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    STANNDARRDS ANDD PRROCEEDURRESDEPAARTMMENTT: AACTIIVITTIESS JJOB CATTEGOORY:BEAACH ATTTENDDANTTHEADD: GG. MM. AAPPRROVAAL:DDATEE:TASKK:CHHILDDRENNS SSWIMMMINNG LLESSSONSS ANND GGAMEES AACTIIVITTYSTANNDARRD:PROCCEDUURE:STANNDARRDS ANDD PRROCEEDURRESDEPAARTMMENTT: AACTIIVITTIESS JJOB CATTEGOORY:BEAACH ATTTENDDANTTHEADD: GG. MM. AAPPRROVAAL:DDATEE:TASKK:CHHILDDRENNS QQUIZZSTANNDARRD:PROCCEDUURE:STANNDARRDS ANDD PRROCEEDURRESDEPAARTMMENTT: AACTIIVITTIESS JJOB CATTEGOORY: BEEACHH ATTTENNDANNTHEADD: GG. MM. AAPPRROVAAL:DDATEE:TASKK:CAARRYYINGG OUUT CCHILLDREENS SSCAVVENGGER HUNNT AAND CRAAB RRACEESTANNDARRD:AALL STAAFF MUSST BBE AABLEE TOO SUUCCEESSFFULLLY CCARRRY OOUT THIIS EEVENNTPROCCEDUURE:The orgganiisattionn off thhis eveent is simmilaar tto tthe Treeasuure hunnt. It willl bbe hheldd frrom 4 . 300 too 6 . 000 pp . m . innitiiallly, andd chhilddrenn wiill meeet aat tthe beaach burre.Equiipmeent neeededd a simmplee haandoout whiich menntioons artticlles to be fouund andd taaskss too doo. AAlsoo neeedeed aare baggs tto ccarrry ffinddinggs iin, penncills, andd onne mmarkker. Thhe sstagges aree liike thee trreassuree huunt :9. Ensuure alll chhilddrenn knnow aboout thee evventt eaarliier in thee daay.10. Intrroduuctiion of rulles andd taaskss.11. Expllainn thhat onee hoour maxximuum iis aalloowedd foor ccompplettionn off thhe ttaskks. Chiildrren agaain opeeratte iin ppairrs aand musst sstayy onn thhe SSherratoon ggrouundss.12. On ccompplettionn off thhe eevennt, thee diiscooverriess wiill be loookedd att annd tthe craabs willl bbe ggiveen aa nuumbeer.13. A wiinneer wwilll bee chhoseen.14. The craab rracee iss thhen staarteed uusinng aa ciirclle aand by putttinng aall craabs in thee ceentrre. Thee wiinneer iis tthe firrst outt off thhe ccirccle. Thhis seccondd paart of thee acctivvityy wiill be verry iinfoormaal aand shoouldd laast unttil appproxximaatelly 558 . p . mm . As iin tthe treeasuure hunnt, entthussiassm iis tthe maiin rrequuireemennt oof tthe insstruuctoor. Thee roole is minnimaal bbut verry iimpoortaant.STANNDARRDS ANDD PRROCEEDURRESDEPAARTMMENTT: AACTIIVITTIESS JJOB CATTEGOORY: BEEACHH ATTTENNDANNTHEADD: GG. MM. AAPPRROVAAL:DDATEE:TASKK: OORGAANISSINGG THHE CCHILLDREENSS PAAINTTINGG COOMPEETITTIONNSTANNDARRD: ALLL SSTAFFF SSHOUULD KNOOW TTHE ACTTIVIITY ANDD BEE ABBLE TO ORGGANIISE ITPROCCEDUURE:Thiss acctivvityy wiill lasst oone houur oonlyy. IIt wwilll bee caarriied outt inndooors at an unsspeccifiied loccatiion. Meeetiing plaace is thee Beeachh Buure.The equuipmmentt neeedeed iinclludees, paiint, peens, brrushhes, laargee annd ssmalll ppapeer, penncills eetc.The staagess arre aas ffolllowss :1. Intrroduuctiion andd exxplaanattionn thhis wouuld havve tto iinvoolvee loots of enccourrageemennt aand proomottionn off iddealls peerhaaps a tthemme.2. Giviing outt off eqquippmennt.3. Commmenccemeent.4. Compplettionn.5. Disccusssionn annd pposiitivve ffeeddbacck a vottingg syysteem ffor thee chhoicce oof wwinnner.The insstruuctoors rolle wwilll bee viitall. EEncoouraagemmentt shhoulld bbe ggiveen aat aall timmes. Hee shhoulld hhavee iddeass annd bbe aablee too mootivvatee chhilddrenn too prroduuce a ppictturee.The marrkinng oof tthe endd reesullt iis vveryy immporrtannt . Onnly possitiive connstrructtionn shhoulld bbe ggiveen. Wheen ddeciidinng oon aa wiinneer, alllow chiildrrens iinpuut ffirsst.STANNDARRDS ANDD PRROCEEDURRESDEPAARTMMENTT: AACTIIVITTIESS JJOB CATTEGOORY: BEEACHH ATTTENNDANNTHEADD: GG. MM. AAPPRROVAAL:DDATEE:TASKK:CHHILDDRENNS MMORNNINGG JOOG, WALLK, SHEELL HUNNT OOR OOTHEER MMORNNINGG EVVENTTSTANNDARRD:PROCCEDUURE:STANNDARRDS ANDD PRROCEEDURRESDEPAARTMMENTT: AACTIIVITTIESS JJOB CATTEGOORY: BEEACHH ATTTENNDANNTHEADD: GG. MM. AAPPRROVAAL:DDATEE:TASKK:TAAKINNG TTHE MORRNINNG JJOG OR WALLKSTANNDARRD: EACCH AATTEENDAANT MUSST BBE FFIT ENOOUGHH TOO CAARRYY ITT OUUT WWITHH EAASE ANDD BEE ENNTERRTAIININNG EENOUUGH TO MAKKE IIT EENJOOYABBLE.PROCCEDUURE:The morrninng jjog or wallk wwilll bee prreceededd byy thhe ppre sttrettch. Thhis willl bbe hheldd neear thee poool or on thee beeachh. TThe meeetinng pplacce ffor thee acctivvityy iss thhe mmainn poool at 7 . 300 a . mm . forr addultts aand at 8 . 3 0 aa . m . foor cchilldreen. Durratiion of thee acctivvityy iss onne hhourr.The typpes of morrninng aactiivitty :1. Mornningg beeachh joog.2. Mornningg beeachh waalk3. Scennic morrninng wwalkk arrounnd tthe prooperrty.For chiildrren, thhe aactiivitty ccoulld bbe aany of thee foolloowinng: 4. Mornningg beeachh joog.5. Mornningg beeachh waalk.6. Explloriing thee prropeertyy.7. Shelll hhunttingg8. Chilldreens mmeettingg.PROCCEDUURESS : (cconttinuued )Thinngs to be awaare of :Beacch JJog :For thee beeachh joog, thee innstrructtor shoouldd bee awwaree off evveryyonees nneedd annd sset of meddiumm paace. Hee shhoulld cchecck aall gueestss arre OOK aat iinteervaals. Iff neecesssarry , a pullse cheeck shoouldd bee maade aloong thee waay.Beacch WWalkk :For thee beeachh waalk, thhe iinsttrucctorr shhoulld aagaiin kkeepp a meddiumm paace andd enngagge iin cconvverssatiion witth tthe grooup or inddiviiduaallyy. IInfoormaalitty sshouuld be strresssed.The sceenicc waalk arooundd thhe pproppertty sshouuld be simmilaar tto tthe beaach wallk, butt sppeciificc pllacees oof iinteeresst sshouuld be poiinteed oout . TThiss woouldd bee thhe ssamee wiith thee chhilddrenns“expplorringg thhe pproppertty aactiivitty.”Shelll hhunttingg :Thiss acctivvityy iss aiimedd att prrepaarinng ffor thee taalennt sshoww inn thhe eevenningg . Thee iddea is to enccourragee chhilddrenn too paartiicippatee annd tto ssugggestt waays in whiich theey mmighht cconttribbutee. TThe shoow sshouuld be madde iintoo a proograammee annd rreheearssed in thee eaarlyy moorniing houur.STANNDARRDS ANDD PRROCEEDURRESDEPAARTMMENTT: AACTIIVITTIESS JJOB CATTEGOORY: BEEACHH ATTTENNDANNTHEADD: GG. MM. AAPPRROVAAL:DDATEE:TASKK:CAARRYYINGG OUUT TTHE PREE STTRETTCH CLAASS BEFFOREE THHE EEARLLY MMORNNINGG ACCTIVVITYYSTANNDARRD: ALLL INNSTRRUCTTOR MUSST IINSTTRUCCT CCLEAARLYY, BBE CCONTTINUUOUSS, AAND PROOMOTTE EENJOOYMEENT OF THEE ACCTIVVITYY. TTHE STRRETCCHESS MUUST BE DONNE BBY TTHE INSSTRUUCTOOR.PROCCEDUURE:Streetchhingg iss viitall foor ggetttingg blloodd innto thee muusclles andd ennsurringg aggainnst pulllinng oor sstraainiing. Thhe ppre sttrettch takkes plaace befforee thhe mmornningg joog oor wwalkk annd iis aavaiilabble forr chhilddrenn orr addultts. Carre mmustt bee taakenn inn taakinng aa sttrettch acttiviity in thee foolloowinng wway :1. All strretcchess shhoulld bbe ddonee grraduuallly.2. No fforccingg orr jeerkiing of thee boody is to be enccourrageed.3. The siddes of thee boody shoouldd bee sttrettcheed eequaallyy.4. Breaathiing shoouldd coontiinuee ass noormaal aand no holldinng oof bbreaach shoouldd bee enncouuragged.5. Eachh inndivviduual shoouldd bee eaach strretcch tto ttheiir oown abiilitty aand shoouldd noot ccomppetee anny pprevviouus aacciidennts or dissabiilittiess guuestts hhavee haad sshouuld be takken intto cconssideerattionn.Afteer ggetttingg a grooup toggethher thee innstrructtor willl iintrroduuce himmsellf aand expplaiin tthatt hee wiill be doiing a ffew simmplee sttrettchees bbefoore thee acctivvityy annd hhe wwoulld llikee alll gguessts to joiin iin aand coppy tthe movvemeentss . It shoouldd bee exxplaaineed tthatt thhe sstreetchhes aree deesiggnedd too alllevviatte aany mussclee soorennesss orr pootenntiaal ddamaage whiich mayy occcurr duurinng tthe jogg orr waalk.PROCCEDUURESS : ( conntinnuedd )The strretcchess wiill takke 110 tto 115 mminuutess annd wwilll cooverr thhe ffolllowiing areeas :59. Neckk,60. Uppeer bbackk annd cchesst,61. Armss annd ssidees,62. Abdoominnalss,63. Quadds aand hammstrringgs,64. Calvves andd annklees,65. Breaathiing.Atteentiion shoouldd bee giivenn too eaach areea aand it shoouldd bee poointted outt too thhe gguesst wwhatt arrea is beiing strretcchedd.Uponn coomplletiion, thhe jjog or wallk ccan commmennce.STANNDARRDS ANDD PRROCEEDURRESDEPAARTMMENTT: AACTIIVITTIESS JJOB CATTEGOORY: BEEACHH ATTTENNDANNTHEADD: GG. MM. AAPPRROVAAL:DDATEE:TASKK:CLLEANNINGG OFF ALLL BBEACCH AAND POOOL CCHAIIRSSTANNDARRD:CCHAIIRS MUSST BBE DDIRTT FRREE AD CLEEAREED AAT LLEASST TTWICCE DDAILLY.PROCCEDUURE:1. The atttenddantt sttarttingg thhe ssecoond shiift willl pprocceedd too thhe bbeacch aafteer ccompplettingg thhe ccleaaninng oof aall pooolsiide louungee chhairrs, acccomppaniied by thee fiirstt shhiftt atttenndannt.2. Cleaaninng eequiipmeent willl bbe ccarrriedd too thhe bbeacch ffromm thhe bbeacch bburee orr poool rooom.3. Starrtinng aat ooppoositte eendss off thhe bbeacch, thee atttenndannts willl ccleaan aall beaach chaairss, ttopss annd bbotttomss ussingg a detterggentt, bbuckket, annd wwet clooth.4. Folllowiing thiis , chhairrs wwilll bee drriedd ussingg a dryy cllothh annd pplacced in suiitabble possitiionss foor gguessts to seee whhen theey aarisse. No detterggentt wiill be lefft oon cchaiirs.5. If ttidee iss hiigh, chhairrs aare to be lefft aabovve bbreaakwaaterr waall. Iff tiide is loww, hhalff thhe cchaiirs mayy bee liifteed ddownn onnto thee beeachh annd aarraangeed nniceely. Iff inn dooubtt, lleavve cchaiirs aboove breeakwwateer.6. Any chaairss puut ddownn onnto beaach aree thhe rrespponssibiilitty oof tthe beaach atttenddantt whho pplacced theem annd hhe wwoulld eeithher remmovee thhem at thee ennd oof tthe dayy, oor mmakee thhe nneceessaary arrranggemeent witth aanottherr atttenndannt.STANNDARRDS ANDD PRROCEEDURRESDEPAARTMMENTT: AACTIIVITTIESS JJOB CATTEGOORY: BEEACHH ATTTENNDANNTHEADD: GG. MM. AAPPRROVAAL:DDATEE:TASKK:CLLEANNINGG OFF HOOBIEE CAATS, SAAILBBOARRDS ANDD OTTHERR CRRAFTT INNCLUUDINNG AALL EQUUIPMMENTTSTANNDARRD:EEQUIIPMEENT MUSST AALWAAYS BE IN A CCLEAAN CCONDDITIION PROCCEDUURE:7. All craaft musst bbe ccleaanedd twwicee daailyy. OOncee eaarlyy inn thhe mmornningg , andd onnce at sunnsett.8. Cleaaninng eequiipmeent musst bbe ccolllectted froom tthe beaach burre oor tthe swiim ppooll pllatee rooom as sooon aas tthe poool ccleaaninng iis ccomppletted.9. Hobiie ccatss , saiilbooardds , annd ootheer ccrafft mmustt bee taakenn doown on to thee beeachh too prrepaare forr clleanningg . In thee evventt off a higgh ttidee orr immpenndinng hhighh tiide, booatss wiill be cleeaneed aabovve tthe breeakwwateer wwalll. AAtteendaantss muust firrst cheeck thee hiigh watter timmes on thee beeachh buure notticee booardd.10. All craaft inccluddingg thhe cchasse bboatt annd aacceessooriees mmustt thhen be cleeaneed uusinng aa buuckeet, clooth, brrushh annd ccleaaninng lliquuid. Alll ssandd muust be remmoveed ffromm booatss, aand anyy taar oor bblemmishh maarkss too thhe hhullls oor ttopssidees tto bbe ccleaanedd offf. Alll saailss arre tto bbe hhoseed ddownn ussingg frreshh waaterr.11. To ddry, alll bboatts wwilll bee leeft in a llinee wiith saiils, hooistted, heead to winnd, (unnlesss wwindd iss coonsiiderred tooo sttronng ). SSaillboaardss wiill alsso bbe rriggged andd riigs lefft sstanndinng sso aas tto ddry quiicklly.12. All othher craaft willl bbe aarraangeed rreaddy ffor usee .PROCCEDUURESS : (cconttinuued )13. In tthe eveeninng aat aapprroxiimattelyy 5 . 000 pp . m . , alll crraftt wiill be cleeaneed iin rreseervee. AAs eeachh booat retturnns tto tthe beaach, itt wiill be cleeaneed aand retturnned up thee sllip wayy too bee pllaceed aabovve tthe breeakwwateer wwalll foor tthe nigght. Saailss wiill be stoowedd neeatlly, andd alll rropees aand linnes coiiledd tiidilly. Anyy acccesssorriess wiill be locckedd awway by thee eqquippmennt ssupeerviisorr.14. All craaft musst bbe iin bby 55 . 30 p . m .15. Befoore leaavinng , atttenndannt mmustt chheckk thhat alll crraftt arre ssecuure, tiidy, inn a strraigght linne, andd thhat alll liiness arre ccoilled.STANNDARRDS ANDD PRROCEEDURRESDEPAARTMMENTT: AACTIIVITTIESS JJOB CATTEGOORY: BEEACHH ATTTENNDANNTHEADD: GG. MM. AAPPRROVAAL:DDATEE:TASKK:CLLEANNINGG ANND RRAKIING OF BEAACHSTANNDARRD:TTHE BEAACH SHOOULDD BEE DEEBRIIS FFREEE ATT ALLL TTIMEES AAND CLEEANEED AAFTEER EEACHH HIIGH TIDDE. IT WILLL AALSOO BEE CLLEANNED EACCH MMORNNINGG REEGARRDLEESS OF TIDDE PPOSIITIOON.PROCCEDUURE:1. Checck aand be awaare of higgh ttidee tiimess onn thhe bbeacch bburee nooticce bboarrd.2. Colllectt raake, whheell baarroow, or garrbagge cconttainner andd shhoveel.3. Begiin ccleaaninng pproccesss byy waalkiing thee Shheraatonn beeachh annd ppickkingg upp anny llargge ddebrris succh aas llittter, woood or succh llikee. DDo tthe areea ffromm thhe bbreaakwaaterr sppit to thee cllearringg juust passt tthe Sheeratton prooperrty.4. Afteer ppickkingg upp alll ddebrris, sttartt frrom onee ennd aand rakke tthe lenngthh off thhe bbeacch tto ccleaar aall seaaweeed llinees aand bleemissh llinees ccaussed by thee hiigh tidde.5. As ppilees oof sseawweedd beecomme ttoo larrge , uuse thee sshovvel to lifft tthemm inn too thhe wwheeel bbarrrow or garrbagge cconttainner. Piick up as youu goo ,rremeembeerinng tto aalwaays smooothh ouut bbehiind youu. EEviddencce oof rrakiing is acccepttablle, gapps wwherre aa shhoveel hhavee beeen usee arre nnot.6. Afteer cchecckinng yyourr woork thoorouughlly diispoose of thee beeachh deebrii


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