倾倾城城旗旗袍袍theCheongsam Museum of the paintings seem to walk around wearing,then carried away over the body without any visible.仿佛穿着博物院的名画到处走,遍体森森然飘飘欲仙Cheongsam,the traditional dress of women,one half of the 20th century reference to women from the Republic of China Flag of Manchu women traditional clothing and Western culture,based on the design of a fashion,is a blending Eastern and Western cultures concrete.In the present,some Western eyes,the female cheongsam dress with Chinese cultural symbolism.旗袍,传统女性服饰之一,在20世纪上半叶由民国女性参考满族女性传统旗服和西洋文化基础上设计的一种时装,是一种东西方文化揉和具象。在现时部分西方人的眼中,旗袍具有中国的女性服饰文化象征意义。Flag traditional gowns(Manchu)Solution from the word meaning,refers cheongsam banner(both men and women)wear robes,but only the robe worn by Manchu womens daily and future generations of the cheongsam has only blood relations,the DPRK as a dress robes,and other customary Mangpao had no return as the cheongsam category.From Junji Jiaqing repeated the ban,the Manchu Han women dressed women prohibited to follow the trend of-sheng.To the late Qing Dynasty,Han Chinese women have to follow the Manchu outfit.Manchu womens dress style,blending quiet,so that the difference between the two sides increasingly reduced clothing,cheongsam became popular prelude to the country.传传 统统 旗旗 袍(满族)袍(满族)从字义解,旗袍泛指旗人(无论男女)所穿的长袍,不过只有八旗妇女日常所穿的长袍才与后世的旗袍有着血缘关系,用作礼服的朝袍、蟒袍等习惯上己不归为“旗袍”的范畴。从顺治、嘉庆年间屡次颁布的禁令中,满族女子违禁仿效汉族妇女装束的风气之盛。至清后期,亦有汉族女子效仿满族装束的。满汉妇女服饰风格的悄相交融,使双方服饰的差别日益减小,遂成为旗袍流行全国的前奏。The late Qing Dynasty,flag dress worn by women清朝后期,旗女所穿的长袍China National Flag robe Republic of China,setting off a wave of the feminist movement,seeking the liberation of the social climate and cleaned up the stereotypes on dress clothes,tend to simple,elegant tone and strive to pay attention to reflect the natural beauty of women.Dress vests initially in the form,length and dorsal vest,plus the Duanao on.Is said to be a new trend of female students is the cheongsam in Shanghai before the popular figurines.Female students at the time as a representative of the knowledge of women,become the ideal image,they are a symbol of civilization,a leader in fashion,celebrities and even people all have for fashionable dress of female students.民 国 旗 袍 民国时期,掀起了一股女权运动浪潮,寻求解放的社会大气候荡涤着服饰妆扮上的陈规陋习,趋向于简洁,色调力求淡雅,注重体现女性的自然之美。旗袍最初是以马甲的形式出现,马甲长及足背,加在短袄上。据说得风气之先的上海女学生是旗袍流行的始俑者。当时的女学生作为知识女性的代表,成为社会的理想形象,她们是文明的象征、时尚的先导,以至社会名流时髦人物都纷纷作女学生装扮。This new dress for the transformation of the Republic of shape.此为改造的民国新旗袍雏形。Modern Cheongsam When a fast food of love,I also how to find a refuge for her coat.Life after all,it is no longer dressed in beautiful Zhang Ai robe.Beauty shoulder,waist body,beauty of the original scale just like the fill the gap with a cheongsam,the beaten and charm to wander around in the clouds in the tidal waves off the bearing,so subtle and elegant,charming and soft,in between gestures Eastern filled with lingering charm,a thin stranger in the street of Hong Red wind,the poem into the graceful landscape,the customs poured into the spring.现代旗袍当现代爱情成为快餐的时候,我还如何为她找寻一件庇护的外衣。生活终究不再是张爱玲笔下那一袭华美的袍子。美人肩,细腰身,美人原该配一件尺度恰好如行云流水的旗袍,在落花流水的风韵里流连,在云起潮落的气度里荡漾,让含蓄和典雅,妩媚与柔和,在举手投足之间洋溢着挥之不去的东方风韵,在香风细细的陌陌红尘里,把婉约诗化成山水,把风情倾泻成春光。Also highlights the modern cheongsam curves现代旗袍更突出了曲线美