高中英语 Unit3《Amazing people》Period4课时讲练通课件 译林牛津必修2.ppt
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高中英语 Unit3《Amazing people》Period4课时讲练通课件 译林牛津必修2.ppt
2021/8/11 星期三12021/8/11 星期三22021/8/11 星期三32021/8/11 星期三42021/8/11 星期三52021/8/11 星期三62021/8/11 星期三72021/8/11 星期三82021/8/11 星期三92021/8/11 星期三102021/8/11 星期三112021/8/11 星期三12.单项填空单项填空1.Its the second time that I _ in Beijing.What great changes!Its years since I _ here last time.2010 开封高一检测开封高一检测A.went;had left B.had been;leftC.have been;left D.have;had left【解解析析】选选C。本本题题考考查查了了现现在在完完成成时时的的用用法法。在在“Its the second time that.”句句型型中中,从从句句用用现现在在完完成成时时态态;第第二二个空由个空由last time 知,该用一般过去时,故选知,该用一般过去时,故选C。2021/8/11 星期三132.Why does she look so tired?She _ the kitchen all the morning and she still hasnt finished it.A.cleaned B.was cleaningC.has been cleaning D.has cleaned【解解析析】选选C。本本题题考考查查了了现现在在完完成成进进行行时时的的用用法法。clean这这个个动动作作之之前前就就发发生生了了,一一直直到到现现在在还还没没完完成成,还还在在继继续续,因因此此用现在完成进行时态,故选用现在完成进行时态,故选C。2021/8/11 星期三143.The pen I _ I _ is on my desk,right under my nose.A.think;lost B.thought;had lostC.think;had lost D.thought;have lost【解解析析】选B。本本题考考查了了过去去完完成成时的的用用法法。think发生生在在过去去,用用一一般般过去去时;lose发生生在在think之之前前,用用过去去完完成成时,故故选B。2021/8/11 星期三154.I _ my history this time yesterday.Now I _ all my work for today.A.reviewed;had done B.was reviewing;had doneC.was reviewing;have done D.reviewed;have done【解解析析】选选C。本本题题考考查查了了现现在在完完成成时时和和过过去去进进行行时时的的用用法法。第第一一句句话话说说昨昨天天的的这这个个时时候候我我正正在在复复习习,所所以以用用过过去去进进行行时时;第二句表示我已经完成了今天的工作,强调结果,故选第二句表示我已经完成了今天的工作,强调结果,故选C。2021/8/11 星期三165.What were you doing when I phoned you yesterday evening?I _ just finished my homework and _ to watch TV.A.have;am going B.have;was going C.had;am going D.had;was going【解解析析】选选D。本本题题考考查查过过去去完完成成时时和和过过去去进进行行时时的的用用法法。finish发发生生在在打打电电话话之之前前,故故用用过过去去完完成成时时;而而看看电电视视是是在在过过去看来即将发生的事情,故用过去进行时,选去看来即将发生的事情,故用过去进行时,选D。2021/8/11 星期三176.The old lady _ her husband for forty years.A.has married to B.has got married toC.has married D.has been married to【解解析析】选选D。本本题题考考查查了了现现在在完完成成时时的的用用法法。根根据据题题意意,他他们的婚姻状态已持续们的婚姻状态已持续40年,只有年,只有D项表示持续的动作,故选项表示持续的动作,故选D。2021/8/11 星期三187.By the time he realized he _ all his precious years,it was too late.A.had wasted B.wastedC.was wasting D.has wasted【解解析析】选选A。考考查查动动词词时时态态。此此处处waste动动作作发发生生在在realized之前,故使用过去完成时。之前,故使用过去完成时。2021/8/11 星期三198.How long have they _?They _ more than twenty years ago.2010宜春高一检测宜春高一检测A.got married;were marriedB.been married;got marriedC.married;marriedD.got married;got married2021/8/11 星期三20【解解析析】选选B。本本题题考考查查了了现现在在完完成成时时和和一一般般过过去去时时的的用用法法。解解答答本本题题的的关关键键是是:marry是是非非延延续续性性动动词词,用用现现在在完完成成时时时时,不不和和一一段段时时间间连连用用;要要和和一一段段时时间间连连用用,须须用用be married,表表状状态态;get married表表动动作作;故故第第一一个个空空用用现现在在完完成成时时;第第二二个空用一般过去时,故选个空用一般过去时,故选B。2021/8/11 星期三219.The window is dirty.I know.It _ for weeks.A.hasnt cleaned B.didnt cleanC.wasnt cleaned D.hasnt been cleaned【解解析析】选选D。本本题题考考查查了了现现在在完完成成时时的的用用法法。答答句句句句意意:我我知知道道:窗窗户户已已经经好好几几周周未未打打扫扫了了。由由for weeks 可可知知用用现现在在完完成时,故选成时,故选D。2021/8/11 星期三2210.How many English words had you learned _ last term?A.by the end of B.at the end ofC.in the end D.for the end of【解解析析】选选A。本本题题考考查查了了by the end of的的用用法法。by the end of作作时时间间状状语语时时,主主句句常常用用过过去去完完成成时时;at the end of和和in the end常用于一般过去时常用于一般过去时,故选故选A。2021/8/11 星期三2311.The Internet celebrated its birthday on September 2nd,by which time 40 years _ since the first successful transfer of data between two computers.A.has passed B.had passedC.passed D.have passed【解解析析】选选B。考考查查动动词词时时态态。此此处处pass动动作作发发生生在在celebrated之前,故使用过去完成时。之前,故使用过去完成时。2021/8/11 星期三2412.I _ to give you a birthday present,but I was short of money then.A.intended B.have intendedC.had intended D.was intending【解解析析】选选C。intend的的过过去去完完成成时时可可表表示示过过去去未未曾曾实实现现的的想想法和打算。法和打算。2021/8/11 星期三2513.The young girl sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous.She _ before.A.hasnt flown B.didnt flyC.hadnt flown D.wasnt flying【解解析析】选选C。句句意意:在在飞飞机机上上,坐坐在在我我旁旁边边的的年年轻轻女女孩孩很很紧紧张张,因因为为以以前前她她没没坐坐过过飞飞机机。“没没坐坐过过飞飞机机”这这一一动动作作发发生生在在“was very nervous”之前,因此用过去完成时。之前,因此用过去完成时。2021/8/11 星期三2614.The global price of oil _ from$147 per barrel to$40 per barrel during the last ten months.A.has fallen B.will fall C.fell D.had fallen【解解析析】选选A。during/in the last+时时间间段段(在在过过去去里里)常常与与现在完成时连用。现在完成时连用。2021/8/11 星期三2715.The situation there was much worse than the manager _.A.expected B.had expected C.has expected D.would expect【解解析析】选选B。expect“预预计计”,先先于于已已发发生生的的事事“was much worse”,故用过去完成时。,故用过去完成时。2021/8/11 星期三28.句型转换句型转换1.A.His grandfather died ten years ago.B.His grandfather has been dead for ten years.2.A.The new couple got married in 2005.B.The new couple has been married for five years.2021/8/11 星期三293.A.They left their hometown fifteen years ago.B.They have been away from their hometown for fifteen years.4.A.I bought the new computer three years ago.B.I have had/kept the new computer for three years.5.A.She came here in 2000.B.She has been here for ten years.2021/8/11 星期三30.完成句子完成句子1.我们原希望你能来看望我们,但你没来。我们原希望你能来看望我们,但你没来。We had hoped that you would be able to visit us,but you did not.2.在我上大学之前,我已学会了在我上大学之前,我已学会了5 000 个单词。个单词。I had learned 5,000 English words before I entered the university.2021/8/11 星期三313.这是我看过的最有趣的一本书。这是我看过的最有趣的一本书。This/It is the most interesting book that Ive ever read.4.到去年年末为止,我们已经建了五座楼。到去年年末为止,我们已经建了五座楼。By the end of last year,we had built five buildings.5.这是我第一次看到这么漂亮的教学楼。这是我第一次看到这么漂亮的教学楼。This is the first time that I have seen such a wonderful teaching building.2021/8/11 星期三322021/8/11 星期三332021/8/11 星期三34