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    党员先锋岗个人事迹 党员先锋岗事迹模板.doc

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    党员先锋岗个人事迹 党员先锋岗事迹模板.doc

    党员先锋岗个人事迹 党员先锋岗事迹模板党员先锋岗个人事迹作为一名先锋岗党员,要以共产党员的高标准来要求自己,注重自身的形象。下面是学习啦WTT整理党员先锋岗个人事迹的范文,!党员先锋岗个人事迹篇一 我组有16位教师,其中包括省特级教师1人,市学科带头人1人,高级教师11人,中教一级1人,中教二级2人,新教师2人。在这些新老教师中有11名正式党员,还有一人已递交了入党申请书,正在考察之中。从学校党委提出创设党员先锋岗的举措,我们以教研组为单位积极申报集体党员先锋岗。20_年6月被市教育局党委命名为党员先锋岗。舟山中学化学教研组从恢复高考制度以来全组教师乐于奉献,敬业爱岗,在杨学俭。丁成云。陈永平等名师的带动下,教育教学质量在省内外有一定的著名度,这也与我组教师在教学上倾注了大量心血分不开的,长期以来我组教师遵纪守法,廉洁自律;团结协作,敬业奉献;学习求知,刻苦钻研;工作作风严谨,教育效果良好。教研组全体党员都能以共产党员的高标准来要求自己,注重自身的形象,为人师表,廉洁从教,勇挑重担,工作勤恳务实不断开拓创新,积极主动参与学校的德育工作,顾全大局,不计个人得失,爱岗敬业,乐于奉献。以教研组为依托,备课组为阵地,把争创党员先锋岗与开展校本教研,打造学习型组织相结合,取得较好效果。我组长期以来内练教育教学基本功发挥名师效应促进青年教师的成长,外与各地名校交流、探讨,扩大自身影响并获取最新信息。教研组多次被评为学校先进教研组、市校本教研先进教研组。多人被评为学校优秀教职工和优秀党员,省市优秀教育工作者。有的教师因教育教学成绩突出贡献巨大被授予省部级劳动模范。是一个善于学习、善于吸收先进思想和创新理念,团结协作、教育教学能力强的团队。一、充分发挥党员名教师的师资优势,努力提升教学艺术。对教师教学中普遍存在的问题进行研究,对学生在自主学习过程中遇到的普遍问题进行探讨,提高教育教学理论在实际教学中的应用,不断提高教学艺术。20_年署期我组教师承担了市高中化学新课程教师培训工作,多次承担市高三化学复习研讨会,市优质课评比三次,市级示范课或优质课展示三次,省、市级讲座三次。高中新课改的全面实施对教师的教学提出了新的要求,特别在课堂教学中不仅要机智地实施教学策略,有效地组织教学,完成知识、技能等基础性目标;更从学生全面发展的需要出发,注意学生发展性目标的形成,并注意学习过程、方法的引导。课堂注重开展积极有效的合作学习,激发学生的学习热情,体现学生的主体性,尊重学生的人格和个性,鼓励学生发现,探究质疑,有效的促进学生个性发展。教师课常教学方法的改进已被外地同行的肯定,当然这还需有一个时期的共同推索。二、教研组人际关系融洽,教学研究气氛浓厚,团结协作、互相帮助。我组教师教学研究风气浓厚,每学期有几次专题的全组活动,开展正常的听课评课活动,更突出的是平时教学问题的讨论,教师会把课堂教学中的即时问题在教研组内进行推讨。充分发挥备课组的作用,对教材的体系把握、教材分析p 和处理进行研讨,尝试编制新课程试题,就出卷问题进行讨论,引领组内教师认真备课、批改、出卷,提高有效教学的意识。在人人参与、深层研讨的氛围中,积极探讨教学的重难点,共同搜集资料制作多媒体课件,资共享,有效地解决随时出现的问题。组内教师在工作上团结协作、互相帮助,同事之间关系融洽,这也是增长我组整体教育教学实力的关键所在。三、加强教学研究,扩大示范、影响作用。在党员、特级教师丁成云的带领下,全组教师积极参与教学研究,精心编著校本教材高中化学知识点拨与能力训练一至四册结合高中各年级课堂教学进度有针对性的练习,效果良好,在省内外有一定的著名度,特级教师丁成云多次应邀在省重点中学及省化学学会的相关会议上进行专题介绍或讲座,以我组教师为主的国家级课题新课程改革与学校效能研究子课题实验合作教学、纠错教学法已进入申报验评级段,王成冠、刘仕云老师分别参与市教研室组织新课程化学配套练习的编写。化学学科竞赛是舟山中学的优胜项目,历年来经教师的辛勤工作,精力的大量投入取得优异成绩。全国奥林匹克化学竞赛:11人获全国一等奖,70余人获全国二、三等奖。其中陈欢、郭维杰两位同学分别在20_年和20_年代表浙江省参加全国冬令营决赛,获二块银牌。周烨同学冲入0_年全国冬令营竞决赛。连续_年获集体优胜奖。0_年全国化学竞赛(浙江赛区)颁奖大会在我校举行。丁成云、王成冠等被评为省优秀指导教师;今后的措施(一)与普通教师结对。本着相互交流、取长补短、促进共同发展的目的,开展帮扶结对活动,特别是与青年教师的结对,定期不定期开展谈心交流,关心他们的学习、生活、困难、需求等。通过开展帮扶结对、谈心谈话活动,进一步提高组内教师工作、学习积极性,增强团队凝聚力。力求从以下几方面开展结对活动:1.探讨、传授先进、科学的课堂教学方法、教学设计、教学媒体选用、资料选撷、课外活动组织、教学研究等,提高组员的整体素质和教研组的集体战斗力。.进行人生观、价值观的培植。通过党员的先锋模范作用,引领组内的非党员教师积极向党组织靠拢,使他们学有方向,干有榜样。(二)加强对新课程理念的学习。加强对新课程理念的学习,树立强烈的课程意识,还要增强创新意识,在工作和实践中与学生同时成长,走在学生的前面,主动进行教育教学改革,努力成为教育创新和改革的示范者。让课程走向生活,最终实现课程与教学的整合。着重做好以下几点:1、牢固树立“不求人人成才,但求人人成人”的人才观,全面关心学生的成长,为他们今后的生存和发展打下扎实的基础。、促进学生的自主学习。变教师为导师,使学生真正成为学习的主人。、关心学生的身心健康发展。在教学的每个环节渗透人文关怀,在学习过程中体验成功。保护好学生天生的求知欲望,让自信洋溢在学生的身上,伴随他们今后的成长。(三)加强政治理论、形势学习。1、通过学习,坚定理想信念。勇于开展批评与自我批评,在工作和生活中不断改造主观世界,在政治信念和理论水平上保持领先,有坚定的社会、共产信仰和崇高的理想,为“全面贯彻党的教育方针,大力推进教育创新,保持教育健康持续发展,努力办好让人民满意的教育”做出贡献。、通过学习,弘扬党员先进性。真正做到平时工作看得出来:在自己的岗位上,不能仅仅是“过得去”,而必须是“过得硬”,随时随地能成为其他教师的榜样,切实把党员的先进性体现到日常的工作和生活中。还要做到关键时刻站得出来:时常反思和检查自己在个人利益与集体利益、群众利益发生冲突时,能否体现高风亮节,在急难险重任务面前,是否能够挺身而出,充分发挥共产党员的先锋模范作用。、通过学习,忠于教育事业,我们的教育应当是创造一种适合每一个学生的教育,而不是选择适合教育的学生。只有热爱,才能喷涌出强烈的工作责任心和事业心,才能使教师成为“太阳底下最光辉的职业”。通过学习,增强奉献精神,为党的教育事业而奋斗终生。总之,教研组通过开展争创“党员先锋岗”活动,党员教师们言传身教率先垂范、互相协作以诚相待、团结奋进勇挑重担,使整个教研组在学习求知、工作作风、遵纪守法、敬业奉献、廉洁自律等各方面,用我们的实际行动铸就先锋模范,永葆党的先进性。我们有决心,也有信心把这一先锋岗建设好。党员先锋岗个人事迹篇二 一、创建工作开展情况1、加强理论武装教体局党委专题会议结束后,我园党支部召开动员会,组织党员认真学习上级文件精神,传达党委专题会议内容,让全体党员明白开展争创“共产党员先锋岗”活动的重大意义及重要性。同时按照局党委要求学习的篇目,组织全体党员认真学习、观看了先进人物事迹录像片,建立了严格的学习制度,撰写学习笔记。开展了以“思想再解放、作风再转变、程序再优化、效能再增强”为主题的“强化效能、优化环境”大讨论活动,组织党员结合实际情况讨论如何在学校开展“党员先锋岗”创建活动,就评比标准、评比形式、组织过程等环节形成了初步的比较一致的看法。、制定标准在党员会议的基础上,召开支部委员会议,就党员意见和建议加以梳理与充实,结合教体局党委的具体要求,拟定中共宁国市幼儿园支部争创“共产党员先锋岗”活动实施方案,制定党员先锋岗标准,要求党员亮牌上岗,并结合自身工作职能、性质和职责开展争创活动。、狠抓落实(1)、抓好党员干部自身建设,建立党员联系制度,组织党员认真学习“六比六带头”活动具体内容和党员先锋岗标准,要求广大党员对照标准从严要求自己,关键是在平时,在各自的工作岗位上发挥先锋模范作用,创造突出业绩。(2)、认真开展师德建设活动,不断强化教师职业道德建设,按照“上好一节示范课,撰写一篇论文,带好一名青年教师,帮助一名困难幼儿,联系培养一名入党积极分子”的“五个一”活动要求,认真开展党员先锋岗活动,广大党员教师率先垂范,带动教师队伍素质的整体提高。(3)、根据制定的“共产党员先锋岗”标准和岗位职责,开展工作质量评比、技术比武、服务竞赛、岗位练兵等活动。年终本支部结合民主评议党员活动,对争创“共产党员先锋岗”活动进行测评,根据党员工作成绩和群众评价,评出本我园“共产党员先锋岗”若干名,并予以公示,无异议后,方为颁证。二、创建工作主要体会:1、积极意义:(1)、增强了党组织的凝聚力。常规开展“党员先锋岗”创建活动,充分发挥了党组织的政治核心作用,使党组织具有更强大的凝聚力,使党组织战斗堡垒作用得到新的发挥。提高了党建工作战斗力。围绕我园中心工作开展评比活动,将党建工作与党员的岗位履责紧密联系起来,有力推动了幼儿园各项工作。(2)、扩大了党组织影响力。开展“党员先锋岗”创建活动,有力地促进党员素质的提高,党员在工作中积极发挥先锋模范作用,群众从党员身上看到了闪光点,带动了学校各项工作。展现了共产党员先进性。扎实深入开展“党员先锋岗”创建活动,广大党员对照党员先进性具体要求,比思想领先,比教学业务过硬,比敬业爱岗,比工作业绩,展现了良好的风貌,受到群众肯定。(3)、充分发挥了党员教师的示范作用。本着相互交流、取长补短、促进共同发展的目的,党员教师开展了帮扶结对活动。每名党员教师与一名非党员教师结对,定期不定期开展谈心交流,关心其学习、生活、困难、需求等。通过开展帮扶结对、谈心谈话活动,进一步提高了教师工作、学习积极性,增强了教师间的凝聚力。党员教师能积极承担教研观摩课,与非党员教师共同探讨教学中遇到的普遍问题,以提高青年教师教育教学理论在实际教学中的应用能力,不断提升教学艺术。、改进之处:(1)、整个创建过程虽然按照一定的程序进行,但还缺乏系统性,每个环节的内容厚度不够,在今后的工作中应该想办法进一步加以充实,集中广大党员的智慧,使创建活动形成一个工程体系。(2)、整个创建过程虽然严格程序,但还不够深入,需要在今后的创建工作中加以改进,达到激励先进、鞭策后进的效果。党员先锋岗个人事迹篇三 一年来,我在学校党组织的严格要求和热心教育下,经过自己的努力,较好地完成了各项教学任务和教育工作,同时,作为“先锋岗”的党员教师有着一份特别的职责和一份光荣的使命,明确了岗位的职责,增强了党员特别是无职党员的光荣感、责任感、使命感。工作中时刻牢记着这个称号,时刻以先锋的标准来严格要求自己。俗语说“一份耕耘、一份收获”,回顾本学期的工作,我有着几分充实、几分感概:一、在思想上,我热爱祖国,能拥护党的各项路线、方针、政策;不断学习理论知识,积极参与党组织的各项活动,坚决服从组织安排;能遵守学校的各项规章制度,按时出勤,从不迟到早退;对待各项工作,始终保持严谨认真的工作态度和一丝不苟的工作作风,勤勤恳恳,任劳任怨,时刻牢记党员的责任和义务,严格要求自己,在任何时候都能起到模范带头作用。二、教学工作我在数学教学上刻苦钻研,努力探索,务实求新,虚心学习。认真贯彻新课改教学理念,以学生为本,教师主要是引导者,重在培养学生自主、合作、探究的能力,全方位的培养创新人才。我努力提高自己的教学水平,积极学习新的教育教学方法,在实践中探索并提高。我的教学获得了学生的喜爱和家长的认可,教学取得了一定成绩。三、业务方面这一学年中,积极响应课改的新要求,通过学习新的课程标准,使自己逐步领会到“一切为了人的发展”的教学理念。树立了学生主体观,贯彻了民主教学的思想,构建了一种民主和谐平等的新型师生关系,使尊重学生人格,尊重学生观点,承认学生个性差异,积极创造和提供满足不同学生学习成长条件的理念落到实处。将学生的发展作为教学活动的出发点和归宿。重视了学生独立性,自主性的培养与发挥,收到了良好的效果。同时,认真配合学校尝试“生本”教学并开展“学案”教学。四、管理方面作为一名班主任,班级的管理工作是一切工作重要前提,对于一名年轻的班主任就应该努力学习管理知识提高管理能力,要树立良好的班风班貌,是一项长期的工作,。班级工作要长抓不懈。1、加强自身基本功的训练,注重对学生能力的培养;、对差生多些关心爱心和耐心,使他们在各方面有更大进步。、加强守纪方面的教育,使学生不仅在课堂上集中注意力学习,课下也要按校纪班规严格约束自己。、教育学生要注意保持环境卫生,增强主人翁意识和责任感。、利用各种方法,训练学生提高、集中注意力。、在教学上狠下功夫,努力使学生的道德修养有更大的提高。五、工作中存在的问题1、教材挖掘不深入。、教法不灵活,不能吸引学生学习,对学生的引导、启发不足。、新课标下新的教学思想学习不深入。对学生的自主学习,合作学习,缺乏理论指导。、差生末抓在手。由于对学生的了解不够,对学生的学习态度、思维能力不太清楚。上课和复习时该讲的都讲了,学生掌握的情况怎样,教师心中无数。导致了教学中的盲目性。在课程改革推进的今天,社会对教师的素质要求更高,在今后的教育教学工作中,我将立足实际,认真搞好教学,创造性地开展学校的教育教学、教改科研工作,争取学校领导、师生的支持,从而使自己的工作有所开拓,有所进取,进而更加严格要求自己,努力工作,发扬优点,改正缺点,开拓前进,为美好的明天奉献自己的力量。看过“党员先锋岗个人事迹”的人还看了:daily morning e_ercises or class-break setting-up e_ercise and discipline inspection and raisal of public signs;2, daily cleaning and inspection;3, the daily student school earance, dress, wearing school card check;4, the daily duty guide to the leadership class discipline three rounds.Weekly moral education work:L, the flag raising ceremony and the “national flag” speech under the flag raising ceremony held on Monday“;2, every week a class meeting, the meeting;3, every week ”two e_ercises, cleaning and hygiene, behavior norms, attendance“ situation published cloth raisal, and the issue of the code of conduct;4, weekly work week.Monthly moral education work:1, at least once a month, the theme of education activities, to patriotism education, behavior norms of education as the focus, bined with major retreat day.2, the monthly class quantization assessment and class teacher assessment, selection of behavior for the standard model class.Moral education in each term:1, at the end of each semester to form ”three good student“, ”outstanding student cadres“, ”civilized student“.2, at least once a semester, parents will be.,Student etiquette conventionA, the school leavers1, dress neatly to wear school card, step posture correct, full of spirit; cycling of the same students, at the school gate and get off, go to the car line of the school; are not allowed to ride a bicycle in the cus, bicycle according to the specified location;2, no time to school, had to leave school.A special reason to leave school early to school, the teacher signature issued on release;3, order out of the school gate, not chasing;B, classroom activities4, the classroom desks and chairs, arranged in order, decorate beautiful;5, the students on duty should promptly clean the blackboard, sweep the floor, turn off the lights, close the doors and dows, lock the door;6, keep the classroom clean, no spitting, no littering debris and other debris;7, not in the desk, doors and dows, walls, etc.The Painted graffiti graffiti board;8, the preparation of the bell ring, sitting in their own position, and do a good lesson preparation, keep the classroom quiet;9, when the class to stand up to the teacher Shi Hangli; class speech first raise their hands;10, listen attentively.Speak to raise their hands to answer questions, to stand up to loud sounds;L1, not to be late, do not leave early, not late into the classroom to play truant.Standing in the doorway shouting ”report“, raised by the teacher agreed to in classroom;L2, to concentrate on self-study, do not do and learning has nothing to do;13, do not copy homework, do not cheat in the e_am;C, assembly activityIn L4, the flag raising ceremony, solemn, neat, orderly queue team, for the national flag stood for salute.The national anthem, the original should be standing.15, e_ercise to do fast, quiet, qi;16, the rally should be punctual, keep quiet speak first to Su; teachers and audience charming year ceremony, the end of the speech of thanks; to watch the performances, games, lause to ropriate moderation.D, cus health177, keep the corridor clean, sanitary, quiet, do not push, do not push, do not play slapstick;18, do not pour from upstairs downstairs, spitting, throg debris;19, clean area on duty to seriously do the clean health work area;20, take good care of the cus environment, do not litter.Paper towels, peel, beverage bottles, food packaging bags, etc.should be thrown into the designated bins;2L, love and care for school facilities and equipment, care of flowers and trees on cus park;E, civilized and polite22, teachers and visitors to take the initiative to say hello, smiling; answer question to teachers, guests stand up, generous, humble, polite;23, the use of good manners, please, please, you, Hello, thank you, no, no, no matter, goodbye;244, the use of body language: smile, shake hands, waving, cling, right salute ity, stand up to answer questions;255, respect and help the old, young, sick, disabled, and walk out of the way, car seat, shopping, let;26, eat at home please elders sit, or your home or go home to parents to say hello;277, respect for teachers, teachers first ity long walk, criticism and education, the teacher, to listen to, don't argue, don't hit Dingding.Is there a problem, e_plain afterwards;28, do not casually into the classroom, into the teacher's office, to call the report;29, to unity and friendship among the students, and do not give students a nickname, do not bully the small students, students have difficulties, to help each other;30, the contradiction between students, to self-disciplined, and their more self broad-minded toward others, criticized;31, the male and female students e_changes to be dignified, generous nature;F, moral acplishment32, dress and speech and deportment should pay attention to the occasion, do not wear slippers class and to participate in meetings, the party will not wear, with their age and identity copy does not match the clothes and ornaments.Not Hair Coloring, boys do not have long hair; girls do not perm perm, do not wear high heels.Pepe put into the school to school card, conversation good manners.33, no swearing, no profanity, no smoking, no drinking, no stealing, no gambling, no minors into the business of Inter cafes;34, form the habit of saving habits, advocate plain living, without ostentation and e_travagance, not pare;35, without the consent of others, not to use other things, borrow things to be returned on time, damage to the pensation, pick up things to be handed over to the father;36, honest, trustworthy and mitment to the other side can not be done, to apologize and e_plain to the other side, to achieve understanding.Class quantitative assessment1, classroom discipline:Attendance: in the normal class or school for the mid-term e_am during the period, absenteeism or absent 1 people class deducted 1 points, the 1 passengers arrive late or leave early leave class buckle, buckle points is not a plus.The classroom teacher in the class and the middle order: every stage during the e_am, e_am, e_am, class or disorder, by the teacher to reflect the class is true, a deduction of 2 points.The class where self Zi_iKe classroom disorder, after e_amination to check real persons, a deduction of the class of 2 points.2, subject contest: where was awarded the National Award for the class of 110 points in the petition and all kinds of disciplines in the race, won the National Award for everyone the was 5; by the provincial award for the class of 6 points, a provincial award to the people was 3 by the municipal incentives; give the class Gaga 4 points, a reward for municipal people for the year 2; by the e_citation to the class level awards overtime 2 points, each grade award to the University by over 1 points.3, night repair management: attendance at 2 rising class.The students' attendance status by grade e_amination, a day after the summary of electronic te_t on Friday night to make room at night.The moral confusion class discipline, a deduction of 2 points, the late repair time stay outside the classroom students, according to the lack of from each treatment, 1 points deducted.4, class content class earance:Each month by a group of Youth League, student organizations, inspection and assessment, who was awarded first prize for the year 66, two prize plus 5 points, third-prize prize plus 4 points, e_cellent prize plus 3 points.No serious implementation of the class, a deduction of 5 points.5, student instrument:Students should be simple and elegant earance, do not stay with my age, identity does not conform to the hair, do not wear earrings, rings and necklaces and other ornaments, do not wear clothing does not conform to the identity of students, no makeup, not in the classroom without wearing a collarless sleeveless vest, the public does not wear drag slippers.Violation of the provisions of the deduction of 1 points per person.6, the title of honor and discipline:Was awarded the honorary title of the national class to the 550 points, at the national level to give the class Gaga 10; at the provincial level to the provincial class Gaga 20 points, to the class of Gaga 5; to the municipal level class plus 110 points, plus 33 points to the class university; for the class of 5 points, the 1 points to the class.This class of students who are law school discipline punishment, deducted 3 points.The class was detained by the public security organ such as punishment, deducted 20 points.If the class such as the emergence of major accidents, according to the relevant provisions of the school separately.7, good and good:Students or class of each body to do a good thing or a pickup thing like a class to the discretion to increase 0.- 2 points, up 2 points reward collective activities encourage the highest limit, plus a week high of 2 points.If found to resort to deceit false, after e_amination and verification, to cancel the class this year the raised qualifications.8, labor:The school's general roo


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