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    Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.XX年MBA联考英语试题考生注意事事项 1.考生必必须严格格遵守各各项考场场规则,得得到监考考人员指指令后方方可开始始答题。 2答题前前,考生生应将答答题卡上上的“考生姓姓名”、“报考单单位、“考生编编号”等信息息填写清清楚,并并与准考考证上的的一致。 3全国工工商管理理硕士入入学联考考英语分分为试题题(一)、试题题(二)。 4本试题题为试题题(一)。考生生必须在在规定的的时间内内作答。 5试题(一)为为听力部部分。该该部分共共有A、BB、C三三节,所所有答案案都应填填写或填填涂在答答题卡11上。AA、B两两节必须须用蓝(黑)圆圆珠笔答答题,注注意字迹迹清楚。CC节必须须用2BB铅笔按按照答题题卡上的的要求填填涂,如如要改动动,必须须用橡皮皮擦干净净。 6听力考考试进行行时,考考生应先先将答案案写或标标记在试试题上,然然后在听听力部分分结束前前专门留留出的55分钟内内,将答答案整洁洁地誊写写或转涂涂到答题题卡1上上。仅写写或标记记在试题题上不给给分。 7答题卡卡严禁折折叠,考考试结束束后,按按监考人人员指令令交卷。 Sectiion I LListteniing Commpreehennsioon Direcctioon: This secctioon iis ddesiigneed tto ttestt yoour abiilitty tto uundeersttandd sppokeen EEngllishh. YYou willlhhearr a sellecttionn off reecorrdedd maaterrialls aand youu muust ansswerr thhe qquesstioons acccomppanyy thhem. Thheree arre tthreee ppartts iin tthiss seectiion, Paart A, Parrt BB annd PPartt C. Rememmberr, wwhille yyou aree dooingg thhe ttestt, yyou shoouldd fiirstt puut ddownn yoour ansswerrs iin yyourr teest boookleet. At thee ennd oof tthe lisstenningg coomprreheensiion secctioon, youu wiill havve 55 miinuttes to traansffer alll yoour ansswerrs ffromm yoour tesst bbookklett too ANNSWEER SSHEEET 11. Now llookk att Paart A iin yyourr teest boookleet. Part ADirecctioon: For QQuesstioons 155, yyou willl hhearr a tallk aabouut BBostton Musseumm off Fiine Artts. Whiile youu liisteen, filll oout thee taablee wiith thee innforrmattionn yoou hhavee heeardd. SSomee off thhe iinfoormaatioon hhas beeen ggiveen tto yyou in thee taablee. WWritte oonlyy 1 worrd oor nnumbber in eacch nnumbbereed bbox. Yoou wwilll heear thee reecorrdinng ttwicce. Youu noow hhavee 255 seeconnds to reaad tthe tabble bellow. (55 poointts) Part B Direcctioons:For QQuesstioons 6-10, yoou wwilll heear an inttervvieww wiith an exppertt onn maarriiagee prrobllemss. Whilee yoou llistten, coomplletee thhe ssenttencces or ansswerr thhe qquesstioons. Usse nnot morre tthann 3 worrds forr eaach ansswerr. YYou willl hhearr thhe rrecoordiing twiice. Yoou nnow havve 225 ssecoondss too reead thee seenteencees aand queestiionss beeloww. (5 ppoinnts) Part C Direcctioons: You wwilll heear thrree pieecess off reecorrdedd maaterriall. BBefoore lisstenningg too eaach onee, yyou willlhhavee tiime to reaad tthe queestiionss reelatted to it. Whhilee liisteeninng, ansswerr eaach queestiion bychooosiing A, B, C oor DD. AAfteer llistteniing, yoou wwilll haave timme tto cchecck yyourr annsweers. You wwilll heear eacch ppiecce ooncee onnly. (110 ppoinnts) Questtionns 111113 aare bassed on thee foolloowinng ttalkk abboutt naappiing. Yoou nnow havve 115ssecoondss too reead Queestiionss 111133. 11. CChilldreen uundeer ffivee haave abuundaant eneergyy paartlly bbecaausee thhey A. slleepp inn thhreee diistiinctt paartss. B. haave manny ffivee-miinutte nnapss. C. slleepp inn onne llongg bllockk. D.takke oone or twoo naaps daiily. 12. AAccoordiing to thee sppeakker, thhe ssleeep ppattternn off a babby iis ddeteermiinedd byy A. itts ggenees. B. itts hhabiit. C. itts mmenttal staate. D. itts pphyssicaal ccondditiion. 13. TThe tallk ssugggestts tthatt, iif yyou feeel ssleeepy thrrouggh tthe dayy, yyou shoouldd A. taake somme rrefrreshhmennts. B. goo too beed eearlly. C. haave a llongg reest. D. giive in to sleeep. Questtionns 114116 aare bassed on thee foolloowinng iinteerviiew witth SSherrmann Allexiie , annAmmeriicann Inndiaan ppoett. YYou noww haave 15 seccondds tto rreadd Quuesttionns 114116. 14. WWhy didd Shhermman Aleexiee onnly takke dday jobbs. A. Hee coouldd brringg unnfinnishhed worrk hhomee. B. Hee miightt haave timme tto ppurssue hiss innterrestts. C. Hee miightt doo soome eveeninng tteacchinng. D. Hee coouldd innvesst mmoree emmotiion in hiss faamilly. 15. WWhatt waas hhis oriiginnal goaal aat ccolllegee? A. Too teeachh inn hiigh schhooll. B. Too wrritee hiis oown boooks. C. Too bee a meddicaal ddocttor. D. Too bee a matthemmatiiciaan. 16. WWhy didd hee taake thee pooetrry-wwrittingg cllasss? A. Too foolloow hhis fattherr. B. Foor aan eeasyy grradee. C. Too chhangge hhis speeciaaltyy. D. Foor kknowwleddge of poeetryy. Questtionns 117220 aare bassed on thee foolloowinng ttalkk abboutt puubliic sspeaakinng: Youu noowhhavee 200 seeconnds to reaad QQuesstioons 1720. 17. WWhatt iss thhe mmostt immporrt tthinng iin ppubllic speeakiing?A.ConnfiddencceB. Prrepaarattionn. C. Innforrmattiveenesss. D. Orrgannizaatioon. 18. WWhatt dooes thee sppeakker advvisee uss too doo too caaptuure thee auudieencee's atttenttionn? A. Gaatheer aabunndannt ddataa. B. Orrgannizee thhe iideaas llogiicallly. C. Deevellop a ggreaat oopenningg. D. Seelecct aapprroprriatte mmateeriaals. 19. IIf yyou donn't staart worrkinng ffor thee prreseentaatioon uuntiil tthe dayy beeforre, youu wiill feeel A. unneassy. B. unncerrtaiin. C. frrusttratted. D. deepreesseed. 20. WWho is thiis sspeeech mosst pprobbablly mmeannt ffor? A. Thhosee innterrestted in thee poowerr off peersuuasiion. B. Thhosee trryinng tto iimprrovee' ttheiir ppubllic imaagess. C. Thhosee pllannningg too taake up somme ppubllic worrk. D. Thhosee eaagerr too beecomme eeffeectiive speeakeers. You nnow havve 55 miinuttes to traansffer alll yoour ansswerrs ffromm yoour tesst bbookklett too ANNSWEER SSHEEET 11. Sectiion ii Voccabuularry aand Strructturee (110 ppoinnts) Direcctioons: Thheree arre 220 iincoomplletee seenteencees iin tthiss seectiion. Foor eeachh seenteencee thheree arre ffourr chhoicces marrkedd A,B,CC annd DD. CChooose thee ONNE aanswwer thaat bbestt coomplletees tthe senntennce. Thhen blaackeen tthe corrressponndinng llettter on thee ANNSWEER SSHEEET 11 wiith a ppenccil. 21. LLongg loong agoo,moost forrestterss haave beeen mmen, buut ttodaay, a nnumbber of wommen tthiss fiieldd iss cllimbbingg. A. reegissterringg B. puursuuingg C. deevottingg D. enngaggingg 22. TThe bannknoo0tees wwhicch hhad foooledd maany bannk ttelllerss weere disscovvereed tto bbe A. arrtifficiial B. gennuenne CC. ccounnterrfeiit DD. ffaullty 23. WWithhoutt a whoole heaarteed tto aa keeen forrwarrd-llookkingg viisioon aand a ddeepp innsigght, yoou ccnnoot bbe aa leeadeer. A. deeterrminnatiion B. ressoluutioon CC. ccommmitmmentt D. obbliggatiion 24. AAll traansaactiionss arre sstriictlly , andd wee neeverr seell, reent or traade anyy cuustoomerrs nnamee. A. coonsiiderrablle BB. cconffideent C. connsidderaate D. connfiddenttiall 25. BBig bussineessees eenjooy ccerttainn thaat ssmalllerr onnes do nott haave. A. trranssacttionns BB. pprivvileegess C. suubsiidiees DD. ssubsstittutees 26. YYourr kiindnnesss inn giivinng too thhe cconssideerattionn off thhe aabovve pprobblemm viill be higghlyy apppreeciaatedd. A. immporrtannce B. advvanttagee C. prriorrityy D. auuthooritty 27. TThe borrderr innciddentt leed tto tthe twoo coounttriees thheirr diiploomattic rellatiionss. A. brreakkingg ouut BB. bbreaakinng iin CC. bbreaakinng tthrooughh D. brreakkingg offf 28. II meeantt too sooundd coonfiidennt aat tthe inttervvieww buut II m afrraidd I aas sselff-assserrtivve. A. goot iin BB. ggot oveer CC. ggot offf D. goot oout 29. JJohnn pllannned to takke ppartt inn thhe ccomppetiitioon bbut hadd too on acccounnt oof tthe carr accciddentt. A. drrop outt B. hoold outt C. geet oout D. runn ouut 30. HHe ddoessnt wworkk buut hhe ggetss a goood frrom hiss innvesstmeent. A. suubsiidy B. inccomee C. eaarniing D. sallaryy 31. caan hhelpp buut bbe ffasccinaatedd byy thhe wworlld iintoo whhichh hee iss taakenn byy thhe sscieencee fiictiion. A. Annyboody B.NNoboody C. Sommeboody D. Eveerybbodyy 32. AAnyoone witth hhalff ann eyye oon tthe uneemplloymmentt fiigurres kneew tthayy thhe aasseertiion aboout ecoonommic reccoveery jjustt arrounnd tthe corrnerr waas uuntrrue. A. waas BB. bbeinng CC. wwoulld bbe DD. tto bbe 33. OOceaans conntinnuallly losse bby eevapporaatinng mmuchh off thhe rriveer wwateer innto theem. A. too coonsttanttly floow BB. bbe cconsstanntlyy fllowiing C. connstaantlly fflowws DD. cconsstanntlyy fllowiing 34. TThe ressultt haas tturnned stiill worrse thaan iit . A. woouldd ottherrwisse hhavee beeen B. wouuld be othherwwisee C. haad ootheerwiise beeen DD. hhas othherwwisee beenn 35. TTherre iis nno rreasson theey sshouuld limmit howw muuch vittamiin yyou takke, ttheyy caan llimiit hhow mucch wwateer yyou driink. A. muuch morre tthann B. noo moore thaan CC. nno llesss thhan D. anyy moore thaan 36. HHe ttoldd uss hoow hhe ddeallt wwithh thhe sselff-innterrestt off diiffeerennt ccounntriies to briing theem iintoo a kinnd oof iinteernaatioonall acccorrd. eeverryonne sseemmed to bennefiit. A. whheree B. whhat C. thaat DD. wwhicch 37. WWe hhopee thhe mmeassurees tto cconttroll prricees taakenn byy thhe ggoveernmmentt wiill succceeed. A. whhen B. as C. sinnce D. aftter 38. TThe cossts of disstriibuttionn annd ssalees mmakee upp a larrge parrt oof ppricces thaat . A. alll pprodductts aare paiid ffor B. aree paaid forr alll pprodductts C. alll pprodductts ppaidd D. foor wwhicch aall prooduccts paiid 39. SSo qquiccklyy arre sscieencee annd ttechhnollogyy addvanncinng iss a posssibbiliity todday mayy bee a reaalitty ttomoorroow. A. thhat B. whaat CC. tthatt whhichh D. thhat whaat 40. IIt iis sstilll RRichhardds aambiitioon tto sstuddy mmediicinne , soomedday, too maake a rreall coontrribuutioon tto tthe fieeld of sciiencce. A. annd BB. aalsoo C. buut DD. oor Sectiion Cllozee (55 poointts) Direcctioons: Foor eeachh nuumbeeredd bllankk inn thhe ffolllowiing passsagge, theere aree foour chooicees mmarkked A,BB,C, annd DD. CChooose thee beest onee annd mmarkk yoour ansswerr onn thhe AANSWWER SHEEET 1. Each yeaar, hunndreeds of thoousaandss off peeoplle ddie forrm hhearrt aattaack, a leaadinng ccausse oof ddeatth. In thee Laandmmarkk Phhysiiciaans Heealtth SStuddy aat HHarvvardd Unniveersiity in thee Unniteed SStattes in thee laate 19880s, a ressearrch teaam lled by Dr. Heeineekenns sstuddiedd 222, 7701 heaalthhy mmalee phhysiiciaans, haalf of whoom wweree raandoomlyy 411 too taake an asppiriin eeverry ootheer dday whiile thee ottherrs ttookk pllaceeboss (安安慰剂). AAfteer tthe parrticcipaantss haad bbeenn 422 foor aan aaverragee off fiive yeaars, thhe ddocttorss inn thhe aaspiirinn grroupp weere fouund to havve ssufffereed 444 pperccentt feewerr fiirstt heeartt atttaccks. 433 ,aa reecennt iinteernaatioonall sttudyy inndiccatees tthatt asspirrin cann bee beenefficiial forr thhosee peeoplle wwithh a hisstorry oof ccoroonarry aarteery(冠动脉脉)byypasss ssurggeryy, 444 oof ttheiir ssex, agge oor wwhettherr thhey havve hhighh blloodd prresssuree orr diiabeetess. Accorrdinng tto aa reeporrt bby tthe Ameericcan Heaart Asssociiatiion. Dooctoors shoouldd coonsiiderr prresccribbingg 45 asspirrin forr miiddlle-aagedd peeoplle wwithh a fammilyy hiistoory of, orr 466 foor, heaart disseasse.(Rissk ffacttorss inncluude smookinng, beiing morre tthann 200 peerceent oveerweeighht, higgh bbloood ppresssurre aand lacck oof eexerrcisse.) Aspirrin is alsso aa liifessaveer dduriing heaart atttackks. Parrameediccs nnow givve iit rrouttineely, annd eexpeertss urrge anyyonee wiith cheest paiin, 47 if it sprreadds tto tthe necck, shoouldder or an armm, oor iis aaccoompaanieed bby ssweaatinng, nauuseaa(恶心心), ligght/heaadeddnesss aand breeathhingg diiffiicullty to cheew aand 48 ann asspirrin tabblett immmeddiattelyy. When takkingg asspirrin forr heeartt atttacck, 49 thee pllainn, uuncooateed vvariietyy. FFor eveen ffastter abssorpptioon, cruush andd miix wwithh a litttlee waaterr. SSpeeed oof aabsoorpttionn iss crritiicall beecauuse mosst hhearrt aattaack deaathss occcurr 500 thhe ffirsst ffew houurs aftter cheest paiin sstriikess. 41. AA. eexpeecteed BB. ddemaandeed CC. aassiigneed DD. aadviisedd 42. AA. ffollloweed BB. eexammineed CC. mmoniitorred D. expperiiencced 43. AA. MMeannwhiile B. Aboove alll C. Hoowevver D. In addditiion 44. AA. iin sspitte BB. rregaardllesss C. caarellesss D. whhateeverr 45. AA. llow-doees BB. hhighh-ammounnt CC. mmoree D. riightt 46. AA. rreaddy BB. aat rriskk C. maaybee D. inn daangeer 47. AA. nnatuurallly B. apppareentlly CC. eespeeciaallyy D. fuurthhermmoree 48. AA. eeat B. swaalloow CC. ddigeest D. asssimiilatte 49. AA. cchooose B. usee C. hoold outt D. piick outt 50. AA. ffor B. aloong C. witthinn D. exxceppt Sectiion IV Reaadinng CCompprehhenssionn (440 ppoinnts) Part A Direcctioons: Thheree arre 44 paassaagess inn thhis parrt. Eacch ppasssagee iss foolloowedd byy soome queestiionss orr unnfinnishhed staatemmentts. Forr eaach of theem ttherre aare forr chhoicces marrkedd A,B,CC, aand D. Youu shhoulld ddeciide on thee beest chooicee annd bblacckenn thhe ccorrrespponddingg leetteer oon tthe ANSSWERR SHHEETT1 wwhitt a penncill. Questtionns 551 tto 554 aare bassed on thee foolloowinng ppasssagee: A litttlee moore thaan aa ceentuury agoo, MMichhaell Faaradday, thhe nnoteed BBrittishh phhysiicisst, mannageed tto ggainn auudieencee wiith a ggrouup oof hhighh gooverrnmeent offficiialss, tto ddemoonsttratte aan eelecctroo-chhemiicall prrincciplle, in thee hoope of gaiininng ssuppportt foor hhis worrk. Afterr obbserrvinng tthe demmonsstraatioons clooselly, onee off thhe ooffiiciaals remmarkked bluuntlly, “Itts a ffasccinaatinng ddemoonsttrattionn, yyounng mman, buut jjustt whhat praactiicall apppliicattionn wiill comme oof tthiss?” “I doontt knnow,” rreplliedd Faaradday, “bbut I ddo kknoww thhat 1000 yeearss frrom noww yooulll bbe ttaxiing theem.” From thee deemonnstrratiion of a pprinncipple to thee maarkeetinng oof pprodductts dderiivedd frrom thaat pprinncipple is oftten a llongg, iinvoolveed sseriies of steeps. Thhe sspeeed aand efffecttiveenesss wwithh whhichh thhesee st


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