What is your opinion about the end day of the world?Here we startchoke back tears Sadness is bad for our healthy,however,when you are really sorrowful,tears is good for you.protein 蛋白质 enkephalin composite 脑啡呔复合物 prolactin 催乳素 prematence 压抑感You should not do following things after meal immediatelyEat fruitDrink strong teaSmokeDrink waterSing songsMake a driveEating fruit immediately after meal will be bad for digestion.The fruit can not digest well.There is a lot of tannin in tea-leaves.Drinking strong tea immediately after meal will make tannin and indigested protein into deposit,which can influence the absorbability of protein.It will obstruct the absorbability of Fe.After a long time,it can lead to iron-deficiency anemia.It will dilute digestive liquid which secreted by our stomach.tannin 单宁酸 deposit 沉淀物 iron-deficiency anemia 缺铁性贫血 secreted 分泌“After one single smoke,excel to live fairy.”it is definitely wrong.After meal,the belly squirms frequently,and blood circulation speed up.when somebody starts to smoking at this time,he will absorb numerous harmful substance.belly 肠胃 squirm蠕动Drinking water immediately after the meal will dilute the gastric juice,which may make the indigested food into small intestine,weakened the digestive ability of gastric juice and easily trigger gastrointestinal diseases.gastric juice胃液 gastrointestinal diseases胃肠道疾病 acute dilatation of the stomach 急性胃扩张Singing songs after meal will make dissepiment down and gain the pressure of enterocoelia,which may cause dyspepsia or even discomfortable belly.dissepiment 隔膜 enterocoelia腹腔 dyspepsia消化不良Making a drive immediately after meal is unsafe,do you know the reason?Do not always use mobile phone when you are about to go to sleep in the bed.Do not always take medicine to make yourself fall asleep.When you can not fall asleep,try to listen some gentle music.I think it can be helpful.Do not stay up late!9.pm to 11.pm:time for immune system(lymph)to detox.11.pm to 1.am:time for liver to detox.1.am to 3.am:time for gall to detox.3.am to 5.am:time for lungsd to detox5.am to 7.am:time for colic detox7.am to 9.am:time for small intestine to absorb nutrition greatly Some small tips:The worst place to put toothbrush:the edge of toilet lavatory (bacteria)The worst position of public toilet:Middle lavatory bits (bacteria)The worst position of setting-up exercise class.:Front and central (imperfect)The worst site for cooling food:refrigerator(asymmetric 冷却不均匀、food poisoning、breed bacteria)