视节目We are now, thanks to mainstream television.大家开始喜欢看女人施虐Elevated to the status of dominatrix.你没听说吗Haven't you heard?听好了这可是女性赋能的Buckle up, this is the next wave of.下一波浪潮.female empowerment.你可能还记得上一波浪潮You might remember the last one 是我们女性重新拾起钢管 where we reclaimed the pole 学着跳好钢管舞 and learned to dance better on it. 强身健体Good for exercise.确实是这样理论上来说I mean, it is. theory.其实是我们的肌肉.in terms of actual muscles.在锻炼.being exercised.但这是重点吗?But is that the point?嘿点好了谢谢你Hey. Oh. thank you.没事Mm-hmm.你们刚刚表现很棒That was really great.谢谢Thanks.她是那个作家That'sthat writer.我知道I know.谢谢你能这么说That's kind of you to say.我是真的觉得你们很不错No, I really loved it.十分动人但又很冷酷It was very sweet but ruthless. 那是弗朗西丝的功劳是她写的 Well, that's Frances. Shers the writer. 我叫博比我是她的缪斯女神I'm Bobbi. Tm like her muse.我也想要一个灵感女神Well, I want a muse.我也不是她一个人的I don't operate exclusively.你们两个合作有多久了?How long has she been musing for you?刚上大学的时候就开始了We started in school.但那时我们两个还上♥床♥现在没那个环节广We were fucking back then, too, but we don't do that anymore. 现在不上♥床♥了但是还在一起写东西We dropped the fucking but kept the poetry.感觉顺序反了That sounds like the wrong way around.是啊没错I know, right?你是哪里人?-伦敦Where are you from? - London.你的口音听起来.,-纽约的You sound- - New York.这个转变不小啊Thatrs a big change.是啊我刚来的时候心想“瞧瞧这个可爰的小城市“Oh, I know. I was like, "Look at this little baby city."我蛮喜欢住在海边的I do love living by the sea.你平时游泳吗当然Do you swim in it? - Yes.你呢And you?你应该试试You should try it.我叫朱尔斯My name is Jules.我该走了I'm running late.我想给大家提供一首诗I have a little poem for you guys. Mm-我Um-很高兴认识你们It was lovely meeting you.以后有空我们可以接着聊We should continue this conversation sometime.好啊给我留个电♥话♥吧Yeah? Put your number in my phone.为我追求名利.chase clout for me.你读过她的书吗Did you ever read her book?我有她的书但从来没读过Yeah, I got it, I've just never read it.她的书还不错Hmm. It's good.你肯定不会喜欢的You*d hate it.晚安弗朗西丝Night, Frances.你每天都来游泳吗Do you do it every day?差不多吧Just about.哇-是啊Wow. - Yeah.爱尔兰海The Irish Sea.谁他妈会想到来这里游泳?Who fucking knew?是啊我当时就想I know, Tm like,如果我真的受够了不管了也没什么大不了的what happens if I just was like, I'm over it?真好玩That was amazing.没错吧我早就告诉过你了Yeah. Told you.是啊Yeah.有点滑稽Kind of ridiculous.是的Yeah.你根本不敢相信我还开不来自家门吧You'd think I'd know how to open my own door by now.进来吧Come on in.你们可以把东西都放那没事的And you can just. throw your shit there. Thats fine.我要去开个热水I'm gonna throw on some water然后呃接着再and, uh, and then洗个热水澡如果你俩不介意的话I'm probably gonna jump in the shower, if that's alright. 当然没问题Yeah, of course.水热起来要很久It takes me ages to get warm.那边还有一个浴室Um, there's another bathroom right through there 你们如果想洗澡的话里面有干净毛巾with some clean towels on the side if you wanna jump in. 好的谢谢那我先去洗了?Yeah, thanks. Is that okay?去吧不用管我Yeah, sure. - fm fine.行那你就把这当自己家吧别客气Okay, well, help yourself to whatever you'd like.有什么需要我帮助的吗?Um, can I do anything?不用不用你歇着就行No. No. Just relax.尼克就快回来了Oh, Nick should be back soon.