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    (海量营销管理培训资料下载)计英语术语国际际会计术语英英汉对照 AAccounnt 帐户AAccounnting systeem 会计系系统 Ameericann Accoountinng Asssociattion 美美国会计协会会 Amerrican Instiitute of CPPAs 美国国注册会计师师协会 Auudit 审审计 Ballance sheett 资产负债债表 Boookkeeppking 簿记 Caash fllow prrospeccts 现金金流量预测 Certiificatte in Interrnal AAuditiing 内部部审计证书 Certiificatte in Managgementt Accoountinng 管理会会计证书 CCertifficatee Publlic Acccounttant注册册会计师 CCost aaccounnting 成本会计 Exterrnal uusers 外部使用者者 Finaanciall accoountinng 财务会会计 Finnanciaal Acccountiing Sttandarrds Booard 财财务会计准则则委员会 FFinanccial fforecaast 财务务预测 Geenerallly acccepteed acccountiing prrincipples 公公认会计原则则 Geneeral-ppurposse infformattion 通通用目的信息息Goverrnmentt Accoountinng Offfice 政政府会计办公公室 Inccome sstatemment 损损益表 Innstituute off Inteernal Audittors 内内部审计师协协会 Insstitutte of Managgementt Accoountannts 管理理会计师协会会 Inteegrityy 整合性 Interrnal aauditiing 内部部审计 Innternaal conntrol struccture 内部控制结结构 Intternall Reveenue SServicce 国内收收入署 Innternaal useers 内部部使用者 MManageement accouuntingg 管理会计计 Retuurn off inveestmennt 投资回回报 Retturn oon invvestmeent 投资资报酬 Seecuritties aand Exxchangge Commmissiion 证券券交易委员会会 Stattementt of ccash fflow 现现金流量表 Stateement of fiinanciial poositioon 财务状状况表 Taax acccountiing 税务务会计 Acccountting eequatiion 会计计等式 Arrticullationn 勾稽关系系 Asseets 资产产 Busiiness entitty 企业个个体 Cappital stockk 股本 CCorporrationn 公司 CCost pprinciiple 成成本原则 CCredittor 债权权人 Defflatioon 通货紧紧缩 Dissclosuure 批露露 Expeenses 费用 Fiinanciial sttatemeent 财务务报表 Fiinanciial acctivitties 筹筹资活动 GGoing-conceern asssumpttion 持持续经营假设设Inflaation 通货膨涨 Invessting activvitiess 投资活动动 Liabbilitiies 负债债 Negaative cash flow 负现金流量量 Operratingg actiivitiees 经营活活动 Ownners eequityy 所有者权权益 Parrtnersship 合合伙企业 PPositiive caash fllow 正现现金流量 RRetainned eaarningg 留存利润润 Reveenue 收收入 Solle proopriettorshiip 独资企企业 Sollvencyy 清偿能力力 Stabble-doollar assummptionn 稳定货币币假设 Sttockhoolderss 股东 SStockhholderrs equuity 股股东权益 WWindoww dresssing 门面粉饰原始分录错误 errorr of ooriginnal enntry原始始分录簿 bbook oof oriiginall entrry原则性错错误 errror off prinnciplee流动资产 curreent asssets流流动负债 ccurrennt liaabilitties流动动比率 cuurrentt ratiio流动抵押押品 flooatingg charrge租购 hire purchhase租购购公司 hiirer个体体 entiity差额承承上 ballance brougght doown差额承承前 ballance brougght foorwardd 差额转下下 balaance ccarrieed dowwn帐户 aaccounnt透支 ooverdrraft透支支额度 faacilitty exttent名调调乱错误 eerror of coommisssion现金金日记簿 ccash bbook现金金收支帐 rreceippts annd payymentss accoount现金金折扣 caash diiscounnt虚帐户 nominnal acccountt净损失 nnet looss累积基基金 acccumulaated ffund停止止经营 quuit cooncernn动用资金 capittal emmployeed专利税 royallty专利权权 pateent货物寄寄销帐 gooods ssent oon connsignmment aaccounnt票面值 par vvalue接接纳 acccept净流流动资产 nnet cuurrentt asseets速动比比率 liqquiditty rattio寄销 consiignmennt寄销人 consiignor 寄销帐 cconsiggnmentt accoount票据据拒付手续费费 notiing chhargess票据贴现 discoountinng billl of exchaange组织织大纲 meemoranndum oof asssociattion组织织章程 arrticlees of assocciatioon商誉 ggoodwiill贷方 crediit贷项通知知单 creedit nnote贷项项通知单(银银行用) ccreditt adviice提用 drawiings提款款帐 draawingss accoount费用用 expeenses期期未存货 cclosinng stoock期初存存货 opeening stockk单式簿记 singlle-enttry boookkeeeping备备忘 memmoranddum补助分分类帐 suubsidiiary aaccounnt报表 sstatemment贴现现 disccount发发票 invvoice发发票人 drrawer间间接工资 iindireect waages贴现现手续费 ddiscouuntingg charrge普通股股 ordiinary sharees普通日记记簿 genneral journnal普通原原始簿 geenerall bookk of ooriginnal enntry间接接原料 inndirecct matteriall间接费用 indirrect eexpensses, ooverheead间接制制造成本 ffactorry oveerheadd开帐分录 openiing enntriess结帐分录 closiing enntriess短期合营 jointt ventture短期期合营帐 jjoint ventuure acccountt短期合营备备忘帐 meemoranndum jjoint ventuure acccountt结算票据 honouur thee billl of eexchannge超额利利润 supper prrofit资资本 cappital资资本主 prroprieetor资本本支出 caapitall expeendituure资本报报酬率 reeturn on caapitall emplloyed零零用现金凭单单 pettty cassh vouucher零零用现金簿 pettyy cashh bookk债权人 ccredittor债券 debennture预预计利息帐法法 inteerest suspeense aaccounnt metthod预付付费用 prrepaidd expeenses预预取收益 rreceippt in advannce会计等等式 acccountiing eqquatioon损益帐 profiit andd losss accoount损益益计算 inncome deterrminattion过帐帐 postting资产产 asseets资产负负债表 baalancee sheeet资产收回回价值 gooods rreposssessedd valuue试算表 triall balaance经常常性项目 rrecurrrent iitem溢价价 premmium溢价价发行 isssued at prremiumm 催缴股款款 calll银行往来调调节表 baank reeconciiliatiion sttatemeent复式簿簿记 douuble-eentry bookkkeepinng说明 aaccounnt forr实帐户 rreal aaccounnt对销 ccontraa制成品 ffinishhed gooods汇票票 billl of eexchannge, ddraft实实际成本 aactuall costt截线 ennter sshort其它资产 otther aassetss 递延资产产 defeerred assetts 债券发发行成本 ddeferrred boond isssuancce cossts 长期期预付租金 long-term prepaaid reent 长期期预付保险费费 longg-termm preppaid iinsuraance 递递延所得税资资产 defferredd incoome taax asssets 预预付退休金 prepaaid peensionn costt 其它递延延资产 otther ddeferrred asssets 闲置资产 idle assetts 闲置资资产 idlle asssets 长长期应收票据据及款项与催催收帐款 llong-tterm nnotes , acccountss and overddue reeceivaables 长期应收票票据 lonng-terrm nottes reeceivaable 长长期应收帐款款 longg-termm accoounts receiivablee 催收帐款款 overrdue rreceivvabless 长期应收收票据及款项项与催收帐款款-关系人 long-term notess, acccountss and overddue reeceivaables- relaated ppartiees 其它长长期应收款项项 otheer lonng-terrm recceivabbles 备备抵呆帐-长长期应收票据据及款项与催催收帐款 aallowaance ffor unncolleectiblle acccountss - loong-teerm nootes, accouunts aand ovverduee receeivablles 出租租资产 asssets leaseed to otherrs 出租资资产 asssets lleasedd to ootherss 出租资产产 -重估增增值 asssets lleasedd to ootherss - inncremeental value frrom reevaluaation 累积折旧 -出租资产产 accuumulatted deepreciiationn - asssets leaseed to otherrs 存出保保证金 reefundaable ddeposiit资本公积积- 库藏股股票交易 aadditiional paid-in caapitall - trreasurry stoock trrans-aactionns 保留盈盈余(或累积积亏损)如需需转载,请注注明来自FaanE翻译译中国htttp;/ retaained earniings (accummulateed defficit)如需转载,请请注明来自FFanE翻翻译中国hhttp;/ 法定盈盈余公积 llegal reserrve 法定定盈余公积 legall reseerve 特特别盈余公积积 speccial rreservve 意外损损失准备 ccontinngencyy reseerve 改改良扩充准备备 imprrovemeent annd exppansioon resserve 偿债准备 speciial reeservee for redemmptionn of lliabillitiess 其它特别别盈余公积 otherr speccial rreservve 未分配配盈余(或累累积亏损)如如需转载,请请注明来自FFanE翻翻译中国hhttp;/ rettainedd earnnings-inapppropriiate (or acccumullated deficcit)如需需转载,请注注明来自FaanE翻译译中国htttp;/ 累积盈亏亏 accuumulatted prrofit or looss 前期期损益调整 priorr periiod addjustmments 本期损益 net iincomee or lloss ffor cuurrentt periiod杂项资资产 misscellaaneouss asseets 受限限制存款 ccertifficatee of ddeposiit - rrestriicted 杂项资产 -其它 mmiscelllaneoous asssets - othher 负债债 liabbilitiies 流动负债 curreent liiabiliities 短期借款 shortt-termm borrrowinggs(debbt)如需转转载,请注明明来自FannE翻译中中国htttp;/ 银行透支 bank overddraft 银行借款 bank loan 短期借款 -业主 sshort-term borroowingss - owwners 短期借款 -员工 sshort-term borroowingss - emmployeees 短期期借款 -关关系人 shhort-tterm bborrowwings- relaated ppartiees 短 期期借款 -其其它 shoort-teerm boorrowiings - otheer 应付短短期票券 sshort-term notess and billss payaable 应应付商业本票票 commmerciaal papper paayablee 银行承兑兑汇票 baank accceptaance 其其它应付短期期票券 otther sshort-term notess and billss payaable 应应付短期票券券折价 diiscounnt on shortt-termm notees andd billls payyable 应付票据 notess payaable 应应付票据 nnotes payabble 应付付票据 -关关系人 nootes ppayablle - rrelateed parrties 其它应付票票据 othher nootes ppayablle 应付帐帐款 acccountss pay able应应付帐款 -关系人 aaccounnts paayablee - reelatedd partties 应应付所得税 incomme taxxes paayablee 应付所得得税 inccome ttax paayablee 应付费用用 accrrued eexpensses 应付付薪工 acccruedd payrroll 应应付租金 aaccrueed rennt payyable 应付利息 accruued innteresst payyable 应付营业税税 accrrued VVAT paayablee 应付税捐捐 -其它 accruued taaxes ppayablle- otther 其其它应付费用用 otheer acccrued expennses ppayablle 其其它应付款 otherr payaables 应付购入远远汇款 foorwardd exchhange contrract ppayablle 应付远远汇款 -外外币 forrward exchaange ccontraact paayablee - fooreignn currrenciees买卖远汇汇溢价 prremiumm on fforwarrd excchangee conttract 应付土地房房屋款 paayablees on land and bbuildiing puurchassed 应付付设备款 PPayablles onn equiipmentt 其它应付付款 -关系系人 othher paayablees - rrelateed parrties 应付股利 dividdend ppayablle 应付红红利 bonnus paayablee 应付董监监事酬劳 ccompennsatioon payyable to diirectoors annd suppervissors 其其它应付款 -其它 oother payabbles - otheer 预收款款项advaance rreceippts 预收收货款 saales rrevenuue recceivedd in aadvancce预收收入入 reveenue rreceivved inn advaance 其其它预收款 otherr advaance rreceippts 一年年或一营业周周期内到期长长期负债 llong-tterm lliabillitiess -currrent portiion 一年年或一营业周周期内到期公公司债 coorporaate boonds ppayablle - ccurrennt porrtion 一年或一营营业周期内到到期长期借款款 longg-termm loanns payyable - currrent portiion 一年年或一营业周周期内到期长长期应付票据据及款项 llong-tterm nnotes and aaccounnts paayablee due withiin onee yearr or oone opperatiing cyycle 一一年或一营业业周期内到期期长期应付票票据及款项-关系人 llong-tterm nnotes and aaccounnts paayablees to relatted paartiess - cuurrentt porttion 其其它一年或一一营业周期内内到期长期负负债 othher loong-teerm liia- biilitiees - ccurrennt porrtion 其它流流动负债 oother curreent liiabiliities 销项税额 VAT rreceivved(orr outpput taax)如需转转载,请注明明来自FannE翻译中中国htttp;/ 暂收款 ttemporrary rreceippts 代收收款 recceiptss undeer cusstody 估计售后服服务/保固负负债 esttimateed warrrantyy liabbilitiies 递延延所得税负债债 defeerred incomme taxx liabbilitiies 递延延兑换利益 deferrred fforeiggn excchangee gainn 业主(股股东)如需转转载,请注明明来自FannE翻译中中国htttp;/往往来 ownners ccurrennt acccount 同业往来 curreent acccountt withh otheers 其它它流动负债-其它 otther ccurrennt liaabilitties - otheers 长期期负债 loong-teerm liiabiliities 应付公司债债 corpporatee bondds payyable 应付公司债债 corpporatee bondds payyable 应付公司债债溢(折)如如需转载,请请注明来自FFanE翻翻译中国hhttp;/价 prremiumm(disccount)如需转载,请请注明来自FFanE翻翻译中国hhttp;/ on corpoorate bondss payaable(本本文已被浏览览 23555 次)一贯原则 coonsisttency人人名帐户 ppersonnal acccountt工作底稿 workiing paaper已承承兑汇票 aacceptted drraft/bbill已发发行股本 iissuedd capiital己催催缴股本 ccalledd-up ccapitaal己缴股本本 paidd-up ccapitaal已赎回票票据 rettired bill欠欠付催缴股款款 callls in arreaar毛存现金金 cashh in hhand毛利利 grosss proofit毛利利率 grooss prrofit ratioo/marggin毛损 grosss losss日记簿 jjournaal月结单 monthhly sttatemeent少量余余额 minnorityy balaance分配配 alloocatioon分类帐 ledgeer公证文件件 notiing分摊 apporrtionmment 加加成 marrk-up 永久业权 freehhold主要要成本 prrime ccost未催催缴股本 uuncallled caapitall申请及分配配 appllicatiion annd alllotmennt目标条款款 objeect cllause平平价发行 iissuedd at ppar出让人人帐 venndor aaccounnt自平 sself-bbalanccing自平平分类帐 sself-bbalanccing lledgerr自动转帐 autoppay成本会会计 cosst acccountiing共同 jointt存货记录簿簿 stocck reccords存存货周转率 stockk turnnover rate存存货帐 sttock aaccounnt年终盘点点存货 yeear-ennd stoock taaking企企业个体 bbusineess enntity合合伙企业 ppartneershipp在运品 ggoods in trransitt在制品 wwork-iin-proogresss呆帐 baad debbts呆帐准准备 proovisioon forr bad debtss没收 foorfeitture利息息帐法 innteresst acccount methood重置 rreplaccementt决算表 ffinal accouunts折扣扣栏 disscountt coluumn折旧 depreeciatiion折旧帐帐法 deppreciaation accouunt meethod折折旧准备帐法法 deprreciattion pprovission aaccounnt metthod折价价 disccount非非人名帐户 imperrsonall accoount抽取取 extrract固定定资产 fiixed aassetss长期负债 long-term liabiilitiees法人 llegal persoon股本 sshare capittal拒付票票据 disshonouured bbill股份份 sharre或有负债债 conttingennt liaabilitty所有权 ownerrship承承兑 accceptannce承兑人人 acceeptor法法定股本 aauthorrised capittal股东主主权 shaareholldersequitty股东资金金 sharreholddersfund受票票人 draawee直线线折旧法 sstraigght-liine deepreciiationn methhod直接工工资 dirrect wwages直直接原料 ddirectt mateerial直直接费用 ddirectt expeenses股股票 shaare ceertifiicate承承销人 coonsignnee承销清清单 acccount saless抵销 seet-offfs抵销性错错误 commpensaating errorr定额制度 impreest syystem科科目 acccount负负债 liaabilitties信讬讬人 truustee按按比例分配 pro rrata背书书 endoorsemeent持票人人 holdder盈余 surpllus盈余分分拨帐 appproprriatioon acccount重重点钜数 mmateriialityy重估折旧法法 revaaluatiion deepreciiationn methhod借方 debitt借项通知单单 debiit notte借项通知知单(银行用用) debbit addvice库库存现金 ccash iin hannd配比 mmatch个个别 sevveral纯纯利 nett proffit纯利率率 net profiit rattio记帐时时借贷方互调调 compplete reverrsal oof enttries特特别原始簿 speciial boook off origginal entryy(本文已被被浏览 25562 次)认讲意图 offfer暂记记帐户 suuspensse acccount销销货成本 ccost oof gooods soold销货折折扣 disscountts alllowed销销货退回簿 returrns innwardss bookk销货净额 net ssales销销货发票 ssales invoiice销货簿簿 salees jouurnal调调整 adjjustmeent制造成成本会计 mmanufaacturiing acccountt数量表达及及稳定货币量量度 quaantifiiabiliity annd staable mmonetaary meeasuree随要随付 payabble onn demaand 余绌绌 surpplus aand deeficitt遗漏错误 errorr of oomissiion余额承承上 ballance brougght doown余额承承前 ballance brougght foorwardd余额递减折折旧法 reeducinng ballance depreeciatiion meethod余余额转下 bbalancce carrried down历历史成本 hhistorrical cost担担保还款佣金金 del credeere coommisssion总分分类帐 geenerall ledgger应付帐帐款分类帐 crediitors ledgeer, puurchasses leedger应应付帐款分类类帐统制帐户户 credditorss ledgger coontroll accoount, purchhases ledgeer conntrol accouunt应收帐帐款分类帐 debtoors leedger, salees leddger应收收帐款分类帐帐统制帐户 debtoors leedger contrrol acccountt, salles leedger contrrol acccountt应计收益 accruued inncome亏亏绌 defficit购购货折扣 ddiscouunts rreceivved购货退退出簿 reeturnss outwwards book购购货帐 puurchasses acccountt购货净额 net ppurchaases购货货簿 purrchasees jouurnal营营业折扣 ttrade discoount购销销帐 traading accouunt购销损损益帐 trradingg and profiit andd losss accoount优先先股 preeferennce shhares应应付帐款赊帐帐期限 crredit periood recceivedd formm tradde creeditorrs应付票据据 billl payaable应收收帐款赊帐期期限 creedit pperiodd alloowed tto traade deebtorss应收票据 bill receiivablee应计基础 accruued baasis购买买权 opttion偿债债基金 siinkingg fundd营运资金比比率 worrking capittal raatio转让让 trannsfer旧旧换新 trrade-iin稳健保守守 consservattism, prudeence簿记记 bookkkeepiing继续经经营 goiing cooncernn变产帐 rrealissationn accoount赎回回资本准备金金 capiital rredempption reserrve fuund英汉会会计词汇acccept 接纳accceptannce 承兑兑acceppted ddraft/bill 已承兑汇票票accepptor 承承兑人acccount 科目,帐户户accouunt foor 说明aaccounnt salles 承销销清单acccountiing eqquatioon 会计等等式accrrued bbasis 应计基础aaccrueed inccome 应应计收益acccumullated fund 累积基金aactuall costt 实际成本本adjusstmentt 调整alllocattion 分分配appllicatiion annd alllotmennt 申请及及分配appportioonmentt 分摊appproprriatioon acccount 盈余分拨帐帐articcles oof asssociattion 组组织章程asssets 资产autthorissed caapitall 法定股本本autoppay 自动动转帐badd debtts 呆帐bbalancce broought down 余额承上bbalancce broought forwaard 余额额承前ballance carriied doown 余额额转下ballance sheett 资产负债债表bankk recoonciliiationn stattementt 银行往来来调节表biill off exchhange, drafft 汇票bbill ppayablle 应付票票据billl receeivablle 应收票票据bookk of ooriginnal enntry 原原始分录簿bbookkeeepingg 簿记buusinesss enttity 企企业个体caall 催缴缴股款callled-uup cappital 己催缴股本本callss in aarrearr 欠付催缴缴股款cappital 资本cappita


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