Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.TABLEE OF CONTTENTSS RECITTALS 序言 ARTICCLE II DEEFINIITIONNS 第一条款款 定义 ARTICCLE III OOBJECCT, DDURATTION, TERRMINAATIONN OF THE CONTTRACTT 第二条条款 合同的目目标、期限限和终止 ARTICCLE IIII MOBIILIZAATIONN, DEEMOBIILIZAATIONN 第第三条款动动迁、迁返返 ARTICCLE IIV EQQUIPMMENT & PEERSONNNEL 第四条条款设备和和人员 ARTICCLE VV RAATES OF PPAYMEENT 第五条条款付款ARTICCLE VVI TTAXESS 第六条款款税务 ARTICCLE VVII MANNNER OOF PAAYMENNT 第七条款款支付方式式ARTICCLE VVIII STAANDARRD OFF PERRFORMMANCEE 第八八条款履行行合同的准准则 ARTICCLE IIX LLIABIILITIIES AAND IINDEMMNITIIES 第九九条款债务务及赔偿ARTICCLE XX IINSURRANCEE 第十条条款 保险 ARTICCLE XXI WWORKIING CCONDIITIONNS 第十一条条款工作条条件ARTICCLE XXII SPECCIAL CIRCCUMSTTANCEES 第十二条条款特殊情情况 ARTICCLE XXIII ASSSIGNMMENT OF CCONTRRACT 第十三条条款合同的的转让 ARTICCLE XXIV NOTIICES AND WAIVVER 第十十四条款通通知及弃权权 ARTICCLE XXV GGOVERRNINGG LAWW ANDD ARBBITRAATIONN 第十五条条款管辖法法律及仲裁裁ARTICCLE XXVI FFIREAARMS, LIQQUOR, ANDD BEHHAVIOOR 第十十六条款枪枪支武器,饮酒及行行为表现 ARTICCLE XXVII MISCCELLAANEOUUS 第十七条条款其它规规定 This Conttractt is madee andd entteredd intto thhis dday oof Juuly 222nd 20111, beetweeen Allameiin Peetrolleum Comppany orgaanizeed annd exxistiing uunderr lawws off Egyypt (hereeinaffter refeerredd to as “COMPPANY”) annd Caairo Drilllingg Commpanyy (SBBDC), a ccompaany oorgannizedd undder tthe llaws of EEgyptt, wiith oofficces llocatted aat 8, Abdd Raoff St., offf Ell Gazzayerr Strreet, Neww Maaadi, Cairro, AArab Repuublicc of Egyppt (HHereiinaftter rreferrred to aas thhe "CCONTRRACTOOR").本合同由阿阿拉曼石油油公司,该该公司依照照埃及法律律组建并存存续(以下下简称公司司)和开罗罗钻井公司司,该公司司依照埃及及法律组建建并存续,其其办公地址址位于开罗罗,新迈阿阿迪区,阿阿尔及利亚亚大道附近近的拉欧伏伏街8号(以下下简称承包包商),于于20111年7月22日签订订。 RECITTALS序序言WHEREEAS, COMPPANY desiires to hhave fourr (4) firrm & fourr (4) opttionaal weell(ss) too be drillled, deeepeneed, wworkeed ovver, testted aand ccomplletedd, inn Reppubliic off Egyypt (hereeinaffter "Egyypt" or ""Counntry of OOperaationns") as sset fforthh herreinaafterr; annd鉴于:按以以下陈述,公公司计划在在阿拉伯埃埃及共和国国(以下称称埃及或施施工国)施施工确定井井4口,待定定井4口,施工工内容包括括:钻井、加深井、修井、试试井、完井井,并 WHEREEAS, CONTTRACTTOR iis enngageed inn thee bussinesss off driillinng, ddeepeeningg, woorkinng ovver, testting and comppletiing aand / or plugggingg andd abaandonning onshhore wellls, aand CCONTRRACTOOR reepressentss thaat itt hass adeequatte reesourrces and equiipmennt inn goood woorkinng orrder and fullly trraineed peersonnnel capaable of eefficcienttly ooperaatingg succh eqquipmment; andd is readdy, wwilliing aand aable to ddrilll, deeepenn, woork oover, tesst annd coompleete, and/or pplug and abanndon the saidd welll(s) andd carrry oout aauxilliaryy opeeratiions and servvicess forr thee COMMPANYY in accoordannce wwith the COMPPANYS drrilliing pprogrram (hereeinaffter the "Worrk") and to ffurniish ffor tthis purppose the ZJ-550D RRig, comppletee witth thhe drrilliing eequippmentt (heereinnafteer "tthe RRig") andd perrsonnnel, as sspeciifiedd in Appeendixx "A"" andd B mmade partt herreof;鉴于:承包包商是从事事陆地钻井井、加深井井、修井、试井、完完井、填井井或弃井的的专业钻井井公司,并并陈述:承承包商具有有充足的资资源,良好好的设备,高高素质的人人员,愿意意并有能力力根据公司司的钻井设设计(以下下简称“工工作”),按按本合同附附件A 和附件件B的约定提提供ZJ-50D全全套钻机设设备(以下下简称“钻钻机”)和和人员,完完成上述施施工工作和和辅助的施施工、服务务。 NOW, THERREFORRE, iin coonsidderattion of tthe mmutuaal coovenaants and agreeemennts hhereiinaftter pproviided, thee Parrtiess herreby mutuuallyy agrree aas foollowws:因此:双方方互相立约约,特此达达成协议如如下: ARTICCLE II DEEFINIITIONNS第一条条款 定义Clausse 1.1 Coommenncemeent DDate 开工日日期"Commmenceementt Datte" mmeanss thee datte annd tiime oof arrrivaal off thee Rigg at the firsst weell oor otther locaationn speecifiied bby COOMPANNY, pproviided CONTTRACTTORSS fulll crrew iis inn alll resspectts reeady to sspud and susttain conttinueed drrilliing ooperaationns att mannufacctureer's rateed sppecifficattion duriing tthe CContrract Periiod aas deefineed beelow. COONTRAACTORR shaall nnotiffy COOMPANNY inn wriitingg immmediaatelyy upoon thhe Riig's arriival.“开工日期期”指的是是钻机到达达公司的第第一口井井井场或指定定的其它井井场,承包包商各个岗岗位人员齐齐备,从各各方面都已已具备开钻钻水平,并并在以下规规定的合同同期间内,以以钻机制造造商标定的的技术规范范,达到能能够进行持持续施工状状态的时刻刻。钻机一一旦到达井井场,承包包商应立即即以书面形形式通知公公司。 Clauuse 11.2 Willlful Miscconduuct 故意渎职职Willfful MMiscoonducct: sshalll meaan, aa reccklesss annd waantonn or inteentioonal and conssciouus diisreggard of aa mannifesst duuty aarisiing ffrom any provvisioon off thee Conntracct byy thee CONNTRACCTORS peersonnnel actiing wwithiin thhe sccope of ttheirr autthoriity aand ddutiees, wwhichh wass inttendeed too cauuse hharmfful cconseequennces.故意渎职: 是指承承包商人员员粗心、固固执或蓄意意忽视合同同条款规定定的其职责责、义务, 有意识识地造成不不良后果。 Clausse 1.3 Grooss NNegliigencce 严重重过失Grosss Neggligeence: shaall mmean, anyy actt or faillure to aact (whetther solee, jooint or cconcuurrennt) bby anny off thee CONNTRACCTORS peersonnnel whicch inn reccklesss diisreggard or iindifffereence caussed hharmfful cconseequennces suchh perrson kneww or shouuld hhave knowwn, ssuch act or ffailuure tto acct woould havee hadd on the safeety oor prroperrty oof thhe opperattionss, buut shhall not incllude any erroor off juddgmennt orr misstakee madde byy succh peersonn in the exerrcisee of goodd faiith. 严重过失失:是指由由于承包商商任何人员员的作为或或不作为(不不管是单独独、共同或或同时)对对施工安全全或财产造造成不良的的后果,而而这样的人人员又知道道或应该知知道这种粗粗心或漠视视行为造成成的后果。但出于善善意造成的的判断失误误或差错除除外。 Clausse 1.4 NNegliigencce 过过失Negliigencce: sshalll meaan, aany eerrorr of judggmentt or misttake madee by any of tthe CCONTRRACTOORS perssonneel inn thee exeercisse off goood faaith, whiich rresullts iin haarmfuul coonseqquencces oor neegatiivelyy afffectss thee opeeratiion.过失:指的的是承包商商人员本出出于善意造造成的判断断失误或差差错,从而而对施工造造成不良后后果或产生生负面影响响。 ARTICCLE III OOBJECCT, DDURATTION, TERRMINAATIONN OF THE CONTTRACTT第二条款 -合同同的目标、期限和终终止Clausse 2.1 Objeect 目标CONTRRACTOOR shhall drilll, ddeepeen, wwork overr, coompleete aand ttest, andd/or plugg andd abaandonn succh weell(ss) ass COMMPANYY reqquirees heereunnder, inccludiing, but not limiited to, fourr (4) firrm weell(ss) att onsshoree loccatioons (hereeinaffter refeerredd to as tthe ""Areaa of Operratioons") in the Arabb Reppubliic off Egyypt, to bbe deesignnatedd by the COMPPANY or CCOMPAANYSS asssigneee Afffiliiate.按照公司要要求,承包包商在阿拉拉伯埃及共共和国陆地地施工现场场(以下称称“施工区区”)施工工(钻井、加深、修修井、完井井、试井或或堵塞、弃弃井),由由公司或其其受让的关关联公司指指定的4口确定井井,(包括括4口井,但但不限于44口井)。 Clausse 2.2 Duuratiion2.2合同期期限2.2.11 Firrm Weells: 确定定井CONTRRACTOOR, aat COOMPANNYS direectioon, sshalll driill ffour (4) firmm wellls aat thhe loocatiion ddesiggnateed byy COMMPANYY.按照公司的的指令,承承包商在公公司指定的的现场施工工4口确定井井。 2.2.22 Opttionaal weells: 待定定井CONTRRACTOOR shhall drilll foour (4) ooptioonal wellls affter fourr (4) firrm weells at CCOMPAANYSS opttion subjject to tthe ffolloowingg:完成4口确确定井的施施工后, 承包商为为公司施工工4口待定井井,这取决决于以下情情况: a) COMMPANYY shaall ggive CONTTRACTTOR aa wriittenn nottice indiicatiing iits eexerccisinng off itss opttion thatt CONNTRACCTOR makees Riig avvailaable to ddrilll opttionaal weells at CCOMPAANYSS dessignaated locaationns, ssubjeect tto (bb) heereunnder.1) 公司书书面通知承承包商,表表明其施工工4口待定井井的决定。承包商的的钻机能够够在以下22) 款条条件下动迁迁到公司指指定的待钻钻井井场。 b) CONNTRACCTOR shalll maake tthe RRig aavaillablee to drilll att COMMPANYYS llocattion(s) aafterr onee monnth ffrom the datee of the saidd nottice, or uponn thee datte off thee firrst rreleaase oof thhe Riig frrom aany tthirdd parrty ccurreent ooperaationns whhicheever datee is lateer.2) 承包商商接到公司司上述通知知一月后或或其钻机一一旦从当前前施工的任任何第三方方释放,以以迟后的日日期为准,承承包商能够够将钻机动动迁到公司司指定的井井场。 c) Thee Terrms aand CCondiitionns off thiis Coontraact sshalll appply, as iis, tto thhe opptionnal wwell(s).3) 本合同同当前的条条款同样适适用于待定定井。 Clausse 2.3 TTermiinatiion 合同终止止2.3.11 COMMPANYY mayy, att itss opttion, terrminaate tthis Conttractt witthoutt oblligattion or lliabiilityy to CONTTRACTTOR iif COONTRAACTORRS RRig hhas nnot aarrivved aat COOMPANNYS firsst loocatiion rreadyy to spudd a wwell locaationn dessignaated by CCOMPAANY wwithiin onne moonth afteer siigninng thhe Coontraact. In tthat casee, COONTRAACTORR shaall nnot bbe enntitlled tto anny paaymennts wwhatssoeveer frrom CCOMPAANY.签订合同后后一个月内内,如果承承包商没有有把钻机动动迁到公司司指定的第第一口井井井场,没有有做好开钻钻准备,公公司有权选选择终止该该合同。在在这种情况况下公司对对承包商 不负任何何责任或义义务,承包包商无权向向公司索偿偿任何款项项。 2.3.22 In the evennt thhe Riig beecomees a totaal looss (whicch shhall alsoo inccludee connstruuctivve arrrangged aand/oor coomproomiseed tootal losss) thhis CContrract shalll teerminnate withhout notiice aand ssuch termminattion shalll bee efffectiive aas off thee timme whhen tthe RRig cceasees drrilliing ooperaationns wiithinn thee scoope oof thhis CContrract and no ffurthher ppaymeents shalll bee payyablee to CONTTRACTTOR eexceppt foor exxpensses aalreaady iincurrred. COONTRAACTORR shaall bbe reesponnsiblle, aat itts exxpensse, ffor tthe rremovval oof thhe Riig annd itts eqquipmment in tthe eeventt of suchh losss.在承包商钻钻机全部灭灭失的情况况下 (包括推推定全损和和约定全损损), 本合合同将终止止而无需通通知承包商商。在合同同工作范围围内,钻机机停止施工工的时间为为合同终止止的有效时时间。除去去已发生的的费用外,合合同终止后后,承包商商不再享受受公司的任任何偿付。在这种情情况下,承承包商自付付费用把其其钻机和设设备运离现现场。 2.3.33 Inn thee eveent, for any reasson (inclludinng, bbut nnot llimitted tto, FForcee Majjeuree), tthe RRig ffailss to begiin thhe Woork aat thhe deesignnatedd driillinng loocatiion wwithiin seeven (7) dayss froom thhe Coommenncemeent DDate, theen COOMPANNY shhall havee thee opttion of ttermiinatiing tthis Conttractt efffectiive uupon giviing wwrittten nnoticce too thee CONNTRACCTOR.不管出于任任何原因(包包括,但不不限于不可可抗力),如如果钻机在在起始日77天后没能能在指定的的井场开工工,那么,公公司可书面面通知承包包商立即终终止合同。 2.3.44 COMMPANYY shaall hhave the righht too terrminaate tthis Conttractt upoon fiifteeen (115) ddays advaance writtten notiice iin thhe evvent thatt perrformmancee of drilllingg opeeratiions is ddelayyed oor prrevennted for reassons of FForcee Majjeuree (ass deffinedd herreinaafterr) foor a periiod oof thhirtyy (300) coonseccutivve daays, or iin thhe evvent drilllingg opeeratiions cannnot bbe peerforrmed becaause of, or iin coonnecctionn witth, rrepaiirs oor moodifiicatiions to CCONTRRACTOORS Rig or eequippmentt whiich eexceeed orr aree exppecteed too excceed thirrty (30) dayss.如果由于不不可抗力 (如下所所述) 致使施施工延迟或或受阻连续续达30天,或或者由于承承包商钻机机、设备修修理、整改改,或与修修理、整改改有关的时时间超过或或预计超过过连续300天,公司司有权提前前15天书面面通知承包包商终止该该合同。 2.3.55 In the evennt COONTRAACTORR, maakes an aassiggnmennt foor thhe beenefiit off creeditoors, makees ann arrrangeementt, coompossitioon, oor coomproomisee witth itts crredittors undeer anny apppliccablee lawws orr hass a rreceiiver appoointeed inn resspectt of the wholle orr anyy parrt off itss asssets, theen COOMPANNY shhall be eentittled (witthoutt preejudiice tto itts otther righhts oor reemediies) fortthwitth too terrminaate tthis Conttractt by notiice iin wrritinng too CONNTRACCTOR. COMMPANYYS sselecctionn to termminatte thhis CContrract shalll noot reelievve COONTRAACTORR of its obliigatiions to ttake suchh acttion to pproteect tthe wwell on wwhichh CONNTRACCTOR is tthen at WWork as CCOMPAANY mmay iindiccate.如果承包商商破产,为为了清偿债债务而转让让,根据某某一适用的的法律与债债权人达成成协议、和和解或契约约,或委任任接收人接接管其全部部或部分资资产,公司司有权书面面通知承包包商立即终终止合同(不不影响公司司享有的其其他权利或或补救措施施)。公司司选择终止止本合同并并不免除承承包商采取取措施保护护正在施工工井井身的的义务。 2.3.66 In the evennt COOMPANNY ellectss to termminatte thhis CContrract undeer thhe prrovissionss of thiss Artticlee II, thee COMMPANYY willl noot bee liaable for paymment of aany ddailyy rattes uunderr thiis Coontraact wwith resppect to aany pperiood foollowwing the effeectivve daate oof suuch ttermiinatiion.如果公司根根据本合同同第二条款款终止合同同,公司无无义务支付付承包商合合同有效期期终止后的的任何日费费。 2.3.77 CONNTRACCTOR may, at its optiion, termminatte thhis CContrract uponn fiffteenn (155) daays aadvannce wwrittten nnoticce inn casse off nonnpaymment of CCONTRRACTOOR unndispputedd monnthlyy “daaily ratees” IInvoiices withhin 660 daays aafterr thee Invvoicee duee datte, CCONTRRACTOOR wiill rreleaase tthe wwell withhout unduue haazardd.如果承包商商提交的发发票无异议议,到期后后60天内仍仍未得到偿偿付时,承承包商可提提前15天书面面通知公司司终止本合合同。然后后,承包商商安全地将将其设备运运离井场。 ARTICCLE IIII - MOBBILIZZATIOON, DDEMOBBILIZZATIOON第三条条款 动迁、迁返Clausse 3.1 MMobillizattion 动迁CONTRRACTOOR shhall be ppaid lumpp summ of U.S$ 2855,8500 (Twwo huundreed annd eiightyy-fivve thhousaand eeightt hunndredd andd fiffty UU.S DDollaars) for mobiiliziing tthe RRig aand iits PPersoonnell to the COMPPANYS fiirst desiignatted ddrillling locaationn froom Zaaafarrna DDoverr fieeld.承包商把其其钻机和人人员从扎发发腊那道沃沃尔油区动动迁到公司司指定的第第一口井场场,公司付付给承包商商动迁费2285, 850美美元 (贰拾捌捌万伍千捌捌佰伍拾美美元) 。 Clausse 3.2 DDemobbilizzatioon 迁返费CONTRRACTOOR shhall provvide for and bearr forr itss ownn acccountt thee cosst off demmobillizinng thhe Riig annd itts Peersonnnel fromm thee COMMPANYYS ddrillling locaationn(s) afteer thhe COOMPANNY haas reeleassed tthe RRig. CONTTRACTTOR sshalll beaar annd paay foor alll coosts, exppensees annd feees iincurrred in ttranssportting the Rig fromm itss lasst drrilliing llocattion inclludinng, bbut nnot llimitted tto, aall ttruckking, towwing, expport and all portt chaargess andd feees iff appplicaable.公司释放钻钻机后,承承包商自负负费用将其其钻机和人人员从公司司的井场迁迁返。承包包商承担从从公司最后后一个井场场撤离运输输过程中发发生的所有有费用,包包括但不限限于卡车、拖车、出出口费用以以及可能涉涉及的所有有港口费和和手续费。 ARTICCLE IIV EEQUIPPMENTT & PPERSOONNELL第四条款款 设备和人人员Clausse 4.1 EEquippmentt Proovideed byy CONNTRACCTOR承承包商提供供的设备4.1.11 CONNTRACCTOR shalll: a) ffurniish tthe RRig aand eequippmentt speecifiied iin Apppenddix ""A", attaachedd herreto and madee a ppart hereeof; b) ffurniish tthe ssparee parrts, supppliess andd serrvicees shhown as tto bee proovideed byy CONNTRACCTOR in AAppenndix "C", atttacheed heeretoo andd madde a partt herreof; andd c) carrry ouut alll opperattionss in accoordannce wwith the requuiremmentss of COMPPANY; alll subbjectt to the provvisioons oof thhis CContrract. Reeplennishmment of CCONTRRACTOOR suuppliied iitemss willl bee arrrangeed byy thee CONNTRACCTOR at iits eexpennse, and CONTTRACTTOR sshalll be respponsiible for mainntainning adeqquatee stoock llevells. CCONTRRACTOORS equiipmennt shhall be iin suuch ccondiitionn as to bbe suuitabble aand sserviiceabble ffor pperfoormannce iin acccorddancee witth thhe teerms and condditioons oof thhis CContrract. COMMPANYY shaall hhave the conttinuiing rrightt, att itss opttion and withhout reliievinng COONTRAACTORR of its dutyy of insppectiion, to iinspeect aand rrejecct foor reeasonnablee cauuse sshownn anyy iteems ffurniishedd by CONTTRACTTOR, and CONTTRACTTOR sshalll be obliigateed too repplacee or repaair tthe rrejeccted itemm.根据本合同同的规定承承包商 AA) 按合合同附件AA的内容提提供钻机及及设备,附附件A为本合同同的一部分分。B) 按合同附附件C的内容提提供备用件件、材料及及服务,附附件C