关于优美英语小短文欣赏 英语优美小短文.doc
关于优美英语小短文欣赏 英语优美小短文英语是国际经济、技术、信息等交流中应用最广泛的语言,也是我国根底教育中最主要的外语课程。WTT精心搜集了关于优美英语小短文,供大家欣赏学习!关于优美英语小短文:几米坚持掌握自己的人生Now as a best-selling author of picture books, Jimmy continues to assert control over his life.He works only on projects that inspire him and refuses to let fame limit his freedom.However, as sure as Jimmy is of his own path, he is sensitive that for others, freedom presents its own problems.In a world of infinite possibilities, choice can seem overwhelming.This idea is represented in Jimmy's books,somewhere the small scale of his characters e_presses the powerlessness they feel when facing choices.The message contained in the brief e_planations that acpany Jimmy's drawings, however, is hopeful: Though the world may make us feel small, we must be brave.Everything will be all right for us-as it is for the“small people”in Jimmy's books-if we make appropriate choices.Despite his newfound fame and wealth, Jimmy prefers working quietly at home with his wife and daughter.He spends his mornings drawing, and his afternoons doing chi-gong.To Jimmy, the freedom to live his life as he chooses means much more than money and attention ever could.身为当今的畅销漫画作家,几米仍然坚持要掌握自己的人生。他只接可以启发他灵感的工作,并且不让名气限制他的自由。然而,尽管几米拥有自己的人生道路,他仍敏锐地感受到,对其别人来说,自由也有自由的问题。在这个充满无限可能的世界里,选择似乎也会令人难以承受。这样的观点反映在几米的作品中,就是一小局部人物面临选择时的无力感中。然而,搭配图画的简短图解所隐含的讯息那么充满了希望:虽然这个世界或许会令我们感到自己渺小,但我们还是要英勇面对。每件事到头来都能水到渠成-就像几米书中的“小人物”一般-假如我们做出了正确的选择。尽管几米近来名利双收,但他还是喜欢静静呆在家里创作,陪伴妻女。他早上画画,下午练气功。对几米来说,可以过着自己想要的生活,远比金钱和名声要重要得多。关于优美英语小短文:A Meditation Upon a Broomstick 扫帚把上的沉思This single stick now is ingloriously lying in that neglected corner.Once it was in a forest, full of sap, leaves and boughs; now in vain someone has tried to pete with nature by tying that withered bundle of twigs to its trunk.It is now the reverse of what it was: a tree turned upside down, the branches on the earth, and the root in the air.It is now handled by a maid, and makes other things clean but itself dirty.In the end, worn out in the service of the maids, it is either thrown out, or used as firewood.When I saw it I sighed, and said within myself: surely man is a broomstick.Nature sends him into the world strong and lusty.He wears his own hair, just like a tree with flourishing leaves and branches.Later, the a_e of intemperance cuts off his green branches and leaves him a withered trunk, and he puts on a wig and covers himself with powder.This broomstick is proud of all the branches added to him; yet they are covered with dust.Though the dust is from the finest lady's chamber, we ridicule it, and despise its vanity.We are partial judges, that is, partial to our own e_cellencies and other men's faults.一根扫帚把灰溜溜地躺在无人注意的角落。曾经在树林里,它树液充分,枝叶繁茂;如今变了样,却还有人自作聪明,想靠手艺同大自然竞争,拿来一束枯枝捆在它的身上,结果却是枉费心机。不过是颠倒了它原来的位置,使它枝干朝地,根梢向天。它在女仆的手里使用,从此授命运摆布,把别人清扫干净,自己却落得个又脏又臭。而在女仆们的手里折腾过屡次之后,或者被扔出门外,或者作为引火的柴禾被烧掉了。我看到了这一切,不尽兴叹,自言自语一番:人不也是一根扫帚么?大自然送他入世之初,他是强壮有力的,精力充分,满头的好发,就像一株枝叶齐全的植物。但不久贪心就像一把斧子砍掉了他的青枝绿叶,只留给他一根枯株。他赶紧戴上头套,擦上香粉。这把扫帚因为把一些别的树条搜集到身上而得意洋洋,其实这些枝条上尽是灰土。即使是最高贵的夫人房里的尘土,我们也一定会嘲笑它的虚荣吧!我们就是这样偏心的审讯官,偏于自己的优点,别人的缺点。关于优美英语小短文:Master of Your Thoughts 掌控你的思想You talk when you stop being at peace with your thoughts.When you can no longer dwell in the solitude of your heart, you will talk, and the sound bees a pastime.And in uch of your talking, thinking is half murdered.Thought is like a bird, and once in a cage of words it can unfold its wings, but not fly.There are people who talk ceaselessly for fear of being alone.And there are those who talk, and unknowingly show a truth about themselves which they themselves do not understand.And there are those who have the truth within them, and know it, and for that very reason don't try to put it into words.When you meet a friend on the road or in a market, let your spirit move your lips and direct your tongue.Let the voice within your mind speak to the ear of him.His soul will keep the truth of your heart, just as the taste of the wine is remembered when its colour is forgotten.当你不在考虑的时候或者内心不再感到孤独时,你便开场说话,这时候,声音就变成了一种消遣。在你说话的大局部时间里,思想处于被半扼杀的状态下。思想如同小鸟儿,一旦被关进笼子里,或许能展开翅膀,但再也不能飞翔。有人因害怕孤独而不停地说话。有些人夸夸其谈,却缺乏知识和见地去阐述一个他们自己并不能理解的真理。当然也有这种人,他们心里有很多真理也知道这些真理的含义,正因为如此,才不用把它们付诸于言语。当你在路边或市场遇见你的朋友时,让你内心的思想控制你的嘴唇,指挥你的舌头。用你内心的声音说给他的耳朵听。 因为他的灵魂会记住你内心的真话,正如美酒的味道会被记住而颜色却会被淡忘一样。“关于优美英语小短文”END第 6 页 共 6 页