_归纳总结汇总_ - - - - - - - - - is responsible for fixed assets and assetOrganizati s to the on traini ng, a nd impl ementation, and check ; 12, master w orkshops annual economi c indicator s of implementati department s responsible for clearing, settlement a nd asset mont hly report submitted to the asset managemeon, re porti ng to fina nt secti on of the Financial health on a reg ular ba nce Departme nt of the company sis; 13, is responsi y organizesi ble for the daily d on a compa ny-wioversight i de special inspe n the all ocati on a nd use of funds; 14, re e ction of asset manageme nt; 20, asponsible for ccordi ng to the all Depart compament statistics, coll ny's business activities, mecting , sorti ng, reporting onthly proje cts inv olved i of accounting reports; 15, the company responsi i n the busi ness activities of the company inclble for the supervision of the Treasury, including the "thir udi ng expe nses, busine ss manageme nt, cost control, d grade" librar cash flow, revenuey, a li brary of materials, pr oducts for reg , etc financial analy sis, provide a basig ular inve ntory ha ndl ing, sampling, storage monitori ng, the s for de cisions for the company, the busi ness of the company responsi picki ng work, a nd provi si ble for monitoringde the i nventory re port, a , foreca sting and risk analynd make the a ppr sis; 21, responsiblopriate a ccounting treatment; 16, responsible for waste and recy e for the settleme nt of transacti ons with the Bank; 22, is cling , transportation and settlement; 17, is responsible for all product sales accounting functions ; 18, responsible for the company's raw materials, auxiliary materials, account management; 19, is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company, according to the changes in accounting treatment of第一章 运算机基础学问1、运算机的进展阶段:经受了以下5 个阶段 它们是并行关系 :大型机阶段 经受四小阶段它们是取代关 系 、小型机阶段、微型机阶段、客户机 / 服务器阶段(对等网络与非对等网络的概念)和互联网阶段(Ar panet 是在 1983 年第一个使用 TCP/IP 协议的;在 19 91 年 6 月我国第一条与国际互联网连接的专线建成它 从中国科学院高能物理争论所接到美国斯坦福高校的直线加速器中心;在1994 年实现 4 大主干网互连 中国公用运算机互联网 Chinanet 、中国科学技术网 Cstnet 、中国训练和科研运算机网Cernet 、中国金桥信息网 ChinaGBN)2、运算机种类:依据传统的分类方法:运算机可以分为6 大类:大型主机、小型运算机、个人运算机、工作站、巨型运算 机、小巨型机;依据现实的分类方法:运算机可以分为5 大类:服务器、工作站、台式机、笔记本、手持设备;3、运算机的公共配置: CPU、内存(RAM)、高速缓存(Cache)、硬盘、光驱、显示器 CRT、LCD、操作系 统OS 4、运算机的指标: 位数指 CPU寄存器中能够储存数据_精品资料_ - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 49 页_归纳总结汇总_ - - - - - - - - - is responsible for fixed assets and assetOrganizati s to the on traini ng, a nd impl ementation, and check ; 12, master w orkshops annual economi c indicator s of implementati department s responsible for clearing, settlement a nd asset mont hly report submitted to the asset managemeon, re porti ng to fina nt secti on of the Financial health on a reg ular ba nce Departme nt of the company sis; 13, is responsi y organizesi ble for the daily d on a compa ny-wioversight i de special inspe n the all ocati on a nd use of funds; 14, re e ction of asset manageme nt; 20, asponsible for all Depart ccordi ng to the compament statistics, coll ny's business activities, mecting , sorti ng, reporting onthly proje cts inv olved i of accounting reports; 15, the company responsi i n the busi ness activities of the company inclble for the supervision of the Treasury, including the "thir udi ng expe nses, busine ss manageme nt, cost control, d grade" librar cash flow , reve nuey, a li brary of materials, pr oducts for reg , etc financial analy sis, provide a basig ular inve ntory ha ndl ing, sampling, storage monit ori ng, the s for de cisions for the company, the busi ness of the company responsi picki ng work, a nd provi si ble for monitoringde the i nventory re port, a , foreca sting and risk analynd make the a sis; 21, responsibl ppr opriate a ccounting treatment; 16, responsible for waste and recy bl e for the settleme nt of transacti ons with the Bank; 22, iscling , transportation and settlement; 17, is responsible for all product sales accounting functions; 18, responsible for the company's raw materials, auxiliary materials, account management; 19, is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company, according to the changes in accounting treatment of的位数、速度 MIPS、MFLOPS指 CPU每秒钟处理的指令数通常用主频来表示CPU的处理速度、容量( B、KB、MB、GB、TB)、数据传输率( Bps)、版本和牢靠 性(MTBF、MTTR);5、运算机的应用领域:科学运算、事务处理、过程控 制、帮助工程、人工智能、网络应用;(补充实例)6、运算机系统的组成 : 硬件系统具有原子特性 芯片、板卡、设备、网络 与软件系统具有比特特性; 且它们 具有同步性;7、奔腾芯片的技术特点 : 奔腾 32 位芯片,主要用于 台式机和笔记本,奔腾采纳了 RISC和 CISC技术 技术 特点 10 个请看书 P8 8、安腾芯片的技术特点:安腾是64 位芯片,主要用于服务器和工作站;安腾采纳简明并行指令运算(EP IC)技术 9、主机板与插卡的组成:1 主机板简称主板 mainboard 或母板 motherboar d ;由 5 部分组成(CPU、储备器、总线、插槽和电源)与主板的分类2 网络卡又称为适配器卡代号NIC,其功能为: (见书 P11)10、软件的基本概念:软件由程序 功能实现部分 与_精品资料_ - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 49 页_归纳总结汇总_ - - - - - - - - - is responsible for fixed assets and assetOrganizati s to the on traini ng, a nd impl ementation, and check ; 12, master w orkshops annual economi c indicator s of implementati department s responsible for clearing, settlement a nd asset mont hly report submitted to the asset managemeon, re porti ng to fina nt secti on of the Financial health on a reg ular ba nce Departme nt of the company sis; 13, is responsi y organizesi ble for the daily d on a compa ny-wioversight i de special inspe n the all ocati on a nd use of f e ction of asset managemeunds; 14, re nt; 20, ae sponsible for all Depart ccordi ng to the compament statistics, coll ny's business activities, mecting , sorti ng, reporting onthly proje cts inv olved i of accounting reports; 15, the company responsi i n the busi ness activities of the company inclble for the supervision of the Treasury, including the "thir udi ng expe nses, busine ss manageme nt, cost control, d grade" librar cash flow , reve nuey, a li brary of materials, pr oducts for reg , etc financial analy sis, provide a basig ular inve ntory ha ndl ing, sampling, storage monitori ng, the s for de cisions for the company, the busi ness of the company responsi picki ng work, a nd provi si ble for monitoringde the i nventory re port, a , foreca sting and risk analynd make the a ppr sis; 21, responsiblopriate a ccounting treatment; 16, responsible for waste and recy e for the settleme nt of transacti ons with the Bank; 22, is cling , transportation and settlement; 17, is responsible for all product sales accounting functions; 18, responsible for the company's raw materials, auxiliary materials, account management; 19, is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company, according to the changes in accounting treatment of文档 功能说明部分 组成;软件是用户与运算机硬件 系统之间的桥梁;11、应用软件包括:桌面应用软件、演示出版软件、浏览工具软件、治理效率软件、通信协作软件和系统 爱护软件;12、程序与文档:程序是由指令序列组成的,告知计 算计如何完成一个具体的任务;文档是软件开发、使用和爱护中的必备资料;13、软件开发:软件的生命周期中,通常分为三大阶 段,每个阶段又分如干子阶段: 方案阶段: 分为问题定义、 可行性争论 (是打算软 件项目是否开发的关键); 开发阶段:在开发前期分为需求分析、总体设计、具体设计三个子阶段,在开发后期分为编码、测试两 个子阶段;前期必需形成的文档有: 软件需求说明书,软件设计规格说明书; 运行阶段:主要任务是软件爱护; 为了排除软件系 统中仍旧可能隐含的错误,扩充软件功能;14、编程语言:(机器语言与汇编语言都依靠于具体 的机器,汇编语言与高级语言都需要编译) 机器语言:能被运算机直接懂得和执行,速度快,但该种语言难记、难学、难懂;_精品资料_ - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 49 页_归纳总结汇总_ - - - - - - - - - is responsible for fixed assets and assetOrganizati s to the on traini ng, a nd impl ementation, and check ; 12, master w orkshops annual economi c indicator s of implementati department s responsible for clearing, settlement a nd asset mont hly report submitted to the asset managemeon, re porti ng to fina nt secti on of the Financial health on a reg ular ba nce Departme nt of the company sis; 13, is responsi y organizesi ble for the daily d on a compa ny-wioversight i de special inspe n the all ocati on a nd use of funds; 14, re e ction of asset manageme nt; 20, asponsible for all Depart ccordi ng to the compament statistics, coll ny's business activities, mecting , sorti ng, reporting onthly proje cts inv olved i of accounting reports; 15, the company responsi i n the busi ness activities of the company inclble for the supervision of the Treasury, including the "thir udi ng expe nses, busine ss manageme nt, cost control, d grade" librar cash flow , reve nuey, a li brary of materials, pr oducts for reg , etc financial analy sis, provide a basig ular inve ntory ha ndl ing, sampling, storage monit ori ng, the s for de cisions for the company, the busi ness of the company responsi picki ng work, a nd provi si ble for monitoringde the i nventory re port, a , foreca sting and risk analynd make the a sis; 21, responsibl ppr opriate a ccounting treatment; 16, responsible for waste and recy bl e for the settleme nt of transacti ons with the Bank; 22, iscling , transportation and settlement; 17, is responsible for all product sales accounting functions; 18, responsible for the company's raw materials, auxiliary materials, account management; 19, is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company, according to the changes in accounting treatment of 汇编语言:用英文助记符和十进制数代替二进制 码,使机器语言变成了汇编语言;汇编语言属于低级 语言;汇编语言要通过汇编程序把汇编语言翻译成机 器语言程序运算机才能执行; 高级语言:高级语言是一种面对问题或过程的语 言;它是近似于日常会话的语言; 它不但直观、 易学,而且通用性强;高级语言要通过编译(或说明)翻译 成机器语言才能执行;15、媒体的概念与分类 : 1 媒体的概念 : 信息的载体 2 媒体的分类:传输媒体、表现媒体、表示媒体、感 觉媒体 16、多媒体的基本概念:指有声有色的信息处理与利 用技术;多媒体技术可划分为偏硬件技术和偏软件技 术两部分;17、MPC的组成:具有 CD-ROM、具有 A/D 和 D/A 转换 功能、具有高清楚的彩色显示器、具有数据压缩与解 压缩的硬件支持 18、多媒体的关键技术:数据压缩与解压缩技术、芯 片与插卡技术、多媒体操作系统技术、多媒体数据管 理技术;19、超文本与超媒体的概念:_精品资料_ - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 49 页_归纳总结汇总_ - - - - - - - - - is responsible for fixed assets and assetOrganizati s to the on traini ng, a nd impl ementation, and check ; 12, master w orkshops annual economi c indicator s of implementati department s responsible for clearing, settlement a nd asset mont hly report submitted to the asset managemeon, re porti ng to fina nt secti on of the Financial health on a reg ular ba nce Departme nt of the company sis; 13, is responsi y organizesi ble for the daily d on a compa ny-wioversight i de special inspe n the all ocati on a nd use of f e ction of asset managemeunds; 14, re nt; 20, ae sponsible for all Depart ccordi ng to the compament statistics, coll ny's business activities, mecting , sorti ng, reporting onthly proje cts inv olved i of accounting reports; 15, the company responsi i n the busi ness activities of the company inclble for the supervision of the Treasury, including the "thir udi ng expe nses, busine ss manageme nt, cost control, d grade" librar cash flow , reve nuey, a li brary of materials, pr oducts for reg , etc financial analy sis, provide a basig ular inve ntory ha ndl ing, sampling, storage monitori ng, the s for de cisions for the company, the busi ness of the company responsi picki ng work, a nd provi si ble for monitoringde the i nventory re port, a , foreca sting and risk analynd make the a ppr sis; 21, responsiblopriate a ccounting treatment; 16, responsible for waste and recy e for the settleme nt of transacti ons with the Bank; 22, is cling , transportation and settlement; 17, is responsible for all product sales accounting functions; 18, responsible for the company's raw materials, auxiliary materials, account management; 19, is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company, according to the changes in accounting treatment of1 超文本是非线性非次序的而传统文本是线性的顺 序的;2 超文本概念: 超文本是收集、 储备和浏览离散信息 以及建立和表现信息之间关系的技术;3 超媒体的组成: 当信息载体不限于文本时, 称之为 超媒体;超媒体技术是一种典型的数据治理技术,它 是由称之为结点 node 和表示结点之间联系的链 lin k 组成的有向图(网络),用户可以对其进行浏览、查询和修改等操作;4 超媒体系统的组成: 编辑器、导航工具、 超媒体语 言其次章 网络的基本概念1、信息技术涉及内容:信息的收集、储存、处理、传输与利用;2、运算机网络形成与进展大致分为如下 4 个阶段:(1)第一个阶段 20 世纪 50 岁月(2) 其次个阶段以 20 世纪 60 岁月美国的 APPANET与分组交换技术 为重要标志;(3) 第三个阶段从 20 世纪 70 岁月中期开头;(4) 第四个阶段是 20 世纪 90 岁月开头;3、运算机网络的基本特点:资源共享;4、运算机网络的定义:把分布在不同地理位置上的自治运算机通过 通信设备和通信协议进行互联实现共享资源信息传输;_精品资料_ - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 49 页_归纳总结汇总_ - - - - - - - - - is responsible for fixed assets and assetOrganizati s to the on traini ng, a nd impl ementation, and check ; 12, master w orkshops annual economi c indicator s of implementati department s responsible for clearing, settlement a nd asset mont hly report submitted to the asset managemeon, re porti ng to fina nt secti on of the Financial health on a reg ular ba nce Departme nt of the company sis; 13, is responsi y organizesi ble for the daily d on a compa ny-wioversight i de special inspe n the all ocati on a nd use of funds; 14, re e ction of asset manageme nt; 20, asponsible for all Depart ccordi ng to the compament statistics, coll ny's business activities, mecting , sorti ng, reporting onthly proje cts inv olved i of accounting reports; 15, the company responsi i n the busi ness activities of the company inclble for the supervision of the Treasury, including the "thir udi ng expe nses, busine ss manageme nt, cost control, d grade" librar cash flow , reve nuey, a li brary of materials, pr oducts for reg , etc financial analy sis, provide a basig ular inve ntory ha ndl ing, sampling, storage monit ori ng, the s for de cisions for the company, the busi ness of the company responsi picki ng work, a nd provi si ble for monitoringde the i nventory re port, a , foreca sting and risk analynd make the a sis; 21, responsibl ppr opriate a ccounting treatment; 16, responsible for waste and recy bl e for the settleme nt of transacti ons with the Bank; 22, iscling , transportation and settlement; 17, is responsible for all product sales accounting functions; 18, responsible for the company's raw materials, auxiliary materials, account management; 19, is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company, according to the changes in accounting treatment of5、早期运算机网络结构实质上是广域网的结构;广域网的功能:数据处理与数据通信;规律功能上可分为:资源子网与通信子网;资源 子网负责全网的数据处理,向网络用户供应各种网络资源与网络服 务;主要包括主机和终端; 主机通过高速通信线路与通信子网的通信 掌握处理机相连接; 终端是用户拜访网络的界面; 通信子网由通信控 制处理机、通信线路与其他通信设备组成,完成网络数据传输、转发 等通信处理任务;通信掌握处理机在网络拓扑结构中被称为网络节 点;通信线路为通信处理机之间以及通信处理机与主机之间供应通信 信道;6、现代网络机构的特点:微机通过局域网连入广域网,局域网与广 域网、广域网与广域网的互联是通过路由器实现的;7、按传输技术分为:广播式网络(通过一条公共信道实现)点-点式网络(通过储备转发实现);采纳分组储备转发与路由挑选是点- 点式网络与广播网络的重要区分之一;8、按规模分类:局域网(LAN)、城域网( MAN)、广域网( WAN)(1)广域网的通信子网采纳分组交换技术,利用公用分组交换网、卫星通信网和无线分组交换网互联;(2)广域网(远程网)以下特点:1 适应大容量与突发性通信的要求;2 适应综合业务服务的要求; 3 开放的设备接口与规范化的协议;4 完善的通信服务与网络治理;(3)几种常见的广域网的特