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数理与信息工程学院网络工程专业专业英语课程教学大纲一、课程概况(Course Overview)课程名称:专业英语(网络工程)Course: Specialty English (Network Engineering)课程编号:适用学生:大学本科Course Number:Designed for: college student in university学 分:2Credit: 2学 分:2Credit: 2学 时:32Class hour: 32预修课程:无Preparatory Courses: None二、课程简介(Course Descriptions)本课程的总体教学目标是让学生了解科技英语不同于普通英语之处。通过本课程的学 习,学生应掌握与网络工程相关领域的大量英语专业术语、缩略语和语法,并具备一定的对 英语技术文献资料的阅读、检索和翻译能力。本课程教学内容分为主要和次要两个方面。主要方面突出本课程的英语课属性,次要方 面那么是补充网络相关专业知识。由于学生在中学阶段已学习过基本语法和句式,所以主要教 学内容包括对以下几方面的熟悉和掌握:专业术语、名词化结构、科技英语典型句式、插入 语辨识、英语构词法、长难句的分析方法、英文翻译要领。此外,有必要时,在教学过程中 也要不断对中学阶段学习过的词汇、语法和句式知识进行复习和强调。在教学方法方面,讲授词汇时应注意结合构词法和英语文化将词的来源、构成讲述清楚, 并介绍相关词根词缀的衍生,以到达举一反三的效果。The overall teaching aim of this course is to let students understand differences between specialty English and normal English. By studying of this course, students should grasp plenty of specialty English terms, abbreviation and grammar, so gain the ability of reading, retrieving and translating of English technical material.The teaching content of this course is divided into two parts: the main and the secondly. The main one emphasis that this is an English course, and the secondly one is placed on supplying to knowledge of network major. As students have learned basic grammar and sentence structure in their middle school, the main teaching contents include in knowing and grasping of the following sides: terms, normalization structure, typical sentence structure of specialty English, inserting identification, formation of words, analysis way of long sentence, essentials of English translation. By the way, as necessary, it is needed to review and emphasis on words, grammar and sentence structure leaned in middle school.On the aspect of teaching method, we should place notice on explaining word origin andstructure, and then introducing derivation of root and affix when teaching, so as to get the effect of obtaining more from one.三、教学内容与教学安排(Course Content and Arrangement)教学章节Chapters and Sections教学目标Teaching Aims教学方式 Teaching Methods学时安 排 Class hourUnitOIntrudution主要内容:英语构词法、学习英语的正确方法 重点和要点:英语构词法讲授Lecture2Unit 1 computer and computer science生词、课文Sec A computer overview 名词化结构讲授Lecture4Unit 2computer architecture生词、课文Sec A computer hardware 长难句分析要领讲授Lecture4Unit 3computer language and programming生词、课文Sec A programming language翻译基本要求讲授Lecture4Unit 4 software development生词、课文Sec A computer programming讲授Lecture2Unit 5 softwareprocess生词、课文Sec A software process model讲授Lecture2Unit 6 database生词、课文Sec A database overview讲授Lecture2Unit 7 computer communication生词、课文Sec A tele communication and computer讲授Lecture2Unit8 computer network生词、课文Sec A network fundamentals讲授Lecture2Unit 9 the internet生词、课文Sec A the internet讲授Lecture2Unit 10 cyberculture生词、课文Sec A Using E-mail讲授2LectureUnit 11 Electronic Commerce生词、课文Sec A Electronic Commerce讲授Lecture2Unit 12 computer security生词、课文Sec A computer security讲授Lecture2总 计32四、推荐教材及参考书目(Recommended Teaching Materials and Reference Books)1 .推荐教材Recommended Teaching Materials:刘艺,王春生:计算机英语(第三版),机械工业出版社,2010年2 .参考书目Reference Books:刘艺,王春生:计算机英语(第三版),机械工业出版社,2010年五、考核与评价方式(Course Evaluation)本课程教学必须在课后布置一定数量的作业作为补充,让学生能在课后进行充分练习和 思考,以巩固和深化课堂教学效果。教学效果的考核评价应以考勤、作业和考试相结合的方式。建议按照考勤20%、作业 30%和考试50%的比例执行。审定人:鲁剑锋撰写人:陈伟