That Dirty Black Bag《肮脏的黑袋子(2022)》第一季第五集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
前情回顾操!Fuck!-我必须放弃你-为什么?你爱的不是我么?-That I have to renounce you. - Why? If I'm the one you love? 这是让上帝降雨的唯一方法It's the only way it's ever gonna rain.多给他们分点水,我不希望镇上发生骚乱Give them the water they want. I don't want riots in town.-我不想嫁给你你个嫉♥子♥ !-1 don't want to marry you. - Whore!我知道矿难让你失去了很多朋友I know you lost your friends,但你是我们中唯一知道怎么穿过矿井的人but you're the only one that knows his way through the mines.我们今天发了,老弟Today we are rich, my little brother.在他们家人面前行为得体一些Behave properly with their family, 一切都会很顺利的,包括你的候选人资格and everything will be all right, including your candidacy.把那该死的警长给我大卸八块了Tear that Goddamn sheriff apart.-呃啊!-你是我的新妈妈么?-Agh! - Are you my new mom?嘘!Shh!内森?Nathan?内特?Nate?-嘿-嗨-Hey.- Hi.-你♥爸♥爸呢?-妈妈把他锁在客厅广-Where's your dad? - Mom locked him in the living room.你的妈妈? 是的,我的新妈妈-Your mom? - Yeah, my new mom.她昨晚来过She came to visit last night.内森?Nathan?矿井被淹了The mines were flooded,汤普森截断那条河导致的when Thomson diverted the river.把所有困在矿井里的人都害死了Killing everyone stuck inside.希望我们不会遇到同样的下场Let's hope we don't end up like them.赐予我Give me.赐予我一个征兆Give me a sign.你在干吗?What are you doing?这是什么地方?What is this place?我晚点会把一切都解释给你听ril explain everything to you later.你要去救她么?Are you going to her?我不能看着她死,米歇尔I canrt just do nothing, Michelle.她杀了个人啊She killed a man.对不起I'm sorry.弗兰克,偷了布朗森钱的那个警长So, Frank, the Sheriff who stole Bronson's money.名字叫啥来着?What's his name again?麦考伊McCoy.麦考伊McCoy.咱提前说好了哈And just to be clear,我带你们到格林韦尔,并指认那家伙Fil lead you to Greenvale and point that fella out 之后就不参与了哈and that's it. I have no intention of putting myself 我无意参与你们的枪战。那家伙,手相当快in his line of fire. This man is fast.你怎么知道他的?Where do you know him from?我在各种地方跟各种人做生意Well, I do business everywhere with anyone.认识从波弗特到边境的And I know every single businessman每一个生意人和执法人员and every single lawman from Beaufort to the border.哦,你还很会看人是吧Yeah, and you seem to be a good judge of character.你为什么要含着那玩意?Why do you suck on them?这东西会生津It generates spit,所以就不需要喝那么多水了so you don't need to drink as much water.扯淡吧Bullshit.等你喝完水后,我们可以接着探讨Well, we can discuss it further when you've finished your water.有人来了We've got company.是州骑警State Rangers.麻烦了Jesus.都放松,别紧张,让我来处理这事All right, all right now, Til take care of this now.杀个警长可能没多大事It's one thing killing a sheriff,但这些家伙你们真惹不起,知道了吧?but you do not fuck around with these fellows, all right?哦Oh.早上好,先生们Good morning, gentlemen.出啥大事了,让诸位守在这地方For what it's worth in this hell of a place.你们要去哪?-哦,格林韦尔-Where are you headed? - Ah, Greenvale.看看我们能不能找到生意机会See if we can do a few business deals.格林韦尔可不是什么做生意的好地方Greenvale ain't no place to be doing business deals.可是,也许我们能做成呢Well, maybe we can make it one.我可是相当有说服力噢I can be pretty persuasive.全国最好的货Best in the country.我们正在调查最近一起抢劫案We're investigating a recent robbery一辆联邦银行的运钞车被抢了of the Crimson Federal Bank coach.你们知道这事不?You know anything about it?这是为啥啊Why?你们为啥要这么干啊?他们就要走了Why the fuck did you do that? They were leaving.老天,现在要有一整只军队追杀我们了Christ, now we'll have the whole goddamn army down our backs.我没看到有目击者噢-1 see no witnesses. - Oh.我是正经生意人,见鬼了I'm a businessman, goddammit.我可受不了这个I can't afford this bullshit.是我透露给布朗森联邦运钞车的信息It was me that told Bronson about that federal coach然后我得到的回报就是闹心和麻烦and all Tve gotten for it since is agitation and strife.你不是个生意人,弗兰克You're not a businessman, Frank.你是个长♥期♥牢友You're a former jailbird degenerate还暴饮暴食with clear food-related issues卖♥♥ 了几瓶豆子罐头就以为who thinks he's one just because he managed to sell自己是生意人a couple of cans of beans.你是在知道我咋想的么,弗兰克?-Welt that's all. - You know what I think, Frank?我觉得也许,是你跟那警长告了密I think maybe, you tipped off the sheriff就在告诉了布朗森联邦银行的运钞车以后as well as Bronson about the Federal Bank money.你说是不是?What do you say?我是不是Do I just应该一枪崩了你blow your brains out now;这样我们就不用再担忧你会告密so we don't have to worry about it anymore?或者你可以带我们赶紧去找那个警长?Or do you take us to that sheriff right now?我们快走!太阳下山前老子要找到那笔钱Let's go! I want that money by sundown.看上去我们的主客到了Looks like our main guest is arriving.你已经完全准备到位了,对吧?You have made every preparation, haven't you?当然了Of course.试着表现出看到他很高兴的样子And try and look a little pleased to see him.他是我们之中最有钱的He is the richest among us,他一句话就能毁了你从政的梦想and he can destroy your run for governor with one word.欢迎你,莫里森先生Welcome, Mr. Morrison.布朗森先生Mr. Bronson.看,这是从德国运来的原型产品Yeah, it's a prototype from Germany.我赞助了底特律一个孩子,他一心I'm financing a kid in Detroit who's gotten it into his head-想在美国本土也制♥造♥汽车非常棒-to build them here as well. - Very nice.你应该试着告诉他You should try to tell him尽量让它们少冒点黑烟to make 'em stink a little less.来,咱们先进屋洗把脸吧Let's get some of that dust off your face.我想给你看点东西I want to show you something.这边请This way.这些该死的坑道看上去都一个鸟样These goddamn tunnels all look the same.你应该注意一下细节You need to keep an eye out for details.比方岩石上的裂缝,独特的隆起Cracks in the rock, distinctive ridges.小红,那个关于子弹的故事是真的么?So, Red, is that story about the bullet true?什么故事?What story?有人说你只用一颗子弹杀了个人,都没用枪About you killing a man with a bullet but without a gun. 你觉得呢You tell me.哈,少来了,是扯淡的吧?Ah, come on, it's bullshit, right?我是说,那怎么可能-嘿,科特-1 mean, how is it even possible, when. - Hey, Kurt, 别他妈瞎扯淡了,好不?quit talking shit, will ya?只是打发一下时间好么,麦克Just passing the time, Mac.那你想我说点啥?What would you rather I talk about?矿井冒顶了,所有人都被涌进来的河水淹死了?All the men who died in here when the river burst?我想你啥也别说fd rather you didn't talk at all.他们的尸体还在这,知道么我知道-You know their bodies are all still here. - Yes, I do.我建议你集中注意力找到出口,除非And unless you wanna end up with them, I suggest you concentrate 你想在这给他们陪葬on finding us a way out of here.放她走这就是你的It's yours if you let her go.还能有更多There's more.足够让你改变人生Enough to turn your life around.我 ♥操♥Shit.居然是你You of all people.我还记得牧师走了后,你的布道You know, I remember your sermons after the priest left.你说这个You said that this.这玩意毁了一切This had ruined everything.这东西非常邪恶That it was evil,只会带来腐 ♥败 ♥和暴♥力 ♥and could only ever lead to corruption and violence.我们应该学会啥来着?That we should learn to, what was it?噢,对了Oh, yeah.我们应该重新学会耕种We should learn to farm again.你猜怎么着?And you know what?我同意你的话I agreed with you.我刚来镇上时I came to this town以为我的人生追求就是金子thinking that gold was the answer.但是你But you你个狗♥日 ♥的♥you son of a bitch,你说服了我还有其他选择you persuaded me otherwise.现在你却跑来用金子贿赂我?And now you come here and try to bribe me?上帝啊Christ.我还以为这破地方不可能更糟糕了Just when I thought this shit hole couldn't get any worse.所以离开吧So leave.啊?Huh?离开这里Leave.去个新的地方Go somewhere new.只要你带得走,金子你想要多少我给你多少DI give you all the gold you can carry.只要我放了她?If I let her go?对的That's right.我可以给你们几个小时跑路I could give you a couple of hour's head start.之后After that,从这儿到州界的每一个警长every sheriff from here to the state line都会知道你们是谁is gonna know who you are.你们会成为逃犯You'll be fugitives.而且是余生所有时间And I mean for the rest ofyour lives.我不在乎I don't care.那行All right.动作快点Make it quick.这太疯狂了 不,不疯狂-This is crazy. - No, it isn't.这就是我之前一直拒绝的It's what I've been denying,-现在我已经准备好了史蒂夫-and now I'm ready. - Steve.你不会适应那种逃亡生活的You're not made for that kind of life.我们坚持不下去We won't last.他们依然会找到并杀了我们They1! track us down and kill us.那从现在到那时的每一刻,也值了And it'U be worth it for every moment we have until then, 因为我爰你,伊芙'Cause I love you, Eve.再说一遍Say it again.我爱你I love you.我爱你I love you.你干嘛呢?What are you doing?做正确的事Whatfs right.什么?你说什么呢?What? What are you talking about?-你干啥呢?我不能让你放弃所有-What are you doing? -1 can't be the reason you gave it all up. 放弃什么?Gave what up?放弃什么?Gave what up?你必须留在这里You have to stay.你必须改造这个地方,改造成你想象的那般美丽You have to make this place beautiful, just like you imagined.你要干吗?What are you doing?你要干吗?What are you doing?开门,亨利Open the cell. Henry.亨利,翻开牢门Henry, open the cell.翻开翻开这该死的牢门!Open. open the fucking cell!她去意已决,史蒂夫It's her decision, Steve.你为什么要这么做?Why are you doing this?向我保证你会做的Promise me that's what yourll do.向我保证Promise me.你会为了你的信仰,不停地抗争You'll never stop fighting for what you believe in.迟早Sooner or later,会下雨的it will rain.没事的Everything is all right.我们已经来过这儿了We've been this way already.你说啥呢?What are you talking about?看到这个记号♥ 了没?You see this mark?我一个小时前做的I made it a goddamn hour ago.科特Kurt.科特,看着我Kurt, look at me.我们没迷路吧Tell me we*re not lost.-你个狗♥日♥的♥-对不起,麦克,不过我从一开始-Son of a bitch. - I'm sorry, Mac, but it wasn't me就不想来这,是你非要来我知道-who wanted to go this way it was you. -1 know.-我他妈早就跟你说了我知道!-1 fucking told you. -1 know!听我说,科特Listen to me, Kurt.你那此从这儿逃了出去,对吧?You survived this place once before, right?我没说错吧?Am I correct?这次你也可以的So you can survive it again,你可以带我们走出这里的you're gonna get us out of here.我们必须跟着气流走We need to follow the air.我不想往那里面去I'm not going in there.我不想死在这,警长,你呢?I'm not gonna die in here, Sheriff, are you?我尽全力了I tried everything.但是,唉But, uh她不愿意she wouldn't.这是她留给你们的This is your inheritance.你们可以随意处理You can do whatever you want with it.什么时候行刑?When?今晚Tonight.她只有一个要求She asked only one thing.不要去看Don't come.偷他的马Stealing his horses.烧个十字架,他根本不在乎Burning crosses and still he just goes all like nothing's happened.这不管用,汤普森It ain't working, Thompson.嘿,宝贝Hey, honey.他还在睡觉He's still asleep and咱们不要吵醒他,好吗?we don*t wanna disturb him, all right?所以,玛丽So, Mary你新妈妈长什么样?what's your mom look like?你来干吗?What do you want?我得跟史蒂夫说几句话I've just gotta speak to Steve a minute.别想了It's out of the question.拜托了 这里不欢迎你-Please. - You're not welcome here.发生什么事了 ?What's going on?噢,史蒂夫,感谢上帝Oh, Steve, thank God.-出啥事了 ?-内森-What happened? - Nathan.他把西蒙尼的脸给打烂了He smashed Symone's face in.然后警长的人发现他被人割了喉The sheriffs men found him with his throat slit.伊芙一晚上没回来And Eve didn't come home last night.我们哪儿也找不到她We haven't been able to find her anywhere.我需要借用你的马I need your horse.史蒂夫,你去哪儿?Steve, where are you going?-史蒂夫!一驾!-Steve! - Hey!史蒂夫!Steve!还记得你第一次带我来这里么?你又在这折腾炸♥药♥,不怕把我们炸飞么?And now you want us to risk having our asses blown to hell with this stuff? 我说,拜托,汤普森,这也I mean, come on, Thompson, this. 我是服了 别紧张 -Jesus Chris. - Relax. 没引信炸不了It needs a fuse.吓唬我是吧Yeah,知道么,一颗子弹就能解决那个老农的问题 well, what that farmer needs is a bullet.我已经跟你们说过I already told you, 我们需要先得到他的土地授权 we need his signature first.除非你不在乎你金矿的股份合不合法Or don't you care if your share of the mine is legitimate or not? 想都没想过吧?Are we thinking yet? 我想过I'm thinking. 我在想,你到底I'm thinking, when are you gonna start 准备什么时候给我们把账结了 ? paying us some of what you owe us? 说得没错That's right.因为我有点怀疑'Cause I'm getting doubtful 这里根本没金子了we're ever going to find any gold.那好Well, 看这样如何 how about this, then?你们可以继续耐心一点You can be patient a little bit longer or或者拿走一局部报酬you can take the few dollars I owe you然后过回你们当初的展♥丝生活and go off the same two losers you were when I met you.来吧,选一个?Well, which is it?交给你们那事,你们办了么?Did you do the thing I told you to do in town?没有Nope.镇上发生太多事了There was too much going on.他们要绞死那个伊芙They were hanging that Eve.就是那个妓院的老鸨That bitch who runs the whorehouse.你要去哪儿?Where you going?这里有一些艺术藏品Here we have some pieces of art世界各地的都有相当厉害-from all over the world. - Impressive.终于到了-噢-Here we are. - Oh,我找了 一些从纽约过来的广♥告♥人I had some advertising men from New York还雇了先驱报的插画师,这是最终成果put it together along with an illustrator at the Herald.这些选票已经是我们的了Those votes are already ours,然而,你还是精益求精yet, you leave nothing at all to chance.不漏过一丝细节Attentive to every detail.-是的-你的房♥子也是-Yes. - Your house is the same.必须得说,你的招待真的是I must say, the hospitality you've provided so far无可挑剔has been impeccable.-你很满意?-You're surprised? - Well, 考虑到我是第一次在海报上看到你 considering the first time I saw your face on a poster, it had a number with several zeros printed below it, 我得说你已经今非昔比了Ed say you've come a long way. 你喜欢提及我的过去,对吧?You like reminding me of my past, don't you? 我开玩笑呢,布朗森先生I'm teasing Mr. Bronson.你忘了么You're forgetting that 在你跟海伦好上之前 before your special relationship with Helen, 我们是你的赞助商we were your sponsor.是我们把你的悬赏令给撤销了We had the bounties on your head rescinded. 是我们促使你参与了狼溪的引水渠We facilitated your involvement in the Wolfcreek aqueduct. 是是是,我知道你想表达什么Yes, yes, yes. I know where you're going with this. 所以向你保证And I promise you that, 我的入股资金马上就到 my share of the investment is coming. 资金不是问题所在The investment isn't the problem.问题是这么些年来The problem is that in all these years, 我从没听见你说一句I've never once heard you say “谢谢”"thank you".谢谢Thank you.莫里森先生,谢谢你Mr. Morrison, thank you.不客气,布朗森州长You're welcome, Governor Bronson.“跟着气流走”,他说“Follow the air”, he says.这他妈是哪儿?Where the fuck is it?你最好祈祷这条道是对的,小红You*d better pray this is the right way, Red.我擦!Whoa!我袋子呢!My heads!我袋子呢,我袋子呢! 赶紧把袋子给他-My heads, my heads! - Get him his goddamn heads.比利?Billy?比利Billy.嘘Shh.妈妈?妈妈?Mum? Mum?嘿,醒醒!醒醒!Hey, wake up! Wake up!醒醒,孩子。你不起来咱哪也去不了明白吧?Come on, kid. You're not going anywhere on me, you understand?你不起来咱哪儿也去不了You ain't going anywhere on me.你说会带我们离开这里You said you were gonna get me out of here.所以你必须做到,你要带我们走出去So that's what you're gonna do, you*re gonna get me out of here.来喝点水That's right.-我袋子,一你袋子在这-My heads. - No, no, no, we've got your heads.你袋子里的脑袋一个没丢We've got all your heads.不用担忧了Your heads are just fine.你做到了,孩子You did it, kid.嘿,老师♥傅♥,别怕Hey, Old Timer, it's okay.出什么事了 ?What's going on?绞人呢Hanging.你能帮助喂下我们的马么?Can you water and feed our horses?不用找了Keep the change.真乖Good man.德里克,你找个制高点Derek, you take the high ground看我发指令后,干掉警长and shoot the sheriff on my mark.弗兰克,你告诉我哪个是麦考伊Frank, you tell me which one is McCoy.不到迫不得已And, let's only use these if不要杀他we have to.我们今天聚在这里We have gathered here today来见证对伊芙玛格丽特胡夫的判决to witness the sentencing of Eve Margaret Hoover.她被控一级谋杀,罪名成立She has been found guilty of murder in the first degree. 所以And so,伊芙-玛格丽特-胡夫Eve Margaret Hoover,你因故意谋杀you have been sentenced to death公职人员for the willful murder内森-贾里德-朗基努斯of the public official被判处死刑Nathan Jared Longinus.今天Today,你将被处以绞刑you will be executed.根据格林韦尔,和According to the law of Greenvale,美♥利♥坚♥合众国法律and the United States of America, 由尊敬的法官艾伯特考尔批准with the approval of the Honorable Judge Albert CoweL 行刑者Executioner,准备行刑prepare the prisoner.还有什么想要说的?Is there a statement you'd like to say?好了All right.根据赋予我的权力By the powers vested in me,我在此命令行刑者I do hereby order the Executioner执行绞刑to fulfill his duty.伊芙-玛格丽特-胡夫Eve Margaret Hoover,愿上帝宽恕你的灵魂may God have mercy on your soul.72小时内不许收尸72 hours.以警示众人Leave her there as a warning.史蒂夫吗?Steve?怎么是你?What are you doing in here?门没关The door was open.那不意味着你可以随便进来That doesn't mean you could just walk in.你说得没错You