Grid Computing&Cloud Computing-by HuJing-2009.4.10ProgressCloud Computing3Definition for Cloud computinglA large-scale distributed computing paradigm that is driven by economies of scale,in which a pool of abstracted,virtualized,dynamically-scalable,managed computing power,storage,platforms,and services are delivered on demand to external customers over the Internet.(Ian Foster)l特点:l超大规模l虚拟化l高可扩展性l高可靠性l按需服务l极其廉价l通用性Relation网格计算异构资源异构资源不同机构不同机构虚拟组织虚拟组织科学计算为主科学计算为主高性能计算机高性能计算机 紧耦合问题紧耦合问题免费免费标准化标准化科学界科学界云计算同构资源同构资源单一机构单一机构虚拟机虚拟机数据处理为主数据处理为主服务器服务器/PC/PC松耦合问题松耦合问题按量计费按量计费尚无标准尚无标准商业社会商业社会Grid Computing&Cloud ComputingGrid Computing&Cloud ComputinglClouds and Grids share a lot commonality in their vision,architecture and technology,but they also differ in various aspects such as security,programming model,business model,compute model,data model,applications,and abstractions.lThe vision is the samelreduce the cost of computing;lincrease reliability;lincrease flexibility.lthe problems are mostly the samelmanage large facilities;ldefine methods by which consumers discover,request and use resources provided by the central facilities;limplement the often highly parallel computations that execute on those resources.Business Model lTraditional business model lsoftware has been a one-time payment for unlimited use(usually on 1 computer)of the software.lCloud-based business modella customer will pay the provider on a consumption basis,such as electricity,gas,and water,relies on economies of scale in order to drive prices down for users and profits up for providers.lThe business model for Gridslproject-oriented in which the users or community represented by that proposal have certain number of service units(i.e.CPU hours)they can spend.Architecture PaaSSaaSIaaS如:Saleforce online CRM 服务如:Google App Engine如:Amazon EC2/S3/SQS 服务Resource ManagementlCompute ModellGrids:lbatch-scheduled compute model,dont natively support interactive applications lClouds:lresources being shared by all users at the same time,allow latency sensitive applications to operate natively Resource ManagementlData ModellInternet Computing will be centralized around Data,Clouding Computing,as well as Client Computing.Resource ManagementlCombining compute and data managementlGridlData-aware schedulers and dispersing data close to processors lCloudldata-intensive applications are not typical applications today,las the scales of Clouds grow,it may just be a matter of time for many Clouds Resource ManagementlVisualizationlGridldo not rely on virtualization as much as Clouds do,each individual organization maintain full control of their resources lCloudlan indispensable ingredient for almost every CloudProgramming ModellGridlMPI,Globus Tookit,WSRF,CoG etclCloudlMapReduce,Sawzall,Hadoop etcApplication ModellGridlsupport many different kinds of applicationslHPC(high performance computing)lHTC(high throughput computing)lscientific gateways lCloudlin principle cater to a similar set of applications,except HPCladopt gateways to Cloud resources for end-user interaction lThe browser and Web 2.0 technologies will play a central role on how users will interact with Grids and Clouds in the future.Security ModellGrid:stricterlsingle sign-on,delegation,privacy etclCloud:simpler,less securelcreate and manage account information for end-users,and allows users to reset their passwords and receive new passwords via Emails in an unsafe and unencrypted communication.lnew users could use Clouds relatively easily and almost instantly,with a credit card and/or email address 刘鹏:做网格的该如何看待云计算 l网格已经走过了十年历程,大家对它已经有审美疲劳,新的叫法让人耳目一新,因而迅速被人接受了。l我们不要为名称问题所困扰,叫网格计算也好,叫云计算也好,能够解决问题就好!l君不见自从云计算概念提出之后,这种模式的分布式计算的确得到了空前的发展!未来10年l科学l商业网格计算网格计算Science 2.0Business 2.0云计算云计算Cloud+Grid ComputingService CatalogComputing centerInfrastructureVirtual Client serviceWeb Application ServiceCompute ServiceDatabase serviceStorage serviceContent ClassificationStorage backup,archive serviceJob SchedulingServiceCollaboration ServicesDatacenterInfrastructure云计算与网格计算将走向融合Referencel1 Ian Foster,Yong Zhao,Ioan Raicu,Shiyong Lu.Cloud Computing and Grid Computing 360-Degree Compared.IEEE Grid Computing Environments(GCE08),31 Dec,2008l2 刘鹏,网格计算与云计算(PPT),2009l3 刘鹏,做网格的该如何看待云计算(0.1版),http:/ Thank you!