专科生出国马来西亚留学申请书专科生出国马来西亚留学申请书Dear_,I have acquired a keen interest in computing over a prolonged amount of time. This has been further enhanced since I began studying ICT at GCSE level and onwards to A-Level. In addition this has maintained my long term interest in all computer related areas. From my studies, and self teaching, I already have a depth of knowledge about many of the key areas of programming and the principles behind the working and implementation of web based design. I feel that ICT is becoming incredibly important throughout our daily lives and I am thrilled by the fact that I could be right at the centre of the next exciting chapter of the computing generation. My ambition is to study this type of course at a degree level incorporating a management perspective and progress this further to make it my profession. I will strive in all areas to develop my talents and capabilities fully.As regards work experience, I spent three days working at my local Argos store. During these days I worked very closely with the management team, and did a lot of beneficial work with their computer 1systems. I was given jobs that included creating payroll systems for the employees, arranging a working schedule for the coming weeks and helping with the creation of price tickets and labels. I was committed to all tasks which were given to me as I was keen to create a good impression, show my capabilities and set a high acceptable standard. These few days helped broaden my knowledge of a computing environment and also allowed me to apply my skills in a businessretail industry.My college experience this far has provided me with the skills needed to succeed at the highest level. This has been achieved through self motivation and independent studying; as a result I understand the impetus and diligence needed to cope with future academic and social lifestyles. Within college I feel that not only is academic achievement important, but getting involved with a society or club provides extended opportunities. I have been involved in the Air Training Corps and Football teams where I recognise good team work is a key factor if goals are to be accomplished, as well as broadening my problem solving skills.Outside the classroom, I enjoy being sociable and active through the hobbies I am involved with. I also look forward to going on holidays in the summer months. Recently I travelled abroad and enjoyed the time I had away from my routine daily life. Whilst away, I learnt a lot about myself which helps teach me to use my own initiative. This proves to me that I have the right mentality and frame of mind to adapt to a new lifestyle of independence. My hobbies include attending my local gym regularly which I thoroughly enjoy as I can push myself to my own mental and physical limits. Furthermore I have been a senior member of my local YMCA where I have helped with the basic running of the club as well as guiding the younger children on participating in various kinds of activities.As a sports person I play football for my local team. I am committed, focused and enjoy taking on leadership. I like to keep myself in a good physical condition so I can be prepared for any challenges that may come my way on and off the field. I hope to continue this interest at university and plan to take extensive use of the fitness facilities available to me. As well as being active I grasp the reality that the main reason for studying at university is to gain academic success and I do realise that a balance is needed between all factors.In conclusion, at university I will look forward to all challenges and exciting new prospects with a high level of anticipation. As a person I am incredibly determined to be successful inside a career involving computing and management. Ultimately, I am increasingly adamant that this path will provide me with a broad range of exciting opportunities to pursue a long term passion and the beginnings of a successful career path.Yours sincerely,马来西亚留学优秀专业介名1、计算机技术近年来,信息产业的进步推动了计算机技术人才市场的开展。 无论是互联网产业,还是新兴的人工智能产业,都需要大量的计算机 技术人才,程序员与其他职业相比,也有着相对较高的薪资。该专业毕业生的主要就业岗位有:软件工程师、硬件工程师、系 统开发员、软件测试工程师、硬件测试工程师、系统测试工程师、数 据分析师等。2、艺术设计艺术设计类有许多分支,工业设计、室内设计、形象设计、环 境艺术设计等。近几年,全球建筑装饰行业正在飞速开展,中国建筑 装饰室内设计行业面临着世界同行的竞争和冲击。这是机遇也是挑战, 也意味着中国需要培养大批量优秀的室内设计师,行业开展前景广阔。3、酒店管理作为全球十大热门行业之一,酒店管理专业不管在国内还是国 际市场上都一直属于就业热点。近几年,全球各个知名酒店集团纷纷 瞄准了中国市场,并鼎力投资,导致行业内的高级专业人才形成了供 不应求的局势。从行业特性来看,酒店业尤其需要那些专业度高、综 合能力强的中高级人才。4、会计在国内,每年会计专业的录取分数较高,不管是财经院校还是4综合院校,甚至理工科院校的此类专业分数也不低,报考这个专业无 非看重它的就业率。在国外,这个专业也吸引了不少学生,国际化水 平高、英语环境好、就业平台广阔等等都成为众多学子海外求学的动 因。5、医学医生一直是社会上备受尊重和景仰的职业,医学专业的热度也 是居高不下。医学专业就业前景广阔,同时学习时间也更长,对学生 的基础知识的运用的实践能力的考察要求更高。马来西亚医学专业中的佼佼者一一马来亚大学是一所文理学科 和医学兼有的综合性世界,校内建有多个卓越的研究中心。目前,本 科专业有三个方向,分别是医学、生物科技、以及护理方向。硕士有 研究生硕士、授课型硕士、以及两者混合型硕士。止匕外,该校还设有 医学类博士,分别是:公共健康博士(混合型)、哲学博士(PhD)、以及 医学博士 (MD)。马来西亚留学生活常识1、马来西亚一年四季高温多湿,各季节的平均气温、降雨量都 相去不远,并且日夜时间的长短也几乎相同。局部地区如东马的沙巴、 沙劳越,每年45月会有短期的旱季。马来半岛东岸,每年10一3月吹 东北季风。而面对南海的东马地区,每年11, 12月会受到热带季风 的影响,气温降低且多雨,道路经常受阻中断,对观光客而言,这段 时间最不适合旅游。至於马来半岛的西岸,由於印度洋西南气流为苏 门答腊带来丰沛的雨量,等横越到马来半岛时.,水气已所剩不多了。2、马来西亚属热带雨林气候,年温差小,平均气温在25-28团 之间;日温差较大,白天气候炎热,夜晚比拟凉爽;年平均降水量为 3000毫米,全年炎热潮湿,因此应多备夏季换洗衣物。3、马来西亚留学生活中餐和晚餐一般要马币。早餐1-2 马币。如果自己做饭会廉价少许。4、马来西亚留学生活料理通称为马来菜,主食为米,主要开胃 菜是“肉骨茶,有点药味,这是用虾发酵,配合香辛料及辣椒调制而 成。马来人只要有“肉骨茶便可下饭。另外,家常菜还有炸鸡、炸鱼 及咖哩牛肉等。5、一般餐馆或路边摊没有所谓的菜单,只要用手指指就可以了。 大概M便可饱餐一顿。另外可以尝尝马来口味的炒饭、炒面及沙哮 等。当然,在马来西亚不单能吃到马来菜,还能尝到特别地道的中国 菜。马来西亚的海南鸡饭要属中国餐馆里的吃,附上鸡汤才好。6、马来西亚留学生活早餐或宵夜可尝尝印度餐厅的“罗贴或 “姆尔他葩。罗贴是指薄而长的未经发酵的面包,有牛角面包的口感, 通常配上咖哩一起食用。姆尔他葩那么是指罗贴夹上蔬菜、烤肉串、蛋 等的夹馅面包。印度早餐就是这些食物再配上奶茶。