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    20088年11月 涉外秘秘书(三三级)英英语试卷卷(2)(A. LListteniing Tesst . DDireectiionss:Yoou aare goiing to heaar aan aannoounccemeent. Thhen youu neeed to commpleete thee muultiiplee-chhoicce qquesstioons bassed on whaat yyou heaar, onlly oone corrrecct aanswwer forr eaach queestiion. (110 mmarkks)1. WWhenn thhe sstattemeent wass maade, thhe pplanne _.(A) wass inn thhe ccourrse of lanndinng(B) hadd allreaady lanndedd(C) hadd juust takken offf(D) wass inn thhe mmidddle of itss fllighht2. TThe passsenngerrs ccan gett too thhe ccenttre of thee ciity by alll thhe ttrannspoortss exxceppt .(A) a ttaxii(B) by buss(C) by coaach serrvicce(DD) bby ttubee3. HHow mucch mmoneey ccan an aduult savve iif sshe/he takkes thee cooachh seerviice inssteaad oof ttaxii too thhe ccityy? .(A) 12 Ausstraaliaan ddolllarss(B) 6 AAusttralliann doollaars(C) 3 AAusttralliann doollaars(D) 4 ddolllarss annd 550 ccentts4. TThe annnounncemmentt iss maainlly aabouut .(A) thee teermiinall buuilddingg att thhe aairpportt(B) thee trranssporrtattionn inn thhe ccenttre of Syddneyy(C) thee deeparrturre ttaxii(D) thee seerviice thee aiirpoort cann prroviide forr thhe ppasssenggerss 5. In thee annnouunceemennt, alll thhe sservvingg faacillitiies aree meentiioneed eexceept .(A) traanspporttatiion(B) bannkinng ffaciilittiess(C) boookinng ffaciilittiess(D) poostaal ffaciilittiess. DDireectiionss: YYou aree gooingg too heear a ddialloguue bbetwweenn a buyyer andd saalessperrsonn, iit wwilll bee pllayeed ttwicce cconttinuuoussly andd plleasse ccompplette tthe folllowwingg seenteencees. Youu neeed to filll iin mmoree thhan jusst oone worrd tto mmakee itt fuull andd meeaniingfful senntennce acccorddingg too thhe ttextt.(110 mmarkks)1.        Acccorrdinng tto tthe sallesmman, thhey raiisedd thhe ppricce bbecaausee                 haas bbeenn skkyroockeetinng 2. TThe sallesmman wass suurprriseed wwhenn thhe bbuyeer                        thee prricees.3. FFromm thhe cconvverssatiion we cann innferr thhat thee pootenntiaal bbuyeer wwoulld pprobbablly pplacce aa biig oordeer iif tthe selllerr offferr                     off att leeastt 100 peerceent.4. AAccoordiing to thee coonveersaatioon, in thee chhemiicall feertiilizzer marrkett, tthe demmandd                      thhe ssuppply.5. TThe buyyer sugggesstedd thhat thee saalessmann caablee                        forr addvicce .B. WWritttenn Teest.Voocabbulaary andd SttruccturresSecttionn A   Diirecctioons: (22 maark forr eaach blaank, 100 maarkss alltoggethher)Direectiionss: FFromm thhe wwordds aand phrrasees ggiveen bbeloow, chooosee thhe ccorrrectt onnes to filll iin tthe blaankss inn thheirr prropeer fformms. to mmakee ennquiiriees,  in thee naame of,   tto ggo iintoo,        bee off anny aassiistaancee,    too puut fforwwardd too,     iin aadvaancee,    no douubt 1.        Well meeet nnextt Thhurssdayy _                         _ thiis mmattter in dettaill.2.        Owwingg too thhe llackk off aggreeemennt oon tthiss laast subbjecct aa deecissionn onn prromootioon mmethhodss woouldd _                     _ tthe nexxt mmeettingg.3.        Thhankk yoou. Ill askk Mrr. HHeinne _                _ aas ssoonn ass I cann geet hholdd off hiim.4.       Im aafraaid Mr. Whhitee issnt aavaiilabble at thee moomennt. Cann I _                  _?5.        Its ffor a ssinggle rooom aand batth _                   _ MMr. Marrk oon tthe 10tth oof tthiss moonthh.Secttionn B.  Diirecctioons: Chhoosse tthe besst aanswwer to commpleete thee seenteencee. (10 marrks)1.        Alll tthe proofesssorrs aand asssociiateed pproffesssorss arre _ to meeet iin tthe colllegge rroomm onn Suundaay.(A)rrequuireed             (B)rresppondded               (CC) rrequuestted         (D) deemanndedd2.        Wee shhoulld _ ourr aggentts oof aany priice inccreaasess.(A)nnotiify              (B)ttelll                    (C) nooticce         (D) warrn 1.        DDo yyou thiink it wouuld be bettterr too seend outt saale _ dirrecttly to proospeectiive buyyerss?(A)bbookk                   (B)litteraaturre            (CC) mmanuual            (D) priice2.       Im aafraaid thee ennvellopees mmustt bee deelivvereed aat ooncee, _ tthe connferrencce bbrocchurres wonnt bbe mmailled.(A) unllesss     (BB) iin ccasee              (C) othherwwisee  (DD) yyet3.        Iff I finnd tthatt thhey alllow a rreassonaablee prrofiit, youu wiill shoortlly rreceeivee a _ orrderr.(A) connsidderaate    (B)cconssideerinng                (C) connsiddereed      (D) coonsiiderrablle6.     HHe ddoessnt uundeersttandd _ so earrly in thee moorniing. (A) whhy tto sstarrt         (B) whyy sttartt (C) whhy tto sstarrtinng     (D) whyy thhey shoouldd bee sttartt7. Lilyys ffathher scooldeed hher andd maade herr prromiise _ aagaiin.(A) nevver to do thaat      (B) neeverr too doo whhat (C) neeverr dooingg thhat      (D) neeverr dooingg whhat8.    Yoou hhavee faaileed sseveerall tiimess. WWhy nott _ soome othher wayy?(A) tryy dooingg itt   (B) too trry tto ddo iit         (C) thaat yyou tryy itt   (D) haavinng ttrieed9.   He quiicklly sstepppedd onn thhe bbrakkes, annd hhis carr caame to a sstopp juust in timme _aan aacciidennt. (A) too avvoidd         (BB) tto bbe aavoiidinng     (C) too haave avooideed    (DD) tto hhavee beeen avooideed10. Couuld youu fiind sommeonne _?(A) forr mee too pllay tennniss wiith            (B) plaay ttennnis witth(C) forr mee too pllay tennniss                  (D) plaayinng ttennnis witth. RReaddingg CoomprreheensiionSecttionn A   Diirecctioons: Reead thee foolloowinng ppasssagee annd aanswwer thee quuesttionns ffollloweed. (2 poiintss eaach queestiion, 100 maarkss alltoggethher) Mosst ccomppaniies exppectt ITT (IInfoormaatioon TTechhnollogyy) mmanaagerrs tto hheadd ann ITT sttafff off coompuuterr teechnniciianss. BBut IT mannageers cann allso speeciaalizze iin ootheer aareaas. Somme mmanaagerrs mmay alsso bbe rrespponssiblle ffor keeepinng ttheiir ccomppanyys IInteerneet ssafeety. Thhey prootecct bbothh thheirr coompaany andd thheirr onnlinne ccusttomeers froom tthieevess.Otheer mmanaagerrs ffocuus mmoree onn thhe bbusiinesss rrathher thaan tthe tecchniicall paart of commputtingg. TTheyy beecomme pprojjectt maanaggerss, hhelppingg coompaaniees rreacch aas mmanyy onnlinne ccusttomeers as posssibble.Somee coompaaniees aalsoo loook forr ITT maanaggerss whho ccan actt ass trrainnerss. TThesse ttraiinerrs hhelpp a commpannys ccompputeer ttechhniccianns kkeepp upp-too-daate on commputter skiillss.Mostt coompaaniees rrequuiree thheirr ITT maanaggerss too haave botth aa baacheelorrs ddegrree andd soome expperiiencce iin tthe commputter fieeld. Offtenn, ccomppaniies hirre IIT mmanaagerrs oout of theeir exiistiing staaff of commputter tecchniiciaans.Sincce IIT mmanaagerrs aare exttremmelyy immporrtannt tto ccomppaniies suucceess, itts nno ssurpprisse tthatt thhey recceivve ssuchh hiigh sallariies arrounnd UUS $56,0000 a yeaar tto sstarrt wwithh. AAnd, inn suuch a ffastt-chhanggingg fiieldd,manaagerrs saalarriess ussuallly inccreaase aftter onlly aa coouplle oof yyearrs.The worrld willl bbe wwatcchinng tto ssee jusst hhow quiicklly ee-coommeercee reeplaacess thhe oold wayys oof ddoinng bbusiinesss. Andd ass coompuuterrs cchannge thee waay tthe worrld doees bbusiinesss, IT mannageers willl bbe iin tthe midddlee off itt alll. Feww coompaaniees ccan surrvivve wwithhoutt thhem.1. BBesiidess beeingg thhe lleadder of commputter tecchniiciaans, ITT maanaggerss arre aalsoo exxpecctedd too bee _.   (A) expperiiencced prooducct ddesiigneers   (B) skiilleed oonliine tecchniiciaans   (C) docctorratee hooldeers   (D) onllinee saafetty sspecciallistts2. TThe worrd“reaach” (LLinee 2, Paara. 2) prrobaablyy meeanss _.        (A) geet iin ttoucch wwithh        (B) geet tto        (C) arrrivve aat        (D) meeet thee neeedss off  3. AAccoordiing to thee paassaage, coompaaniees oofteen llookk foor IIT mmanaagerrs ffromm _.        (A) noon-ccompputeer ttechhniccianns        (B) thheirr owwn pproffesssionnalss        (C) ottherr coompaaniees        (D) annothher couuntrry4. EEmplloyeers payy hiigh sallariies to IT mannageers beccausse _.        (A) thhey worrk hhardd        (B) thhey aree exxcelllennt lleadderss        (C) thhey hellp iimprrovee thhe ccomppaniies prroduuctss        (D) thhey aree keey ffacttorss too thheirr suucceess5. TThe autthorr off thhis passsagge iinteendss too teell us _. (A) thhe iimpoortaant rolle IIT mmanaagerrs pplayy (B) thhe aadvaantaagess ITT maanaggerss shhoulld hhavee (C) thhe qquallifiicattionns IIT mmanaagerrs pposssesss  (D) thhe hhighh saalarriess ITT maanaggerss eaarn Secctioon BB  Diirecctioons: Reead thee foolloowinng ssenttencces andd maake a TTruee orr Faalsee juudgmmentt baasedd onn whhat youu leearnn frrom thee suubjeect. Puut(trrue, orr riightt) oor XX (ffalsse, or wroong) foor eeachh quuesttionn. (10 marrks)1.          Durringg neegottiattionns, onee shhoulld ttreaat aan ooppoonennt wwithh reespeect andd coonsiiderratiion      att alll ttimees.2.          Priior to enggagiing in neggotiiatiion it is wisse tto cconssideer oones oown“botttomm-liine”.3.          Onee keey tto eeffeectiive connfliict-ressoluutioon iis tto ddeall wiith perrsonnaliitiees rrathher thaan iissuues.4.          It mayy bee poossiiblee too deetecct tthatt a couunteerpaart is lyiing by obsservvingg boody lannguaage.5.          Pettty cassh iis aa laargee ammounnt oof mmoneey kkeptt inn ann offficce. EEngllishh-Chhineese TraansllatiionDireectiionss: TTrannslaate thee foolloowinng iintoo Chhineese: (220 mmarkks) 1.       Mr. Grrabeer bbeliieveed, theerefforee, tthatt itt miightt bee addvissablle tto cconssideer ssetttingg upp soome ressearrch intto tthesse iinsppecttionn meethoods. Seeverral impporttantt saaless caampaaignns wweree abboutt too bee laauncchedd, aand, inn adddittionn, iit wwas hopped thaat aa nuumbeer oof ttradde ddeleegattionns vvisiitinng SSwittzerrlannd iin tthe neaar ffutuure wouuld plaace larrge ordderss foor ooffiice equuipmmentt wiith Schhweiibeuur aand itss asssocciattes. Soo thheree waas aa neeed to redducee pooor quaalitty aas ssoonn ass poossiiblee. (7maarkss)2.       Mr. Grrabeer rrefeerreed tto aa trrip rouund thee woorldd thhat he wouuld be makkingg wiithiin tthe nexxt ttwellve monnthss. HHe wwoulld bbe vvisiitinng mmanyy Scchweeibeeur asssociiatees aand subbsiddiarry ccomppaniies andd loook forrwarrd tto sseeiing alll thhosee prreseent oncce aagaiin, in theeir ownn coounttriees. (3 marrks) 3. In tthe disscusssioon tthatt foolloowedd, MMr. Aguuirrre ssaidd thhat he hadd allso hadd reeporrts aboout pooor qquallityy inn soome iteems. Hee thhougght thaat rreseearcch iintoo thhis proobleem ccoulld bbe vveryy beenefficiial, annd cconssideeredd thhat it wouuld proobabbly shoow tthatt a majjoriity of suppervvisoors werre nnot fleexibble enooughh inn thheirr meethoods. Mrr. FFox agrreedd thhat theere wass a casse ffor loookinng iintoo thhe wwholle pprobblemm inn deetaiil, andd coonfiirmeed tthatt maany insspecctioon sstafff mmighht bbe rrathher connserrvattivee inn thheirr meethoods. Peerhaaps beccausse ttheyy teendeed tto bbe ooldeer eemplloyeees. Miiss Lacchennal agrreedd thhat thiis oopinnionn waas pprobbablly ccorrrectt, aand sugggesstedd soome asppectts oof tthe proobleem tthatt miightt bee exxamiinedd byy thhe rreseearcch tteamm. SSomee deetaiiledd diiscuussiion of theese folllowwed.(100 maarkss). WWrittingg: PPleaase wriite a mmemoo too alll sstafff, infformmingg thhem of a sstafff iimprroveemennt mmeettingg onn neext Thuursdday, Juuly 13, att 1:30 p. m. in thee Coonfeerennce Rooom. Thee foolloowinng iinfoormaatioon sshouuld be inccludded. (220 mmarkks) Datee:  3rdd Juuly,  20006To:     Alll sttafffFromm:  Teerryy ThheaccherrSubjjectt: LLectturee onn Neew TTechhnollogyyConttentt: a leccturre oon tthe lattestt teechnnoloogy andd hoow wwe ccan exppectt itt too afffecct oour worrk ggiveen bby DDr. Rhoodess atttenndannce willl bbe ccounntedd toowarrd sstafff ddeveeloppmennt ppoinnts reqquirred forr thhe eend of yeaar uuatiion too siign up befforee Weedneesdaay iif yyou plaan tto ccomee.20088年11月 涉外秘秘书(三三级)英英语试卷卷-参考答答案A. LListteniing Tesst .YYou aree gooingg too heear an annnounncemmentt. TThenn yoou nneedd too coomplletee thhe mmulttiplle-cchoiice queestiionss baasedd onn whhat youu heear, onnly onee coorreect ansswerr foor eeachh quuesttionn. (10 marrks)1.A                22.D            33.B       4.D          5.DD . YYou aree gooingg too heear a ddialloguue bbetwweenn a buyyer andd saalessperrsonn, iit wwilll bee pllayeed ttwicce cconttinuuoussly andd plleasse ccompplette tthe folllowwingg seenteencees. Youu neeed to filll iin mmoree thhan jusst oone worrd tto mmakee itt fuull andd meeaniingfful senntennce acccorddingg too thhe ttextt.(110 mmarkks) 1. thee coost of prooducctioon     22. ccompplaiinedd abboutt   3. a redducttionn  4. exxceeeds        55. hhis homme ooffiiceB. WWritttenn Teest.Voocabbulaary andd SttruccturresSecttionn A: (22 maark forr eaach blaank, 100 maarkss alltoggethher)Direectiionss: FFromm thhe wwordds aand phrrasees ggiveen bbeloow, chooosee thhe ccorrrectt onnes to filll iin tthe blaankss inn thheirr prropeer fformms.Key: 1. goo innto                   2. bee puut fforwwardd           3. to makke eenquuiriies4. bbe oof aany asssisttancce  5. inn thhe nnamee off            Secttionn B: Chhoosse tthe besst aanswwer to commpleete thee seenteencee. (10 marrks)1.C           2.A          3.BB           4.CC          55.D           6.A          7.AA          88.A           9.A          10.A. RReaddingg CoomprreheensiionA: RReadd thhe ffolllowiing passsagge aand ansswerr thhe qquesstioons folllowwed. (22 poointts eeachh quuesttionn, 110 mmarkks aaltoogettherr) 1.DD  2.A          3.BB          44.D        5.AAB: RReadd thhe ffolllowiing senntenncess annd mmakee a Truue oor FFalsse jjudggmennt bbasee


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