The World At War《二战全史(1973)》第一季第二十集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
我们所经历过的事甚至对我们 的同代人来说都将很难理解,What we went through will be difficult to understand even for our contemporaries, 对已经没有亲身经历过那些日子 的后代来说就更加要难得多and much more difficult for the generations that have already no personal experience from those days.1929年的国家社♥会♥主♥义♥党慕尼黑分部 The office of the NationalSocialist Party in Munich in 1929.(镜头上)现在走上前的这个机敏的 年轻办事员已经被(党内高层)注意到了 The keen young clerk who now comes forward has already been noticed.他已被内定要升职,被赋予重大的责任He's marked for promotion, for high responsibility. 他就是海因里希希姆莱He is Heinrich Himmler.是希姆莱完善了纳粹主义的哲学,(以及)它在政♥治♥和种族上的理念Himmler it is who refines the philosophy of Nazism, its ideas on politics and on race.希♥特♥勒♥已任命他为党卫队帝国领袖Hitler has appointed him Reichsfuhrer of the SS. 当我想去签约加入,When I wanted to sign up,(卡尔沃尔夫党卫队全国副总指挥纳粹首要战犯) 负责的人问我J你当过兵吗? ”我说J是的,我当过” the man in charge asked me, "Wereyou a soldier?" I said, "Yes, indeed." ”参加过第一次世界大战?”“是的渗加过“"In the First World War?'1"Yes, indeed.'1“你有表彰英勇表现的勋章吗?” “Do you have awards for bravery?11“是的,我有”by the thousand.整个波兰都在按照种族进行重新安置 The whole of Poland is on the move to be resettled on a racial basis. 那些有德国血统的去德国, those of German origin to Germany, 波兰人自己去被指定的地区, the Poles themselves to designated areas,(成为)一支在他们自己国家 却没有权利的劳动大军 a workforce without rights in their own country. 在人群的最底层,是犹太人 At the bottom of the heap, the Jews. 根据命令,他们将一直戴着大卫之星 By order, they will wear the Star of David at all times. 不这么做会得到严厉惩罚 There are heavy penalties for not doing so.戴着它,他们被轻易地识别出来Wearing it, theyrre easily identified. “犹太人发动了战争”"The Jews started the war." “现在让他们收拾干净吧” "Now let them clear up the mess.” 德国新闻片镜头能向国内的人们展示 German newsreel cameras could show people back home 犹太人终于被命令去干一天 老实的工作以挣得他们每天的面包 that Jews at last were being made to do an honest dayrs work to earn their daily bread. 我母亲,但愿她的灵魂安息,My mother.may her soul rest in peace, 要我去面包房♥并在那里站上 一整夜以得到一条面包 asked me to go down to the bakery and stand there the whole night to get a loaf of bread 那样第二天家里会有一些东西吃 so that there would be something to eat at home the next day.当我到达时,已经有大批大批的人在排队When I arrived, there were already masses and masses of people standing in line. 在我们中,有些小孩子 非犹太人波兰人.四处跑动Among us, there were little children. non-Jews, Poles.running around. 他们指着每个人,They pointed at each and every person, ”那是个犹太人那是个犹太人(德语)犹太人犹太人犹太人”"That's a Jew. That's a Jew.Das Jude. Das Jude. Das Jude." 那样这些人会被拉出队伍得不到面包So that these people would be taken out of line and not get bread. 轮到我了My turn came.我转过身看到那男孩是和我一起玩过的一个朋友1 turned around and saw that the boy was a friend with whom I played. 我用波兰语对他说,”你在做什么?”1 said to him in Polish, "What are you doing?1' 他的回答是J我不是你朋友 His answer was;"I'm not your friend.你是个犹太人我不认识你”You*re a Jew. I don*t know you." 1940年,德国向西进攻In 1940,Germany struck west.党卫队也去了The SS went too.又一次,一片残忍♥的恐怖Here again, a brutal terror.然而比起在东欧,(恐怖)要少一些Less so, however, than in eastern Europe.在西方许多人也是雅利安人Many in the west were Aryans too.1940和41年,在波兰,In Poland, in 1940 and 41, 犹太人被命令住进被重建 的中世纪的犹太人聚居区Jews were ordered into recreated medieval ghettos. 我们拿了一个小手推车 我,和我父亲,We took a small cart.I, with my father, 造了 一个小手推车我们开始搬家 built a small cart and we began to move. 成千上万,几万人都在走,Thousands and thousands, tens of thousands of people, were walking, 带着他们的行李,有些顶在头上, 有些背在背上,扛在肩上taking their belongings with them, some on their heads, some on their backs, on their shoulders. 有孩子,老人,婴儿,所有人,There were children, old people, babies, all of them, 就象(旧约圣经中)放逐犹太人, 逃离埃及的流放like the exile of the peoples, the exile from Egypt.犹太人聚居区被铁丝网 和又长又高的墙隔离开来The ghettos were closed off behind wire and long, high walls. 在华沙,一条路把聚居区一分为二In Warsaw, a road divided the ghetto in two 有一座跨越它的天桥 以供犹太人穿越 with a bridge over it for the Jews to cross by.在聚居区中只有两口水井There were only two water pits in the ghetto. 聚居区很小The ghetto was small.当他们把我们带进聚居区时,他们把三个有孩子的家庭放进一个房♥间 When they brought us into the ghetto,they put three families with children into one room.在一个房♥间里,三个有孩子的家庭 我们从没睡过In one room, three families with children. We never slept. 令人饥饿的食物配给 Starvation rations.对走私食物严厉惩罚Harsh punishments for smuggling food.对抵抗或试图逃跑,For resistance or attempts to escape, 公开处决 public execution.1941年6月June 1941.德国进攻俄♥国♥Germany attacks Russia.党卫军突击部队(被安排)在第一攻击波中SS shock troops in the first wave.另一场种族战争,更多的重新安置,Another racial war, more resettlement, 大规模放逐,强迫移♥民♥ mass deportations, forced emigrations. 一场针对劣等人种,针对斯拉夫人 和针对犹太人的战争War against subhumans, against Slavs and against Jews. 几百万犹太人Millions of Jews.我们发现在波兰有大约300万犹太人,We found a round figure of three million Jews in Poland, 然后紧随其后就是俄♥国♥战役 then immediately after that came the Russian campaign我们在俄♥国♥又发现了 500万犹太人 and we found anotherfive million Jews in Russia.我们到底应该如何用这些漫长而又累人的正规方法来把这800万人移♥民♥走呢? How on earth should we manage to emigrate this eight million by using these long and tiresome official methods?随着战争爆发,我们被封锁了 我们没有出路Now, with the war, we were cut off. We had no way out. 为了除掉如此多的犹太人 To be rid of so many Jews. 只剩下一个方法:把他们全杀了 only one alternative left: kill them all.这项工作由党卫队行刑队开始执行, The job was begun by SS execution squads,(党卫队)别动队 Einsatzgruppen. 他们在开枪 They're shooting. (丽芙卡约丝列夫斯卡) 人们已经在倒下死去 People are already lying dead. (丽芙卡约丝列夫斯卡) 我女儿一直在我怀里My daughter was in my arms the whole time.不知何故,我还是找到力量来抱她 Somehow, I found the strength to carry her.她离我如此近以至于我 无法脱衣服她不让我脱 She was so close to me that1 couldn't undress. She wouldn't let me. 她说让我们逃跑吧他们正在杀我们 我们为什么就站在这里呢?”She said, "Let's run away. They're killing us. Why do we just stand here?" “为什么人们都站着不逃跑呢? 他们为什么都站着?”"Why do people stand and not run away?Why are they standing?" 我对她说,.我真的不能说话1 said to her.1 could not really speak.我想我说J我们能逃到哪里去呢?”1 think I said, "Where are we going to run to?" 一些人确实开始逃跑,但他们不让他们逃Some people did start to escape, but they didn't let them. 有许多德国人在看守着我们 有许多德国人There were many Germans guarding us.There were many Germans.不仅是德国人他们甚至从周围的城镇里 找来非犹太人一起看守我们以防我们逃跑 Not only Germans, they even got non-Jews from the towns together to guard that we shouldn't escape. 那里有种警♥察♥(一样的人) There were some sort of policemen there.所以我们脱了衣服别无选择So we undressed.There was no alternative.总共大约有500个人There were about 500 people altogether. 轮至峨们了Our turn came.我走上前并看到我父亲是如何死的,I came up and saw how my father went; 我母亲是如何被枪杀的, how my mother is shot,我的姐♥妹♥们♥是如何被枪杀的 how my sisters are shot.我妹妹非常漂亮.绝对美丽My sister was very pretty. absolutely beautiful.那德国人看着她的眼睛她求他让她走:The German looked into her eyes and she pleaded with him to let her go:“别杀我让我活命吧”"Don't kill me. Just let me live." 没有用她被枪杀了Nothing helped. She was shot. 然后我,抱着我女儿,走上前 Then I, with my daughter in my arms,came up. 他告诉我把她放下 我是想,但她不肯松开我 He told me to put her down.1 wanted to, but she wouldn't let me. 她把她的头藏起来那样就 不会看到他们要对她做什么了 She hid her head so as not to see what was being done with her.我能记得的是,他强行夺过她, 让她站在地上He forcibly, as far as I can remember, took her, stood her up.他开枪了,或没有开枪 He shot, or didn't shoot. 我既没看到也没有听见 1 neither saw nor heard. 然后他向我开了枪 Then he shot me.我站着那里听到一声枪响I stood there and heard a shot. 它没有打到我It didn't touch me.然后,又是一枪Then again, a shot. 我倒下了I fell.我躺在那个坑里我觉得我能感觉到一些东西I am lying in the pit andI feel that I do feel something. 我不能相信我不能相信我还活着I didn't believe.I couldn't believe that I'm alive.我躺在一个血坑里,一个全是血的坑里 I was lying in a pit of blood,a pit full of blood.这就是我如何在尸体堆下躺了 一整夜的This is how I lay the whole night, under corpses.1941年8月In August 1941, 希姆莱访问了明斯克附近的一个集中营 Himmler visited a concentration centre near Minsk. 那里挤满犹太人俄♥国♥战俘 和将要死的其他人It was crowded with Jews,Russian prisoners of war and others who were to die. 党卫队帝国领袖要求亲眼 看看处决是如何完成的The SS Reichsfuhrer asked to see for himself how the killing was done. 在那里,一座敞口的坟墓已经被挖好了 And therein open grave had been dug. 他们不得不跳进这坟墓并脸朝下地躺着 They had to jump into this and lie face downwards.有时候,当一两排人已经被枪杀,And sometimes, when one or two rows had already been shot, 他们不得不躺在已经被枪杀的人身上 they had to lie on the people who*d been shot 然后他们被站在坟墓边缘的行刑队枪杀 and then they were shot from the edge of the grave. 希姆莱以前从没见过死人, And Himmler had never seen dead people before,而且,出于好奇,他就站在这个敞口的坟墓边上 and, in his curiosity, he stood right up at the edge of this open grave.(这坟墓是)一种三角形的洞 并朝里面看a sort of triangular hole. and was looking in.当他朝里面看时,希姆莱得到了应得的霉运 While he was looking in,Himmler had the deserved bad luck 从一个或其他的被射中头部的人身上, that from one or other of those who'd been shot in the head, 一坨脑浆飞溅到了他的大衣上, he got a splash of brains on his coat, 我想它也溅到了他的脸上 and I think it also splashed onto his face.他的脸色变得非常发青和苍白And he went very green and pale.他并没有真的生病,He wasn*t actually sick, 但是他在呕吐并转过身摇摇晃晃 but he was heaving and turned around and swayed. 我不得不跳上前去并把他扶稳“ And then I had to jump forward and hold him steady, 然后我带他离开了那坟墓 and then I led him away from the grave.在枪决结束之后,After the shooting was over, 希姆莱召集了行刑队指挥官 Himmler gathered the shooting commanders. 并站在他的车子上那样他就能 站得更高一点并能看到整支行刑队, And standing up in his car so he'd be a little higher and be able to see the whole unit, 他作了一次演讲 he made a speech.他不能解除他们的这个职责 他不能免除他们(这个使命) He could not relieve them of this duty. He could not spare them.为了帝国的利益为了这个计划好了的千年帝国.In the interests of the this planned thousand-year Reich. 为了接管权力后的第一场决定性大战, in its first decisive great war after the takeover of power, 他们必须完成他们的使命 they must do their duty.但枪杀是棘手的,使人痛苦的,效率低下的But shooting was messy, distressing, inefficient. 如此巨大的一个任务需要精心的筹划So vast an undertaking required careful planning.1942年1月在万湖(位于柏林西南部工At Wannsee in January 1942,希姆莱的副手,(莱因哈特)海德里希,召集了一次会议 Himmler's deputy, Heydrich.convened a conference. 来自各个国家部门的高级 官员参加了 (万湖)会议Senior civil servants attended from various departments of state. 有司法部和运输部的代表There were representatives of the ministries of justice and of transport. 正式的会议记录被保存下来, 还有各个国家的犹太人名单 Formal minutes were kept,and lists of Jews, country by country.在波兰,超过200多万人,在挪威,1300人,in Poland, over two million,in Norway, 1300,英国,33万人,England,330,000, 俄♥国♥,500 万人Russia, five million.总人数:超过1100万人Grand total: over 11 million.(阿道夫)艾希曼,凭借他在运输方面的经验,Eichmann, with his experience in transportation, 被任命为这个犹太人问题的 最终解决方案的永久管理者 was appointed permanent administrator for“你有什么勋章?” "Yes, indeed." "What do you have?" 然后我说,“铁十字勋章,一级和二级, Then I said/'Iron Cross, First and Second Class, 我在黑森近卫团中服役” and I served in theHessian Lifeguard Regiment." 然后他说“恩,就象在德皇时代 有一支精锐的卫队一样,Then he said, "Well, just as there was an elite guard in the Kaiser*s time, 现在在新的运动中也有一支 精锐的卫队那就是党卫队” there is an elite guard now in the new movement, and that is the SS.n “你应该加入党卫队” "You should join the SSJ 所以我允许自己被说服并由此,可以说,我在 命运的安排下进入党卫队成为希姆莱的副官 So I allowed myself to be persuaded and thereby, ifyou like,! came by fate to the SS to be Himmler's adjutant. 希姆莱对他的精英卫队的梦想植根于寓言中的 往事,以及一个更古老的,雅利安人的德国的文化 Himmler's dream for his elite guard had roots in the fabled past,in the culture of an older,Aryan Germany. 当纳粹党在1933年掌权,When the Nazis came to power in 1933, 他(终于)能把他的理念付诸实施 he could put his ideas into practice. 希姆莱已着手实现一个梦想Himmler had set out to achieve a dream.他要在德国人♥民♥中激发一种日耳曼种族的新觉醒 He would inspire a new awakening of the Germanic race within the German people. 青年人会实现这个梦想Youth would achieve the dream. 青年人拥有亟需的勇气和力量 Youth had the nerve and the strength that would be needed.this final solution of the Jewish problem.(会议)已作出决定 欧洲所有的犹太人将被毒死 It had been decided that all the Jews in Europe were to be gassed. 所有被占领的欧洲国家都有一个以 模范集中营,达豪为样板的集中营系统 All Occupied Europe had a concentration-camp system based on the model camp, Dachau. 这些集中营不仅是一种恐怖的工具, The camps were not only an instrument of terror,它们还是战争生产的一个重要因素, they were an important factor in war production, 每一个(集中营)都附有一群劳动营 each with its cluster of labour camps attached. 现在,它们还将是最终解决(方案)的手段 Now, they were also to be the means of the Final Solution.在被占领的东方,专门修建了新集中营 而老的集中营装备了新的工业能力 In the occupied east,new camps were specially built and old ones equipped with new industrial capacity. 它们将成为杀害上百万人, They were to be machines to kill human beings by the million, 利用(他们的)副产品, 处理废弃物(遗体)的机器 utilise the by-products, dispose of the waste.这些灭绝营坐落在铁路线上以方便运输 The camps were sited on railway routes to facilitate transportation.艾希曼从国家铁路(部门)包租下全部列车 Eichmann chartered rolling stock from the state railways.最大的灭绝营建在从克拉科夫(波兰城市) 到维也纳的铁路干线的两边,The biggest camp of all was built astride the main railway line from Cracow to Vienna,就在波兰城镇奥斯威辛的市郊in the outskirts of thePolish town of Oswiecim.奥斯维辛Auschwitz.1942年夏天,希姆莱访问了奥斯维辛来视察(工程)进展,In summer 1942, Himmler visitedAuschwitz to inspect progress, 来亲自看看事情进行得如何 to see for himselfhow things were getting on.施工正在进行中Work was under way.制♥造♥商已经被招标j选择已经作出 Manufacturers' tenders hadbeen called for, choices made.新的联合毒气室和焚化炉的示意图和建筑师的制图已经为视察而准备好,Plans and architects1 drawings for the new combined gas chambers and crematoriums were ready for inspection; 上面有他们精心设计的烟囱 和拥有特别专利的熔炉with their carefully designed chimneys and specially patented furnaces.在外面,建筑工人奴隶劳工Outside, construction workers.slave labourers.正在暖和的夏季气候中奋力赶上他们的进度were striving to keep to their schedules in the warm summer weather.施放毒气将用一种由商业杀虫剂开展而来的毒丸,齐克隆来完成The gassing would be done with poisoned pellets developed from a commercial pesticide,Zyklon B. 毒丸被从一个屋顶的格栅摇下The pellets were shaken through a roof grille.暴露在空气中,它们释放出氧化物毒气Exposed to the air,they gave off cyanide gas.在被占领的国家周捕开始了In the occupied territories, the roundups began.在一些国家这是荷兰.没有奔逃(的事情发生)In some countries.this is stampede.犹太人以有秩序的方式聚集起来进行重置,The Jews gathered for resettlement in orderly fashion, 让他们迁走的命令在他们的 社区领袖(的劝说下)取得了成功 the order of their going worked out by their community leaders. 在这背后,是党卫队和盖世太保Behind it all, the SS and the Gestapo.各到各处的犹太人都被告知 而他们也准备相信Jews everywhere were told.and they were ready to believe.他们被运走是为了重新安置they were being transported for resettlement.在(欧洲)东部饥肠辘辘的犹太人聚居区里, 那些志愿走的人得到了面包In the starving ghettos of the east, those who volunteered to go got bread. 为了逃避饥饿他们情愿地为旅程支付铁路运费 To escape starvation, they willingly paid railway fares for the journey. 在武装卫兵的看守之下,他们 茫然不知所措地走向火车站 Bewildered, under armed guard,they walked to the station.运牛的列车车皮正在等待The cattle trucks were waiting.站台上有士兵把守There were soldiers on the platform.他们爬上列车They climbed aboard.我们进去的一刹那他们用一根闩把我们关进去的一瞬间,The minute we got in, the minute they closed it on us with a bolt, 车厢里就开始爆发出可怕的喊叫声 terrible cries began inside 用波兰语,意第绪语,德语 在恳求,请求:in Polish, Yiddish, German.pleading, requests:”没有空气了我们透不过气了”"There's no air. Werre suffocating." ”窒息了窒息了”"Suffocating. Suffocating."突然你听到车轮一震,(火车启动了),Here suddenly you had a hell on wheels, 人们突然不再专注于过去或者将来, and people suddenly stopped to