Mikey and Nicky《麦基与尼基(1976)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx
彼得法尔克约翰卡萨维蒂麦基京尼基我找 871-7431871-7431麦基?Mikey?我有麻烦了I'm in trouble.方便说话吗?Can you talk?噢我在电♥话&hearts淳里Oh, I'm in a phone booth马特尔街和格兰街口Martel and Grand.街道西南The southwest side of the street.记住了?All right?别开你自己的车Don't bring your own car.也别一路都坐出租All right, uh, don't come all the way with a taxi.三个街区外停下然后走过来行吗?Stop around three blocks and then walk the rest of the way. All right? 找到电♥话♥亭行吗?行The phone booth. All right? All right.再带点烟来好吗?And bring cigarettes, huh?狗♥娘♥养♥的Of a bitch.对没错Yes. Yeah.尼克?我是麦基Nick? It's Mikey.尼克Nick.尼克是我我从街上过来了Nick, it's me. It's Mikey from the corner.我一拿到你的毛巾就来了I came as soon as I got your towel.如果你想打包咖啡我就先倒奶油进去If you want coffee to go, I put the cream in it right here我用后面这台机器先生And I use a dispenser back there, sir.那行从那机器里给我弄一盒奶油All right, give me a carton of cream from the dispenser.要多少杯咖啡?-不要咖啡只要装满一盒奶油就行How many coffees? - No coffees. Just fill up a carton with cream.不行那样我就不知道该收你多少钱了Can't do that.I wouldn't know what to charge you.奶油只搭配咖啡不单卖♥♥Cream is for the coffee only.It's not for sale.那就算我十五杯咖啡的钱只给我奶油Charge me for 15 coffees and give me the cream.十五杯咖啡?-没错Fifteen coffees? - That*s right.好吧Okay.让我告诉你些别的Let me tell you somethin' else.三十秒内给我听见没不然我杀了你!You give me that in 30 seconds, you hear me, or I'll kill you!好的先生-因为我是疯子Okay, sir. - Because I'm crazy.好赶紧给我!Okay. - Now give it to me!好的先生!-快给我!Yes, sir! - Just give it to me!好的好的Okay. Okay.给我!敢靠近就杀了你Give it to me! Come near me, and I'll kill you.尼克我是麦基Nick. Mikey.开门Come on.怎么了?这里没别人尼克What's the matter? There's no one here, Nick.什么人都没有There is no one here.尼克求你了Nick, please.天啊喉瞧这个难以置信Christ, look at this.Would you believe it?简直能杀人It's murder.好了All right.现在清理水槽?Cleaning up the basin now?什么?Huh?很好你做得很好That's good.You're doing good.你是怎么知道有人要杀你的?So how do you know there was a contract out on you?什么?Huh?认识的人告诉我的-什么人?A guy I know told me. - What guy?认识的人他想帮我个忙A guy I know. Wanted to do me a favor.所以对方是谁?- 一个朋友一个熟人我朋友Well, who was it? - A friend of mine. A guy. A friend of mine.他想帮我个忙你干嘛非要知道?Wanted to do me a favor.What difference does it make?什么叫干嘛非要知道?What do you mean, what difference does it make?是个看门人?还是弗兰克科斯特洛?Was it a doorman? Was it Frank Costello?是谁?-我不能告诉你Who was it? -1 can't tell you.但你得相信我But you gotta trust me.我确实知道相信我I know.Take my word for it.都说了是我认识的某人I'm tellin'you, it was someone I know.你和利普斯基是一伙的吗?Were you in on this deal with Lipsky?你疯了吗?Are you ctazy?我甚至不认识利普斯基直到雷斯尼克带他入伙I didn't even know Lipsky till Resnick brought him into the bank.报信的都比我和他更熟-你怎么知道这是真的?The runners knew him better than I did. - Well, how do you know it's even true? 那我问你你怎么知道不是真的?I got a better one for you.How do you know it's not true?你身上有多少钱?-一千美元All right, how much money you got on you? -1 got a thousand dollars.这里有一千美元A thousand dollars tight here.好剩下的我寄给你来吧All right, I'll send you the rest.Come on.我不想从这里给机场打电♥话♥-等等我们去哪?I don't want to call the airport from here. - Wait a minute. Where we going?我要带你离开这一现在?I'm gonna get you out of town. - Now?对就现在Yeah, now.听着尼克如果他们真的在找你Listen, Nick, if they're really lookinTor you,你也说他们确实在找And you say they are,那他们肯定会找到你Then they're gonna find you.尤其是在你选的藏身之处I mean, especially the place that you picked out to hide out in.你离办公室只有八个街区You're only eight blocks from the office.你之前说他们没在找我You said they weren't lookin'for me.但你说你知道他们在找-你说他们没在找我But you said you knew they were. - You said that they weren't lookin' for me. 那你想信哪边尼克?Which way do you want it, Nick?他们在找你还是他们没在找你They're lookin'for you or they're not lookin'for you.他们在找我那我们赶紧走They're lookin' for me. - Then let's go.因为过了整整两天给了他们很大的优势Because two days of lookin'gives them a hell of an edge.你有衣服要带走吗?You got any clothes here you want to take?我感觉不好I don't feel good.我感觉一点都不好I don't feel good at all.该死的Goddamn it.怎么了?-把窗户翻开麦克What's the matter? - Open the window, Mike.开窗快!快!Open the window.Quick! Quick!哈?Huh?怎么了?-这里需要些冷空气What's the matter? - Gotta get some cold air in here.他们不可能在20分钟内找到你得离开这They're not gonna find you in 20 minutes. - Gotta get out of here. 没法呼吸房♥间里没有空气Can't breathe.There's no air in this room.我得走了我得走了Gotta get out.Gonna get out of here.来吧快点好吗?Come on.Come on.Okay?好了走吧Okay, come on.快点!-你想把整个酒店都吵醒吗?Come on! - You wanna wake up the whole hotel?走哪条路?楼梯还是电梯?Which way? Stairs or elevator?电梯The elevator.楼梯快点Stairs.Come on.你太胡来了 -你能不能先出去?You're ridiculous. - Would you go out there?先出去? 一行我先出去First? - Yes, I will go out first你先出去好吗?-好我先出去Will you go out first? - Yes, I will go out first.但那儿不会有人But there is nobody there.只有我知道你在这-那你为什么不先出去?I'm the only one that knows you're here. - Then why won't you go out first? 那我先出去I'm going out first.等一下Wait a minute.怎么了?What's the matter?你能穿我的西装吗?-什么?Will you wear my jacket? - What?你能穿我的西装吗?Will you wear my jacket?你在想什么觉得我告发你了?What do you think, I'm fingering you?不但你不信外头有人我信No.But you don't believe there's anyone out there and I do.如果我是对的你为什么不&hearts穿♥我的西装?So, uh, if I'm right, why won't you wear my jacket?给我Give it to me.给给Here you are. - Here you are.这是我的风衣-你累了吗?And here's my coat. - Are you tired?一定记得穿上因为外面很湿Make sure you put that on because it's damp outside.把你的风衣给我你想让我也穿上这个不是吗?Give me your coat.You want me to wear this too, don't ya?当然Sure.你想让我敞着穿让他们看到西装吗?You want me to leave this open so that they can see the jacket?不不用了 一行No, that won't be necessary. - Fine.何必呢?外面又没人对吧?Why bother? There's no one out there, right?能把你的手表给我吗?Can I have your watch?你想戴我的表?-我会很小心的You want to wear my watch? -I'll be very careful.我觉得它能带来好运只是这样好吧I want it for luck. Just for luck. - AU right.我让你戴我的表能让我帮你拿枪吗?I'll let you wear my watch.Will you let me carry your gun? 为什么?-为了好运What for? - For luck.如果有人把我当成你朝我开枪If somebody thinks I'm you and they shoot at me如果我能还击就算走运It'd be lucky if I could shoot back.穿上这个我不想让你着凉Put this on.I don't want you to catch cold.我可不希望你又溃疡又感冒If you catch a cold on top of your ulcer, that's all I need. 给你枪Here's the gun.拿啊Go ahead.给你枪Here's the gun.你疯了You're crazy.给你手表Here's the watch.行了走吧Okay. - Come on.有时候一个一Sometimes a loo-臭名昭著的银行劫匪一It's the great bank robber -J是冷的也没关系J/ Ifs all right if it's cold J卡夫花生酱不只是一Peanut Spread from Kraft is not only spr -我们得寓开这里We'll have to go away from here.你没事吧?不知道You all right? -1 don't know.安德雷Andale.安德雷安德雷爬上去Andale. Andale. Climbing.怎么?All right?没错That's right.对Right.很好Very good.比利?Billy?我不能放手I can't let go.好吧-听我说Uh-huh. Okay. - Listen to me."B“一"B"和"0"?首字母”B"和“0"对吗?and "0"? Initials "B" and "0." Right?酒馆Tavern.等等第二和什么?Wait.Second and what?慢慢来-第二一Slowly. - Second, so -好好第二大街我知道了好第二大街和南大街交叉口All right, all right.I got, second street.AH right.Second and south.别挂-别往下看Hold it. - Don't look down.好的他穿一件深色雨衣?All right.He's wearing a dark raincoat?好的深海军蓝Okay, dark Navy.我在发抖比利我要掉下去了 -好的I'm shaking, Billy. I'm gonna fall. - All right.现在我有些指示要给你听我说你不会掉下去的Now I've got some instructions to give you. - Listen to me. You're not gonna fall. 我估计15到20分钟就能到那得看交通情况I figure 15, 20 minutes from here. Um, that depends on how good the traffic is.好的现在当他们到了第二大街和南大街All right, now, when they get to Second and South,我会给B&0酒馆打电♥话♥I'll call the B&0 tavern,我会让电♥话♥响三次I'll let the phone ring three times.明白了吗?Understand that?听到电♥话&hea rts;响就离开酒吧去街上When you hear the phone ring, I want you out of the bar on the street等你上了街我会采取行动Now, when you're on the street I'm gonna make my move.我不想在街上待超过十分钟你明白吗?I don't want to spend more than ten minutes out on that street. Do you understand? 尼克尼克Nick. Nick.晚上航♥班♥很少Very little that goes out at night.环球航♥空♥公♥司♥呢TWA.不行只有明天的No, that's tomorrow.美国航♥空♥是明天American.That's tomorrow.旧金山San Francisco我要搭今晚的环球航♥空♥航♥班♥I want TWA tonight.我不想去机场I don't want to go to the airport.你不想去机场?-不想You don't want to go to the airport? - No.他可能包围整个机场我绝不会去那儿He could have the whole airport surrounded.I'm never going out there 尼克Nick.那他得雇一整支军队才行He would have to hire an army.你知道围住整个机场的费用Do you know what it would cost to-加上人头赏金得要多少吗?Cover an entire airport plus the cost of the contract?你不值这么多You're not worth it.我不想去机场I don't want to go to the airport.那你想做什么?你想坐火车吗?Now, what do you want to do? You want to take a train?你为什么不能开车送我-去哪?Why can't you drive me? - Where?我不知道I don't know where.我要去哪?去哪都行Where am I going? Wherever I'm going.你得租辆车You gotta rent a car.拿枪指着我你觉得我笑得出来?-拜托他没枪"Pull a gun on me, you want me to smile?" - Oh, come on. He doesn't have a gun. 我怎么会知道Don't know a thing about it.租车店早上才开门Car rental garages don't open till morning.天啊难熬的一夜不是吗?Jesus.Tough night, isn't it?需要我在你走后和简联♥系♥告诉她你没事吗?You want me to get in touch with Jan after you're gone, tell her you're okay?简离开了我Jane left me.是吗?-是的She did? - Yeah.我不知道-她带着孩子搬去她妈家了I didn't know that. - Took the kid and moved to her mother's.天啊太糟糕了Jesus Christ, that's terrible.是的Yeah我会把她找回来的I'll get her back.如果我活得够久If I live long enough.你去哪儿?Where you goin'?放点音乐Gonna put something on the box.J 有一座花♥园♥ JJ There's a garden JJ 好一座花♥园♥ JJ What a garden J第二大道和南大道交叉口?-第二大街和南大街交叉口Second and South? - Second and South.南大街?没错And South? - Correct. Yeah.南大街不在那个方向先生在这个方向正北Well, South is not in that direction, sir. It's in this direction. Due north. 第六街第六街到第七街你得走这个方向Sixth streetSixth street to Seventh.You have to go this direction.好吧-你走错方向了Okay. - You're going the wrong way.谢谢-往东走半个街区就到百老汇了Thanks. - You go half a block east here to Broadway.能亲我一下吗?May I have a kiss?拜托不行Aw, come on. - No.我该付你多少钱?Uh, how much do I owe you for this?七十一七十?Seventy. - Seventy?不用找了Keep it.安妮怎么样?-她很好How's Annie? - Fine.是吗?-是的她很好Yeah? - Fine, yeah.她问起你She asks about you.孩子怎么样?How's the kid?啊孩子也很好Ah, the kid's terrific.好极了Terrific.这孩子人高马大的是吗Kid's big as a truck. - Yeah.打了托儿所里的所有其他孩子Beats up all the other kids in the nursery school.打了一Beats up -你在里面干什么?What are you doing in there?尼克Nick.你在里面干什么?What are you doing in there?开门尼基Open the door, Nicky J快开门让我进去J Open the door and let me in J尼克你得让我进去Nick, you're gonna have to let me in now.我不知道后面该唱什么调I don't know the rest of the tune.傻瓜快开门好不好?-麦基!Schmuck, open the door, will ya? - Mikey!麦基?Mikey?开门尼克Open the door, Nick.麦基?Mikey?没错是我It's Mikey, yes.不许进来什么意思?Can't come in. - What do you mean?不让我进来你打电♥话♥给我&hearts汗♥什么?What'd you call me for ifyou don't want me to come in?来吧尼克把门翻开Come on, Nick.Open the door.我不想让你看到我这副样子Don't want you to see me like this.你能不能别这么混球!Will you stop being a horse's ass!你什么样我没见过?把门翻开What way am i gonna see you I haven't seen you before? Open the door. 快翻开!Open it!快点尼克!开门!Come on, Nick! Open it up!人人都来了!都来找你了!厉害得很啊Must be tough.他个儿很大He's enormous.你的孩子怎公样?是不是五个月大了?How's your kid? Must be, what, five months now?五个月了是的She is five months, yeah.刚长上排牙Top teeth.是吗?-是的Really? - Yeah.简直了Ain't that somethin*.好孩子会握住我的拇指Terrific kid.Holds my thumb.真可爱That's cute.她看起来像谁?Who does she look like?来我们走快走Come on. Let's go. Come on.你要去哪?-走吧Where you goin'? - Come on.你要去哪儿? 我想去简家Where you goin'? -1 want to go to Jan's.现在?-我得去告别Now? -1 gotta say good-bye.我也想和那孩子告别I'd like to say good-bye to the kid too.一段时间看不到你他们就会忘记你的脸They don't see you for a while, they forget your face.尼克这太疯狂了Nick, that's crazy.来吧我们走-等一下让我把啤酒喝完Come on. Let's go. - Wait a minute. Let me finish my beer. 当然Sure.继续Go ahead.不着急No hurry.让她见鬼去吧谁需要她?To hell with her.Who needs her?这儿还挺热是吧?-是啊Hot in here, huh? - Yeah.你还好?胃没事吧?-没事You okay? Your stomach okay? - It's fine.吃点饼干Eat some crackers.刚才我用的是那部电♥话♥?Was that the phone?我不知道你在等电♥话♥吗?I don't know.You expecting a call?什么?What?没什么Nothing.那会很有趣不是吗?如果有人把酒吧当办公室That would be funny, wouldn't it? Some guy using a bar as an office.我得离开这里I gotta get out of here.尼克等等让我把啤酒喝完Nick.Wait.Let me finish my beer.喝你的吧-等等我要报♥警♥Finish your beer. - Wait a minute. I'm gonna call the cops -等等! .Wait a minute!尼克你疯fNick, you're going crazy over-你活像个疯子-我在里头很窒息You're like a maniac. -1 couldn't breathe in there.突然跳起来就像个疯子无法呼吸你知道那种感觉吗?All of a sudden jump up. It's like a maniac. - No air in there. You know that feeling? 该死的-你不知道那种感觉吗?Goddamn it, now. - You don't know that feeling?听着我不想和你对着干人人都知道那种感觉Listen, I don't want to call you on this. - That's a famous feeling.过来Came over.你告诉我他们在找你我就在这我会尽力帮你You tell me they're after you, I'm here.ril do what I can.什么都帮看在上帝的份上听我说我会尽力帮你Everything.Listen to me, for chrissakes.1')! do whatever I can.但我不能孤军奋战I cannot do it by myself.我得打个电♥话♥.有很多事要做-想去派对吗?I gotta call.I got a million - Wanna go to a party?嘿Hey.我是说和女孩找点乐手-什么意思?I mean, with a girl. - What do you mean?你在说什么?尼克别这样What are you talkin'about? Nick, don't be like this.来吧-喔你突然搞什么一Come on. - Whoa. What's the matter with -我认识一个很棒的女孩-来来回♥叵♥的你急着去哪?I know a terrific girl. - Where are you running to, back and forth?你到底怎么回事?-她身材特好What the hell is the matter with you? - Got a terrific form.一个女孩好吧她住哪?One girl.All right.Where does she live?她住哪?远吗? 在霍尔街和第十街交叉口!Where does she live? Is it far? - On Hall and Tenth Street!听着等一下你在跑什么?她会等你的Listen.Wait a minute.What are you running? She'll wait.从这走一定要跑吗?Get off the street here. - Do we have to run?想看电影吗?-什么?看电影?Wanna go to a movie? - What do you mean, a movie?我不舒服我今晚不想找女孩了I feel sick.I don't want to be with a girl tonight.胃不舒服Feel sick to my stomach.你不想找那个女孩了?不想You don't want to go to the girl? - No.我们去看电影Go to a movie.你胃不舒服? 是的Your stomach botherin'ya? - Yeah.我不是叫你在吧台吃点东西吗该死的Didn't I tell ya to have somethin'to eat in the bar, goddamn you?给快点吃掉Here.Eat that.如果我吃了这个一If I eat this -吃了这个就能去看电影了?-什么电影?If I eat this, I can go to the movie? - What movie?你说的是什么电影?尼克现在都半夜了What movie you talking about? Nick, it's almost midnight. 在十四街和霍尔街交叉口有个-快吃进去On 14th Street and Hall, there's a - Put that in your mouth. 有个放通宵电影的地方节目超棒There's an all-night movie that's got terrific shows.双片连映还有卡♥通♥Double features.They got cartoons.会放15分钟的预告片They have 15 minutes of coming attractions.他们有个糖果柜台通宵营业They got a candy counter that's open all night long.还有冰淇淋三明治什么都有And it's got ice cream sandwiches.Everything.The works. 行让我先给安妮打个电♥话♥Ok.Lemme call Annie first.我告诉她我要去见个男人喝一杯I told her I was gonna meet a guy, have a drink一小时内就回家And I'd be home in an hour,她正坐在那等我And she's sitting up, she's waiting for me.让我给她打个电♥话♥So let me call her.哪有电