精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - Learn General Se need to av oid menti cretary on "two t o learn a" strengt i oni ng that, some members heni ng "four Consciousnesse s" important of our party can not stand the "money," corrosispee ch caused a str on of temptation, thiong reacti on i n, Xu Zhou, n the country. such abuse and corrime, watching "red treasure", the origi upt bri ber y, malfeasance borers, and rats. Two, in of buildi ing the party back t s to cle an up, thi t o power, how to strengthe n servi ces for the masses, im prove party n, Xu, Zhou's solution to restore the party's fresh a nd natural, solid acohesion, fig nd honest workhting to be style. come t he grass-root s party members a Cleansing "take, eat, car d," undesirablnd masses hot topi c. Grass-r e and be haviour, "cross, oots party organizati ons "two" is to strengthen the service of party members a hard a nd cold, push" attitude. Grass-roots party orga nizations "two" is to strend ngthecadres, t he pi one n the sense of ordie er spirit. Distribution of grass nary party members, partici-root s party organi zations in all wa pating i n consciousness, unity lks of pe ople, clot hing , she lter, w hich bel onsci ousness. For reasons known, members of grass-rongs to the ner oots ve endi ngs of the party branches leparty organizati on a nd comments re putation ha s a dire ct perception of the masses. construction of party organi zations have some lag. Tw ss mobile, le ss resources, and the Strengthen the party ahe o studies, is t o focus on the grassad of the "pe dal" spirit; strengt hen the party members a -roots party bra nches "loose, soft, loose" problem, adva a nd cadres "success doe s not nce t he party member s anhave to be me" and "the first to bear hardships, the la d cadre s, "a gang worki ng", "Hong Kong re port." st to" service spirit to se t the party's positive image among the people is important. Grass-r Strong cleanup a ctions, style a nd rambli ng, pre sumpt uous "unqual ified" party members, oots party organizati pays special attentions "two" is to clea on to party members anse all people not ha nd ca dres "joia ppy not to se e "stereotype s", establish the ning party of thought" problem. "Party buildihonest faithful, diligent faith for the people. No ng" is obtai ned i n the l ong-term development of our party's historical experience accumulated. Two is our party under the new historical conditions, strengthen the party's construction of a new "rectificati ti on movement." Grass-roots party orga a nizations should always catch the hard work, results-ori ented. Two educational out comes are long-term oriented and become an important impetus for the work. "Two" should have three kinds of consciousness "two" study a a nd education, basic learni ng lies i i n the doing. Only the Constitution address the series of party rules, and do solid work, be qualified party members had a soli d ideologi cal basis. Only the "learning" and "do" real unity, to form a "learn-learn-do-do" the virtuous cycle, and ultimately achieve the fundamental objective of education. This requires that the Organization四年级上册美术教案课题:色彩的冷与暖课时: 1 课时课堂类型:造型 表现 设计 应用 教学目标:1、通过学习和运用色彩冷暖知识,给学生一把打开色彩知识大门的钥匙,使学生进一步 感受到色彩冷暖对比中的美感,培养色彩美感意识,提高学画色彩画的兴趣。2、引导学生从盲目用色到懂得色性运用、色彩冷暖配置的知识上,有目的地正确地表达 自己对色彩的感觉。教学重难点:1、从感性到理性去认识色性,并会运用色彩冷暖对比的知识。2、了解产生冷暖对比的原因,认识冷暖色彩并会正确运用。教具学具:水粉颜色、毛笔、笔洗、调色盒、色相卡、色轮 教学过程:一、组织教学:请学生放置好学习水粉画的用具及美术书。二、新授:(一)导入 教师提问:( 1)你喜欢穿什么颜色的衣服?教师小结:看来大家都很有个性,都有自己比较喜欢的颜色。(2)那你为什么喜欢穿这种颜色?分别让生谈谈自己的感觉。师根据学生回答情况给予小结,边板书“冷、暖 ”两种感觉。(3)通过观察,你体会并感觉到色彩有什么属性?- 色彩有冷与暖。(二)导入课题:“ 色彩的冷与暖是色彩的一种属性。这节课我们就来体会一下这种冷 与暖的感觉,好不好?”板书课题:色彩的冷与暖 三、讲授新课:(一)结合作品,讲述色彩的冷暖对比是怎样产生的。learning education, need three kinds of consciousness: one is to establi sh an integrated awareness. "Learning" and "do" what car isTwo -wheel, bird wings, need to go hand in hand, one end can be neglected. Communist theoreticia n and man. Only by closely combini ng theory and practice together in order to truly realize their value. "Learning" is the Foundation, the Foundation i s not strong, shaking; " "Is the key to net to net thousands of accounts. "Two" education, "" lay the basis, goi ng to "do" the key grip, so that the "learning" and "doing" back to standard, so that the majority of party members "learn" learning theory of nutrients, i n the "doing" practice party's pur poses. Second, to establish a sense of depth. "Learning" and "do" not Chu drawn, entirely different, but the organic unity of the whole. "Two" learning education, we need to explore integrating "learning" in "do", exhibit "do" in "Science". To avoid the "learning" into simple room instruction, "do" into a monotone for doing. Should exploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "learn" of education and practice of 名师归纳总结 carrier, makes ge neral grass-root full swing up and down t he countr s members ca tr y, party can in "lear n" in the ha s "do" of achievement dres as a "key minority" is both a barometer as sense, i nd impet n "do" in the has "lear t us. T he "two" meanin" of get sense, rea l makes party of the ng enough dee p, is to determine the party caory brain i dres ca nto heart, a n resolvput for people servi ce concept e to study hard first. In the "two" in toutside of Yu shape d. T hird, to a he process, some cadredhere to long-term the aw s of himself, standing l ong, arene ss. Style constr high aware ness, that Constit ucti on on t t ution he road foreve Party rules is r, "two" had t simple, its t o catch the l not w orth botheriong-term. "Two" study a ng some party cadrend e s think ducati speak on, by no means, a series has nothissa ult-style wi nd-sport, ng to do with the grass-rbut the re curre oots w ork, water busint education withi ness le arning n the series party. In rece nt years, the of spee che s see n as wi party's mass li ndow dressing. ne educati on practice and "three-t hree" spe These "lazy, ca sual, and deca dent" ideas learcial e ning laducation i n grass-root cks motivation, a seris bor ne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and ca ous im pedime nt to "two" effect. John Stuart Mill a dres wit hstood the bapti sm of the spirit. "Two" greater need to focus on l once sai d, only a ba sic eleme nt of huma n thought patterns chang e dramaticallonger hol d long-term, to esta blish and perfect the effective mecha y, human de stiny ca n make great improvement. T he same, nism of the e only party members and ducation, focusing on the creation of long-term education, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintain their vanguard Color, maintain the party's advance d nat ure and purity. Awareness-raising, antenna s and atmosphere a discussion on how leading cadres of party members "two" current, "two" activity is in 第 1 页,共 30 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - Learn General Se need to av oid menti cretary on "two t o learn a" strengt i oni ng that, some members heni ng "four Consciousnesse s" important of our party can not stand the "money," corrosispee ch caused a str on of temptation, thiong reacti on i n, Xu Zhou, n the country. such abuse and corrime, watching "red treasure", the origi upt bri ber y, malfeasance borers, and rats. Two, in of buildi ing the party back t s to cle an up, thi t o power, how to strengthe n servi ces for the masses, im prove party n, Xu, Zhou's solution to restore the party's fresh a nd natural, solid acohesion, fig nd honest workhting to be style. come t he grass-root s party members a nd Cleansing "take, eat, car d," undesirablnd masses hot topi c. Grass-r e and be haviour, "cross, oots party organizati ons "two" is to strengthen the service of party members a hard a nd cold, push" attitude. Grass-roots party orga nizations "two" is to strend ngthecadres, t he pi one n the sense of ordie er spirit. Distribution of grass-root nary party members, particis party organi zations in all wa pating i n consciousness, unity lks of pe ople, clot hing , she lter, w hich bel onsci ousness. For reasons known, members of grass-rongs to the ner oots ve endi ngs of the party branches leparty organizati on a nd comments re putation ha s a dire ct perception of the masses. construction of party organi zations have some lag. Tw ss mobile, le ss resources, and the Strengthen the party ahe o studies, is t o focus on the grassad of the "pe dal" spirit; strengt hen the party members a -roots party bra nches "loose, soft, loose" problem, adva a nd cadres "success doe s not nce t he party member s anhave to be me" and "the first to bear hardships, the la d cadre s, "a gang worki ng", "Hong Kong re port." st to" service spirit to se t the party's positive image among the people is important. Grass-r Strong cleanup a ctions, style a nd rambli ng, pre sumpt uous "unqual ified" party members, oots party organizati pays special attentions "two" is to clea on to party members anse all people not ha nd ca dres "joia ppy not to se e "stereotype s", establish the ning party of thought" problem. "Party buildihonest faithful, diligent faith for the people. No ng" is obtai ned i n the l ong-term development of our party's historical experience accumulated. Two is our party under the new historical conditions, strengthen the party's construction of a new "rectificati ti on movement." Grass-roots party orga ga nizations should always catch the hard work, results-ori ented. Two educational out comes are long-term oriented and become an important impetus for the work. "Two" should have three kinds of consciousness "two" study a a nd education, basic learni ng lies i i n the doing. Only the Constitution address the series of party rules, and do solid work, be qualified party members had a soli d ideologi cal basis. Only the "learning" and "do" real unity, to form a "learn-learn-do-do" the virtuous cycle, and ultimately achieve the fundamental objective of education. This requires that the Organization“ 色彩有有彩色和无彩色之分。除了黑、白、灰属于无彩色外,其余的色彩属于有彩色。这一节课我们来研究感觉一下有彩色的冷与暖。色彩的冷暖是人们长期经验中联想的结果。”1、看冷暖不同色调的作品我们知道不同的色彩给人以不同的感觉,(1)冷色调画面雪地,问:这幅画面给你什么感觉? -给人以冷的感觉。(2)暖色调的画面日出,问:这幅画面给你什么感觉?- 给人以温暖的感觉。(3)同时欣赏这两幅画面 启发提问:这两幅画面为什么会给人以不同的感觉?师根据回答情况小结:那是因为它们有不同的色调(色彩总倾向)。通过观察比较,我 们体会到不同色调的画面给人的冷暖感觉是不一样的。比如在温度相同的室内,一个屋 子涂成蓝色,另一个屋子涂成红色,两间屋子给人的感觉差别就很大。两间屋子给人温 度差别可以达到三、四度,原因是蓝色能减慢人们的血液循环,给人感觉较冷;而红色 刺激人们的神经,使血液循环加快,给人感觉较暖。2、联系生活实际进行讲解,体会色彩的冷与暖。回忆我们刚才作品里所见,再联想一下可以发现,在我们的周围生活里,什么事物常常 给我们以冷和暖的感觉?看哪位同学想象的更丰富。分别让生起来举例,如:太阳、火焰给人以暖的感觉;天空、大海给人以冷的感觉。师小结给予鼓励:看来大家平时是很注意观察事物的。只有经常去注意观察事物,可以 帮助我们体会色彩中的冷与暖。究竟什么颜色属于冷色?什么颜色属于暖色呢?(二)放映色轮,让生观察并谈谈对不同颜色的感觉,从色轮中区别冷暖。(1)在 12 个基本色相中,最亮的黄色和最暗的紫色是以色彩明度为基准划分的。提问:仔细观察,在冷暖对比中最暖的是什么色?(朱红色)最冷的是什么色?(蓝色)这两色是冷暖对比的中心轴。(2)启发引导学生自己寻找色彩冷暖的规律。提问:谁能从色轮中找出冷色和暖色?将色相卡分成两部分摆放(冷、暖两个序列),并说出自己分的规律。教师根据学生回答情况给予小结:偏红偏黄的色彩属于暖色,偏蓝偏绿的色彩属于冷色。因此在色环中红、橙、黄属于暖色,绿、紫、蓝属于冷色。名师归纳总结 earning education, nee d three kinds of consci ousness: one is to establish an integrated awareness. "Learning" and "do" what car isTwo-wheel, bird wings, need to go hand in hand, one end can be neglected. Communist theoretician a nd man. Only by closely combining theory and practice together in order to truly realize their value. "Learning" is the Foundation, the Foundati on i s not strong, shaki ng; " "Is the key to net to net thousands of accounts. n the series "Two" education, "" lay the basi i s, goi ng to "do" the key grip, so that the "learning" and "doing" back to standard, so that the majority of party members "learn" learning theory of nutrients, i n the "doing" practice party's pur poses. Second, to establish a sense of depth. "Learning" and "do" not Chu drawn, entirely different, but the organic unity of the whole. "Two" learning education, we need to explore integrating "learning" in "do", exhibit "do" in "Science". To avoid the "learning" into simple room instruction, "do" into a monotone for doing. Should exploration "learn" in the has "do", "do" in the has "learn" of education and practice of n 第 2 页,共 30 页carrier, makes ge neral grass-root full swing up and down t he countr s members ca tr y, party can in "lear n" in the ha s "do" of achievement dres as a "key minority" is both a barometer as sense, i nd impet n "do" in the has "lear t us. T he "two" meanin" of get sense, rea l makes party of the ng enough dee p, is to determine the party ca ory brain i a dres ca nto heart, a n resolvput for people servi ce concept e to study hard first. In the "two" in toutside of Yu shape d. T hird, to a he process, some cadredhere to long-term the aw s of himself, standing l ong, arene ss. Style constr high aware ness, that Constit ucti on on t t ution he road foreve Party rules is r, "two" had t simple, its t o catch the l not w orth botheririong-term. "Two" study a ng some party cadre a end e s think ducati speak on, by no means, a series has nothissa ult-style wi nd-sport, ng to do with the grass-rbut the re curre oots w ork, water busint education withi ness le arning party. In rece nt years, the of spee che s see n as wi party's mass li ndow dressing. ne educati on practice and "three-t hree" spe These "lazy, ca sual, and deca dent" ideas learcial e ning laducation i n grass-root cks motivation, a seris bor ne rich fruits, vast numbers of party members and ca ous im pedime nt to "two" effect. John Stuart Mill a dres wit hstood the bapti sm of the spirit. "Two" greater need to focus on l once sai d, only a ba sic eleme nt of huma n thought patterns chang e dramaticallonger hol d long-term, to esta blish and perfect the effective mecha y, human de stiny ca n make great improvement. T he same, nism of the e ducation, focusing only party mem bers and on the creation of long-term education, strive to make the vast number of party members to maintain their vanguard Color, maintain the party's advance d nat ure and purity. Awareness-raising, antenna s and atmosphere a discussion on how leading cadres of party members "two" current, "two" activity is i- -