跨文化交际Unit3课件Different Lands,Different Friendships In every country people value friendship.The difficulty is not a lack of appreciation of friendship,but different expectations about what constitutes friendship and how it comes into being.Who is a friend?What does a Frenchman mean when he says:“This is my good friend.”“This is my friend.”Who is closer to him?Simple translation from one language to another is difficult.Friendships in comparison American friendships:superficial,casual,situational or deep and enduring French friendships:are of the same sex,basically between men;demands a keen awareness of the others intellect,temperament and interests;are compartmentalize;not part of family life German friendships:more a matter of feeling,have much to do with family English friendships:based on shared activitiesCommon Elements in Friendships of Different Styles Friendship,in contrast with kinship,is a matter of free choiceThe sense of being a special individualInevitably a kind of equality of give-and-takeSome Tools for Comparing and Contrasting CulturesKluckhohn&Strodtbecks Model(PP.85-89)Hofstedes Model(PP.99-105)Halls High-Context&Low-Context Cultures(PP.110-115)Kluckhohn&Strodtbecks ModelFive basic orientations:Human nature:good/evil?Relationship of man to nature:Man subjugated by nature;Man in harmony with nature;Man the master of natureSense of time:past,present,or future-orientedActivity:being,growing,or doingSocial relationships:authoritarian,group-oriented,or individualisticHofstedes ModelFive dimensions:Individualism versus collectivismUncertainty avoidancePower distanceMasculinity versus femininityLong-term versus short-term orientationIndividualism versus collectivismThe degree to which a culture relies on and has allegiance to the self or the groupIndividualism:e.g.Australia,Belgium,the Netherland,and the U.S.Collectivism:e.g.Guatemala,Indonesia,Pakistan,and ChinaIndividualismIndividual:primary source of motivationIndependence,privacy,self,and the all-important IHighly individualistic,believing that people are only supposed to take care of themselves,and perhaps their immediate familyDecision making:based on what is good for the individual,not for the groupDealing with interpersonal problems:confrontational strategiesCollectivismGroup:the most important social unitsGroup-oriented,requiring an absolute loyalty to the groupObligations to the group,dependence of the individual on organizations and institutions,a“we”consciousness,and an emphasis on belongingDecision making:based on what is best for the groupDealing with interpersonal problems:avoidance,third-party intermediaries,or the other face-saving techniquesThe ingroup and the outgroupHofstedes ModelUncertainty avoidance:the extent to which the culture feels threatened by ambiguous,uncertain situations and tries to avoid them by establishing more structurePower distance:the degree to which the culture believes that institutional and organizational power should be distributed unequally and the decisions of the power holders should be challenged or acceptedMasculinity versus femininity(achievement-nurturance):the degree to which a culture values such behaviors as assertiveness and the acquisition of wealth or caring for others and the quality of lifeLong-term versus short-term orientation:time-orientation,a persons point of reference about life and workHalls High-Context&Low-Context CulturesHigh-Context Cultures/Communication e.g.Japanese,Chinese,Korean culturesLow-Context Cultures/Communication e.g.German-Swiss,German,Scandinavian,American culturesHigh-Context Communication or MessageMost of the information is in the context or internalized in the person;Very little is in in the coded,explicit part of the message;Communication patterns of indirect verbal mode;Listeners“read between the lines”to infer the implicit intent of the verbal message;Listeners need to observe the nonverbal nuancces and subtleties that accompany and enhance the verbal message;Stress the importance of multilayered contexts Low-Context Communication or MessageMost of the information is given in the explicit code;The context or situation plays a minimal role;Communication patterns of direct verbal mode;Speakers send clear,persuasive message that listeners can easily decodeimplicit intent of the verbal message;Stress the importance of explicit verbal messages to convey personal thoughts,opinions,and feelings.Halls High-Context&Low-Context Cultures“I love you.Do you love me?”C:(blushing)You guess A:(smiling)I love you more.你问我爱你有多深 我爱你有几分 你去想一想 你去看一看 月亮代表我的心Case Study A New ProcedureMs.Cooper:The new tracking procedure hasnt worked,has it?Mr.Wong:There were some small problems.Ms.Cooper:Whose idea was it anyway?Mr.Wong:We need to learn from this lesson.Ms.Cooper:Yes.It came from Mr.Tungs division,didnt it?Mr.Wong:Many people worked on this proposal.Case Study 9 Hierarchical structure in Japan:-Depending mainly on seniority,social roles and gender-People in lower positions should be loyal and obedient to authorityAmerican culture:people are encouraged to challenge authority and voice their own opinions.Case Study 10 What is a company?The company in Japan:a big family-Manager take care of employees and the employees are expected to devote themselves(even sacrifice their own interests)to the development of the companyThe company in France:a loosely-knit social organization-Individuals take care of themselves and their familiesDecision making in the family-In Japan:often females not involved,the right lies with the dominating maleMovie Appreciation:My Big Fat Greek WeddingIndividualism versus collectivism:U.S.A.200/Greece-34 Concept of the family:nuclear/extended family(family dinner;wedding)Uncertainty avoidance:U.S.A.-97/Greece 191 Toulas father:efforts to be isolated from American culture Ians father:tolerance for and acceptance of Greek culturePower distance:U.S.A.-90/Greece 2 Fathers authority in Greece Independence and social equality in 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